

Legendary Member
May 29, 2021
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Chapter 1
The plane began to land and Sam was getting excited. This weekend he was going to visit his old college for a football game and some of his oldest friends would be there. The team was currently ranked in the top ten nationally and playing a conference rival in the top five. It was a big game and one that would come with a sold-out stadium, even bigger crowd outside tailgating, and the still warm yet mild fall temperature found in the deep south.

Sam grew up a small town guy who was the first in his family to attend college and he managed to make the most of it. He had a great group of friends, enjoyed the girls on campus with some returning the favor, and kept good grades that helped him land a job out west shortly after graduation. Sam left home, met his future wife, married her and moved to the suburbs when his first daughter was born. At fifty years old, Sam’s daughters were almost independent adults and while he was proud of them, it hit him just how old he was now.

Upon landing, Sam was renting a car to drive the hour and twenty minutes to the small town where the university was located. He was meeting his old roommate Joey who was driving to campus from about four hours away that day. They had a three night stay planned before Sam would be flying back home. Joey didn’t have kids and his wife wasn’t coming so Sam looked forward to just some one on one time with his old friend who he barely saw in person anymore but was still close to. The old gang formed a group text planning for the trip that was regularly active where most of them would shoot the shit about life.

Sam landed and was about to grab his luggage when he received a call from an unrecognized number but decided to answer.

“Sam, this is Robin”. Robin was Joey’s wife and Sam got immediately worried when he heard her voice. “Sorry to have to tell you but Joey won’t be making it this weekend. He went to the hospital after a car accident trying to get out of here earlier today. He’s banged up, nothing serious, but he’s in no shape to travel. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I’ve dealt with the police, doctors, and the insurance company.” Robin sounded both calm and frazzled.

“Robin I’m so sorry,” Sam replied. “Thanks, he will be okay and he’s lucky it’s not worse. He just isn’t up to traveling to a game this weekend.”

Sam and Robin ended their conversation, and he was confused about what to do next, shaken by the news. He had just landed, had a game ticket and hotel reservation. Sam called his own wife who encouraged him to go ahead and stay the weekend to catch up with the other guys and see the game.

Sam picked up his car and drove out of the city. He was bummed about Joey and knew it wouldn’t be the same without him there but some other friends were coming for the game as well. Mike who lived in Boston was making the trip. Danny’s son was enrolled at the university so he was coming from close by and Russell was coming along with his brother in law Barry. The gang hung around together in college and had been good overall about keeping in touch except for Mike. Joey had his number and they communicated after getting reacquainted during a business trip where they ran across each other. Mike had always been a quiet and private guy more than the rest. Joey mentioned Mike would be at the same hotel as them and Sam was looking forward to catching up with him after all this time.
Chapter 2
Sam arrived at a hotel near campus. He would be able to walk to the stadium, campus and around downtown in this location. He told the guys in the group chat about the accident and all were concerned and disappointed but agreed they would proceed with their plans to enjoy themselves as much as possible.

Sam saw Mike almost immediately after parking his car in the garage, “Mike!” he exclaimed. Mike turned around an gave same a big smile and the two men embraced.

Mike was very smart and friendly yet seemed to disappear after graduation and barely communicated with anyone. Joey reconnected with Mike on a business trip a couple of years earlier and Sam was glad to hear he was doing well. Sam had barely thought about Mike until Joey told everyone how much fun they had catching up when he visited Boston. Per Joey, Mike seemed to be doing well financially but had a very demanding job where he worked all the time. Joey said he was pretty much the same as before, still quiet and private but eagerly accepted the invite to meet the others for the game.

“Good to see you, Sam!” Mike replied. He was taller than Sam at almost 6’3, clearly worked out and ate healthy. The two men hugged and Sam could feel Mike’s strength during the embrace. They exchanged some friendly chatter on the way into the lobby. Mike hadn’t heard about Joey and was as disappointed in the news like they all were.

The other guys weren’t coming until tomorrow and were at a different hotel, and the plan had been for Joey and Sam to just hang out alone and catch up Thursday night. They shared a room together in the dorm for two years and an apartment together their final two and were the most familiar with one another even after all these years so one hotel room was all they planned to use.

“Sir I’m afraid there isn’t a reservation for you,” the hotel clerk replied “It should be under the name Joseph Collins. My name, Sam Peterson, is also on there.”

“Um, looks like Mr. Collins cancelled his reservation earlier today,” the clerk responded.

“What? I told them I was on my way here.”

“I’m not sure but we released the room and it was booked right away, something about a family emergency. I remember because someone asked to speak to the manager to avoid the cancellation fee,” the worker replied sympathetically.

Sam realized what happened. Robin must not have thought about it during all the chaos of the accident. Fuck, Sam thought. What am I going to do?

Mike immediately stepped up and offered to let Sam stay with him, saying he had a room with a couch that folded out into a single bed. The hotel offered to bring up the necessary linens and Sam figured he had no choice yet this was another unexpected wrinkle in the trip.

