Pegging related question?


Loved Member
Mar 16, 2012
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hi girls.

I will try to keep it short... We are together more than 15 years (mid 30s now). My wife in general is not that much open for the sex-related talk (which is sometimes quite frustrating, but her other qualities compensate that) and the things are in general pretty much stalled since we got a kid (little bit 2 years ago). However, occasionally and for the very long time she is mentioning golden showers and pegging. I assume it should be her fetish than?

Anyway, I am open to try pegging with her, however I am afraid that it might affect her opionion about me? Maybe it is stupid, maybe not, but I come from traditional culture and family, so I am afraid that this might "make me" less masculine and macho (in her eyes) ...

I am curious (it is pretty much at the bottom of list I would like to try), but if nothing else, I hope that it might start new-era in our relationship and sex-related communication.

So my question is - would you change or did you change (in case you already tried it) your view of partner in case you pegged him?

Thank you.
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Ask a Women.

And to answer your question, it didn't change how I viewed my husband. He was my bf at the time, and I still married him. He also gets fucked by other guys, and I still don't view him as less of a man because he gets off to it.

To view someone as less of a man simply because they enjoy something in their bum is utter nonsense. And I gather your wife feels the same way. She very likely wouldn't be saying she wants to do it if she was going to have a toxic view of her partner after.

Talk to her about your thoughts on this. As her simply "is this going to change how you look at me if we do this and I enjoy it?"

You have two choices after that. Do it, and enjoy it regardless of her opinion of you, or don't. Your upbringing shouldn't keep you from enjoying the sexual acts you want to. Nobody but you and your partner matter in this.
Not girls.
Ask a Women.

It's just a way I start my posts. ;) It was mostly "hi guys" in the past...

To view someone as less of a man simply because they enjoy something in their bum is utter nonsense.

It makes perfect sense. The thing is - in our sex life it was me who was always dominant and initiator. It is not that I was preventing her to take a more dominant role, it's just the way things work. Also, I never received anal, so this it taking it up the ass & being dominated. :)

Do it, and enjoy it regardless of her opinion of you, or don't. Your upbringing shouldn't keep you from enjoying the sexual acts you want to.

The thing is, I am curious, but it's not really on top of my list. I would like to do it for for the sake of experiment and to fulfill her wish (if that is really her fetish). Maybe it will be great and fun and in worst case it will never happen again.

Thank you very much for your feedback, I appreciate it.
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I never received anal, so this it taking it up the ass & being dominated. :)
Are you dominating your wife every time you fuck her? Are you not ever simply having sex or making love? Does her pleasure not matter to you because you're just dominant to her while you fuck?

If that's not the case, why the hell should her fucking you be any different? Why does it have to be dominant? Why can't it just be that she's fucking you? This will not be something she gets much direct sexual (physical) pleasure from. This is more about your pleasure and her curiosity.

I am the dominant one in my relationship. I don't see it as dominating him every time I fuck him. I don't see me providing him pleasure via anal stimulation dominant. I see grabbing his hair and throat fucking him with a strap on as dominant.

Giving pleasure doesn't have to be dominant or submissive, it just is giving pleasure.

Stop over thinking something so simple. It's YOUR sex life. It's you and your partner and nobody else. You do not need validation to do something that you're both curious of. As stated, it'll fulfill some things, and may or may not ever happen again.
So, do you listen to nuance with your wife the way you did here?


just because a person brings something up, doesn’t make it her kink (a fetish is an object, or objectified body part- think feet- that the person needs to have sexual stimulation).

maybe she read something about it. Maybe her friends were chatting about it. It doesn’t mean she’s necessarily desirous of an act. She may merely be curious.

and if she brought it up to you, she has zero room to judge you.
perhaps she’s run across some FemDom material and wanted to see how you felt.