Please Help Me Find A Certain Story


Experimental Member
Nov 25, 2007
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I feel like I'm going crazy!

There was a story on here that I read years ago and it was one of the hottest I've ever read.

It was a m/m story about an absurdly hung college dude (who I really want to say was named Ben), and it was told from the perspective of a classmate of his.

I've searched every possible word and phrase I can remember from the story but it's like it's been completely expunged from the internet.

Some key things I recall, in order of occurrence:
-scene in which "Ben" grabs a handful of condoms that are being given out at the university
-scene in which the main character and "Ben" go into a bathroom together and "Ben" shows him his massive dick. In this scene I specifically recall "Ben" lamenting about how gigantic his dick has gotten lately, and how he says he's "even taken to fucking guys"
-"Ben" then waves his dick at the main character and asks "if [he'd] care to do the honors"
-The scene ends with "Ben" sucking himself off in the stall
-The main character goes over to "Ben's" house where he meets his somewhat younger brother and discovers he's similarly extremely hung while watching him shower.

PLEASE tell me someone else remembers what I'm talking about lol? I legit feel like I'm going crazy trying to track down this story and failing.
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Big Ben was posted and presumably written by Gerald418 on or around August 25, 2009. I can't find it online anymore, but I kept a copy, so I will repost.
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Big Ben

by Gerald418

Ben was easily the hottest guy in the senior class at Southfield High. I was a closeted homosexual and head of the men’s fencing team. I guess one could say I enjoyed the idea of guys meeting after school to whack each other with phallic objects. Ben wasn’t the tallest guy, but he made up for his lack of stature in other ways: his dirty blond hair was only slightly wavy; he had blue eyes, perfect teeth, a big nose, and he was horny as hell. He was the type of guy that expressed his admiration for a girl by thrusting his pelvis in her direction in rapid succession. She would orgasm a little, and Ben would flaunt his eyebrows in success, as if to say, “You know you want some.” Ben would often come to the computer lab to talk with girls and read, and I was often in the corner admiring his package as inconspicuously as I could. I could always rely upon him sitting with his legs as far apart from each other as he could comfortably manage, slouching in his chair. His jeans were loose, but a hugely impressive bulge was visible to anyone who glanced in his general direction. A massive dick was responsible for creating the vast majority of the bulge. It overlapped so much with his torso that when he breathed his meat went up and down. When Ben moved in his chair he would often grasp his manhood in its entirety and move it to the left or right, a process that took a number of seconds. When he was done, he sometimes pushed it into his thigh with his palm for a moment, closed his eyes, and let out a soft moan of pleasure, all while facing the other students. Constantly smiling, he would spend hours on end in that room scratching, clutching, rubbing, and staring at his hulking penis both above and beneath his clothing, then scanning the room for people who were looking at him, and winking. No one dared say anything to a teacher. Not even teachers wanted to prosecute Ben for his slutty demeanour. We all wanted to fuck him.

It was early April, and I was determined to suck Ben’s sausage before graduation. I was walking to school from the train stop and approached the nearby Planned Parenthood building where Ben was chatting up a tall blonde girl with fake breasts. She was handing out condoms with cookies.

“We’re handing out birth control today in order to promote the better treatment of women in society.” The girl was a walking, talking Barbie doll, and Ben’s eyes were glued to her chest. His expression was ambiguous, he seemed deep in thought. He walked closer to the pink coloured desk the woman was standing at in a futile attempt to hide his ballooning meat. He slowly reached for his cock under the table, stuffed it a little further downward, and squeezed it a little. It was pushing mightily on the underside of the wooden table, raising the side a good inch off the ground.

“Yeah, I’ll take a few,” he said, somewhat nervously. He threw her a wink. He took his backpack off his back and threw it on the table in front of him. He then proceeded to stuff four heaping fistfuls of Trojans into his bag, zip it up, and lower it in front of him in a final effort to suppress his phallus. In doing so, he closed his eyes, opened his spacious mouth wide open, and emitted an orgasmic groan. “Thanks babe.” She smiled wide. He then took off with me to school sporting a semi-erect beef frank as thick as my forearm. “Why didn’t you get any, man?” It took me a while for my attention to focus on his face. I didn’t feel like telling him I probably wasn’t going to get anyone pregnant anytime soon…or engage in any kind of sex.

