well mate
First i think that you are uncut...
some guys could have some remain of skin adherance...
can you describe more clearly the kind of 'peeling' you have ?
Is it a sore or the skin underneath is healthy ?
Don't forget than some guys have some pinpoints glands fairly visible on the corona of the glans (located on the ridge of their penis ... ) This is normal, they call it papules (papulae)
You can check theses urls for a dermatologist description : (beware it is a medical description with dermatologist pictures... )
Pearly penile papules occur in at least 50% of men. When elongated lesions may be mistaken for genital warts.
Some uncut men who tend to neglect themselves can have some secretions located at the base of their glans, or on their foreskin + glans : It is called the smegma ... (commonly named 'cheese' ... with a strong musty odour...)
well uncut guys must wash their foreskin at least daily ... with a gentle soap respecting the PH of the genital area (midly acid) don't use strong soap which can make some skin problems due to the tensioactives ingredients which can destroy the chemical balance and fragilize the skin (destroying the lipid film protecting the skin).
It can happen to on some guys who tend to masturbate very heavily for a long period ... (too eager maybe...) so the skin can crack and making a sore wound...
If it happens, clean the wound with water, let it heal, and do not recover the sore with something (4skin for example), prefer using trunks instead of tight brief in order to let the moisture go more easily... Do not masturbate for a while... a mild antibiotic can help but due to the nature of the genital area you can't use a regular antibiotic cream... but u can apply some mild disinfectant based on IODINE
But we need in order to help you more descriptions of the problem you have.
Don't worry to talk about sex with your dad, because he owns a penis too and he may have experienced the same problem when he was younger ;-)
Mothers can over react (maybe by children protection...) but they don't know really how a penis works ;-) LOL