
Legendary Member
Oct 13, 2021
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Hi all!!
Since I was a child, I thought I suffered from phimosis. A few months ago, after a medical examination, I was diagnosed with a short frenulum and an associated phimosis (just a mild one).
I am able to retracting the foreskin when it is erect, but I have difficulty in completely covering it.
Now, I'm on the waiting list for a frenuloplasty. I wanted to ask if anyone else had the same situation and if so, how did your sexual experience changed after the operation?
And before that how did you managed the tight foreskin during sex? did it hurt?
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Hi :)
I had a similar issue. Went for a frenuloplasty first, but it didn't improve much, still felt uncomfortable.
Finally I decided to get circumcised with a complete removal of the frenulum and I'm happy with the result now.
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hi shipak! thank you for the response
i’m glad you’re happy now
Before the surgery, how did you managed the foreskin and the pain?
How much time has passed between the surgeries? on a scale from 1 to 10, how much pain?
see ya
used scissors to remove the frenulum (frenulectomy) because you can cut in a much more controlled manner.It must be a pair of sharp scissors; it is best to test them on a piece of paper; the paper must be able to be cut cleanly without pressure. First I cut the frenulum in the middle down to the glans. Then wait for the healing. Tighten the two remains with tweezers and then cut them off flush with the glans (glans) or the foreskin. However, not all at once but in three steps. Always let it heal well first. The whole thing is a process that doesn't happen all at once. I didn't have to sew anything at all. With the 3 interventions I cut out a triangle. There's some bleeding, don't panic. After each cut, I placed a sterile gauze roll in the wound and closed the foreskin (otherwise the wound would stick together). Then I closed the foreskin with a strip of adhesive plaster and put a condom on it in case some blood still came out (which it didn't). Today I would use electrocautery. There is no bleeding because the edges of the wound are immediately cauterized. I didn't notice any impairment of feeling, that seems to be an old wives' tale to me. By removing the frenulum, I managed to stop the penis from being pulled crooked and the foreskin can be pulled back about 1cm and almost smoothly. I removed the frenulum 50 years ago and have never noticed any disadvantages. By the way, the pain is limited with the right hypothermia. There are also local anesthetics EMLA ointment is well suited.To release the tension on the frenulum, it is sufficient to cut the frenulum in the middle. Removing the frenulum at the tip of the glans and the inner plate of the foreskin is only necessary for cosmetic reasons. The frenulum is responsible for the foreskin closing automatically. When the frenulum is removed, the foreskin remains open. The foreskin does not become longer as a result of the procedure. It goes without saying that you have to work as cleanly as possible.I've heard of another method but haven't tried it.This method of removing the frenulum is said to be relatively bloodless.It's supposed to work like this. Immerse the penis in ice water for about 5 minutes to avoid pain. Then pull the foreskin back completely and sterilize the frenulum and glans (glans) with alcohol or similar. Pierce the frenulum as close as possible to the underside of the glans with a sterile sewing needle and pull a sterile thread through it. Then you just need to tie a strong knot to tie off the frenulum. After a few days, the tissue in the knot has died and can be cut easily and almost bloodlessly. As I mentioned above, extreme cleanliness must always be ensured with this method in order to prevent inflammation.I found an interesting post about this method. Questions on tying frenulum -- ARC Phimosis - Circumcision Forum


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