“Oh, you know…those are always a hassle,” I responded, resisting the urge to suddenly grab his dick, slowly swinging like a massive pendulum as he walked.

“If it weren’t for these,” he said, as he took a condom out from his backpack and displayed it to me, “I’d have fathered half the town by now.” His grin was toothy and undeniably sexy. Jokingly, he said, “Think I’m kidding?”

“No way. I trust you.” There was no doubt in my mind that Ben’s sexual exploits since age ten were copious enough to have potentially been responsible for the pregnancies of every girl in town; it was a small town, after all. We entered the school and dropped off our bags in homeroom, where Ben spent quite a while flirting with the teacher. I was in the back of the room doing homework, and he turned in my direction. The next series of events seemed to happen in slow motion. Eyes glued on me, he walked toward me with a definite goal in his mind. I fantasized briefly about what that goal could be. His flaccid meat swayed lightly like it weighed a ton. It was so long. It was so thick…

“Dude,” he said. My eyes were fixed on his groin. “Dude.” I looked up. He was smiling. “I’ve got to talk to you about something, but I’ve got to take a piss first, so wait here until I get back.” I imagined him struggling to pull his dick out from his underwear—“that is, if you don’t mind coming with me.”

My heart was racing. I had to make this seem as normal a response as possible: “Yeah…sure…I have to go too,” I lied. In my three years at Southfield, I had never gotten the opportunity to witness Ben at the urinal. Whenever I timed my bathroom breaks to coincide with his, he always headed for the stalls, most likely to masturbate. This opportunity would likely provide me with a lifetime of orgasms, I hoped. That is, if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

He quickly made his way for the men’s room, and I made it a point to stand a little bit in back while I walked alongside him to check out his ass; his front I could wait to see, when it was in its full glory. Of course, the conversation quickly turned to sex.

“I think,” he began. “I think I may have a problem.”

“What’s it about?” I feigned ignorance. With a look of concentration, he stared at his soft dick. It stretched his jeans extremely even in its current state. Its outline was nothing short of gigantic.

“I’m becoming…less and less selective about who I fuck. It’s a real problem.” It was by no means a problem for me. We entered the men’s room, where we were alone. “And I want to show you something else.” He entered the largest of the three stalls, the one with plenty of extra space, and motioned for me to come in. I was ready to feint. I stood perfectly still for five seconds or so, in awe. He motioned again, and I cautiously entered the stall, locking the door behind me. “Over the past few years, my dick’s gotten really huge.” That was probably the one thing I was sure of…in my life.

In a surprisingly quick sequence, he lifted up his shirt and tossed it aside, exposing his colossal biceps and six-pack. The action made his hair messier than it normally was. He reached for his belt and pulled it off of him in one tug, letting his jeans descend a tad. The thickness of his monster cock was the only thing supporting the weight of the denim. After unbuttoning and unzipping, he took a short time actually pulling down his jeans; the force of friction against his organ was considerable. He finally got them off, and the girth of his dick augmented somewhat, suggesting the jeans had suppressed it. What remained was a pair of very large white briefs, literally bursting at the seams. The thread that held the pieces of cloth together was almost destroyed by wear, semen stains covered almost the entire undergarment, and on all sides it was pushed outward to allow a gargantuan dick to occupy the space. He dug his sizable thumbs into either side, carefully guiding the underwear downward, so as not to tear it as it encountered the massive arch of his earthward facing cock.

Covering more space in my vision than his legs, his manhood once again expanded without the suppression of clothing. It was a powerful sight. With the slightest move of his body, his meat swung back and forth unmercifully. Almost falling to his knees, there was little room in-between his thighs for anything else. Its circumcised head was prominent, a good three inches long, but what was most impressive was its sheer girth. It was so thick that I could not possibly circumnavigate its width with one hand.

