Reconnecting with my Straight Buddy (Part 2)


Legendary Member
Mar 13, 2012
I woke up the next morning with a slight sense of unease. After our encounter, Jake cleaned himself off and stumbled to bed without another word, so I ended up finishing myself off. It was easy, though. I was so turned on by that point, that I came in under a minute.

I wasn't sure how Jake would feel about me sleeping beside him, so I chose the couch. Fortunately, it was comfy, and I found a blanket in a nearby closet.

I rose from the couch and scanned the room. The open bedroom door revealed a pristine space with a perfectly made bed that looked untouched. Either Jake was remarkably meticulous, or I had imagined the whole event.

After a quick wash-up, I stepped outside to a radiant morning. A clear sky and vibrant field greeted me, and I took a moment to absorb the beauty before heading to the main house.

As I entered the living room, a mouth-watering scent filled the air. Bob emerged from the kitchen, holding a platter of sausages, with pancakes, bacon and eggs already on the table.

"Morning, Stephen," Bob said, smiling. "Sleep well?"

"Very well, thank you. Your guesthouse is fantastic. I was just telling Jake how impressed I am with what you've done with it."

"That's good to hear," Bob replied. "Jake's out riding but told me we should start breakfast without him."

"Ah, I see," I said, managing to keep my surprise in check as I sat down.

"So, what's on the agenda for you two today?" he asked.

"Actually, I'm thinking of heading back home," I responded as I took a seat at the table. "You both seem busy, and I don’t want to impose."

"Don’t be silly, we're glad you're here," Bob assured me. “Jake speaks so highly of you and how you flew all the way to LA to live your dream. I always tell him to be a little more adventurous, but he seems happy just being here with me, doing the same old thing. Maybe you can help him break out of his shell a little. You know, try new things.” He then walked over and spooned a large sausage onto my plate.

"Believe me, Jake's more adventurous than you might think," I said, biting my lip.

After breakfast, I courteously told Bob I had to go. As we walked to the door, he insisted on Jake saying goodbye. Scanning the yard, he called for him, but Jake was nowhere to be found. I gave a reassuring smile, telling him it was okay, and then took my leave.

For days, my phone was as useful as a brick—zero texts, zilch from Jake. I'd pretty much convinced myself that he'd regretted the whole thing and didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. So, I didn't text him either.

Then, while I'm in my room dancing full-out to Pon de Replay, pretending I'm Rihanna, my phone vibrates.


It was him! I immediately hit pause on my iPod and stared intently at the single word text. How the hell was I supposed to respond? After agonizing for a few minutes, typing and deleting various replies, I settle on:


Not exactly Pulitzer-worthy, I know. But come on, what else was I supposed to say?

"Sorry I didn’t say bye to you that day. Something came up and I had to handle it."

Uh huh.

"Don’t worry about it," I texted back. "I’m sure you were busy."

It took a full fifteen minutes before he responded. (Yes, I counted)

"Let me make it up to you. I’m at Blockbuster now and Mean Girls is available to rent. You wanna watch it together? I remember you recommending it. No horseback riding, I promise."

Anxiety churned within me, my heart pounding like a drum. How could I possibly turn down an invitation like that?

"Sure. When?"

"I’m free anytime this week. How about tomorrow?"

I couldn't help but grin. Clearly, he was eager to see me. Keep it together, Stephen.

"I should be free. "

"Cool, I’ll be around. Swing by whenever."

I arrived at the main house the next afternoon, having given Jake a heads-up via text an hour earlier. He was waiting outside as I pulled in, dressed in flannel and jeans for once. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal tanned, muscular forearms lightly covered with hair. As soon as I stepped out of the car, his face lit up with a broad smile.

"Good to see you again," he said, pulling me into a friendly hug, which I happily reciprocated. "You want some water or anything? And hey, you like popcorn, right? A movie just isn't the same without it for me."

"Thought I'd give her another go," I said, grinning.

"Really? After that puddle incident, I thought you'd had enough."

"I'm a big believer in second chances," I replied, maintaining my smile. "The first time's just a trial run. The second is when you really dive in."

"I guess we’ll see," he said, his green eyes lighting up.

