Penis size appearance differences based on angle of measure

Scotty Pecker

Sexy Member
Dec 25, 2016
United States
No Response
I Have Set Up This Thread to discuss the vast differences in penis size measurement and appearance in photos and videos. Feel free to show various bone pressed measurement pics of your own or other men's penises at different angles (pointing up or down) to fully illustrate this principle.

2 major purposes of this thread are:

1: To emphasize that once a size range is found for a penis length, that is actually far more accurate than saying a person is one specific "maximum" erect length in the form of a stationary number.

1. All men's penises will accurately measure (bone-pressed) within a range of at least 1 half an inch or more at full erection, at all times.
2. Upward curved penises will always look shorter than downward curved penises that measure the exact same length.
3. There are various factors in a man's life and arousal level that will determine exactly how long he measures at a given time.
Okay my friends. So here goes.... This will be fun for all of us.

ASSIGNMENT # 1: I want you all to measure your cocks with a cloth tape measure bone-pressed and fully erect at 3 different degrees of measurement at least report back. Be sure to keep the cloth tape measure in the exact same bone pressed position with all 3 measurements.
NOTE: You do not have to post your exact size if you feel uncomfortable doing so at this time, however, at least let us know what size difference/size range you found in your measurements. Was it half an inch? 1 full inch?, etc.


1. Measure your fully erect penis angled at 45 degrees or more pointing upwards diagonally.
2. Measure your fully erect penis as perfectly horizontal as you can get it. Perfectly parallel with the ground.
3. Measure your fully erect penis pointing as far downwards as you can possibly safely get it. Perfectly perpendicular to the ground.

NOTE: If you have an upward curve to your penis, like me, then flatten the penis against the cloth tape measure as an alternative to pointing it all the way down to avoid pain and injury. But still point it as far down as you safely can This is because most upward curved penises simply cannot point all the way down without hurting and this will still accurately give you your current "maximum" length range.

Report back with what you find regarding the size range difference from your erect cock pointing up 45 degrees or more and pointing as far downwards as you can make your cock point.
You do not have to post your exact size here if you feel uncomfortable doing so, however at least let us know what size difference is that you observed and let us know your opinions on the topic. Cheers :)
My personal size ranges are 7.25 inches erect pointing upwards, 7.5 pointing horizontal (measuring WITH the curve un-flattened) and 8 inches, flattened and/or pointing downwards.
Thus I can accurately say without any hype that my inner average size range (at this exact time) is 7.5 inches to 7.75 inches bone pressed and fully erect.

The wider, full range is 7 inches to 8 inches.

I have clearly observed based on how aroused I am, how much I have recently supplemented and abstained from jacking off, etc. that I can measure slightly larger than my average size range or slightly shorter any given day.

So if I were to say that I was anywhere from 7 to 8 inches all statements would technically be correct.
Thus there is no "exact" length that I or any man, porn star or not will ever be. Only size ranges.
I look forward to seeing your personal observations in this regards my friends. Cheers :)
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Reactions: TinyPrincess
And if I'm left curved? How I have to measure?
You measure as much as you can holding your penis as straight as you can for the 3 measurements. What you do first though is hold the cloth tape measure perpendicular to your penis instead of flat and measure the left curve fully erect. Basically put the thin part of the tape measure against your penis and use both hands so it stays up. If you bend the cloth tape measure to the left while flat it will crinkle, this way it will not crinkle, does that make sense, That first measurement along the left curve will be your baseline, minimum erect measurement. Left curve penises measure longer than they appear ;)