Predicting penis size based on size of hands, nose & feet: survey!


Legendary Member
Feb 9, 2020
Greater Manchester, England, GB
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hi all,

Haven't posted much on LPSG, but thought this might be interesting to share, with a view of doing a poll/experiment.

Years ago there was a condom website which had a fun function where you put in the size of a guy's hands, nose and feet and it would predict a range of erect penis size. I found that fascinating, so at the time I spent a few hours putting in all the combinations and writing down the sizes predicted (which I still have). I've always wanted to check if their data was more or less correct, or a load of rubbish - which is the reason for this post.

I'm thinking I'll let this post run for some months and see how much data we collect, after which I'll collate it and share, along with the original prediction chart. If anyone is up for the challenge, please let me your stats in a post - I'm after guys of all sizes, so don't be shy - just measure as accurate as you can please.

The info I'll need to do this is:

1. Hand size - bend your wrist back (upwards if your palms face down), then measure from the bend in the wrist to end of longest finger:
XXL22 cm+
XL20-22 cm
L18-20 cm
M16-18 cm
S< 16 cm

2. Feet size - these below are UK sizes, please convert to them.
XL< 12
L< 10.5
M< 9
S< 7

3. Nose size - here I'm talking of length in profile (when looking from the side) at the longest part, which is probably from the corner of the base of your nose / cheek, to the part that sticks out furthest:
XXL6 cm+
XL5 - 6 cm
L4 - 5 cm
M3 - 4 cm
S< 3 cm

4. Erect penis length:
For consistency this must be BPEL (bone-pressed erect length) - to measure, use a straight ruler on the top of your shaft, push it through the fat pad back to your pubic bone and read off the length at the tip of the glans looking straight down.
I think probably if you're a guy that's done some penis enlargement and gained some length that way, then give your original length before you started if you know it.
Whatever the correlations, I probably break most of them. In addition to wearing small (or occasionally medium) clothes, here's where I fall in the charts:

Hands - M
Feet - M
Nose - L (the only slight correlation)
BPEL - 20.5 cm
Whatever the correlations, I probably break most of them. In addition to wearing small (or occasionally medium) clothes, here's where I fall in the charts:

Hands - M
Feet - M
Nose - L (the only slight correlation)
BPEL - 20.5 cm
Interesting thanks
Someone told me about this once: so-called "digit ratio,longer the penis may be.

I've paid attention to literally every dude's hand I see. I've tried comparing to bulge size if possible.

The digit ratio apparently has a stronger correlation than most other measurements like hand or foot size. But there again, I buck the trend - my ratio is right in the middle of average (index and ring fingers the same size).
1. Hand size - bend your wrist back (upwards if your palms face down), then measure from the bend in the wrist to end of longest finger:
XL20-22 cm <<<<

2. Feet size - these below are UK sizes, please convert to them.
XL< 12 <<<<

3. Nose size - here I'm talking of length in profile (when looking from the side) at the longest part, which is probably from the corner of the base of your nose / cheek, to the part that sticks out furthest:
XL5 - 6 cm <<<<
Sorry, but I believe there were other studies done that found absolutely no correlation between various body parts and height and penis size. The one with the fingers was the only one that found a very, very small correlation.

Since LPSG is far from any kind of scientific survey, as anyone can answer with any numbers they wish, your exercise is ultimately going to be futile. Sorry.
1. Hand size - bend your wrist back (upwards if your palms face down), then measure from the bend in the wrist to end of longest finger:
XL20-22 cm <<<<

2. Feet size - these below are UK sizes, please convert to them.
XL< 12 <<<<

3. Nose size - here I'm talking of length in profile (when looking from the side) at the longest part, which is probably from the corner of the base of your nose / cheek, to the part that sticks out furthest:
XL5 - 6 cm <<<<
Thanks, also need BPEL measurements