“Man I’m sorry to crash your room. You didn’t have to do that”. “Nonsense,” Mike replied. “It will be fine and don’t worry about half the charges. I’m sorry your plans were disrupted”

The two men got their keys, rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and entered the room at the end of the hall. It was a nice sized room with a small living area and a larger than typical bathroom. Sam threw his bag down and surveyed the situation. The bedroom had an entrance with the bathroom just to the right of the doorway so both would have access. Sam went to take a leak, closing the door, and saw the shower was a large, modern one with clear glass all around making the person inside totally visible if anyone else was in there.

“We must have just missed each other at the airport” Sam laughed after he exited “Well I got into town super early this morning and just hung out a little until check in time,” Mike answered.

“Cool. Well Joey and I were going to have dinner tonight but if you are up to it, you and I can go”.

“That works for me” Mike said. Sam agreed and text his wife to let her know he was fine, not telling her about the room change at that moment as he didn’t want to jinx another part of the trip.

After about an hour of relaxing they agreed to walk some downtown before dinner. Sam and Mike left the hotel and soon were along the popular string of bars, restaurants, and shops patronized by students, their parents, and visitors to games and events. As they strolled down the busy street, Sam felt a rush of good memories, only now he was the age of the parents that mingled among the crowd. Sam was so happy to be back but wished he was about to share the weekend with Joey. Still, he was glad Mike helped him out with the room situation.

The two men sat across from each other at dinner and made easy small talk. Mike politely asked Sam about his family and job. Sam returned the favor, but Mike kept his cards close to the vest. He wasn’t married, never had kids, and worked for a consulting company that kept him very busy but said “my work phone is on silent for a few days” with a laugh.

Mike had been a lot like Sam, growing up in small, country towns and both had come a long way. However, Mike had no southern accent to speak off anymore while Sam still could hear his even after living out west and with a wife from California after all these years. Sam pointed this out. “It comes out more when I speak to my brother and my mom” Sam laughed.

“Well I don’t have family in the south I speak to anymore” Mike said frankly. Sam almost asked about Mike’s parents or sister he remembered but didn’t push the issue.

Dinner was great and Sam picked up the tab since Mike was being generous enough to let him crash in his room. After dinner they walked back to the hotel, stopping in the crowded hotel bar downstairs and mingled with the crowd, almost all of them early arrivals for the big game. The guys each had a couple of additional drinks before heading upstairs. Both men were beat after the long day of traveling.

When entering the hotel room Mike immediately went to the bedroom and shut the door. Sam took the cue to remove his shoes and get the bed ready. While he was putting on the sheet and blanket Mike emerged wearing only light blue briefs and entered the bathroom where he began to floss and brush his teeth with the door open.

Sam had expected to share the room with Joey and even after all these years, wouldn’t have hesitated to get ready for bed in front of him. They’d seen each other naked almost daily for years and even now Sam wouldn’t have thought much of it, but he was a little surprised that Mike was so open walking around in his underwear.

“Everything good?” Mike asked a couple of minutes later after leaving the bathroom. By this point Sam had removed his shoes and outer shirt but wasn’t undressed beyond that. Mike’s body was on display and Sam was impressed. Mike had a thick, firm chest with defined pecs, a stomach that had no excess fat, and his briefs were hugging his mid-section tightly.

“Oh yeah man. Sorry I’m just tired, plus I’m not sure this bed is going to be too comfortable,” Sam laughed. “Oh sorry, I didn’t mean that at all, I know you saved my ass today with this room situation.”

“I get it Sam. I know you and Joey are close and when he and I last spoke he was very excited to hang out with you and the rest of us this weekend. I’m sorry he’ s not here, glad he’s going to be okay, but also understand your plans have changed.”

“And I’m happy I could help,” Mike continued. “Maybe we can trade out the beds tomorrow night.” Mike retired to the bedroom and shut the door. Sam went into the bathroom and took off his shirt to wash his face and finish up getting ready for bed.

My body looks like shit next to his, Sam thought as he saw himself in the mirror. Sam wasn’t in bad shape and maintained an okay diet with jogging regularly, but Mike was more ripped than most men half his age. Sam grabbed his stomach and saw love handles, more flab than he preferred, plus he knew his ass didn’t fill out his underwear as much as Mike’s.

Sam and Mike hadn’t spent a lot of time one on one together during college, but Sam remembered seeing him naked during a road trip to New Orleans one weekend when Mike was so wasted he stripped after Sam and Danny managed to get him back to their room with the guys helping get him in the shower to get cleaned up. Sam remembered Mike had a large dick that he and Danny joked about after. The following day Danny made a comment to Mike about it, but he just smiled and didn’t say much, which was his usual demeanor.

Sam got down to his gray boxer briefs, which is how he planned to sleep even with Joey being in the same double room they planned to share. He figured Mike wouldn’t give a shit either and he attempted to get some rest.
Chapter 3
Sam barely slept Thursday night as the fold out bed from the hotel couch wasn’t comfortable at all. He felt the bars under his back and legs, plus if he moved it made an obnoxious sound. He was worried Mike could hear him and that just stressed him out even more. He would sleep for a few minutes, wake up and check the time on his phone, notice each time barely an hour had passed, only to repeat the process a bit later.

