Question about weight gain/loss


Just Browsing
Apr 5, 2005
This is my first post though I've been lurking around for a few months. I'm not huge like many of the people here, but for the longest time I considered myself to be "average" with a dick somewhere in the 6 inch range. A friend of mine who's huge told me about this site, so I've been reading around, and I find a lot of your posts to be both highly knowledgable and erotic.

Anyway, onto the point of my post: at the end of high school, I found out about the Kinsey study and wanted to see how I measured up. Having not heard anything like "oh my god, you're so huge" from any of the girls I'd had relations with, I wasn't surprised to be almost exactly 6 inches.

Now, after two years at college and a double dose of the "freshman 15," my cock has all but disappeared. It's now down to about 5 inches, and I'm hoping someone here can confirm my thought that this is because of the weight gain. If so, I cannot think of a better motivation to get my ass off the couch!

Suddenly "inadequate" in MA,
Prepare to get off the couch, 10Y2L: Your apparent loss of length is almost certainly due to your weight gain. I don't have any first-hand experience but I think it's pretty well established that less of the penis will be visible (and usable) outside the body as a guy gets paunchier. The good news here is that you haven't *really* lost any of your length ... it's just hiding beneath the body fat you've built up in the last few years.

Good luck ditching the freshman/sophomore 30, dude!

Steve ;)
Yeah most likely its cos of your weight. I have gained a bit of weight and am hardly overweight and it seems like my cock got smaller but I dunno. Maybe its all the bullshit happenin lol. But yeah if you are 'clincally' overweight, according to the BMI (Body-Mass Index) then losing some weight should help. I remember reading every 35lb of 'extra' weight you lose will gain you an inch. So you are 35lb (ish) overweight I assume?

Anyway yeah try losing weight. For some free tips and exercises you can do at home go to and click the train at home thing. 'Deep Pressups' are good.
Wow i'm glad for this bored, i'm in the same boat I gained about the same amount of weight and my dick went from a bit shy of 8 inches to 7 and I was pissed, great motivation for me to lsoe weight, glad it didnt shrink!
I thought it was : A more obese person was to have less length in the penis for some reason... i think it was because the fat will goto the groin and seem to make your dick smaller but its not really smallers its just a shitload of fat covering it up or making the inner-penis pull in some of the outter penis..

Anyone in the average weight area shouldnt have this problem
Originally posted by Heavy@Jun 18 2005, 03:14 AM
I thought it was : A more obese person was to have less length in the penis for some reason... i think it was because the fat will goto the groin and seem to make your dick smaller but its not really smallers its just a shitload of fat covering it up or making the inner-penis pull in some of the outter penis..

Anyone in the average weight area shouldnt have this problem
[post=321787]Quoted post[/post]​

*grabs the banana and chews on it gently*
There've been all to many similar topics here just like yours there, bro. And it is true; weight gain will cause some inches to disappear. Best quick solution? Prepare for an all out battle for weight loss, tho don't to extremes, just find something sensible and keep at it.
Yeah, it definitely was the weight gain! I've lost about 15 pounds since posting this topic, and I've already gained back half an inch! While not much to some of you guys, that's like getting a tenth of it back for me. Funny, with a hint of sad. I've still got about 30 pounds to go before I hit my goal weight, so who knows? I might even end up "above average" after all of this! Since my heart is now stronger too, my stamina has greatly increased as well.... you know? there isn't really a down side to this!

Originally posted by Knight@Jun 7 2005, 06:25 PM
Yeah most likely its cos of your weight. I have gained a bit of weight and am hardly overweight and it seems like my cock got smaller but I dunno. Maybe its all the bullshit happenin lol. But yeah if you are 'clincally' overweight, according to the BMI (Body-Mass Index) then losing some weight should help. I remember reading every 35lb of 'extra' weight you lose will gain you an inch. So you are 35lb (ish) overweight I assume?

Anyway yeah try losing weight. For some free tips and exercises you can do at home go to and click the train at home thing. 'Deep Pressups' are good.
[post=318657]Quoted post[/post]​

BMI is a crock of shit. The problem is that like, they don't take into account yer build and yer bone structure. Like, according to BMI charts, I'm overweight. I'm 6' and 185. But I have an athletic build, and I'm big boned. People think i only weigh 140.

EDIT: Also, congrats on losin the weight dude! What was yer secret?
BMI is certainly a blunt and often imprecise measurement, but for the 95 percent of Americans who aren't particularly muscular it gives a reasonable approximation. I lift weights five days a week so I fall into that other 5 percent ... according to the BMI I'm "obese" at 5'7" and 205 lbs. (I believe the BMI classifies a 5'7" man as overweight at anything above about 160 lbs.)

The thing to do if your BMI reading seems way high is to get a test to determine your percentage body fat, which for young adult males should be in the 8 to 20 percent range. If that comes out on the high side too, then your BMI number probably isn't a fluke and you should try to slim down.

