Questioning your bulge

Has anyone ever questioned if your bulge was real or not? I’ve had a few people comment in person/online that I was stuffing.
Nope, as I'm a grow-er, not a show-er. But in a sexually stimulating situation at a lapdance club, a stripper/dancer stopped in her tracks when passing me after another dancer had just gotten me fully hard. She pointed to my erection running down my pantleg and aske me "what was going on there?" I invited her to find out for herself and she ensure I was fully hard for the next few dances I got from her.

All other bulge situations were always with the women I was seeing at the time, so yes, they commented, and yes, they were fully aware that it was 100% all me. Whenever any woman has asked me why I was hard, I always said it was a compliment to them that they were turning me on. That always got a smile, and sometimes a trip to the bedroom for some fun.
Yep, actually had a chick once poke at it thinking it was just a curve in the fabric of my pants. She was pleasantly surprised when it was solid!
... sweet ... where do you find these women - lol !!
  • Haha
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Glad to know I’m not alone lol. I didn’t want to expose the person but I got this comment and was like lmao no. I guess it could look like it but I chalked it up to either jealousy or a troll job. It definitely does sting when people don’t believe you though. 3007387D-33D0-49B3-823B-A8FAB8804DFB.jpeg
Nope, as I'm a grow-er, not a show-er. But in a sexually stimulating situation at a lapdance club, a stripper/dancer stopped in her tracks when passing me after another dancer had just gotten me fully hard. She pointed to my erection running down my pantleg and aske me "what was going on there?" I invited her to find out for herself and she ensure I was fully hard for the next few dances I got from her.

All other bulge situations were always with the women I was seeing at the time, so yes, they commented, and yes, they were fully aware that it was 100% all me. Whenever any woman has asked me why I was hard, I always said it was a compliment to them that they were turning me on. That always got a smile, and sometimes a trip to the bedroom for some fun.
Teach me your ways lmao
Why? Your cock is your cock. Be proud of it. It is yours and there are many people who will love it. Get off the fucking web.
I don't think so. I have Asperger's, and drawing attention to myself from strangers is VERY uncomfortable. I don't mind if close, trusted friends know, but the general public? No.
Many times. The most memorable was when a straight woman thought she would go to a gay bar for some holiday, I think it was July 4th or Labor Day. It was an afternoon party on the patio, and I was wearing some shorts that showed well, but not extreme. She walks up to me and says "Why do you guys stuff your crotch like that? It looks ridiculous!" So I quickly flashed it for her. Her eyes sort of popped out and she gasped. Later on, she's a bit tipsy, and keeps running up to new arrivals as they come in the door, putting her hand on their shoulder, pointing to me, and excitedly saying to them "It's real!!! I've seen it! It's real!" Finally I told her I'm a regular at the bar, and they all know. Poor thing needs to get out of t house more...
I'm surprised I haven't responded to this thread already.

When I was in the Army, a guy asked him if my cock was hard because he couldn't believe my bulge in jeans. (This was before I knew any jeans and underwear for hung men. He also couldn't take my word for it and actually reached out to touch my bulge, pressing against it. When he realized my cock was indeed soft, he left out a soft "Damn." Oh, and we had at least two or three other guys with us at the time. Not one of them commented afterwards, we just went to formation. lol.

Also from my time in the Army, a woman asked a friend of mine if my cock was hard. He said probably not, as he knows I have a large soft cock. She commented that she would probably want to see something so huge, but she wouldn't want to actually do anything with it. Lol.
Walking around the sauna in a towel, guy in a speedo comes up to me and reached under the towel . I tried to see what was in that well packed speedo, he kept pushing my hand away .Third attempt I found half a box of tissues stuffed inside his speedo . Handed them to him , walked away