He was in a thin sleep when he heard Mike open the bedroom door. He was facing away and didn’t see anything but heard Mike enter the bathroom and shut but not completely close the door, followed by the sound of him taking a piss. Sam looked at his phone. 5:12 AM

Fuck it’s even earlier back in home Sam thought, thinking this night and morning would never end. He flipped back over and heard Mike flush the toilet, wash his hands lightly, and leave the room. Mike turned off the light but Sam could clearly see Mike leaving the bathroom to head back, getting a short but full view of Mike’s naked ass as he closed the bedroom door again. Sam wasn’t surprised by seeing Mike naked but made him think again about what good shape he was in for his age. It was a quick look, but Mike’s ass was firm and strong.

Sam finally gave up trying to sleep at 6:00 am plus it was his turn to relieve his bladder. After that he put on his t-shirt and sat in the chair, debating if he wanted to start making coffee but didn’t want to bother Mike.

Less than fifteen minutes later Mike came out of the bedroom wearing only his briefs again. “Morning Sam. Sounds like you didn’t have a great night sleeping,” as he examined the coffee situation found in the room.

“Mike I’m so sorry if I tossed and turned so much it kept you up.”

“It’s okay, I slept fine and can’t imagine that thing is comfortable. Maybe we can ask for a rollaway bed today, see if that’s better. Or I will let you have the bed tonight,” Mike offered.

Sam decided not to fuss about it anymore and accepted the cup of coffee Mike handed him.

“I’m an early riser, plus my body is still on Boston time,” Mike offered. He appeared totally comfortable sitting at the small table in only his underwear. “Yeah I get up early too, but I’m behind you on time,” Sam laughed.

“What’s your plan for the day?” Mike asked.

“Well I don’t have much of one. Joey and I just figured we would walk around campus. The game is at 1:00 pm tomorrow so we didn’t know if we would have much time to look around before or after. What about you?”

“I was going to do a little work this morning and have lunch with a friend of mine who is a faculty member here. We knew each other in Boston when he was getting his PhD, now he’s taught here for a few years,” Mike replied. “We are going to eat in the alumni dining room if you would like to join us”.

Sam considered the offer. Russell and Barry were coming that afternoon and would be at a hotel closer to the highway, but they wouldn’t arrive until after lunch.

“That sounds good Mike. Thank you for the offer. What time should I meet you two?”

“We plan to meet at noon. It’s in the new alumni center near the west end, you will find it easily,” Mike said confidently.

The two men agreed to meet up. Shortly after his coffee Mike put on workout clothes and hit the hotel gym. Guess that’s why he looks like that and I look like this. Sam took the opportunity of him being gone to shit, shower, and shave.

The shower was probably the best part of the room. It was large and the full glass enclosure left no privacy for anyone who would have been brushing their teeth at the sink or even using the toilet, but Sam was all alone at that moment. The water pressure was great and Sam immediately felt better. He walked downtown to a close by diner to grab some breakfast.

A little later Sam was on campus taking in the beauty and pregame atmosphere. Football weekends were prepared for on Friday mornings and the students who decided to go to class after the bars Thursday night were usually getting amped up as well. This game would be nationally televised and had major implications for the rest of the season.

Sam strolled around to a few spots and reminisced. Sam always felt as though he did college the right way. This is the place where he realized how big the world could be and made friends that had truly lasted a lifetime.

Sam was content with his life in many ways but was a little bored with things being the same. He and his wife had a nice house, good jobs, their daughters were doing well, but he’d felt restless the last year or so. He looked around the kids walking across campus and wondered if they realized just how fleeting youth was and how they were living some of their best days right now.

At lunch Sam made his way to the alumni center and found the dining area. Mike and his guest arrived less than two minutes later and the men were seated immediately. Mike introduced his friend as Charles who taught in the history department. Charles was younger, maybe mid 30s, and had been teaching there four years after finishing his doctorate. Charles was friendly and expressive in his speaking and mannerisms.

Sam picked up on the fact Charles was gay maybe two minutes after they sat down. Sam had lived away from deep south small town long enough and came across people from all walks of life to be unphased by pretty much anything. While he didn’t have any close gay friends he knew more than a couple from work or life situations.

It then hit Sam that Mike was probably gay himself. The thought hadn’t entered his mind until just then, but it made sense. Sam knew Mike was a great guy, so being gay wouldn’t change how he felt about him at all. He hasn’t said anything. It’s none of my business. I won’t ask but could let him know I don’t care.

The three men had a nice lunch and Sam enjoyed the talk despite not having much to add. While they were eating Sam received a message Russell and Barry had arrived in town and to come to their hotel sometime later.

After lunch Sam walked around downtown a bit more doing some window shopping and enjoying the fall weather. He decided to go visit the other guys but would have to drive to their hotel. The rental car keys were still in the room so Sam went up to grab them.

Sam entered the room and had his head down, only to lift it when he heard something. The bedroom door was closed and there was some muffled talking Mike must have come back here too. He looked down again and saw the clothes and shoes of two men on the floor looking like what Mike and Charles had worn at lunch.

Oh shit, they must have come back here to….Sam looked at the closed door and heard some rustling but couldn’t make out anything. Sam looked down at the clothes on the floor and figured they were naked when they got to the bedroom.

