Penis Implant

My first implant was installed in 2012. It failed in 2020 (which was early) and replaced. In both cases the device was an AMS 700 LGX. This something you only do if you need it but, given the need, it offered a really favorable outcome.

The surgery involved staying in the hospital overnight, with a catheter, and getting bombarded with IV antibiotics. Because they keep the device fully inflated that first night, the catherter is constricted and resulted in bladder pain. I was discharged around noon and drove myself home over 200 miles. Any surgeon who tries to expalin that he does not need to give you antibiotics is not the doc for you. Someone I know had thre, THREE, failed surgeries due to infection. I sent him to my surgeion. Problem solved.

The biggest advantage is not having to worry about getting an erection ever again. A side benefit is that the penis is immediatly longer as its length does not shorten nearly as much, when deflated, as a natural penis does when an erection subsides.
On the balance, I wish I had not needed it but feel really good about the implant as a solution to ED. A possible negative is having to explain it to a new partner.

Another factor of which to be aware is that patients are urged to inflate the prosthesis as hard and as long as possible in order to optimize size and appearance. During the first two weeks of recovery, I was ordered to keep it 70% inflated all the time and had to take time off of work. Working at home might work if you can be really careful about your screen time! At least daily full inflation is a continuing need as the body tries to build collagen capsules around foreign bodies. No one can make you keep up with this but it is highly recommended to those who want best results. I wakeup early, get a cup of coffee. pee, and keep it inflated for an hour or more while I dozze.

I hope this is helpful. Feel free to PM with specific questions.
If you have had a penis implant, please share the positives and negatives that you have experienced. Also, please share the type of implant as well as the recovery after the procedure. Thanks in advance for sharing.
I'd like to know as well.
I just got one as well. Had prostate cancer diagnosed in 2023 with a prostatectomy after which required removal of one of my nerves wich led to severe ED - and to top it off I developed Peyronies to boot. So...I've lost some length and girth because of it.

I had the AMS 700 CX implanted on Monday and so far - I'm healing. I've gone a year with no natural long-term erections and struggled with injections - won't have to worry about that anymore. The upside is I'm a shower now while soft. The CX gains in girth not in length - and as I cycle the implant over the first 6 months to a year I should gain an inch in length (I'm about 5.5 now - down from 7.5). But having a working cock that stays as hard as I want WHEN I want? That will far surpass any need for size. Besides I do get to brag I had a huge dick for 40 years - most men never get to brag about that at all. Also I should be able to regain my thickness which will be a win.

I'll take the win also in that my cancer is in remission / no recurrance since the surgery. Huzzah!
I’m also curious about this as might have to go through it. Would love to see some pics if somebody doesn’t mind of after the procedure

I've always been curious about this and would also love to see pictures. Ideally, what it looks like now and what an erection looked like back before the device became necessary.
I can't speak for erections - not until late Janurary but here's some before and after. This is flaccid only at this point. However the new flaccid of 4.5 x 5 looks great in a jock. Also - "flaccid" is a unaltered dick term. Here I'm uninflated. When uninflated the dick is still quite firm thanks to the implant.

After doing some math and research - once I pump I should get from .5-.75" back in length, and over time with "cycling" the implant (inflating, stretching the penis, and maintaining the erection for an hour a day) I may regain up to 1" in length in a year. Girth with the AMS 700 CX will be easier to get back as it mostly expands only in girth and can accomidate a lot of girth. So -- total regain can be anywhere from say 1" inflated to 1.75 inch - taking me to almost 6.25 in length.

Girth wise I should be able to get 5.5 or so out of the box - and with cycling I may get up to 1" in a year. So up to 6" (if not a tad more).

In the end I'm HOPING for 6.25x6" (down from 7.5 x 6.25) but hey - I'd even take 5.5x5 or 6" x 5.5.

Besides...I will be able to break walls with the hardness I'll be able to achieve and stay as hard as I want whenever I want. Plus it's corrected the Peyrones I developed from the RP.


I can't speak for erections - not until late Janurary but here's some before and after. This is flaccid only at this point. However the new flaccid of 4.5 x 5 looks great in a jock. Also - "flaccid" is a unaltered dick term. Here I'm uninflated. When uninflated the dick is still quite firm thanks to the implant.

After doing some math and research - once I pump I should get from .5-.75" back in length, and over time with "cycling" the implant (inflating, stretching the penis, and maintaining the erection for an hour a day) I may regain up to 1" in length in a year. Girth with the AMS 700 CX will be easier to get back as it mostly expands only in girth and can accomidate a lot of girth. So -- total regain can be anywhere from say 1" inflated to 1.75 inch - taking me to almost 6.25 in length.

Girth wise I should be able to get 5.5 or so out of the box - and with cycling I may get up to 1" in a year. So up to 6" (if not a tad more).

In the end I'm HOPING for 6.25x6" (down from 7.5 x 6.25) but hey - I'd even take 5.5x5 or 6" x 5.5.

Besides...I will be able to break walls with the hardness I'll be able to achieve and stay as hard as I want whenever I want. Plus it's corrected the Peyrones I developed from the RP.
Thanks for the info! Do you have any visible scares from it? Any pics of it fully pumped up? I'm guessing the pump is in with your balls, Can you see/feel it or do you have to find it every time? Sorry for all the questions.
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Thanks for the info! Do you have any visible scares from it? Any pics of it fully pumped up? I'm guessing the pump is in with your balls, Can you see/feel it or do you have to find it every time? Sorry for all the questions.
No worries with the questions!

No pics of it pumped - have to wait 6 weeks for everything to heal before you begin pounding away with it in any fashion. I just had the surgery on the 9th. I didn't bruise or swell much or I wouldn't be posting pictures. In that regards I got VERY lucky - maybe just a really good surgeon!

Each implant make and model is different. Since I developed Peyrones disease after the RP, I had to go a different route than I would have liked. The implant I have - the AMS 700 CX is good for Peyrones. It doesn't expand in length but does so in girth to give it a rigity which is good for straightening things out. So - length wise - I probably won't be very impressive and only within the "average" size from here on out.

The pump is in my testicles...nestled between and behind them - easy to find. No hunting at all. It has a specific shape to it so its easy to find the deflate button and the bulb for inflation. The implants DO have to be worked quite a bit over the first year to break them in as it were. Each time you use it they get easier to use.

Keep asking questions!
Now that I'm healing up - the stretching continues. For those of you who don't know, implants can be pretty stiff once you get them. Plus, you may have undergone shrinkage since more than likely you were suffering from Peyrones or severe ED. So --- over the course of the next 6 months to a year, I have to inflate and stretch the implant twice a day for 10 minutes or so. To stretch you basically just move it around like a joystick plus some bending - then get some more pumps in. Its NOT comfortable stuff. You also CANNOT get more dick than what you were born with so don't think this is a magical way to increase your normal size. As of right now I'm about 5.5 x 5 - and working to get closer to 6 x 6 if I can. I lost length due to the cancer and Peyrones but hey - my dick works again. Sidenote: I was able to penetrate my husband for the first time in since July 2023 last night. Absolute heaven.


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Equus, thanks for your willingness to share all of this personal information. My procedure had to be rescheduled for February 26. My only issue is the ED, no other concerns. Tests showed that I have a venous leakage so the Trimix does not help the situation. Please keep sharing as you go through this process.