Steve :)
well BMI is used in conjunction with other tests (e.i. skinfold test). and it is just the estimate of body fat amount. and muscle is much heavier than fat..

im 5'5 and 115. i know im underweight but BMI says its ideal.
To the person who asked: the secret to all diets is less food, more excercise. If you go over to, and find their "dieting" article, it makes for a great read. I've reduced my calorie intake to about 1600 a day, when my body needs like 2300 to maintain my fatass weight. In excercising, I'm burning an additional 600 calories... so I'm losing around 1300 calories a day, and around 5 lbs a week! Good luck to anyone else out there with this issue!

It also kinda hurts the accuracy if you're extremely tall (higher BMI than normal) or extremely short (lower BMI than normal). Also, long legs will generally produce a lower BMI than a long trunk in a person of the same height.
I should also be mentioned that fat sometimes collects in the body in some places that it is very hard to remove, especially as we age. This seems true especially of the pubic mound. If I were only 20 or so, don't worry about it. But, if you are older, and have a lot of fat above the penis, see a plastic surgeon about liposuction in that area. DON'T let them talk you into shortening the suspensory ligament, as that can be disastrous (not to mention extemely painful). But lipo can do wonders. BTW: there's nothing wrong with "only" 6 inches, or 5 for that matter. All sizes are good!
I was thinking of starting a separate thread on the topic, "Do fat boys during puberty have short dicks forever?"

Doesn't almost all penile growth occur during puberty, when there's an abundance of special sex-growth hormones? Don't those hormones taper off or disappear after puberty ends? One big variable is that puberty (for your sex organs) can last two years or six years. The original poster may still be going through the final stages of puberty.

My dick stopped at six inches by my 14th birthday, when I was skinny and short for my age, maybe 120 or 125 pounds. Since then I've bulked up to wide shoulders, a 44" inch chest, and my adult weight has ranged between 155 to 210 pounds. All that time, my dick size has remained the same old six inches, almost 7 in girth. Now, when I have a big belly below my chin, the dick LOOKS smaller, because I can't see the base. Both that view, and a view in the mirror, give an optical illusion, so that most of us look a wee bit smaller than we really are.

I think fat boys who go from age 10 to 13 with a lot of excess body fat end up being short-dicked (or shorter than they could have been) for the rest of their life. The explanation is simple: some bio-chemicals are more easily absorbed by one medium than another. Sex-growth hormones might be absobred by excess fat tissue, and never get to the penis.

Shall we start a thread, or a poll? Were you skinny or overweight during puberty? Since most of us on this forum are long-dicked, I'll bet that 85% of us had no excess fat during puberty. Of course, there are exceptions. The mere fact that a kid entered puberty late (and looked teensy in 9th grade, because he was just starting) is not what I'm talking about.
Originally posted by 10years2late@Jul 10 2005, 05:53 PM
To the person who asked: the secret to all diets is less food, more excercise. If you go over to, and find their "dieting" article, it makes for a great read. I've reduced my calorie intake to about 1600 a day, when my body needs like 2300 to maintain my fatass weight. In excercising, I'm burning an additional 600 calories... so I'm losing around 1300 calories a day, and around 5 lbs a week! Good luck to anyone else out there with this issue!

[post=328115]Quoted post[/post]​

I was only interested in what you did to lose weight. I know the key to weight loss, but like, I'm ok. I weigh 185, 6' tall, athletic build and big boned. People think I only weigh 140, it's kinda funny.
just so everyone knows, losing too much weight too fast is really dangerous. You shouldn't lose more than 5 pounds in a week, and it's usually healthier to only lose 2-3 pounds per week. On the other hand, most people don't have to worry about that, cuz you have to go completely totally ridiculously overbaord to do that.

btw, walking briskly for 45 minutes - 1 hour per day is quite possibly the best cardiovascular exercise for you, and the easiest way to lose weight (in conjunction with a healthy diet).
Like the post above this one suggests, I just started walking for about 1-2 hours (4-8 miles) a day, and eating 3 small(er) meals. My reutine of late:

7AM, wake up, walking by 7:15
8:30 Breakfast of a fruit salad and orange juice or flavored water.
12:30 Lunch of a restaurant salad, often Chicken Caeser. I say "restaurant salad" to emphasize that I do not prepare it myself, so I'm not too sure what the ingredients are. Although, once I finish all of the chicken, I only eat the lettuce until I feel full. Because restaurant portions are so huge, I usually wind up with a lot of greens left over!
5PM This is another walk if I have nothing else to do, or cheated during the day or something. Same route as before.
7PM Dinner, often another salad or grilled chicken or something. I take a lower carb approach here for no apparent reason, but intentionally try to monitor the sugar.

For snacks, I eat mixed nuts and drink water. The nuts are something to chew on, and the water fills me up. Again, I stop as soon as I feel full. These portions are about half of what I used to eat, so I think the key for me was to just cut down on intake. FYI: I was 250, 6'1" when I started, now I'm about 225. Over half an inch of my dick has resurfaced! Also, it's a lot more sensitive and hard now (for longer!), and I cum a lot harder.

I hope that helps!