We made our way to the stables, the aroma of hay and leather permeating the air. Before mounting my horse, I peeled off my shirt, revealing my lean physique. It wasn't as chiseled as Jake's, but I was proud of what countless laps in the community pool had sculpted. I maintained my poise, yet my eyes couldn't help but wander. I caught Jake stealing a few furtive glances in my direction, his eyes quickly darting away each time our gazes nearly met.

Under the guidance of Jake, who effortlessly resumed his role as my riding instructor, we navigated through a course outlined by rustic wooden fences and aged barrels. The afternoon sun seemed almost unforgiving, casting its intense heat upon us and making the leather reins slippery in our grasp. A sheen of sweat started to form on both of our brows that slowly trickled down. By the time we finally dismounted, it was as if we had both run a marathon. Jake's shirt clung to him, soaked through with perspiration, accentuating the muscles he had worked so hard to maintain.

"Shower time?" I ventured. Jake didn't say a word, just nodded, his expression unreadable.

Once the horses were safely returned to their stalls, we walked toward the guest house. The entire journey was wrapped in silence, each step on the gravel pathway amplifying the tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog. It felt as though we were both holding our breath, waiting for something—though what, neither of us seemed to know.

Soon, we returned to the stone shower, but this time, I was the first to remove my clothes. I then stepped in the stone shower and twisted the faucet handle, relishing the sensation as warm water began to cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I turned back at Jake, and our eyes connected for a fleeting moment, his striking green gaze seemingly penetrating my very soul.

"You go ahead," he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I have some errands to run."

The tension that had been building between us quickly evaporated as he turned to leave. What just happened? Everything felt like it was on the right track. Shaking off my disappointment, I returned to my shower.

Back inside the cozy guest house, I sank into the plush couch, deep in thought. What was I doing here, really? Was I just wasting my time? He was clearly not interested in pursuing anything further.

Just as I mustered the resolve to get up and leave, the front door swung open with a flourish. In strode Jake, his arms laden with a large ceramic bowl overflowing with popcorn, a family-sized bag of potato chips, and a six-pack of beer. His shirt was different from the one he had on earlier—this one a fresh, crisp cotton—and his hair had the damp, tousled look of someone who'd just stepped out of a shower.

"Hey man," he greeted me, a slight hint of surprise in his eyes. "Were you about to leave?"

"Uh, no," I responded, a bit too quickly to be convincing. "I was just wondering where you went.”

"I popped over to the main house to grab some snacks. By the way, you're in for a treat later—my dad's cooking up his famous beef bourguignon for dinner. You seriously don't want to miss it.”

Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I sank back into the plush cushions of the sofa. Jake placed his armful of snacks on the coffee table in front of us before sliding in beside me. As I reached for a generous handful of popcorn, I noticed him turning subtly in my direction, a look of interest flickering in his eyes.

"I gotta get something off my chest about the other day," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I’m sorry I went MIA on you like that. It wasn’t cool. But I had a lot on my mind and needed to sort some stuff out."

"Don't sweat it," I said. "I totally understand.”

"Thanks. It's just, you know, it was new territory for me," he continued. "I started thinking about labels and crap, which I can't stand. I don't wanna box myself in, you know? We were both so drunk and everything happened so quickly. I’m having a hard time figuring it out."

"I get it. People love putting others in boxes. Remember when everyone was throwing around the term 'metrosexual' just because a guy cared about how he looked? It’s crazy. People should just be free to be themselves."

"Right on," he said. "I know I like women, no question about that. But every now and then, stuff gets complicated in my head."

He paused, and I waited.

"How did you figure it out?" he finally asked.

"When I started quoting Mean Girls nonstop," I said with my face deadpan.

He erupted into laughter. "Guess I chose the right movie for tonight then, huh?"

“In all seriousness,” I said, “I was only sure after I started exploring with other guys. I grew up thinking I liked girls, and it took me a couple of tries before I realized it wasn’t for me. Am I the first guy you’ve… experimented with?”

He nodded.

"Maybe we jumped the gun then,” I said. “But hey, if you're up for it, we could start fresh, go back to square one.”

"What do you mean?" he asked, an intrigued look crossing his face.

“Well, we know you enjoy having… guests in your backdoor, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you like guys. There are a lot of straight guys who enjoy that. However, have you touched another guy’s dick before?”

