I know that he has many videos that I don't have. I remember a long time ago, I subscribed to a membership and downloaded these files from the fratpad.com website. But there were quite a few videos that I didn't download, and it's unfortunate that the information about him was deleted from fratpad.com. Hopefully, someone owns the videos that I never had.
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Thank you all so much. I'm about to start crying haha.
I was subbed to the frat pad back in the day, but stupidly I was stuck on the models that were in the house at the moment of my subscription. But later on I discovered Payne and it was too late cause the page was already down and sadly I've been scattering his material here and there.
So I'm glad people are sharing what they have.

Let me dive into my old drive and see what I can contribute with. I've already uploaded some videos of others fratmen in the different threads already here.

Thanks again for sharing! keep them coming.