“I’m having a bit of trouble fucking some girls, so I’ve starting fucking guys too. It’s bad, huh?” At that moment, he reached down and scratched his balls, first using his other hand to lift up his meat. They were much larger than I had expected, but as soon as he let his dick fall it thudded against them in a titanic motion, concealing them. As I stared at his member, a string of drool emanated from my mouth. “Hey,” he said, seductively. I looked up at him, and he gave me his trademark grin. “I’m getting kind of horny.” He placed his right hand thumb above his penis, the rest of his fingers below, and began to softly shake it. “Would you like to do the honours?” He winked. I was already kneeling by then.

As quickly as I could, I stuffed my face full of cock. I licked every part of it, sucked every part of it, and even deep throated a good amount of it. It grew bolstered and rock hard nearly instantaneously. He held the back of my head with his hand and let out with pleasure: “Fuck yeah…suck that giant dick…” He made the same grunts and moans as he did in the computer lab, only they were louder and lasted longer. He was a wild beast with a weakness the size of a deli submarine, and his dick was the best tasting object ever to enter my mouth. The bends and nooks in its head were gradual and deep. Sucking his cock was an epic experience analogous to taming a giant snake. His body was broad and mannish, he was a god of fertility, having fallen to earth. I couldn’t bear to spend more than a few seconds without his dick in me.

He let out a final, ferocious moan, and his urethra expanded tremendously, again and again. Gobs and gobs of saccharine cum were filling my mouth, where I gladly gulped them down. I soon couldn’t handle it all, and it came pouring out onto my chin. A good minute after it had started, his climax ended, and I licked the last gobs of semen from the ends of his gorgeous dick. He looked down at me and smiled again from ear to ear. He was so hot and horny. My face was covered in cum, and my pants were filled with cum, but my hunger for his meat hadn’t stopped, it had just started.

Ben was covered in sweat. The bell rang, and he began the lengthy process of dressing, making sure his humungous dick ended up fully in his clothes. It took a while for him to get his underwear on, especially, because he needed two hands to stuff his flaccid penis into its cave. The scene was amusing and erotic, seeing a well built fencer with a scholarship to Brown struggle to tame his own sabre. He turned to me, cock in his right hand, chewing on his tongue, and noticed me smiling.

“What?” he said, showing me his pearly whites. His blond hair was incredibly messy and made him look as hot as ever. He chewed on his tongue to get as much saliva as possible to spit in his left hand, which wasn’t hard; he did have a spacious mouth. He reached down with the same hand and began to rub the base, where a trimmed patch of wavy blond pubes connected the hair of his two towering thighs. His legs and feet were very hairy, but his body hair was of such a light colour that it took me some time to realise its presence. His monstrous left hand could barely reach around the front side of his dick, let alone the entire thing, and getting the spit around it required Ben to separate his legs as far as he could to forcibly squeeze his hand in-between his thigh and his enormous manhood. The gap was tiny, even when he separated his legs, and moving his hand through caused him to close his eyes during the process and breathe heavily. He got most of the backside of his base soaked, then performed the unthinkable. “This is going to take longer than I thought,” he said, grinning at me. Damn, was he sexy. He took both hands and lifted his man meat upward. He chuckled a little, smiling, turned to me, and said, “I guess I’ll have to do something about that.” Before I knew it, his dick’s entire head and half of its shaft were stuffed in Ben’s mouth. His meat was moving up and down, stiff as a board. A fountain of saliva descended his great fuck pole. My dick was throbbing with pleasure. He blinked at me, implying: “You know you wish you were me.” I did know that. In sooner than a minute, his eyes closed, his cock rumbled, and Ben forced his bucket load of cum down his throat, all in one gulp.
He let his cock go, and it thudded against his legs again, like the heaviest punching bag. He pulled up his briefs, and his dick, covered in spit and cum from two fuck sessions, slid nicely into them. Putting on his pants took more of an effort convincing his penis, and he asked me to push it down while he pulled his pants up. I gladly assisted. “Let’s get out of here,” he said. “My parents aren’t home for the week, so we can stay at my house.” Skipping school to go fuck Ben for an indeterminate amount of time sounded like a choice idea. After pulling on his tee-shirt, he hooked his belt with the tightest notch in order to amplify the appearance of his already monstrous junk. I still had some semen around my mouth, and I started to lick it off when Ben starting kissing me sloppily, exhaling deeply. Without realising it, I pulled his body toward me, my arms around his lower torso, and pushed his dick into mine. It was immensely satisfying. I was sore from the very recent orgasms, but even underneath his clothing, Ben’s dick was godly. It served as a tremendous flaccid sex toy for us as we made out and pulled our asses towards each other. Ben made groans and grunts that would’ve brought about orgasm if we he hadn’t just come twice, and before long we chose to stop and save our fucking for later, which did little to dampen the moment’s hotness. “I’m sorry,” he said, quietly. “I can’t go that long without fucking.” I needed him. Every day. For the rest of my life.