Sam had no idea why he did what he did next, but he moved quietly over to the door and the mumbling coming from behind it. A few seconds later he was about to leave but heard clear voices.

“Fuck you are so tight. How do you stay this tight?” a voice that was clearly Mike’s.

“Keep going, don’t stop,” was the other voice Sam recognized as Charles. Sam was initially in total shock Mike would bring a guy back to a room they were sharing, but then realized he was listening to them having sex.

Sam heard the fucking, some muffled grunts, and a minute later “Fuck me hard” and “You like that?” He could feel his dick stirring a little in his jeans Um what? Sam quickly moved away from the door, realizing what he was doing was creepy and weird. He grabbed the rental keys and left feeling embarrassed but forgot to close the door softly behind him as it shut loudly.

Damnit! I bet they heard that. Sam thought. He stood frozen for a minute but realized he needed to get moving to see the other guys. Driving across town in what passed for heavy traffic for this small city that over doubled in size for a football weekend, Sam pondered what he just heard.

Well that settles that. Mike’s gay. Maybe they used to date or be fuck buddies. It’s not a big deal but why did I listen? Why did I try to figure out what was going on? Sam just pushed the thoughts out of his head and kept going.
Chapter 4
Russell and Barry met him in the lobby of their hotel just by the highway. Russell’s younger sister was married to Barry after the two of them starting dating when she got to college and the two guys were family besides being great friends.

Greetings were exchanged and they decided to check on Joey. Robin replied they were at home and Joey was sleeping and sore but would be fine in a couple of days.

“This trip definitely hasn’t gone as planned,” Sam said as he brought the guys up to speed on the hotel situation, leaving out what transpired just a few minutes ago.

“Mike was always a good guy, but he just sort of dropped us after school,” Russell said bluntly. “I’d hadn’t thought about him at all until Joey was all excited about seeing him in Boston. I’m glad they caught up but he must not want to reengage with us too much or he’d let us at least have his number to chat with.

“That’s pretty childish man,” was Sam’s reply. “He’s a private person and that’s fine with me. I still won’t talk to him like I do you guys but we had dinner and lunch together and he’s fine.”

“Yeah I guess, I just wondered what we did to piss him off so much that he never came around us again,” Russell wondered.

It was a fair question and Sam figured why but just kept quiet. The three guys shot the shit for an hour, then went to eat barbeque at a famous local joint along with a lot of visitors. The town was alive with anticipation. The national broadcast crew was in town and set up on campus and the atmosphere was electric as the men stuffed their faces. It was as good as they remembered.

After dinner Sam drove the guys over to he and Mike’s hotel and had drinks in the bar. It was packed and getting busier, full of old guys like them who all came to reclaim a weekend of youth and hopefully see their team get a victory. They didn’t see Mike anywhere and Sam didn’t offer to let the other guys up to their room just to be safe.

Sam was a little buzzed and the other guys took an Uber back to their hotel when he came upstairs to his room. Mike was out as well so Sam was able to piss and get ready for bed without interruption. He took the fold out again as he didn’t want to take Mike’s bed without him being there, plus he wondered exactly what had gone on in that bed earlier today.

It was around midnight when Mike returned to the room, trying to be quiet but Sam was awake in no time. “Sorry to wake you,” was Mike’s soft reply. Sam was still a little fuzzy from drinking but sat up.

“All good man. What have you been up to? Russell and Barry were here at the bar and decided they would catch you hopefully tomorrow. I didn’t know where you were or how to reach you.”

“Sorry about that Sam. I should have given you my number but honestly slipped my mind.”

“Well later let’s do that so we can check in and see what’s going on this weekend,” Sam replied with no hidden motives.

Mike stopped, “Is this about this afternoon? I heard someone come in and figured it was you.”

“Mike what you do is your business, I’m sorry if I bothered you.”

“Well I didn’t know you’d be back in this room but realized you must have left the rental keys,” Mike said softly. “I guess you saw the shoes and clothes too.”

“Yeah Mike and I don’t care what you guys were doing. You are doing me a favor by me staying in this room so you just carry on as usual,” Sam said, meaning every word of it.

“I figured Joey told you I’m gay,” said Mike with a weird combination of confidence and trepidation.

“Actually he never said a word, but I figured it out earlier today. It’s cool Mike. I don’t care and these days almost no one does.”

“Well it was a lot different here thirty years ago and I’m sure you remember what it was like then,” Mike said with a hint of sadness.

“I guess I didn’t think about it, but know you had to,” Sam said sympathetically. “Mike had you told us then we wouldn’t have cared.”

“Sorry but I don’t believe you,” Mike retorted. “You wouldn’t have been assholes about it, but I’d have been phased out of the group. After not having any friends in high school, I wanted college to be different. Plus I was still figuring things out.”

“I get that, but I don’t think I did anything to make you think we wouldn’t have stayed friends had you told us.”

“Sam you and the others didn’t mean anything by it but do you even remember the jokes or comments?” Mike asked seriously.

Sam thought about it. He didn’t recall anyone throwing Bible verses around about gay people but he realized there was some “that’s so gay” and “stop being a fag” type banter among them.

“Mike, I see your point. I’m sorry. We were being stupid kids. No one said that to hurt your feelings, but it was wrong. I hate that we did anything to make you uncomfortable.”