“No, but honestly, I’ve thought about it. There’s a guy in my gym who loves walking around the locker room completely naked, showing his dick off for everyone to see. Sometimes, I catch myself wondering what it feels like to jerk him off. But maybe that’s because he’s uncircumcised and I’m not?”

“We call that uncut. Which, by the way, I am too.”

“Really? Can I see it?”

I could see the excitement in his eyes as I unbuttoned my pants and removed my boxers to reveal my semi hard dick, which was growing by the second.

Jake eyed it with curiosity, as though he was looking at a penis for the first time.

“Damn, that’s a lot of skin.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Well, yeah. That’s an uncut dick for you.”

Without saying a word, he reached out with his right hand and grasped it tightly. I felt a shiver go down my spine as his hands wrapped around my dick. His touch was rough, yet warm, and I felt my breathing get heavier as his hand glided up and down my shaft. He then gently pulled back my foreskin and softly caressed the head of my dick with his thumb, causing me to let out a soft moan.

“Is it sensitive?” he asked.

“Quite, but you’re doing fine.”

“Looks like you got a lot of pre-cum too,” he said, swirling his index finger around the tip.

He carried on toying with my dick, stroking and caressing it like it was an interesting new toy. We continued like this for a few more minutes before I spoke again.

“You wanna try sucking it?”

But I detected a moment's hesitation as his gaze met mine, his bright green eyes searching.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’ve just… never done that before. Plus, it’s really big.”

“It’s only a little bigger than yours.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never sucked my own dick before.”

“It’s ok, no pressure.”

“Hold on, let me get comfortable.”

In a flash, all of his clothes were gone. His body was exactly how I remembered it - perfectly smooth, taught with muscle, and as bronze as a sun-kissed field of wheat. I quickly removed the rest of my clothing as well. As he continued jerking me off, I reached over and grabbed his cock with my left hand. It was as hard as steel and warm as a crackling campfire, while leaking pre-cum at a startling rate.

We continued playing with each other’s dicks for several minutes. Then, almost casually, he leaned over and gently licked the tip of my dick. He paused to smack his lips, savoring it as if it were a gourmet dish, before taking another lick.

I couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. It was like watching a grown man discover ice cream for the first time. Eventually, he mustered the courage to place his entire mouth around the tip of my shaft and began sucking it.

I let out a moan as I ran my fingers through his thick brown hair. This seemed to give him the motivation to continue, and he went for it with full vigor. For a first timer, he seemed to know his way around, even if he was only able to work the top half of my cock.

“Fuck, it’s huge,” he said. “I can barely get past the tip.”

“Do you want to switch positions?” I suggested. “That might help.”

He got on his knees in front of me, gripping the base of my dick before resuming. It was remarkable how good Jake was for a beginner. I’d only ever been with a virgin one time, and he struggled with teeth placement and suction - hurdles that Jake cleared with ease. If I had a complaint, it would be that he didn’t know how to use his tongue. However, I kept that thought to myself. It was enough just watching him slurp on my dick with such expertise.

“You’re doing great,” I said, groaning with pleasure. “Keep going.”

Instead, he lifted my dick up and began sucking on my nuts one at a time. He started out slightly apprehensive at first, just like how he was with my dick, but after a few minutes, he was savoring them like two pieces of delicious candy. The warmth and wetness of his mouth, together with the slight prickliness of his stubble as it brushed against my balls, was an unbelievable sensation. I swear, a bomb could have dropped on us at that moment and I wouldn’t have noticed.

“Don’t stop,” I gasped, “please don’t stop.”

Eventually, he brought his attention back to my dick, but this time, he seemed more determined than ever to fit the entirety of it in his mouth, pushing it deeper into his throat. My body quivered with each motion as I got closer to reaching the point of no return.

“I’m about to bust,” I grunted.

“Not yet,” he said with a grin. “I’m not done.”

“I don’t know how much longer I can last,” I said weakly.

As committed as he was, Jake was still unable to fit my entire dick in his mouth. He even gagged several times, which only turned me even more. The final straw was when he looked up at me with an intense stare and a mouth full of my dick.

“I’m gonna cum.”

