I am curious. It seems like you used to have desire at some point. Do you think something could have happened to cause the decrease or non-existence of desire?I'm similar to @Scarletbegonia. I definitely need emotional attraction to feel any sort of sexual attraction for another human. I also need mental attraction. Otherwise I'm cold, dead down there.
However, I also kind of feel like my actual ability to DESIRE sex with others is completely gone. It's gone! It's been years...like 5 years I guess.
I feel sexual desire but only to have orgasms alone.
And have people treated me weird when they found that out? Uh, yeah. Like I'm a freak. Or "you've given up." Nah. I simply know I have no desire for other humans to touch me sexually ever again.
I am curious. It seems like you used to have desire at some point. Do you think something could have happened to cause the decrease or non-existence of desire?
Very good question!
Not sure if I have a definitive answer. In my 20s, I had a lot of sexual fun with men, women, nonbinary. I didn't care. The whole thing felt surreal and a little out of body? Not because of serious problems but I just felt up for trying everything out. I was very experimental.
In my 30s I had settled into 2 serious relationships: one I entered at very early 30s and the other started late 30s and continued to earlyish 40s.
Both of these relationships changed me in major ways. Now I can't imagine anything more than that. Like, my 20s was detached, weird, fun. Observational sex and romance. Those two 30s things were the closest i EVER GOT to feeling human with an intimate partner.
Now, i am sure I'm back to my alien ways because I don't feel like I could ever connect with anyone that way again
I've always felt alien that way
do you see yourself as autism spectrum?
my need for attachment for sexual attraction is one thing that says I probably am not. That my otherness is more just being weird in general.