Return To The Class In Cocksucking (m/m)


Legendary Member
Apr 2, 2007
Newcastle upon Tyne (England)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Here is a follow-up to a short (fantasy) story I posted here in 2017. Stud Nick goes back to the unconventional school where he was the model for a public exhibition/lesson in fellatio...


Nick was a narcissist. He had never really thought of himself as gay and got off on himself as much as anything. He was 31 now. His good genes gave him an enviably V-shaped body, a light dusting of hair on his well-developed pectorals, short-cropped dark brown hair and, because he still watched what he ate and drank, the hint of a six pack around his stomach.

It had been a year since he’d volunteered as the “model” at Liberty House’s Class in Cocksucking and had been happy to get sucked off in front of an audience by a bloke. Since then the class had achieved a certain notoriety in certain circles. Nick had been considering his sexuality: he realised he was curious and ready for something new. What is it like to actually suck a cock? Well, why not? he asked himself.

So here he was again, back at Liberty House in a large, brightly-lit windowless room. It was warm and there were about twenty semi-naked men (all quite young and fit) sitting on black leather sofas facing the platform where it all happened. Nick recognised that the tutor once again was fifty-something Andy, who obviously worked hard at his own health and fitness.

The model’s name was Craig. Nick thought he looked thirtyish. He had certainly been to the gym but probably wasn’t a steroid user – no six-pack but with well-defined muscles, medium height, sandy hair and a broad, clean-shaven face. The dark, wiry and angelically innocent-looking Pavel – who had sucked Nick so expertly last time he was here – had his tongue against a cock that was thicker than any of the dozen or so Nick had seen in his lifetime. But you didn’t see most of them hard, he reminded himself. He had forgotten how good-looking the twenty-something Pavel was. As they all watched, Pavel ran his tongue up the solid shaft and up to the base of the slit.

“You might already know that the point that Pavel’s tongue is probing is called the frenulum. A very sensitive spot, certainly if you’re uncircumcised,” explained Andy.

It seemed that, getting ready to do Craig, Pavel couldn’t wait. As soon as Andy stopped speaking, he came up on his knees and raised his head and throated the top third of Craig’s cock. The diameter of Craig’s dick made it look as if even he – a professional sucker – was struggling a little to fit it in.

“How long you can tease your man before you go into the main event depends on the person and the circumstances. This time, Pavel thought that wasn’t long! You have to judge it,” continued Andy.

Now Pavel was sucking in earnest and they could hear Craig groaning. Nick saw that most people in the room had taken their cocks out of their briefs (those who were wearing them) and were stroking them.

“Your challenge is that, if you’re really good, the suckee will cum within a few minutes of you starting to suck him, which usually isn’t what you or he wants. It can be great if he’s a multiple cummer and wants to just release the pressure. In those cases you can just wait a few minutes and go again. Most men don’t like to shoot too quickly and there are various ways to avoid bringing them off prematurely.”

As Andy said this, Pavel took Craig’s cock out of his mouth and it twitched slightly for a second as if he had just been about to shoot.

“Don’t spend all your time on the head. If you move to the balls and tease up and down the shaft, he won’t cum until you’re ready. You’ll also increase his anticipation for when your mouth goes back to the head.”

Pavel followed Andy’s words and snaked his tongue up and down Craig’s rigid shaft for a few seconds.

“Switch between sucking his cock head and licking the shaft. When you’re on the head, keep varying the speed and pressure. Just going up and down with full suction won’t work for most guys. And do watch your teeth! With very few exceptions, guys don’t like to be bitten: do it all with your lips, tongue and throat.”

Pavel resumed sucking Craig’s cock head eagerly. It was only a few seconds before Craig leaned down to mutter something to Pavel, and Pavel stopped again. Nick guessed that he had warned Pavel he was about to cum, as Pavel then began licking and sucking Craig’s balls with relish.

“As you see, you have to remember his balls. They might not be such an erogenous zone as the cock, but most men appreciate them being licked and gently sucked. And, suckees, don’t forget to motivate your sucker. Unless you’re too overcome to speak, say ‘yes’ or ‘that’s great’ when he’s doing it right. You can grab his head, run your hands through his hair if he has any, but don’t force his head down on your cock unless he’s already told you he’s into that.”

