Perfect LPSG Women?


Worshipped Member
Jul 3, 2008
Arlington, Texas, US
There is definitely something about the way MickeyLee puts words together that is both magical and insightful, and I like to envision little enlightened beings whispering deep truths into her ear.

MaddieRouge is incredible with her makeup & bodyart, like an eternal MPDG. Endearing. And she says I don't age, psssh

TNJ is my green sister, but she is far more well-stocked and well-versed than I am about all things green. She is a KICKASS spitfire...I wish I had half her fiery passion. She ain't afraid of anything.

Ms LaFemmie is my Canadian sister with a sweet as pie countenance but super skills hidden underneath her armor.

Fade is deceptively adorable, look close and you'll see how much asskickin badassery there is right under the surface. She's the link queen, patiently providing people with all the links they never look for because they're too slow to use the search function.

I love AE's posts too -- because her words are incising and sharp, plus very well-informed. I am SO intimated by her food skills. I cook sandwiches. I would make an F in Homemaking if it involved an oven, but not her. It's not just talent, it's art!

Tiny Princess! She will always be a whip smart Bond girl to me.

And I'm diggin MrsSteph and our shared taste in horror flix.

Also I find lurker to be a solid babe with a good head on her shoulders. Capable, confident.

And finally how could I forget the gracious Ms Ellie and her never ending reserves of patience and chutzpah to deal with this shit she must have to deal with here. Cheers to you!

There are a number of other wonderful ladies here, unfortunately life takes a lot of them away for bouts of time if not claiming them altogether. Sniff, dolfette. Daisy. And more
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The Fade is voted LPSG's official Guns n' Ammo Babe.

I took a pic today in honor of you dubbing me that. Tis in my gallery though, didn't feel a need to derail/embed it here.

Cop out answer, but the ladies that I think are bad ass I'm pretty sure they know how I feel at this point and why.

I know I'll forget some names, but that I can think of off the top of my head:

Maddie Rouge, TnJ, MickeyLee, AlteredEgo, Betty Cocker, Enid, LaFemme, EllieP, TinyPrincess, BacknForth, and that's all I've got at the moment. Y'all some cool people. Definitely don't agree about everything with each other but that makes things more interesting.

I'm cutting my caffeine intake drastically and am a grumpybutt about it. No waxing poetic today, while I sip some green tea and glare angrily at things.


And I'm a little afraid of Dragon, but you couldn't find a sexier snake-tamer anywhere else on this planet even if you looked for a thousand years

My favourite snake at the moment.
The Western Australian native Pilbara Death Adder ~ Acanthophis wellsi.

They strike faster than other snake on the planet.

They give birth to live young called pups.

This colouration or morph is typical of wild specimens.

Pilbara Death Adder (Acanthophis wellsi).JPG