“Well it was just tough being from a small town and being in this part of the country and being gay back then. It’s much better everywhere now, even here, but it still isn’t an easy road.”

Sam looked at Mike and for the first time, saw the guy he was when they were in school together: a 19-year-old nerdy, quiet guy without much to say but someone who had a lot to offer. Mike had always been reserved but had a good heart and head on his shoulders. Sam realized how much he’d missed getting to know his old friend after all the years flew by.

“Mike, I’m glad things wound up here how they did. I’m so glad to see and connect with you this weekend. Let’s have a great time tomorrow and just focus on the rest of the weekend,” Sam said enthusiastically.

Mike gave a big smile, “Sounds great Sam. I’m glad this worked out the way it did too.” He then went into the bedroom and Sam settled in for another night of attempted sleep.
Chapter 5
Saturday was game day kicking off at 1 pm and the tailgating crowd always arrived early. Sam slept not much better than the night before and his back was bothering him. He had to piss about 6:00 am and finally just gave up and played on his phone a bit.

Mike emerged from the bedroom in a pair of tight fitting green briefs about an hour later. Sam was in only his boxer briefs sitting on top of the bedcovers.

“Morning man!” Mike said enthusiastically.

“Morning you,” Sam replied less enthusiastically.

“Tough night again?” Mike replied.

“Yeah this thing is just super uncomfortable,” Sam said.

“Well tonight, why don’t you just take the bed and I will sleep here,” Mike said.

“I guess as long as housekeeping changes the sheets,” Sam said jokingly. Mike initially gave him a look, but Sam was smiling, and Mike grinned back. “Fair enough” Mike said with a laugh.

“Plus I noticed your lack of pajamas the other day,” Sam said. Mike did laugh at that one.

“Well when you live alone it’s what’s natural,” Mike said back.

“If I looked like you I’d be tempted to not wear clothes either. Mike you are in better shape now than in college. I envy you,” Sam replied.

Mike blushed a little, “Thank you Sam. I try to take care of myself and watch what I eat. It’s tough sometimes but the hard work has paid off,” Mike admitted.

“I bet the guys of Boston are always hitting you up,” Sam joked again. Okay that may be a little over the linehe thought.

Mike just laughed again while sipping his coffee, “I guess I have company when I usually desire it.”

Sam just looked again at Mike in his underwear. He had to admit he was jealous yet also admiring how he looked. His dick was nestled tightly in his briefs. Mike noticed the glances and just returned the look while neither man spoke.

“I should jump in the shower,” Sam said as he got up. He felt a small stirring in his own underwear but it didn’t manifest physically.

Sam entered the bathroom and removed his underwear, shutting the door a bit but not closing it all the way either. He stepped in the shower and got clean. Mike didn’t enter it but when Sam got out of the shower, he began to shave his face and brush his teeth. He wondered if Mike would enter since he was now out but heard Mike in the bedroom.

“It’s all yours,” a towel clad Sam said to the closed bedroom door. A second later Mike emerged totally naked and Sam’s view was frontal as he saw Mike’s above average dick for the first time in many years but only for a second before Mike took the next bathroom turn.

Damn, nice piece Sam thought, remembering the New Orleans trip all those years ago.

The group text Mike wasn’t a part had pinged and the other guys were making plans on where to meet up. Danny lived close by and had season tickets plus a good tailgating spot. He’d told the guys his wife was taking care of things for the food so just stop by before the game.

Mike showered quickly and Sam caught another glimpse of his naked body as he exited the bathroom. Why can’t I stop glancing? Why am I noticing him so much?
Chapter 6
The weather was stunning. The temperature dropped another ten degrees but with the sun it was just warm enough. Campus was buzzing and huge crowds of people were pumped up for the game.

Mike and Sam walked over to campus and found Danny’s tent. Russell and Barry were already there too. After being apart for so long the gang was back together, minus Joey unfortunately who felt well enough to text their group chat and say he missed them and hoped they all could try again later to get together. The group now exchanged hugs, handshakes, smiles, laughs and Sam felt as happy as he’d been in months to see all of them together again.

Danny lived close by the university and his wife had taken some time and money to prepare a nice tailgating spread for everyone. The larger tailgating crowd knew how to party and Danny drafted his son and a few of his friends to help get things set up so the guys just had to show up. Sam thought everyone looked the same but older for sure. Except for Mike, all these guys had families, jobs that were sedentary and they had the waistlines and stomachs to prove it plus some receding hairlines in the gang as well. However, to Sam he just remembered being so young and carefree when hanging with them and it felt the same as almost 30 years ago.

A few other people they were acquainted with drifted in and out plus the excitement for the game had everyone fired up so it was a fun morning. The game proved to be just as thrilling as their former school defeated a highly ranked conference rival in a game that saw the host team pull ahead in the 2nd half. The guys all cheered loudly like the kids when their team scored and as the outcome was certain late in the game, the stadium roared in a way that brought chills of excitement to Sam.

