Captain J

Legendary Member
Sep 13, 2017
Santa Barbara (California, United States)
60% Straight, 40% Gay
As a preface to this post, I want you to know this situation I am describing happened many years ago in the early to middle 1960s. Everyone involved was eighteen years old or older but at that time the age of eighteen was not the age of majority. In the United States a person did not reach the age of majority until the age of twenty one because the age of majority was mandated by the federal government at that time. It was not until several years later that the individual states mandated the age of majority. I found odd years ago that a man could be drafted below the age of twenty one yet he was legally considered to be a minor. Another situation that I found odd was that females below the age of twenty one were considered to be significantly more mature than males of the same age. I remember a number of times when comments made by males who were between the ages of eighteen and twenty one were ignored yet comments made by females of that same age range were not only accepted but appreciated. One of the most humiliating examples of this was a time when the eighteen year old son of a family my family knew was told to leave the conversation after he had attempted making a contribution to the conversation. When he replied that he wanted to stay, his father told him if he didn't leave he would "get the belt". Several minutes later, his twin sister with slightly different wording made what was in essence the same comment and everyone reacted favorably to her comment.

This first story involving protection of one type or another involves my brother who was nineteen years old and a male friend of his who was eighteen years old at that time. Both my brother and his friend were very handsome and physically fit young men. This was especially so of my brother who could have easily become a leading man in motion pictures or a fitness model. My brother's friend was considered to be handsome facially as well but not quite as handsome as my brother. Both of them were physically fit muscular athletes. Similar to my father, myself and other related males, especially on my father's side of the family, my brother has exceptionally large genitalia. His friend's genitalia, in comparison to that of my brother, is not as large but would, none the less, still be considered much larger than average size. My brother's appearance and the appearance of his friend was appealing to women, to say the least. Their appearance also appealed to homosexual men.

My brother and I are very close emotionally. We have no secrets from each other. He has always been extremely revealing to me about many aspects of his personal life including situations involving sex. At the time of this story he told me the man who owned the warehouse where he and his friend worked told his friend that if his friend wanted to keep his job, he would be required to submit to sexual situations. He further told me that when his friend told his father about the requirement, expecting his father to help him somehow, his father told him that he [my brother's friend] was 'nothing special and the job paid much too well to give up' and that sometimes men were 'required to do things they didn't want to do just to survive.' My brother told me he heard his friend's father say this from another room in their home when his friend's father was unaware my brother was in the house. Not only did my brother's friend's father offer no help or protection in the matter, he said he heard his friend's father ask his friend for the phone number of the warehouse. My brother said he heard his friend's father speaking on the telephone to the man who owned the warehouse. During that conversation his friend's father told the man who owned the warehouse that his son had told him about the requirement. Then, my brother said, his friend's father told the man who owned the warehouse that there would be no resistance from him and that his son would have to work this out for himself but as far as he [the father] was concerned, the man who owned the warehouse could do anything he wanted to do with his son as long as his son 'is allowed to keep his job. ' My brother continued saying that he heard his friend's father saying near the end of the conversation '...if he gives you any trouble I've got a razor strap I could use on his backside...'

Later, my brother told our father about the situation. Our father told my brother to mind his own business and let his friend work out the problem for himself. Our father told my brother that his friend could always quit even though jobs were difficult to find at that time. By coincidence our father had recently been contracted to build a cement platform staging area for the man who owned the warehouse. It was only a few days before my brother told our father about the situation involving his friend and the warehouse owner that our father had completed the project. Our father was also bidding to build another staging area for the warehouse owner at another warehouse location and to be involved in the building of part of that other warehouse.

Several months later my brother told me that his friend confessed to him that he and the owner of the warehouse had been having oral sex. My brother's friend told my brother that at first the owner of the warehouse wanted to only suck on his friend's penis but then a few weeks later the owner of the warehouse demanded that he receive similar reciprocation. Not wanting to lose his job and wanting to avoid the possibility of being whipped by his father's razor strap, my brother told me his friend told him he reciprocated. My brother also told me that another man who worked at the warehouse and who was a friend confessed to him that the man who owned the warehouse had also made similar demands of him and that he had engaged in sexual activity with the warehouse owner four times to keep his job. My brother told me when he asked this other friend what they did sexually, his other friend responded 'Everything.' The other friend told my brother that he had sex with the warehouse owner the night before and his 'butt hole was still sore.' My brother asked this other friend if he penetrated the warehouse owner's rectum and his friend responded that he had not done that.

