Pissing w/o hands skill?


Legendary Member
Apr 18, 2006
NYC (New York, United States)
No Response
So I'm at the airport in need of a pit stop. Walking towards the urinal there is this one dude already takin a piss.Not ordinary dude.He was older, prob 50s and he was quite a distance from the urinal pissing w/o hands. ANy one walking in totally saw his cock hanging (since normally your hands and arms are in the way). Not only that but unless he was just showing off, this dude was putting on or fixing his jacket which since he was at a urinal,looked like he was pissing. Not the first time I seen something like that where other dudes just stand there handless. Maybe I just need to try it on my own, Urinal yeah, but dont wanna take chances being aim-less at a toilet. Plus I'm a grower not a shower. Any one piss handless?
I do it once in a while. Not that I'm trying to show off when I do it, but sometimes I do it without thinking. I don't think of it as any special skill. If I'm reasonably sure that I'm not gonna splash myself, I do it "hands-free", just because I can! :wink:
Piss shy here - which sucks. If I'm at a urinal and I whip it out and I'm just ready to pee and someone walks in on me, I clamp up and then look like a total pervert with my dick hanging out and nowhere to go!! Pissing without hands would look even odder - especially for those with longer than average dicks that naturally hang down. I'd think you'd have to be a bit nubby to piss forward without hands??
I've convinced only guys with smaller than average penises can piss without hands because of my experience talking to friends about it and seeing it in public washrooms. I think it's like a garden hose - a short stub from a faucet shoots straight forward, but a long hose twists around and moves as the pressure of the water pushes, alternately, on different parts of the hose. Also, you'd have to be circumcised, or with your foreskin skinned back, to do it without making a mess.
If for some reason I have a burning desire to have wet feet/shoes, I don't go 'hands free'. The only other time I'm 'hands free' is if I'm being lazy and I sit down to pee.

although there was this one girl who liked holding it for me while I peed...
There are a couple of things I see in passing that make me go "?"

The guy on his cellphone at the urinal. (give it a rest already).

The guy with one hand on the wall above the urinal, bracing himself (unsanitary!)

The no hands guy, which is usually someone older than I.
It seems kinda show-offy to me.

And as far as the theory that it is the average sized guys doing the "handsfree", i couldnt possibly without showering the wall and myself.
Older forum readers (not in age but how long you've been on the forum), may remember me telling this previously.

I stopped at a rest stop that had no dividers (yea!) between the urinals. I thought perhaps I might get an opportunity for dick viewing so after I pissed, I took out my cell phone as if I was using it. After a minute or two, this good looking guy comes and stands next to me. About the time I started glancing over to check him out (cock wise) my phone rang! Duh....I was so shaken, I left immediately - probably red faced.

If I had thought I could have said "oh..I'm glad you called me right back - we lost connection." Too late now - but remember that line if it ever happens to you.

To make matters worse...the call I received was a damn wrong number!:mad:
drevo50 said:
Uncut, so just about impossible. I have to manipulate the foreskin to avoid sprays/splashes/any other embarrassing urine related mess. Just do what you have to do and move on!

Like you, my dick is uncut and I sometimes give the foreskin a manipulation as the stream starts. Once it's an 'all in one' steady stream, I at times let my cock hang handfree as it pisses, especially if I catch a next door neighbor's eyes looking. I'm not one to deprive a seeker's goal, especially if he reciprocates.
Very interesting...i thought men have to hold it for avoid urine spills and etc....

:cool: Hmmmm...i think i have a pee fetiche because anytime i see posts about peeing i run too it too...i like to see man pee, i find it very sexy when im brushing my teeth and whatever and my guy is there just holding his penis and peeing...:tongue: hmmmm....so sensual !

Hmmm. and the pee may have different sounds when you are peeing on grass or earth..so nice and interesting!
A guy definitely doesn't need to be small soft to go hands-free. I'm 5-6" flaccid and also have fairly large yet tight balls. My natural flaccid hang, resting on top of my nuts, is probably about 30 degrees from vertical -- perfect for aiming itself right into a urinal.

I still usually use my hands somewhat to aim, but it's not necessary.

Mine is straight up and down, so I would spray my feet. Hands needed for that.

On the other hand the foreskin is so short anyway that it at least can't get in the way.
I'm one of those guys whose penis doesn't hang straight down and who is circumsized, so there's really no need to hold it when urinating. I just unbutton and unzip my pants, pull down my underwear, and let loose. I have to handle my penis to clean up and put it back into my underwear when I'm done, though.
(Another long winded story I'm afraid.)
When I was in my late teens/early 20s I was a lorry driver's mate delivering booze to pubs around North London and Essex. My driver was a fat divorcee in his 50s. We drank a lot of beer (as you do) so we also visited a lot of urinals together. I was always amazed that he would stand at a urinal, get his cock out and lean his elbows on top of the dividers if there were any. He always pissed hands free. If there weren't any dividers he'd mesh his chubby fingers behind his head, and stare at the ceiling, or gaze out the window if it was open. Sometimes he'd even roll a cigarette. All whilst pissing! He was very popular with the ladies too. He was a perfect gentleman and had a real bashful, blushing way of talking to bar maids. They would lean across the bar flashing cleavage and batting eyelashes at him. They just loved him. I'd often arrive at work before him, start the lorry engine and wait reading the newspaper. He'd climb into the cab, grinning, and smelling of sex. What a guy!
I often pee at the urinal hands free. I really never thought about it. If it's cold or for some other reason my little peter has shrunk up to look like a stack of buttons I'll hold it for a good aim.
Due to some medical problems, I have a weak stream. That means piss goes everywhere. It squirts and then dribbles. If I didn't hold it, I would be so wet that everyone would think I didn't make it to the restroom and wet my pants and the floor would have a puddle of urine. As it is I sometimes still piss on the floor.

But when I was younger, I use to piss hands free. No way now.
I don't get this thread at all. I piss no-handed all the time, especially if I feel lazy about washing my hands, which I force myself to do in a public restroom since the thought of others not doing it bothers me. I mean, there's your dick. Is it pointing down? Okay, then lean forward. Is it pointing slightly forward? Okay, then step back. Again, I just don't get this thread. I have slight hypospadias too, which should make it technically harder for me.