For a few more minutes Pavel alternated between Craig’s cock head, his shaft and his balls. Pavel’s own longish cock was hard and protruded from the top of his underwear. Nick hadn’t touched his own cock but it was at least semi just from watching this, and he had to adjust its angle in his briefs.

“Right. It should be obvious when your suckee’s orgasm is approaching. His dick will get harder, his breathing speeds up, and many men will sweat heavily. By agreeing to suck him you’re obliged to give him the best experience you can. So unless he tells you otherwise – that he wants to cum on your face or elsewhere – you will take his cum in your mouth and swallow it.”
Part 2

Andy looked around and saw his audience jerking themselves. “Don’t forget. Wait for it! No shooting off yet.”

“Where do you want to cum?” Pavel asked Craig. He had a faint Eastern European accent and a surprisingly deep voice.

“On your face,” said Craig hoarsely. “But keep sucking right up to then.”

“One thing to watch for with facials,” said Andy, “If your man is a real shooter – and, when you’re good, a lot of them will be – you have to make sure he doesn’t cum in your eyes. A lot of men can shoot at twenty miles an hour and a shot in the eye is painful!

“You might all want to move a bit closer to study Pavel’s technique. Please don’t touch him, though – a finger in his ass like we had last time is distracting.”

Most of the men in the room thought this was a good idea. Nick joined the crowd around Pavel and Craig as Pavel expertly deep-throated Craig again, tightening his lips around the thick shaft of Craig’s cock. He noticed one bearish-looking man’s hands wavering around Pavel’s shapely ass as he struggled to keep them off the young man’s body.

“You can’t really see it, but Pavel is massaging Craig’s cock head with his tongue, paying particular attention to the slit, or the meatus as it’s called. Once Craig reaches a certain level of excitement, Pavel can make him cum very quickly that way.”

As he spoke, Craig let out a loud groan. Pavel took Craig’s cock out of his mouth just as it started to spout cum, closing his eyes and tipping his head back so that the thick white fluid squirted onto his cheeks and around his open mouth. Craig shot with some force. Pavel had to close his eyes and they could see Craig’s cum going up his nose and running down his cheeks. While Craig kept cumming, Pavel jerked him with his hand and touched his tongue to the slit to catch as much as he could. As soon as Craig’s cock stopped jerking, Pavel licked his lips and then took the now-drooping dickhead into his mouth to catch the last drops of jism. Craig smiled but winced slightly at this.

“As some of you will know, a lot of men are very sensitive straight after cumming,” said Andy with an evil grin. “Not all of them will like you sucking the last of the cum out of them. Craig happens to enjoy it!”

“That was fucking brilliant,” agreed Craig, flicking sweat off his forehead.

Like the cum-hound they knew he was, Pavel wiped his face with his hand and then licked the spunk off his hand.

“Now,” Andy went on. “Let’s have a practical exercise. Nick B: you were one of our suckees a while ago and have said you’re curious about what it’s like the other way round. Let’s take the next step to teaching you how to suck a cock. Bearing in mind what we’ve just seen and said, will you do Pavel for us? He’s ‘oral versatile’ and, as you can see, has got very horny today.”

They could see that Pavel’s long thin cock was still painfully hard and sticking out of the top of his briefs. A lot of the other men around the room were now fondling their partners but only one or two had started their own blowjobs: the others all wanted to see the show.

“Just as background Nick, could you tell us a bit about yourself?”

“Well, I’m thirty-one. Like to keep fit. Would have called myself straight until recently – now, well, maybe bi-curious? Always loved getting sucked off, didn’t really care what sex the sucker was, although blokes do seem to be better at it. Lately I’ve wondered what it’s like for the other bloke or girl. What it would be like to have a dick in my mouth.”

“But are you willing to commit to this? Going all the way, that is. If you’re not sure, I can ask somebody else.”

Nick hesitated for a second but then said yes, he was sure.

“Pavel is easier to suck off than some,” explained Andy. “because his cock isn’t too thick but he has a high sex drive, never any trouble getting a hardon or cumming. He doesn’t smoke, eats a lot of fruit and I’m told his cum tastes great.”