A couple of weeks later, the first friend told my brother he had been penetrated anally by the warehouse owner five times.

A few days later my brother was sexually propositioned by the warehouse owner. In response my brother angrily quit his job and walked out. The next day, my brother told me our father spoke to him privately saying that the warehouse owner had called him and told him that my brother had quit his job. My brother started crying when he told me our father told him to apologize to the warehouse owner and ask for his job back. My brother told me he then told our father why he quit and our father replied that he knew about the circumstances. My brother said he became confused because if our father knew about the circumstances why would he want my brother to apologize to the warehouse owner and ask to be given his job back. When my brother asked our father about his reasoning, he said our father reluctantly told him that if my brother didn't go back that the contracts worth several thousand dollars our father had with the warehouse owner would be cancelled and then my brother told me that our father said we were severely short of money because of our mother's hospital bills and other related expenses. My brother continued saying that our father almost begged him to go apologize and try to get his job back from the warehouse owner. My brother said he told our father the warehouse owner will want to have sex with him. My brother started sobbing when he told me that our father said to him 'We were so bad off financially, I borrowed money and had trouble paying the money back. I still owe. The warehouse job was the only possibility for income and I almost lost that job.' Then my brother stopped talking for about a minute and swallowed several times. Then he told me our father told him that he [our father] said he felt like he had no choice but to submit to the demands of the warehouse owner in exchange for the acceptance of his bid for the job. My brother told me he asked our father what were the demands of the warehouse owner, fearing that he already knew the answer. My brother told me our father replied that he let the warehouse owner perform oral copulation on him. My brother was continuing to cry when he told me he asked our father how this happened. He said our father told him that he met with the warehouse owner at the warehouse owner's house where our father was required to remove all of his clothes and submit to having his penis sucked on. Then my brother told me our father told him that the warehouse owner wants to have anal sex with my brother. My brother said our father told him he would let the warehouse owner have anal sex with him [our father] if he would leave my brother alone and just give him his job back. Our father then said the warehouse owner told him that he wanted to have anal sex with both of them. My brother asked our father about telling the sheriff but our father said that was not a good idea because his reputation would be ruined. My brother told me that he told our father he didn't want to go back and our father told him that sometimes a man has to do what they don't want to do to survive, just like his friend told him that his [the friend's] father had told him. My brother said our father went on to say that the warehouse owner was a wealthy man and that we were poor and because of his wealth he had the upper hand. He also told me that our father told him that if he didn't agree to his demands that he would ruin him and put him completely out of business and we couldn't afford the legal expenses to fight him.
The next day in the middle afternoon my brother went to the warehouse to ask for his job back. He didn't return until 2am the next morning. When he walked into our bedroom, he didn't speak. His normal jovial nature and smile were both absent. I sat up in bed as he sat down on the side of his bed. I turned on the light and asked him if he was alright. He replied "He f--ked me in the ass."
Over the span of about four months, my brother told me he had sex several times with the warehouse owner during which he was required to suck the warehouse owner's penis and let the warehouse owner suck his [my brother's] penis and he was also required to allow the warehouse owner to "f--k" him anally. Our father completed the jobs he was contracted to do by the warehouse owner a couple of months later. We were caught up financially and had some money in the bank so our father told my brother he could stop submitting to the warehouse owner's demands and quit the job.

Our mother died during an operation about a month later.

Our lives were never the same.
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I was interrupted before I could finish the previous post. Before the interruption I was about to write the following:
The story above is actually not about my immediate family. The story was actually told to me verbally several years ago by one of my cousins who was one of the sons of one of my father's brothers. The story is actually about their family. At first, I attempted to write the story from the perspective of the "third person", writing "my cousin told me his brother said that his father told him..." and the writing became too confusing so I decided to write the story in the first person as if my late cousin was the one telling the story. I did my best to remember the story as my cousin told the story to me during the early 1980s or possibly late 1970s.
When this situation was happening, we knew nothing about the dire financial situation of my uncle and aunt's family. They lived in a small town and the financial and abuse protections that are extant today did not exist many years ago.
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I hope the owner is in jail and I hate the father for this.
I was told the owner died about a year after this happened and the father also passed away several years ago. My cousin who told me this story also died several years ago. Thanks for your comment and for reading the post.
This is nothing but rape. My heart breaks when I think of what these two boys went through. In this day and age, one would hope this wouldn’t happen.
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Recently someone sent me the picture below with the caption written above the picture. By coincidence the pictures remind me of the situation written about in the story above:

