Pete Davidson


Superior Member
Aug 31, 2008
Gary (Indiana, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Hi. I was interested in knowing the thoughts of some women on the whole Pete Davidson story.

*I just want to preface this by saying I am on this site because I'm self-conscious, I know that. I'm not proud of this childish version of myself that thinks 'size matters'. Sometimes I ask questions on here and get a lot of (valid) snark. I understand penis size doesn't matter generally but it is something that still affects my confidence and that I struggle with. Sometimes I ask a question and I don't realize how immature or laughable it is until someone points it out and I appreciate it but I also end up feeling like shit. This is all to say I am open to a discourse and apologize in advance if whatever I'm about to ask upsets or bores you. Also I'm stoned and not at my sharpest*

Just a summary in case anyone hasn't heard: There have been rumors that Pete Davidson is well-endowed, famously started by Ariana Grande who dated him. He has dated a plethora of other beautiful famous women of Hollywood (Kate Beckinsale,Kim Kardashian,Phoebe Dynevor, Emily Radajkowski) and he is the face of the BDE (Big Dick Energy) social media storm.

I think he's a good-lookin' man(ish) and is funny and have no problem accepting that he is appealing to the women he has dated. From what I've read he seems like a really nice guy too. I'm personally not sure if the rumor is true or if it's just an inside joke. I find it interesting though how embedded in the story is this "bigger is better" mantra perpetuated by male media and then how this rumor was initiated by a woman. Ariana Grande made some comment alluding to the fact that he is 10 inches. It's absurd obviously and it's odd she wants/or feels the need to share that information without asking his permission. Kim followed this up by saying when she had heard about his BDE she was DTF.

I was wondering if women had a different perspective on it- when you see the list of gorgeous women he has dated and hear these comments what is your first instinctual reaction? Do you believe it has anything to do with his size at all or just that he is a confident, kind, self-assured healthy, fine-looking male? How much of this is a weird by-product of the self-conscious social media machine? Is it totally plausible that these women date him and the size just happens to be a plus (or minus?) or not to be thought of at all?

I guess I'm trying not to ask 'does size matter?" but rather 'do you think size matters to the women whom Pete Davidson has dated?'

Please let me know what you think and Happy Thanksgiving..

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A big dick is the last thing I considered as a reason all these hot women dated Pete D. And regardless of what Arianna said, I have yet to meet a woman who would stick with a guy for more than a weekend if a big dick was all he had to offer. I assumed that because Pete is purported to be funny, self effacing, and intelligent, those conditions were the basis for his relationships.

I’ve certainly dated a few guys who were physically unattractive (I find Pete pretty homely), but they all had amazing personalities. And I don’t have any recollection of what their penises were like.
A big dick is the last thing I considered as a reason all these hot women dated Pete D. And regardless of what Arianna said, I have yet to meet a woman who would stick with a guy for more than a weekend if a big dick was all he had to offer. I assumed that because Pete is purported to be funny, self effacing, and intelligent, those conditions were the basis for his relationships.

I’ve certainly dated a few guys who were physically unattractive (I find Pete pretty homely), but they all had amazing personalities. And I don’t have any recollection of what their penises were like.
Thanks for your response! I really appreciate it.
I couldn't care less about any celebrity, or whatever dangles in front of their asshole. I just don't give a single fuck.

Pete is no different. I don't find him attractive. His comedy is decent but that's about as far as my opinion of the guy goes.

I don't follow his relationships or those of any other celebrity. I just don't care about their personal lives that way. You couldn't pay me to care what his exes say about him or any of that gossipy bullshit.

I didn't even know who this guy was and had to Google him, I'm still none the wiser, never seen or heard of him before including some of the other names you mentioned.
Certainly doesn't look like my type, from the Google results he seems like a childish kinda guy and I don't see anything physically attractive about him either.
I note he's a comedian so maybe he has a great personality which counts for a lot, however having never heard of him before I wouldn't know that either.
Tall and funny.
Pete is tall and funny, with a very take it as it is vibe. He's had his drama but now has his shit together and a healthy does of accountability.

Some women dig that vibe.

I am tall and funny, with a very take it as it is vibe. Only my idealism and chaos goblin energy likes to try to improv situations *people are loved as they is, but always hope for what best for them*. Throwing this out there to brag about my own awesome and to shine a bit of light on why those are the attributes worthy of mention from me personally.

Some women have been known to dig my vibe.

I am not the Womangs' Lorax, I do not speak for all women.
My post was too lengthy so it's understandable that comments aren't really focusing on my point. I'm not asking if women on this site find Pete Davidson attractive. If you do you do, if you don't you don't.

I'm more interested in the perception that is espoused by the women and men in this scenario that 'bigger' is more desirable or is the ace-up-the-sleeve so to speak. From the few responses I've seen to this post (and throughout various forums) it seems women could care less about rumored size. For the most part they seem frustrated that men dwell on something that they deem rather inconsequential/secondary/tertiary to intimate relationships.

I understand the frustration but I also see how it gets compounded by the way penis size is brought up in the media by men and women alike as a major reason why a man might be found attractive, especially if superficially he is found lacking.

My post mentioned Pete Davidson but it really could have been any male playboy who has been in the spotlight. Porfirio Rubirosa for example was renowned for his penis size and dated multiple Hollywood beauties. He was actually a good-looking man but that didn't stop multiple rumors leaked by the women he pursued. Did size really not play a part in his success? Is it cultural blinders that have been embedded by an insecure patriarchal society?

I'm hoping for a discussion but if all this reads to you as is "does size matter" then you can ignore this thread altogether.
Pete Davidson is the more interesting of the two topics.

If size matters to women size matters a gazillion times more to men. If some dude can't get over a dick hang up seeking therapy not a handful of couldn't give less fucks chicas on a website is the best idea.

For true, size obsessed dudes, y'all need to develope the interests and accomplishments that will help generate a sense of self and self worth not hinged on inches, or lack there of.

Why are there so many dick jokes/hits in popular culture? Laziness and lack of effort. It's low hanging fruit that appeals to a certain mindset.

I prefer fart jokes.
I can't judge anyone that I don't know personally. He may be a great guy. Who knows? Looks wise, not my cup of tea. But maybe he has a personality that makes up for it.

Maybe he's great in bed? For some women that's all that's required for a little bit of fun.

I need a bit more depth in a dude before becoming an item together.

I personally know of a lot of couple who, at first glance, one might ask "what does he/she see in him/her?" I'll admit to being as shallow as that sometimes.

It's so good that not everyone feels the same way I do. The world would be so boring.
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