Andy gestured towards Pavel and, with a strange mixture of excitement and shame, Nick got on his knees in front of the young man.

“Ok. As you’re a beginner, Nick, start with Pavel’s balls and then make your way up the shaft. And, class, don’t forget – you are not allowed to cum yet. Anyone who does must leave the class for the current session.”

As Nick edged towards Pavel he got a faint whiff of fresh sweat (a smell he knew well from his own body) and then, as his tongue touched Pavel’s balls, just a hint of piss.

Too late to back out now, he told himself, unless you want to look a complete twat.

Pavel had pulled down his briefs to give Nick easier access and he was certainly into this – his cock was vertical and rock hard as only a young man’s can be. Hesitantly Nick ran his tongue over the tight skin of Pavel’s testicles and then the base of his cock, slowly going higher. Is that pre-cum you can taste now? he wondered.

Nervous as he was, he had to admit that this was exciting. His own cock was also pointing straight up, protruding from his briefs even though he had touched it only briefly to adjust its angle while watching Pavel suck off Craig.

“Ok Nick, tease him a bit and then go for it,” instructed Andy.

Nick did. It was a weird feeling to do to someone else what he had enjoyed so many times as the recipient. Pavel’s cock was long (approaching eight inches, he guessed) and had a mushroom-shaped head but the shaft wasn’t too thick and the head slipped easily into his mouth. The head was silky smooth and slid easily down his throat.

“A bit of tongue but not too much suction, Nick.” said Andy. Pavel nodded.

Nick went on that way for a couple of minutes, gradually getting used to the sensation of the cock in his throat and the surprising feeling of power it gave him. Now he could definitely taste pre-cum.

He realised something and slipped Pavel’s cock out of his mouth. “I forgot to ask – where do you want to cum?” To his surprise, his own voice sounded slightly hoarse and, he thought, wavered slightly. Am I turning into a proper sub?

“In your mouth and throat,” said Pavel with a wicked grin.

“Ok,” said Nick and resumed sucking.

Pavel’s breathing gradually got heavier. He looked around at the audience (most of whom were still slowly wanking, one or two sucking each other) and grinned broadly. His cock twitched in Nick’s mouth.

“Nearly there,” gasped Pavel. “Keep going!”

A few seconds later his cock jerked spasmodically and started shooting his load into Nick’s throat.

Wow, thought Nick, Tastes fucking weird… But he kept bobbing his head, dutifully swallowed, and gave a couple of token licks at Pavel’s slit as the jerking stopped.

“How was that for you both, then?” asked Andy.

“A…new experience,” said Nick, who couldn’t yet get to grips with his feelings about it.

“Not bad!” said Pavel, smiling.

“Ok. We have an hour left so we’ll switch to our second sucker, Tom and come back to you later, Nick. The subject this time is John.”
The final instalment.

Part 3

John was different from the other models they had seen, middle-aged and bearded but still more fit than fat. Like Pavel he had a long, thin cock but, unlike most of the men’s there, it was circumcised. Andy went into a description of how to handle a circumcised dick, avoiding too much friction and adding an edible lube if necessary.

Tom was short, fair and muscular with a beaming smile and a leisurely approach to his cocksucking that still seemed to work brilliantly. John came very quickly and loudly, shouting and yelling Oh, fuck as he shot across Tom’s face.

They had a tea break which, like last time, seemed odd but welcome. The unassuming Arthur from last year was still serving the tea and, once again, looked reluctant to leave after collecting the used cups and saucers.

“Ok Nick,” said Andy. “You told us you weren’t a quitter, so I think it’s time for you to try a harder challenge, if you’ll pardon the expression. Paul has volunteered to be our next subject.”

Paul was a tall black man – extremely tall, as Nick saw as Paul slowly got up from the sofa. His his arms and legs seemed to keep extending for several seconds! His face was clean shaven, his skin very dark and he must have been at least six feet six with an impressive trim, V-shaped body and thick thighs.

