Penis Piercings

Any other dick piercing

I have hade 7 piercings in my dick but only have the Prince Albert left, the others I either lost the jewelry while out and about or just decided to remove as I did not like them anymore.
I have hade 7 piercings in my dick but only have the Prince Albert left, the others I either lost the jewelry while out and about or just decided to remove as I did not like them anymore.
Witch one is the best one in closing up after you take it out
I was originally pierced with both a PA and a frenum at 10 gauge. gauged up to 8 ga. Decided to retire the PA because it did not do anything for either of us sexually. PA was also a pain when peeing. once the stream started to diminish, it would follow the ring and make a mess. Retired the PA after about a year. It closed right up and after a few months I could not even see the scar it left. Still have the frenum. It is at 2 ga with 1/2" end balls. Wife and I both love it.
That said, you get a whole range of opinions from different people. I don;t think there is a "right" answer. I would recommend you get a PA and a frenum and judge for yourself. If you don;t like one, take it out.