Re: Best way to increase size.



wilco: hi, i'm very interested in ways to increase my penis seize. if you have some information about how you managed to increase yours, please let me know . my e-mailadress is thanks!
gigantikok: ive spent years enlarging my penis using this particular program and it has worked wonders for me. Gained me a few inches in length and width. Some people say you can find the same info for free on other sites, but that simply is not true. Certain forums and sites may be free, but at the site i am promoting, you get what you pay for. Instructions on how to build safe enlargement devices, instruction video mpegs for almost every excersize (done by yours truly), and some excersizes that are not featured on most free sites. Yea, you can waste your time on free, non informative enlargement sites, or you can pay a lil to get quality. Your choice.
Jimbo: Gigantikok:

I for one have downloaded an EXTENSIVE, well-organized and FREE 37-page manual that describes several types of enlargement exercises (not just jelquing), formulated into progressive programs with training schedules. It even includes "companion" exercises such as kegals and testicular massage techiques which can assist in improving fertiility and male health overall.

As far as needing VIDEOS, the movements are simple enough as to not be necessary in most cases.

I am not saying that your program (of which you finanacially benefit from the link you provide) is not effective, nor well done, nor worth paying for. But, what REAL PROOF do you have that the FREE information is NOT as effective??? To imply that all the FREE information is garbage is just NOT TRUE. Of course there is variabilty in the quality of what is available FREE just as there is in what you can find on the net on the various pay PE sites.
wilco: hi Jimbo,

Thanks for your reply. I wonder if you could send me the info you mentioned? Or give me a link to that site?
stillwantmore22: Jimbo is RIGHT! I'm personally making gains and know other men who are doing so as well based on exercises from the two free forums listed in the first reply in this thread.
biggcg_2003: Hey fellas wazzup...I'm new here so please bear with me.My question is has anyone ever used or know someone who has used one of the penis stretching devices(ie...the trac-man,max-xtender,or the JES extender) for enlargement and with what result?Physiologically I can see how they may all be effective in principle(the penis being made up of spongy,elastic tissue-corpos cavernosum)and when said tissue is stretched causing tiny micro-tears...the body responds by flooding new cells into that area thus repairing the tears and thickening the tissue to better handle the stresses being placed upon it.Please respond to biggcg_2003@yahoo.cok
Finnmark: Suggest you read my post under:

This subject seems to duplicate and overlap a bit ...
tsctsc: Hey Jimbo,
I read your post about downloading an extensive free guide to increasing size (jelqing etc). I couldn't find the address> Would you mind sharing it?
Thanks. I also have used L-arginine & had some luck, but after reading your posts, I'll try an increased amount & also look at the Yohimbe day/night. I will also try taking them on an empty stomach.
Thanks for your tips! As a more 'average' shooter, I'm looking for ways to improve the quantity.
Bike2swim: I've Been using the PeniStretcher for about 2 and a half years now. I've found it not possible to wear it 12 hours a day and believe that that measure is given simply because it is unobtainable and this gives an excuse why the advertized gains are not reached. However, it is a good product and I have made significant gains using it at max. tension for 4 hrs a day.
If the rods keep unscrewing, just tape them with Micropore paper tape available at any drug store. The important conclusion that I have come to is that one must use wts in combination with the PS and pumping. One method just is not going to do it. My email is if you wish to contact me. :D
serj: Hello,

I have had excelent results with VigRX. I went from 5 1/2 to 8 1/4 in 5 months, plus a definite increase in girth. I have tried various jelqing tecniques and didn't see the increase that was stated, maybe I didn't put enough effort into it, I don't know.

rikter8: Dont forget to mention Serj that you OWN the site that you are promoting.

I agree with 9 - you need to stop plastering your site in every thread.

Nobody appreciates a false hope or a scam like pills.
Take the advertisement elsewhere please!

9cyclops9: Well, I think they can work, but not usually by themselves. But they do help a lot when you are doing excercises. The thing I object to is him cluttering up everyone else's threads with his crap advertisement.