He retracted and pulled my dick out just as I climaxed, raining cum all over his face. It was like uncorking a champagne bottle, as thick gray liquid splashed onto his forehead, cheeks, and mouth. Some even got onto his hair.

“That’s a lot of cum,” he chuckled. “Almost as much as mine.”

I paused for a few moments to collect my thoughts before posing my next question.

“Do you want to cum too?”

“Hell yeah.”

Jake picked himself off the floor and hopped on the couch, standing in front of me with his dick a few inches from my face. As he jerked himself off, I opened my mouth wide, waiting to receive him. A few seconds later, he let out a loud grunt and came all over my face like a science fair volcano. There was so much jizz that by the time he was done, I could feel it dripping down my chin. Letting a satisfied sigh, Jake slumped back onto the seat next to me. We both settled into the couch, reveling in the residual glow.

“So, what do you want to try next?”
I’m a married man with family in my late 30s, I read the story and I am so curious about sucking a dick. Ive never tried anything with a man before because i love my family but i am so intrigued that I want to do it. But I don't even know how to find a person willing to do it wothout any cpmpromises, I’m just curios.
I’m a married man with family in my late 30s, I read the story and I am so curious about sucking a dick. Ive never tried anything with a man before because i love my family but i am so intrigued that I want to do it. But I don't even know how to find a person willing to do it wothout any cpmpromises, I’m just curios.
Use the computer
  • Haha
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Can't believe I'm saying this BUT this is the kind of thing that can end marriages. You should think about whether satisfying your curiosity is worth potentially ending your marriage before acting. I'm also a fan of honesty with your partner. Maybe she would be open to experimenting together. But doing it behind her back is a recipe for failure.
Well said
I’m a married man with family in my late 30s, I read the story and I am so curious about sucking a dick. Ive never tried anything with a man before because i love my family but i am so intrigued that I want to do it. But I don't even know how to find a person willing to do it wothout any cpmpromises, I’m just curios.
Whatever you do, move slowly, be cautious, have fun and play safe.
I woke up the next morning with a slight sense of unease. After our encounter, Jake cleaned himself off and stumbled to bed without another word, so I ended up finishing myself off. It was easy, though. I was so turned on by that point, that I came in under a minute.

I wasn't sure how Jake would feel about me sleeping beside him, so I chose the couch. Fortunately, it was comfy, and I found a blanket in a nearby closet.

I rose from the couch and scanned the room. The open bedroom door revealed a pristine space with a perfectly made bed that looked untouched. Either Jake was remarkably meticulous, or I had imagined the whole event.

After a quick wash-up, I stepped outside to a radiant morning. A clear sky and vibrant field greeted me, and I took a moment to absorb the beauty before heading to the main house.

As I entered the living room, a mouth-watering scent filled the air. Bob emerged from the kitchen, holding a platter of sausages, with pancakes, bacon and eggs already on the table.

"Morning, Stephen," Bob said, smiling. "Sleep well?"

"Very well, thank you. Your guesthouse is fantastic. I was just telling Jake how impressed I am with what you've done with it."

"That's good to hear," Bob replied. "Jake's out riding but told me we should start breakfast without him."

"Ah, I see," I said, managing to keep my surprise in check as I sat down.

"So, what's on the agenda for you two today?" he asked.

"Actually, I'm thinking of heading back home," I responded as I took a seat at the table. "You both seem busy, and I don’t want to impose."

"Don’t be silly, we're glad you're here," Bob assured me. “Jake speaks so highly of you and how you flew all the way to LA to live your dream. I always tell him to be a little more adventurous, but he seems happy just being here with me, doing the same old thing. Maybe you can help him break out of his shell a little. You know, try new things.” He then walked over and spooned a large sausage onto my plate.

"Believe me, Jake's more adventurous than you might think," I said, biting my lip.

After breakfast, I courteously told Bob I had to go. As we walked to the door, he insisted on Jake saying goodbye. Scanning the yard, he called for him, but Jake was nowhere to be found. I gave a reassuring smile, telling him it was okay, and then took my leave.

For days, my phone was as useful as a brick—zero texts, zilch from Jake. I'd pretty much convinced myself that he'd regretted the whole thing and didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. So, I didn't text him either.