They returned to the tailgate to help take things down and pack up. The game was over but a strong storm was moving their way and it was going to keep the celebrations indoors for most of the evening. Sam just breathed it all in. There would likely be a conference championship and maybe even playoff game if they kept winning. He text Joey some pics and missed his friend but also celebrated with the rest of the guys who agreed they would meet up for dinner.

Back at the hotel Sam entered an empty room and didn’t really know where Mike was, he’d just said he would be that way shortly. Sam decided to take a shower before dinner. He was naked in the bathroom when he heard Mike enter the room and call out his name.

Um okay a naked Sam thought before saying “I’m about to take a shower”, not bothering to close the door.

“I hate to be that guy but I gotta piss,” Mike said, “Can I go first?”

“Sure, just come on in,” Sam replied. He was getting in the shower when Mike entered.

“Oh sorry,” Mike said seeing Sam’s naked body.

“Hopefully you can control yourself” Sam joked as he shut the shower door. Mike just laughed along with him. “I’ve managed to see a few naked men and be okay” Mike joked back as he pissed.

Mike’s huge cock was pulled out and Sam couldn’t help but look at it as he turned on the shower. Mike relieved himself and let a huge sigh as he finished and left the bathroom. Seeing Mike's dick made an inpression on Sam and his own began to stir as he showered. Sam touched himself a little and felt his stiffining cock rise to attention. He gave it a few tugs to edge, then realized if he went much further he'd have to finish the job. He hadn't had a release in a few days and decided he would take care of business a little later.

Sam came out of the bathroom, drying off and not making any attempts to hide himself as he went to grab some underwear and clothes out of the suitcase.

“Are you coming to dinner with us?” Sam inquired as he pulled on his boxer briefs “No, I’m just going to hang with a friend,” Mike vaguely replied. That made Sam angry and he quickly fired back.

“Well we are your friends,” Sam said seriously. “You don’t take part in our chat, have barely spoken to any of us in almost thirty years, and as far as I can tell haven’t said anything about your life beyond the surface. None of us give a shit who you are sleeping with and who know when or if we will all be in the same place again, so don’t bail on us tonight please.”

Mike looked stunned and Sam snapped back into reality “Look I didn’t mean for that to sound as bad as it did.”

“Sam you have a point. I should go with you guys and try to meet up with that friend for a drink after,” Mike admitted. “Just give me a few minutes to shower and get ready”. Mike stood up and made his way to the bedroom. A minute later he walked naked into the bathroom, also not bothering to close the door.

Sam again pondered just how good Mike looked physically. The man was built better than some of the college guys they’d just been around. Sam realized he’d not brushed his teeth and rather than wait on Mike to finish, he just moved towards the bathroom.

“Um, gonna brush my teeth quickly if that works” Sam said over the shower running. He saw Mike’s naked ass and back facing the water. “Okay” Mike replied without even turning around.

Sam went to the sink and Mike’s body was fully visible in the mirror, the view basically unobstructed.

Sam began to brush his teeth but again took some time to look up and down Mike’s body. His ass was tight and firmer than any man that age would normally see. His thighs were thick and muscular, as was his back. Mike moved to turn around and Sam took his eyes off the mirror and tried to look casual again.

“Where are you guys eating?” Mike asked. “Pretty standard steak, chicken and fish place. Of course that may not be healthy enough for you,” Sam joked again looking at Mike from the mirror.

Mike was facing the bathroom and his dick and balls were on full display along with his chest and torso. He was wet but clearly hung and seemed not the least bit shy about showing off. “Actually that’s perfect. I usually don’t watch my diet too much on vacation,” Mike said as he shut off the shower.

“Well you must watch it the rest of the time. Dude, how do you look like that?” Sam asked both joking and seriously as Mike stepped out of the shower to dry off.

“It’s a lot of work and self-discipline, but in my business looks are very important and if I look good, my clients know I’m serious,” Mike said very simply as he stood next to Sam and ran the towel all over.

Sam had finished brushing his teeth yet continued to stand there next to Mike. It wasn’t lost on either man this was a little tension yet neither did anything change the situation.

Words weren’t exchanged as Mike turned to Sam, who was looking him up and down. Sam snapped out of it two second later. “Sorry man, just a little admiration and jealousy” Sam joked as he left the bathroom. To go put on his shoes. Mike returned to his room as well and emerged fully dressed. The two men walked towards dinner a few minutes later, neither one thinking to carry an umbrella for the upcoming storm.
Chapter 7
Dinner with the five of them was more fun than the game. The food was good and the drinks were better. Sam had decided he was cutting loose a bit tonight as his flight wasn’t early.

Mike opened up a little more at dinner, having had a couple of drinks himself. Mike talked more about work and life in Boston. They each told some of the same stories again they’d all heard and were part of, yet still laughed like they’d heard it for the first time.

They were eating when the storm moved in and rain started. They continued sitting to wait it out but there were no signs of letting up. Fortunately the hotel was close by, and Danny offered to drop Mike and Sam off so they wouldn’t have to walk. The gang said their goodbyes from the restaurant foyer and made a mad dash to the parking lot. It was a short drive to the hotel and Mike and Sam dashed out again to get inside.