Ben went outside the stall to make sure no one else was in the bathroom, and fortunately, no one was. We were on our way to Ben’s BMW, an infamous car where countless girls had claimed to lose their virginity. We passed through the hallways sporting flaccid dicks tired from their workout, his obviously more than double the size of mine, and made it to the parking lot without getting caught.

“There’s a party at my house tonight,” he said triumphantly, as we approached his car. “You’re welcome to…call your parents and stay over for a few…nights.” He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“Thanks, man!” I patted his ripped back. My parents always trusted me. I would call them and say I was helping with community service in town with a friend for a few days, which I wouldn’t feel guilty about, because it was kind of true. I got in the passenger seat, and he drove; we both put our bags in the back. Ben gave his meat a quick squeeze before taking off, and the only reason I didn’t do the same was the threat of Ben losing control of the car. His flaccid dick seemed so powerful and so close to the steering wheel I grew concerned that a boner at any moment would lead to an accident, so I tried to lead the conversation away from fucking, but that’s all Ben ever thought about.

“Did the Lions win or lose last night?” I asked.

“There’s going to be a lot of hot chicks there.” He obviously didn’t hear me through the thick fog of his libido. “I’m ready to go all night long,” he said. I had been to Ben’s house once before; his parents held the Southfield High potluck, and the whole school showed up, even Jim, the football star, who had pneumonia at the time. No one knew if most came to see Ben’s colossal house or Ben’s colossal dick, for both were the finest specimens the town knew of. I got the feeling I would see a whole lot more of the two later that night.

In his car, I took a moment to examine Ben, his face that is, close up. He didn’t like to talk about it, but everyone knew he was descended from Norwegian nobility, and it showed. His arms and shoulders appeared carved from stone, broad and muscular. His nose was an equilateral triangle protruding from his perfectly clear face like an eagle’s beak. His hair, although wavy in the back, was perfectly straight in the front, falling over his forehead at exactly the right length, a brilliant shade of gold. His features gave me the impression that he was sent to earth only to fuck, so that as many as possible could be as gorgeous as him.

“Ben?” I said.

“Yeah?” he responded.

“How did you know I was gay?”

“Oh, it was totally obvious. You’ve been drooling over me since freshman year. I waited until now to act on it because I thought you’d get someone who was gay by now.” Ben must have been joking. The gay market at Southfield didn’t exist.

“Well, you can see why I couldn’t resist.”

“Yeah,” he said, with a smile that made his face glow, his perfect teeth, and bulging cock, in full view. He took pleasure in realising the fact that people would die just to touch him, realising that countless girls and boys masturbated every night thinking of him. “Here we go,” he said, pulling into his driveway. Protected by two sets of iron gates and crafted from stone, his house resembled a fortress. We both exited his BMW and entered the house through the side door.

Putting his keys down on the table, he turned to me, and said, “I’m going to go start up the hot tub outside. You’re welcome to do whatever. Ted is probably upstairs.” With the last sentence, he couldn’t hold back a smile. Ted was a couple years older than me, I remember, a freshman or sophomore at a party school in California. Having only spent a year or so with Ted in high school, I had forgotten what he looked like, so I was eager to see him again.

“OK. That sounds cool” I said.