Then, while I'm in my room dancing full-out to Pon de Replay, pretending I'm Rihanna, my phone vibrates.


It was him! I immediately hit pause on my iPod and stared intently at the single word text. How the hell was I supposed to respond? After agonizing for a few minutes, typing and deleting various replies, I settle on:


Not exactly Pulitzer-worthy, I know. But come on, what else was I supposed to say?

"Sorry I didn’t say bye to you that day. Something came up and I had to handle it."

Uh huh.

"Don’t worry about it," I texted back. "I’m sure you were busy."

It took a full fifteen minutes before he responded. (Yes, I counted)

"Let me make it up to you. I’m at Blockbuster now and Mean Girls is available to rent. You wanna watch it together? I remember you recommending it. No horseback riding, I promise."

Anxiety churned within me, my heart pounding like a drum. How could I possibly turn down an invitation like that?

"Sure. When?"

"I’m free anytime this week. How about tomorrow?"

I couldn't help but grin. Clearly, he was eager to see me. Keep it together, Stephen.

"I should be free. "

"Cool, I’ll be around. Swing by whenever."

I arrived at the main house the next afternoon, having given Jake a heads-up via text an hour earlier. He was waiting outside as I pulled in, dressed in flannel and jeans for once. His sleeves were rolled up to reveal tanned, muscular forearms lightly covered with hair. As soon as I stepped out of the car, his face lit up with a broad smile.

"Good to see you again," he said, pulling me into a friendly hug, which I happily reciprocated. "You want some water or anything? And hey, you like popcorn, right? A movie just isn't the same without it for me."

"Thought I'd give her another go," I said, grinning.

"Really? After that puddle incident, I thought you'd had enough."

"I'm a big believer in second chances," I replied, maintaining my smile. "The first time's just a trial run. The second is when you really dive in."

"I guess we’ll see," he said, his green eyes lighting up.

We made our way to the stables, the aroma of hay and leather permeating the air. Before mounting my horse, I peeled off my shirt, revealing my lean physique. It wasn't as chiseled as Jake's, but I was proud of what countless laps in the community pool had sculpted. I maintained my poise, yet my eyes couldn't help but wander. I caught Jake stealing a few furtive glances in my direction, his eyes quickly darting away each time our gazes nearly met.

Under the guidance of Jake, who effortlessly resumed his role as my riding instructor, we navigated through a course outlined by rustic wooden fences and aged barrels. The afternoon sun seemed almost unforgiving, casting its intense heat upon us and making the leather reins slippery in our grasp. A sheen of sweat started to form on both of our brows that slowly trickled down. By the time we finally dismounted, it was as if we had both run a marathon. Jake's shirt clung to him, soaked through with perspiration, accentuating the muscles he had worked so hard to maintain.

"Shower time?" I ventured. Jake didn't say a word, just nodded, his expression unreadable.

Once the horses were safely returned to their stalls, we walked toward the guest house. The entire journey was wrapped in silence, each step on the gravel pathway amplifying the tension that hung in the air like a heavy fog. It felt as though we were both holding our breath, waiting for something—though what, neither of us seemed to know.

Soon, we returned to the stone shower, but this time, I was the first to remove my clothes. I then stepped in the stone shower and twisted the faucet handle, relishing the sensation as warm water began to cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I turned back at Jake, and our eyes connected for a fleeting moment, his striking green gaze seemingly penetrating my very soul.

"You go ahead," he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I have some errands to run."

The tension that had been building between us quickly evaporated as he turned to leave. What just happened? Everything felt like it was on the right track. Shaking off my disappointment, I returned to my shower.

Back inside the cozy guest house, I sank into the plush couch, deep in thought. What was I doing here, really? Was I just wasting my time? He was clearly not interested in pursuing anything further.

Just as I mustered the resolve to get up and leave, the front door swung open with a flourish. In strode Jake, his arms laden with a large ceramic bowl overflowing with popcorn, a family-sized bag of potato chips, and a six-pack of beer. His shirt was different from the one he had on earlier—this one a fresh, crisp cotton—and his hair had the damp, tousled look of someone who'd just stepped out of a shower.

"Hey man," he greeted me, a slight hint of surprise in his eyes. "Were you about to leave?"

