Penis moisturising

I have been lotioning mine for years after I shower. I use common brands found in supermarkets, nothing crazy expensive. I buy moisturizing body lotion with vitamin E. Helps keep the skin smooth and not dry.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter is great. Not expensive, a little goes a long way, and is very effective. I lube my balls, shaft and glans multiple times a day. I prefer the fragrance free because I really don't care for my junk smelling like cocoa.
Another shout out for Palmers Cocoa Butter. I apply every morning post swim in the pool locker room. A couple of other guys do the same. Always a few semis post moisturiser application ;)
Cocoa butter for the win! My dad taught me as a little kid to always moisturize my skin after a shower. I used to just use the same moisturizer all over, but in the last few years I’ve also started using either cocoa or shea butter on my penis and balls. By the way, it’s great for the elbows and knees too!
A guy I dated used lotion on his dick everyday. His shaft felt like velvet.
yeah I’ve done it for a few days now and let’s just say when the husband had a go he very much enjoyed the experience. He seemed to really like sliding down my shaft a lot easier so that’s settled then. Moisturise the boys everyone
I try to moisturize a lot, but I'm a very sweaty person, so putting lotion down there can make me feel swampier down there than I prefer, and I don't want to get jock itch or anything. Maybe it's the lotion I use?