“Well have fun. Don’t tell him I told you this, but Ted’s totally in the closet,” Ben said, with his eyebrows raised. Any member of Ben’s family, with Ben’s genetics, I would be more than willing to meet. After pulling myself away from Ben, I ran upstairs and started searching rooms for Ted.
I heard a noise coming from a distant room, a series of drawn out groans. It was Ted pressing weights on a bench in his room.

“Oh, hi!” he said, quitting his exercise to greet me.

“Hi” I responded, stunned by his bulging muscles and commanding physique. He was taller than Ben, maybe six feet tall, with shorter stick straight blond hair, slightly darker. His eyes were deep and attractive, his pectorals and abs visible through his thin white shirt. I could tell he was Ben’s brother from the size of his monstrous cock, an outline visible extending down his Speedo shorts and almost past them. It appeared that any stimulation would expose his meat.

“Are you one of Ben’s friends?” he asked casually.

“Yeah,” I said, equally casually. “…you’re ripped.”

“Thanks,” he responded. “I work at it.” He looked at me, and I looked back, with lust in my eyes. He soon gave me the same look.

“Would you mind if I—” I said, motioning to remove his shirt.

“—sure, go ahead.” He pulled his shirt off himself, walking backwards a little to his bed, where he sat down. As I felt up his chest more gradually, he closed his eyes and breathed heavily. Relaxing more, he lied down. I took off my sneakers and lay on top of him, pressing my lips up against his, kissing him sloppily. If possible, his mouth was even bigger and more muscular than his brother’s. As I made out with him, I ran my fingers through his soft hair. I paused for a moment to gaze at his full body. It was an extraordinary sight: soft facial features and rock hard muscles, a semisoft dick that throbbed against my ass with ferocity. I pulled down his shorts and white briefs, just as difficult to remove as they were for his brother. Before me was a penis gigantic even when compared to his muscles. Falling in between his legs, it pushed against them greatly for room. It was, for all intents and purposes, a third leg, just as his brother’s had been. I lifted it up and it felt as heavy as a brick, falling to one side slightly. Holding one side of it, I ran my tongue up its side from the base, then getting as much as possible in my mouth. Ted moaned and groaned with pleasure. I had gotten to the point where I thought I had given it enough saliva so that it might act as a decent lube, then used two hands and ran them up and down his towering dick. I could feel the blood pumping through it, making it harder and harder, its head growing fuller and fuller. His cock was a soaked fleshy hose glowing with spit, and as I felt his urethra expand, I shoved as much of it as I could down my throat and experienced boatloads of semen pound their way through it, then licking the sweet dew clean from its soft head and shaft. His body and dick, those of Norwegian nobility, both matched his brother’s in value, and I knew that, in the future, I would be equally submissive to Ted’s as I was to Ben’s. I looked down at Ted, and he looked up at me, and we both smiled. I checked Ted’s clock. It was five. By now, Ben had probably set up the hot tub. By now, he had probably had a couple drinks. I knew it was time for me to start partying with him, but a few more minutes with Ted proved too tempting to refuse.

“I should probably shower,” Ted said, smiling, exposing his perfect teeth. I ran my cum-drenched fingers through his soft golden brown hair.

“Yeah,” I responded. “You should.” His gaze shifted from me to a spot over my left shoulder. His body shifted under me, his finely sculpted body, and I took the opportunity to get off of his bed. I looked down at my black shirt, now stained with sizeable gobs of semen. The thought of walking around with it on was strangely compelling, as if I were wearing it as a trophy.

The very act of Ted standing up from his bed was a spectacle: he must have weighed at least 250 pounds from all the work he did for crew and was no less than six feet tall, whereas I was only five eight. When he stood up, I noticed that his body was the perfect representative of his sex: exceptionally muscular with well defined pectorals and abs, monstrous hands and feet, and a dick that must have measured three or four inches wide and easily nine inches long. It swung like a ton of bricks between his thighs—enormous and imposing. A final few drops of jizz descended elegantly from his cock, and I watched as they formed messy puddles on the hard wood floor.

