Progress, also bought PHOENIX for men and should arrive soon

So quick update. Haven't gotten to use the Phoenix twice a week or consistently because of hodmloud it is and everyone has to be gone in order for me to use it. When I do use it I can't finish the full session cuz ppl come home quickly. Nonetheless I'd say now, for sure I think it's working . First week I think I was assembling the tip wrong as you could hear it jiggle around . My size felt kinda smaller and didn't seem to get as hard. May e I just wasn't horny or wtvr. But second and third week I saw progress. Def my softies look thicker and hang lower. I think it's the fourth week now and most of my regular have all said definite growth in thickness. Erection firmness very small increase. That's what I hope to gain the most is erection firmness.