"I want you to think of me as not only your father's employer at a time when jobs are scarce. I also want you to think of me as a very powerful man who likes you and your father but who could fire your father in an instant and make sure he is never able to find work again. Of course, I won't fire your father as long as you continue to do exactly what I tell you to do."
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A strange coincidence is the young man in the picture looks a lot like my cousin [the one written about in the story above] when he was around twenty years old. Oddly enough, his penis looked a lot like the young man's penis shown in the picture.
The man who sent the link to the picture above to me sent me a follow up email which read "If you look closely at the picture and enlarge it, the young man has a tear in both eyes and a tear streak running down both sides of his face."
Prior to receiving the link to this picture I had never heard of Theoblaze. Judging from this picture he seems to be a talented painter. I am going to look on the net for my of his work. Is anyone familiar with his work and who he is?
The Organization
In the nineteen tens, my paternal great grandfather joined an organization which he was told was a benevolent organization that assisted poor people financially. While this organization was sound in finances and membership at the time my great grandfather joined, over the span of many years this organization became even stronger in many parts of the world. When my great grandfather's sons became twenty-one years of age, my great grandfather gave them the gift of membership in this organization. They in turn gave this same gift of membership to their sons who were my father and my father's brothers [my uncles]. Similarly, when I, my brothers and all of my paternal male cousins became twenty-one years of age we were also given the gift of membership in this organization.
Other than knowing of this organization neither I or my brothers have ever taken part in any of the organizations activities. In actuality, until about 40 years ago, neither they nor I knew very little about the activities of this organization. Eventually, quite by accident, I found out about some activity that surprised me and not in a good way.
In the year 1978 my paternal grandfather came to visit. At ninety-three years of age, he had driven about eight hundred miles for a visit with the members of my father's family and the members of one of my father's brother's family. My grandfather was in a sense ahead of his time regarding matters involving health and physical fitness. While some of the information he believed about health during his lifetime has sense been disproved, overall his lifestyle and habits caused him to be remarkable strong and healthy well into his nineties. His health didn't start failing until after his one hundred sixth birthday and even though he was not as strong as he once had been, he reached his one hundred eighth birthday and then passed away four days later.
One of my grandfather's abilities was hypnosis and he was remarkably talented in that regard. I found very interesting the way he spoke with people and the private information people who were strangers told him. On one occasion during the late nineteen-seventies when my grandfather was visiting me in my home, my fiance also came to visit. I had been engaged to her for about a month at that time. She was a beautiful woman with green eyes and rich brown hair. Upon meeting her and shaking her hand, my grandfather suddenly had a strange and strained appearance on his face. I remember seeing his face tighten around the eyes as if he suddenly had a pain. Then he turned to me and asked me to show him where the kitchen linens were kept. I accompanied him to the kitchen area where he told me he did not want me to marry my fiance. When I asked him why he told me "because she is a prostitute". I didn't accept or believe his answer which caused him to say "I will cause her to tell you herself."
Thereafter, a period lasting about forty-five minutes involved what became a revealing conversation about my fiance's life. There were disgusting aspects of that conversation I cannot disclose here because of the rules of this forum. Eventually, in response to leading questions by my grandfather, my fiance suddenly and surprisingly said "I am trying to break away but I can't! I can't get away!" Then my fiance turned to me and asked "You will help my get away from those men won't you?" Not understanding completely I stood silently. The silence in the room caused a tense feeling for about twenty seconds then my fiance started sobbing saying "Oh please, please help me. I don't want to be that person any more. Almost in hysterics she yelled, "She doesn't care! She is untrue! She is a liar! She is a bitch! A prostitute! A worthless piece of trash! A whore!!" Then she suddenly looked at me with a frightened facial appearance. She walked quickly toward the front door and then stopped at a small table upon which she placed the engagement ring I had given her. Then she turned and looked at me without an expression on her face. Her exit from my home and my life was quiet. Despite my trying diligently to find her for about a month, I never saw her again.
[To be continued]
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By the math your Grandfather was born in 1885 and died in 1993. That's an incredible life-time but it also includes the ending years of many Civil War soldiers and the younger years of Operation Desert Storm personnel. Incredible ! ! All the technological changes he witnessed in his lifetime...that is amazing.