They returned to the room soaked from the deluge and got upstairs in their room. Sam was a little buzzed as was Mike yet both guys were still wired from dinner and the weekend. Sam took his wet shoes and socks off, then realized he really only had one clean outfit left he was planning to wear home tomorrow. Mike had retired to the bedroom and returned in just his underwear with a fresh towel a second later.

“Here, dry off a little” Mike offered standing by Sam in a pair of purple Andrew Christian briefs. Sam accepted and decided to get down to his underwear as well.

“Those are kind of gay” Sam joked with Mike laughing. “Well my plan was to meet someone earlier who would have appreciated them but I’m glad I went to dinner with you all instead. It was really fun.”

Sam was down to his black boxer briefs and felt incredibly fat next to Mike as both men sat down in the living area. Mike went over to the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka Sam didn’t know was there.

“What’s this? Holding out on me?”, Sam laughed. “Well this was for my guest and I but I can share it with you,” Mike replied, pouring a little in the hotel glasses and adding some orange juice.

Sam eagerly accepted and took a small drink. The storm was raging. “I hope this doesn’t mess up travel tomorrow,” Sam said.

“It could,” Mike said looking at his phone. “There looks to be a couple of bands behind it. Hopefully no major delays.”

“So what’s the deal with the date you didn’t have tonight?” Sam inquired. “Oh just someone I matched with," Mike volunteered.

"Like Grindr?” Sam asked. Mike laughed, “What would you know about Grindr?”

“Well I’ve heard of it and figure it’s what guys use who want to get laid” Sam replied. “Not that I’ve used it”

Mike said “That’s pretty much what it is. I’m always surprised I see so many people on it even in a small town, but I guess there are a lot of visitors this weekend so less surprising.”

“Do you get laid a lot?” Sam asked a little emboldened by the alcohol.

Mike laughed “Well a lot is relative I guess but I generally get my needs met.”

“Well I bet gay guys are beating the doors down to get with you,” Sam replied with the alcohol clearly having removed his filter.

“You said that earlier today. What makes you so curious?” Mike asked pointedly.

“Curious? I’m just chatting with you man. You know I don’t have any issues with gay guys and most of the ones I’ve met are pretty cool,” Sam said.

“I know you are cool with it, but I didn’t want dinner to be a ‘Mike’s gay’ conversation so I just didn’t bring it up. Did you tell the other guys?”

“Nope, but I suspect they know and don’t care either,” Sam replied.

“Probably so but I’m not ashamed of it or anything. You can tell them if they ask,” Mike said.

“Well I’m glad Joey ran into you in Boston and got you looped in with us again. I hadn’t thought about you much since graduation but so glad you are here now,” Sam said honestly.

“Me too. Another drink?” Mike asked a little devilishly. “Sure, my flight isn’t until the afternoon,” Sam said as Mike poured him an even larger glass with less OJ.

“Shit man are you trying to get me hammered?” Sam laughed. “I think we are both almost there,” Mike said back.

Sam was more drunk than he’d been in years but still felt okay. He looked at Mike sitting there in his briefs with his dick and balls accentuated by the Andrew Christian briefs. “So what I heard Friday afternoon, sounded like you pitched. That your usual style?” Sam asked.

Mike looked at him annoyed but replied “I do both, just depends on the situation and the guy.”

“Okay. Did you have a crush on any of us in school?”

Mike hesitated and said “Well not a crush but I always liked you.”

The hell Sam thought. “Me? You had the hots for me?”

“Don’t get too excited. I didn’t have the hots for you as much as I respected you. You and I were similar in our backgrounds. You were always close with Joey. I was jealous you two were so close sometimes but glad I could be friends with you both. That’s it really,” Mike said.

Sam considered, “I guess I can see that. Well he’s still my best friend after all these years.”

Mike piped up, “You’ve asked me a lot of personal questions and I’ve been honest, so will you be honest with me on one?”

“Of course man. Ask me anything,” Sam said confidently.

“Did you and Joey ever fool around?” Mike asked.

Sam laughed loudly, “Heck no man. We’re straight and always just friends. Promise I never thought about it.”

“Okay, just checking,” Mike chuckled.

“Next one for you, when did you first fool around with a guy?” Sam asked.

“When I was 20 and in school here,” Mike said.

“Anyone I knew or friends with?” Sam pushed.

“Okay man that’s enough,” Mike said seriously.

“Come on, I’m curious,” Sam said.

“I said no Sam, and you are curious about a lot for a straight guy,” Mike said.

“What does that mean?” Sam asked.

“Dude I saw you looking at me a few times this trip. It’s fine, I’m not shy, but you’ve given a few looks my way,” Mike fired back.

“Get over yourself. I’m married,” Sam said almost angrily.

Mike laughed “Do you know how many straight, married men I’ve slept with? More than a couple, and most of them look at me the same way you have.”

Sam was stunned, they’d been having such a good time and now they were fighting. “Look man, I’m sorry I said anything. Let’s drop it and go to bed. This trip has been fun and I don’t want to ruin it. I’m sorry.”

Mike looked at him, “Sam I’m sorry too. I’m buzzed and tired. Let’s just get some sleep.”

