POLL: Is girth or length more important for satisfying sex?

Is girth or length more important for satisfying sex?

  • Girth

  • Length

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Both are important. If the guys a foot long but looks like a #2 pencil, that's not gonna feel nice. Conversely, if it looks like a can of tuna, super girthy but also super short, that's not gonna work for anybody.

Needs a balance of both, or even better, a lot of both.
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Both are important. If the guys a foot long but looks like a #2 pencil, that's not gonna feel nice. Conversely, if it looks like a can of tuna, super girthy but also super short, that's not gonna work for anybody.

Needs a balance of both, or even better, a lot of both.
Yes, the combination of both is what I've heard most women say they like about my own penis. At 7 inches, I'm not long enough to cause pain, and only have hit the cervix an very rare occasions, while being above average in length.
I don't think I've heard of a woman saying length is more important than girth m
Women have commented (and complemented me) on my size, saying they love the being 'filled up' sensation that a large girth provides. Being 7 inches by 6 inches, multiple women have called my erect penis "perfect". I'm happy with that!
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Two of my most satisfying experiences were with a super thick and quite long penis, and then one below average. The man with the bigger one opened up my deeper cavity and hit my walls like no one else, making me feel pleasure like never before. The guy smaller one was rock hard and kept hitting right on the prostate, making me ejaculate continuously, hands free.

Made me realize that no matter the size of the penis, when a man knows how to use what they've got, the sex can be memorable.