"Uh, no," I responded, a bit too quickly to be convincing. "I was just wondering where you went.”

"I popped over to the main house to grab some snacks. By the way, you're in for a treat later—my dad's cooking up his famous beef bourguignon for dinner. You seriously don't want to miss it.”

Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I sank back into the plush cushions of the sofa. Jake placed his armful of snacks on the coffee table in front of us before sliding in beside me. As I reached for a generous handful of popcorn, I noticed him turning subtly in my direction, a look of interest flickering in his eyes.

"I gotta get something off my chest about the other day," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I’m sorry I went MIA on you like that. It wasn’t cool. But I had a lot on my mind and needed to sort some stuff out."

"Don't sweat it," I said. "I totally understand.”

"Thanks. It's just, you know, it was new territory for me," he continued. "I started thinking about labels and crap, which I can't stand. I don't wanna box myself in, you know? We were both so drunk and everything happened so quickly. I’m having a hard time figuring it out."

"I get it. People love putting others in boxes. Remember when everyone was throwing around the term 'metrosexual' just because a guy cared about how he looked? It’s crazy. People should just be free to be themselves."

"Right on," he said. "I know I like women, no question about that. But every now and then, stuff gets complicated in my head."

He paused, and I waited.

"How did you figure it out?" he finally asked.

"When I started quoting Mean Girls nonstop," I said with my face deadpan.

He erupted into laughter. "Guess I chose the right movie for tonight then, huh?"

“In all seriousness,” I said, “I was only sure after I started exploring with other guys. I grew up thinking I liked girls, and it took me a couple of tries before I realized it wasn’t for me. Am I the first guy you’ve… experimented with?”

He nodded.

"Maybe we jumped the gun then,” I said. “But hey, if you're up for it, we could start fresh, go back to square one.”

"What do you mean?" he asked, an intrigued look crossing his face.

“Well, we know you enjoy having… guests in your backdoor, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you like guys. There are a lot of straight guys who enjoy that. However, have you touched another guy’s dick before?”

“No, but honestly, I’ve thought about it. There’s a guy in my gym who loves walking around the locker room completely naked, showing his dick off for everyone to see. Sometimes, I catch myself wondering what it feels like to jerk him off. But maybe that’s because he’s uncircumcised and I’m not?”

“We call that uncut. Which, by the way, I am too.”

“Really? Can I see it?”

I could see the excitement in his eyes as I unbuttoned my pants and removed my boxers to reveal my semi hard dick, which was growing by the second.

Jake eyed it with curiosity, as though he was looking at a penis for the first time.

“Damn, that’s a lot of skin.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Well, yeah. That’s an uncut dick for you.”

Without saying a word, he reached out with his right hand and grasped it tightly. I felt a shiver go down my spine as his hands wrapped around my dick. His touch was rough, yet warm, and I felt my breathing get heavier as his hand glided up and down my shaft. He then gently pulled back my foreskin and softly caressed the head of my dick with his thumb, causing me to let out a soft moan.

“Is it sensitive?” he asked.

“Quite, but you’re doing fine.”

“Looks like you got a lot of pre-cum too,” he said, swirling his index finger around the tip.

He carried on toying with my dick, stroking and caressing it like it was an interesting new toy. We continued like this for a few more minutes before I spoke again.

“You wanna try sucking it?”

But I detected a moment's hesitation as his gaze met mine, his bright green eyes searching.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’ve just… never done that before. Plus, it’s really big.”

“It’s only a little bigger than yours.”

“Yeah, but I’ve never sucked my own dick before.”

“It’s ok, no pressure.”

“Hold on, let me get comfortable.”

In a flash, all of his clothes were gone. His body was exactly how I remembered it - perfectly smooth, taught with muscle, and as bronze as a sun-kissed field of wheat. I quickly removed the rest of my clothing as well. As he continued jerking me off, I reached over and grabbed his cock with my left hand. It was as hard as steel and warm as a crackling campfire, while leaking pre-cum at a startling rate.

We continued playing with each other’s dicks for several minutes. Then, almost casually, he leaned over and gently licked the tip of my dick. He paused to smack his lips, savoring it as if it were a gourmet dish, before taking another lick.

I couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. It was like watching a grown man discover ice cream for the first time. Eventually, he mustered the courage to place his entire mouth around the tip of my shaft and began sucking it.

I let out a moan as I ran my fingers through his thick brown hair. This seemed to give him the motivation to continue, and he went for it with full vigor. For a first timer, he seemed to know his way around, even if he was only able to work the top half of my cock.

“Fuck, it’s huge,” he said. “I can barely get past the tip.”

“Do you want to switch positions?” I suggested. “That might help.”

He got on his knees in front of me, gripping the base of my dick before resuming. It was remarkable how good Jake was for a beginner. I’d only ever been with a virgin one time, and he struggled with teeth placement and suction - hurdles that Jake cleared with ease. If I had a complaint, it would be that he didn’t know how to use his tongue. However, I kept that thought to myself. It was enough just watching him slurp on my dick with such expertise.

“You’re doing great,” I said, groaning with pleasure. “Keep going.”

Instead, he lifted my dick up and began sucking on my nuts one at a time. He started out slightly apprehensive at first, just like how he was with my dick, but after a few minutes, he was savoring them like two pieces of delicious candy. The warmth and wetness of his mouth, together with the slight prickliness of his stubble as it brushed against my balls, was an unbelievable sensation. I swear, a bomb could have dropped on us at that moment and I wouldn’t have noticed.

“Don’t stop,” I gasped, “please don’t stop.”

Eventually, he brought his attention back to my dick, but this time, he seemed more determined than ever to fit the entirety of it in his mouth, pushing it deeper into his throat. My body quivered with each motion as I got closer to reaching the point of no return.

“I’m about to bust,” I grunted.

“Not yet,” he said with a grin. “I’m not done.”

“I don’t know how much longer I can last,” I said weakly.

As committed as he was, Jake was still unable to fit my entire dick in his mouth. He even gagged several times, which only turned me even more. The final straw was when he looked up at me with an intense stare and a mouth full of my dick.

“I’m gonna cum.”

He retracted and pulled my dick out just as I climaxed, raining cum all over his face. It was like uncorking a champagne bottle, as thick gray liquid splashed onto his forehead, cheeks, and mouth. Some even got onto his hair.

“That’s a lot of cum,” he chuckled. “Almost as much as mine.”

I paused for a few moments to collect my thoughts before posing my next question.

“Do you want to cum too?”

“Hell yeah.”

Jake picked himself off the floor and hopped on the couch, standing in front of me with his dick a few inches from my face. As he jerked himself off, I opened my mouth wide, waiting to receive him. A few seconds later, he let out a loud grunt and came all over my face like a science fair volcano. There was so much jizz that by the time he was done, I could feel it dripping down my chin. Letting a satisfied sigh, Jake slumped back onto the seat next to me. We both settled into the couch, reveling in the residual glow.

“So, what do you want to try next?”
This is incredible. Incredible.
The straight friend fantasy is getting old these straight guys fuck with gay guys way more now the straight boy fantasy is dead
If you think it's dead or you don't like it at all that's your prerogative I won't argue with you on that I just don't get why you're here out of all places you could have gone you choose a place that you didn't like and not something you would enjoy do you think leaving things like that is gonna really change anything? because people are still do or have fantasies like this it's all over lpsg and if one person says I don't like it doesn't make any difference so why don't you put that energy into something that you love or enjoy instead of something that makes you like this.
If you think it's dead or you don't like it at all that's your prerogative I won't argue with you on that I just don't get why you're here out of all places you could have gone you choose a place that you didn't like and not something you would enjoy do you think leaving things like that is gonna really change anything? because people are still do or have fantasies like this it's all over lpsg and if one person says I don't like it doesn't make any difference so why don't you put that energy into something that you love or enjoy instead of something that makes you like this.
It just gets old the “straight friend” fantasy when all these “straight” men are just closeted makes them nothing special anymore
It just gets old the “straight friend” fantasy when all these “straight” men are just closeted makes them nothing special anymore
I understand and I do think some “straight" guys maybe gay at times but it isn't up to you or anybody to decide if they are closeted or not it's personal stuff to them only and should be respected not forced upon it just gives the wrong impression that all gays are like that when in reality some are not so just understand respect the boundaries when needed don't push.
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