“Pleased to meet you, Nick,” he said, stretching out a hand. “Hope you don’t find me too much of a cliché!” This was politeness Nick hadn’t seen or heard for a long time and Paul also had a noticeably refined “RP” voice. Nick wondered if Paul identified as gay and, if so, how his obviously well-off family reacted if and when he “came out” to them.

“Thanks. I don’t know what to say to that!” he admitted.

“Paul – could you give Nick a look at what he’ll have to manage?” asked Andy.

“Does anybody here have a small one?” Nick asked Andy as Paul peeled down the front of his bright blue briefs. It was clearly soft but, like Paul’s arms and legs, went on a long way.

“One or two,” said Andy. “but our students and pupils all tend to have high sex drives. The theory is that there’s a correlation between that and cock size.”

Nick clapped his hands commandingly and called to the others “Gather round! This is going to be a good one.”

Paul pulled his pants up again and stepped up onto the small platform. Andy helpfully passed Nick a small glass of water, which he downed before following Paul.

“Right, Nick. Start by asking Paul where he wants to cum. And there’s something in the class notes which I didn’t mention earlier because Pavel isn’t into it: the finger in the ass.”

“I would like to cum in your mouth,” responded Paul, smiling, “With light pressure until I finish – which usually takes a few seconds when there’s a lot there – and yes, a little bit of anal stimulation just adds to it.”

“As you’ll know,” said Andy “for some men, manual stimulation by fingering their hole is a turn-on. For others it’s the opposite, so be sure to find out beforehand or just after you start. Some blokes might be too polite to tell you they don’t like it, but it could still spoil the experience.”

Nick started by nuzzling Paul’s bulge through his briefs. Immediately it started to grow, and he wondered what he’d let himself in for. Nick had never lacked confidence but again felt his cheeks burning with that unaccustomed mixture of excitement and embarrassment.

As Paul’s briefs continued tenting outwards, Nick pulled out the waistband to reveal the weapon, which sprang to attention at around an 80 degree angle.

“How do I get my mouth round that?” Nick asked Andy and the rest of the room.

“Just practice,” responded Andy.

Paul’s cock was almost frighteningly thick and getting thicker. Nick felt his own cock struggling to get out, and quickly adjusted it.

This time he was able to lick and nibble the foreskin before it retracted from the head as the whole thing grew. As with Pavel it was clean, and this time with just a trace of piss – no precum yet. I can fix that, he thought.

By stretching his lips, Nick could get the girth of Paul’s cock into his throat and about half of its length, but it was still growing. The head was now so big and mushroom-shaped that it no longer really fitted. He kept going for a few seconds, and then on each upstroke he tasted precum. Paul started to moan softly, deep in his chest. Nick tried to go down further but the prodigious weapon touched the back of his throat and he started to gag, so had to ease off.

“The best cocksuckers have no gag reflex but it’s not an aspect you can really train – you either have that or you don’t.” explained Andy. “Don’t forget the finger.” he reminded Nick.

Nick carefully inserted his index finger into Paul’s ring and was immediately rewarded with a twitch and a grunt.

“Ahh. That feels fucking lekker. Keep going.”

Nick could sense all the men around him wanking and sucking and suddenly felt himself overtaken by waves of lust. I’ve got his great big hog down my throat. Making him feel so good he’s going to shoot all his stuff into me.

Both his hands went round Paul’s muscular ass cheeks so he could try to control Paul’s measured thrusting. He started to choke again and had to ease off, but there was no way he was going to stop.

“So good. Gonna get my jizz, boy.” Paul was thrusting more strongly now and his pre-cum coated Nick’s throat. He was glad he’d drunk that water. Physically uncomfortable as it was, Nick didn’t want this to end.

With a grunt and a deep, descending sound that sounded almost triumphant, Paul started to pump his cum into Nick’s gullet. Nick pulled back slightly so that the great head was in his mouth and he could taste the jism – an extraordinary flavour, not unpleasant but quite spiritous. It seemed to keep coming for a long time while he kept mouthing and tonguing the thick shaft. He did his best to swallow it all, b ut couldn’t help coughing a little.

At last Paul was finished, and Nick let the softening but still impressive weapon fall from his lips. It’s a beautiful sight, he told himself, and you did want to taste his cum.

Was he now addicted?

(The End)