Part Of This Has Been Asked Before. Hair On Guys.


Legendary Member
Nov 24, 2019
United States
So it's saturday night and i'm kind of bored but also curious. How do the ladies of lpsg feel about guys with and without hair? There are caveats to this though. How do you feel about men of different races with and without hair.

How do you feel about white guys with and without hair. Asian men. Black men. Latino and on.

I know some of your preferences might be of one particular kind of guy or it could be many but what hair styles do you think look best, better or casually attractive on as many races of men as you can think of.

Currently letting my own hair grow out for no apparent reason, am black and am also kind of curious. Thanks. :)
<~~~ team pro-fuzz

Was kind of hesitant to ask because i really am only asking out of curiosity and boredom but fuzz all around? Like fuzzy white men (long hair), fuzzy black men (long hair), fuzzy asian men (long hair) etc? Like do you not have specific preferences on the styles of hair that are attractive to each category? If not it's cool. Kind of starting to feel like i'm being pushy. If i am i apologize. Just curious...and a bit bored.
So it's saturday night and i'm kind of bored but also curious. How do the ladies of lpsg feel about guys with and without hair? There are caveats to this though. How do you feel about men of different races with and without hair.

How do you feel about white guys with and without hair. Asian men. Black men. Latino and on.

I know some of your preferences might be of one particular kind of guy or it could be many but what hair styles do you think look best, better or casually attractive on as many races of men as you can think of.

Currently letting my own hair grow out for no apparent reason, am black and am also kind of curious. Thanks. :)

I love a big burly guy with hair, sometimes my hubby goes thru phases of shaving his chest or even taking his beard off, I strongly disapprove Lol, at one stage he had the baddest beard and let his hair grow to shoulder length, made a bad ass guy look even badder and I loved it xx
I prefer a professional look across the board... short & neat hair. I can like a beard, but prefer it to be short and groomed. I tend to not care for bald & bearded, but have dated them because they were good men and it worked for them.
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I tend to like hair on men, regardless of race. But a shaved head can look cool as well. Always been attracted to the biker look, but I don’t tend to meet a lot of burly guys with long wild hair, beards, and tattoos.
My guy is thoroughly sexy with a shaved bald head, or with hair longer than mine (mine is down to the small of my back, and yes.. his has been longer than that).

Right now he's got about 3 inches of slightly curly hair and a really stubbly face. Fucking. Gorgeous.
As far as head hair goes, I've been attracted to a lot of different looks -- shaved, clean cut, scruffy, pre-raphaelite hair. As long as it looks good on the person, is well kept, etc.

Facial/chest/body hair: only hard pass is ZZ Top beards and very hirsute bodies.

My last love has clean cut hair, little body hair, clean shaven to light scruff, and I think he's lovely.

But as mentioned, I like a lot of looks. A big college crush for me was a tall, lanky bass player in a jazz band with blue eyes and shoulder blade length curly black hair. His hair was GLORIOUS. I can't recall his facial hair status, not very much if I remember correctly. But that hair. Wow
In a nutshell, head - YES, body - NO.
Head exception - yes, body exception - NOOOOO
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I have to be flexible because I never know how he's going to look coming out of the bathroom. He's shocked me more than once coming out clean shaven. Now he keeps it trimmed with a full beard. I like it this way, but I'm always open to his whims.

He'll shave his face every few weeks, but it's almost like he can grow it out overnight.
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