Prostate Cancer Shrinkage

From what I’ve read, the fact that erections don’t happen on a regular basis, the penile tissue has a tendency to “shrink.” I had a radical prostatectomy in May of this year and really have no way of knowing how much size I have lost because I have yet to have an erection 6 months post-op. Doc has given me a daily Tadalafil 5 mg and 20 mg when an erection is desired. I have tried several times with the 20 mg to no avail and once with 2 20’s also to no avail. I have begun an intermittent VED regimen and from that it appears that I have lost somewhere around an inch and a half in length. It seems to be coming back slowly with vacuum, but it is slow!
I haven't personally had the surgery, but judging from reports from people who have, shrinkage afterward is absolutely normal.

Some of it is how the penis works as "use it or lose it"; that is, it will shrink without normal nightly erections and/or masturbation, and it will shrink with what urologists simply call "trauma", which would be getting kicked in the crotch, doing a split over a fence, or having knives hacking at your internal boy bits.

You can do penis enlargement to correct that. Pick something that's easy, like stretches or a pump, and start off gently. If you feel any internal tugging from scar tissue, don't overdo it - the scars will eventually stretch. Sometimes bits of tissue that are supposed to slide over or around each other will grow together along the incisions. Those are called "adhesions" and can be painful to correct; basically, you have to tear them loose. But they can be worked apart slowly, over months. I do have personal experience with that. Depending on which procedure your surgeon used, it might not be an issue for you, though.
Doc has given me a daily Tadalafil 5 mg and 20 mg when an erection is desired. I have tried several times with the 20 mg to no avail and once with 2 20’s also to no avail.
A lot of guys report that.

I have begun an intermittent VED regimen and from that it appears that I have lost somewhere around an inch and a half in length.
That's common, too. I think there are two factors in play: the urologist and/or oncologist is only concerned with the cancer aspect and doesn't give a damn about loss of length, and if they did, they probably wouldn't mention it anyway because a lot of patients have their freak on about the surgery already, and they're afraid they might not show up for the procedure if they bring the subject up.

It seems to be coming back slowly with vacuum, but it is slow!
It's slow, but it *will* work. One advantage is you already *had* that length; you're just regaining it. Lots easier than creating new tissue out of nothing.

But it does take a lot of time; you're looking at months to years, depending on how fast you respond. Erectile response will usually come back, too. That's linked to the "trauma" thing somehow, but I've not come across a good explanation of how it works.

Most guys seem to either just live with the loss or make a half-ass attempt at a few pumps or stretches, then say 'fuck it'. But it doesn't have to be that way. And once you've started the PE habit, there's no reason to stop at your old length when you could get more.
Hey everyone! I had prostate cancer surgery last year and it seems that since then I have seen decrease in the thickness and shrinkage of my dick. Has anyone gone through this? Is this common? What can I do to increase it?
I wish you beautiful healing.

Much health and happiness your way.

Best wishes!
You are not alone. I haven't posted about it here yet - but I guess I am today. I too had an RP due to prostate cancer - caught early. Surgery was in July of last year (23) and luckily they got it all - but they had to remove one of my penile nerves as there was possible spread - luckily there wasn't - but it lead to severe ED.
Pumps only worked - but couldn't stay hard - injections worked but are painful and unfortunately I developed Pyrones due to all of this - so - on Monday (Dec 9) I go in for an implant. Functionality is important - and if I've lost length girth (I have) there isn't much I can do about it at this point - maybe later -at least in my case due to the Pyrones and scar formation. I've taken the majority of my pics down since its "not me currently" and maybe I'll post new ones if I ever get back to looking esthetically pleasing (deformity is not fun - thanks cancer / Pyrones). But - I'm here and thats the best part - you are as well!

FYI - you might want to join the forums - a good place to discuss these issues.
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I had RP surgery a few weeks ago and have not had an erection since. I assume it’s way too early for that anyway?
Yeah - it can take up to a year. Typical return is a few months. Use a vacuum pump to maintain size and talk to your urologist about options (pills). You may not need to worry about getting an implant if you are lucky!
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My heart goes out to all You gents who've had to go through this. I wish You all health (and massive erections).
Heh - thanks man! I may not be the size I was - but I have good memories of those times and good days of still being here are ahead!