

Just Browsing
Jun 13, 2004
was wondering if when you were a teenager did your size cause you problems. My nephew who is 14 is having problems in public and at school dealing with his extra large penis she asked me to ask for your experiences. Please be detailed
Originally posted by kellann48178@Nov 29 2004, 09:12 AM
was wondering if when you were a teenager did your size cause you problems. My nephew who is 14 is having problems in public and at school dealing with his extra large penis she asked me to ask for your experiences. Please be detailed
[post=265210]Quoted post[/post]​

She ask you what ?
Um, I'm having a problem with you using up bandwidth by posting this same basic question in several different threads at the same time. And your insistence that responses be detailed while you are giving no details about the "problems" your "nephew" is having that might help us answer your question(s) makes me skeptical that you are really looking for assistance rather than just titillating stories about teenage boys with large penises. (Not to mention that I could never imagine asking one of my aunts to gather advice about dealing with my large penis. But maybe that's just my family.)

Anyway, if you are seriously in need of actual help, providing details about the "problems" you are worried about would give a better chance of getting helpful responses. FWIW, in one of your other threads you indicate that your nephew is 11". My penis is 11" and, though it has caused some issues at times, nothing I would characterize as a serious, life-impacting problem. Then again, if your nephew is only 14 yo, already 11", and still growing at a rapid pace, that may be a different matter. You may want to ask this guy:
clownboots19: I agree, be more specific about his "problems" if you want a legitimate response.
Originally posted by Donk@Dec 1 2004, 07:37 AM
Um, I'm having a problem with you using up bandwidth by posting this same basic question in several different threads at the same time. And your insistence that responses be detailed while you are giving no details about the "problems" your "nephew" is having that might help us answer your question(s) makes me skeptical that you are really looking for assistance rather than just titillating stories about teenage boys with large penises. (Not to mention that I could never imagine asking one of my aunts to gather advice about dealing with my large penis. But maybe that's just my family.)

Anyway, if you are seriously in need of actual help, providing details about the "problems" you are worried about would give a better chance of getting helpful responses. FWIW, in one of your other threads you indicate that your nephew is 11". My penis is 11" and, though it has caused some issues at times, nothing I would characterize as a serious, life-impacting problem. Then again, if your nephew is only 14 yo, already 11", and still growing at a rapid pace, that may be a different matter. You may want to ask this guy:
[post=265395]Quoted post[/post]​
The guy in that picture looks to me like he's got NO PROBLEMS!!