I looked up at him, and he was looking straight at me, his eyes, covered slightly by his straight, messy hair, half shut—his upper teeth over his lower lip. He was staring at me, seducing me. Slowly and subtly, he turned away to leave so he could go take a shower, and with that I heard two low drum beats signifying that his penis had consequently struck his thighs. His backside was nothing short of gorgeous. His hair was slightly wavy in the back, short, leaving his spectacular shoulders in full view. His ass had magnificently round cheeks that explicitly displayed the results of years he had spent training for the rowing team—his legs seemed powerful enough to make the ground shake. A formidable pair of balls and a hairy dick shaft were easily visible in between his legs, and I stared at them until he disappeared into the hallway.

I needed to see him shower.

As inconspicuously as I could, although in my rush of testosterone fueled hunger for cock I knew I would be somewhat obvious, I followed Ted to the bathroom. He must have known I was following him; he took his time and stretched every so often on the way, sometimes scratching the base of his penis or giving it a quick shake, the latter resulting in a loud thud on its way back to his legs, so loud in fact, that I thought Ben or someone he’d invited to the party would hear it from downstairs.

He made his way into a bathroom with marble flooring and a skylight over a glass shower, and with his back turned, I hastily entered what I thought was a nearby linen closet. It had thin wooden boards poorly spaced that gave a great view of the shower. Instead of linen, however, inside the closet I found shelf after shelf of industrial sized lubricant bottles and condom boxes, the second of which were all empty. The containers of lube were nearly all only partially full, suggesting that some experimentation had been done.

Ted turned on the shower and I started to get hard. The last time I came was nearly three hours prior, when I sucked off Ben, and that was a long time for me to go without coming.

I pulled off my sneakers with my feet—then threw my socks to the ground. Ted got into the shower.

I took my shirt off—then cast away my belt. He began washing his arms.

I burst out of my shorts, my underwear—then violently squeezed a heaping mass of lube into my palm. He felt up his chest.
His left hand reached lower and lower away from his abs, placing his shaft between his index finger and thumb. His eyes fixated on his own junk, he wrapped his fingers around his massive sack and lifted his hand upward. He let loose a grunt of pleasure and his mouth opened wide.

“You dirty, dirty boy,” I thought to myself. “You think you’re a man, but you’re just a horny teenage boy with a gigantic piece of meat.” My left hand was moving slowly up and down my own seven inches of dick—I was getting sweatier from the heat of my thoughts, from the steam of the shower.

“At least your brother Ben knows how to share his cock, and share it often. You’re a bit selfish, aren’t you, (I thought of the countless containers of lube behind me) keeping yours all to yourself.” The beating got faster, rougher. More and more I felt the fine ridges of my penis. My thoughts grew more intense.

“Why don’t you let me give you head more often,” I thought, even though I had no evidence that he wouldn’t if asked. Soap suds fell reluctantly off his monstrous dick as if it were powerful enough to counter the effects of gravity itself. “Maybe you could even fuck my ass, ever think of that—my tight ass up against your roaring beast of a dick.”

The pounding continued. The shower shut off. The shower door opened, and the steam escaped quicker, revealing a very wet and very sexy blond man about six feet tall with muscles that commanded attention. Out of the shower, his being wet had a surreal effect on me, like I was seeing him for the first time again. The hot steam had engorged his penis to its mightiest level. In a deep trance, my mouth was wide open, my tongue reaching down to my chin from which a river of saliva emanated.

I didn’t mind if he could hear me. His cock triggered all the nerve endings in my dick and thoughts in my mind of what a man was supposed to be, what he was supposed to have—notably, a sausage so fat and imposing that you couldn’t look away, that it rested in the confines of your mind until the day you died, that you would think of it every time you jerked off, that you knew that you would never see something so beautiful ever again.


I let loose my last moan of knee quivering pleasure as I ran my fingers gently up the back of my shaft, pushing forward the last gobs of cum. Throughout it all, Ted never glanced in the general direction of the closet I was inside of. He did, however, just before he left to get changed, breathe a sigh of contentment that hinted that he was proud of what he just made me do, that he was proud of his cock. He certainly should have been.