Mike went in the bedroom and shut the door without saying anything else. Sam settled in for another night of the fold out couch. Guess we were too busy to switch beds or get a rollaway. Sam knew it was just for one more night and was now ready to get back home to his family.
Chapter 8
Sam tossed and turned for at least an hour and despite the alcohol in his system, he couldn’t sleep. He was lying in bed with his eyes shut when he heard the bedroom door open.

“Sam get in the bed. I told you we would switch so you can go in there, I will stay in here.”

“Mike it’s okay. You are much taller than I am and you will hang off the end,” Sam said.

“Dude just come get in the bed then. It’s a king and I only stay on one side. It’s just a few hours until morning anyway,” Mike said.

Sam looked up at his friend standing there in his underwear. He was still a little fuzzy so he didn’t protest. “Okay, but let’s just keep this between us.”

“Scouts honor Sam,” Mike replied as Sam made his first visit to the bedroom. He saw the side Mike hadn’t occupied and just got in bed. “Be sure to keep your underwear on this time, I know you normally sleep in the buff,” Sam joked.

“Just for that I should get naked,” Mike joked back, the tension among them melting.

Sam hadn’t shared a bed with anyone besides his wife in years so it felt strange but Mike was pretty far away. Plus the bed was so much better than the couch he fell asleep almost immediately.

Sam was startled awake at 6:45 am with the storms. This didn’t sound as though it was slowing down anytime soon. He looked at his phone and had some weather alerts for severe thunderstorms.

“What does the notice say?” Mike asked, surprising Sam that he was awake.

“Oh sorry, just that we are in for a bad line of storms. Hope it doesn’t mess us up. I need to get home.”

“I didn’t plan to leave until tomorrow so I guess I’m safe,” Mike shot back.

“Really? What did you have planned today?” Sam wondered.

“Oh nothing, just explore a little and catch up with someone,” Mike offered.

“Dude you have more friends than anyone our age I know,” Sam chuckled.

Sam was thirsty so he went into the kitchenette area and got a glass of water. He was a little dehydrated but not too bad. He had plenty of time before the airport so he got back in the bed for a moment. Mike had sort of dozed off again and Sam just stared at Mike’s bare back on his side. It was strong, smooth, and Sam was again impressed at Mike’s body.

I can see why people throw themselves at him Sam thought again, feeling totally fat and inadequate. He wanted to rest a little more but felt his heart racing a bit.

Sam couldn’t take his eyes off Mike. He knew his friend had on his underwear under the covers and he’d seen him naked a couple of times on this trip already but wished he could see more at that moment. He’d not been in a situation sharing a bed with anyone besides his wife in almost 23 years yet it felt completely natural to be in this bed. Sam’s dick began to stir. He felt something in him that he’d not felt before but didn’t move and just turned the other way facing the wall and dozed off again for a minute.

About 8 am Sam and Mike each got up and dressed without much commentary and Mike headed to the hotel gym. Sam packed his bag and was honestly ready to go home but wondered if he would be stranded at the airport with all these storms.

Sam’s wife text him and asked if he was still on schedule. He’d barely messaged her the last few days but she told him to go have fun and enjoy himself. He replied he was about to leave when he received the message his flight had been delayed from 12:30 pm until 4:00 pm due to weather. No shock he thought, wondering about what time he would get home. He contacted the rental car agency and said he would be dropping it off a few hours later.

“Well I’m delayed,” Sam said out loud. Mike had just returned to the room, was naked and about to shower again.

“Shit I’m sorry. I know you are ready to go,” Mike said. “Yeah can I hang here and watch TV or something? It beats the airport.”

“Of course man. I was going to have brunch but my companion begged off with the weather being so terrible.” Mike said.

The two men were again stuck with each other for at least a little bit longer. They went downstairs had brunch in the hotel restaurant. It looked more like 9 pm outside it was so dark rather than a fall morning.

“Mike I want to apologize again for my questions and attitude,” Sam said suddenly.

“Sam it’s fine and I’m sorry about my accusation last night. I was drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly.”

The two men went back upstairs and looked at each other, still with a couple of hours to kill and a rainstorm that had led to some flooding. “Sam, they’ve closed the interstate,” Mike said out of the blue checking out his phone.

“What?” A phone check and sure enough the road was closed due to a massive traffic jam as a result of an accident from the rains. Sam weighed his options. He could probably make it and be okay, but he decided to text his wife, who told him to do what was necessary to stay safe.

A half hour later, Sam had a flight leaving Monday morning and the airline was relieved to get people moved to another day rather than begging for volunteers at the time of departure later that evening. He had his car another day as well, yet it was just past 1:00 pm and he had no idea what to do. From the group chat Russell and Barry barely made it home and said the weather was terrible. Sam felt good he’d made the right call. Given the afternoon would be stuck in this room with limited options Sam pondered his next step.

“I have an idea,” Sam said, going to the fridge and pulling the vodka back out. “Um I don’t know,” Mike laughed.

“Well it’s a terrible storm and we can’t do anything else,” Sam teased. Mike concurred and the two men started drinking again. Soon after Sam took his clothes off down to his underwear since it was his only remaining outfit.

“You going to make a man drink in his underwear alone?” Sam asked boldly. Mike gave him a strange look and undressed down to his briefs.

Sam watched Mike undressed again. He’d seen him in various states over the past three days and each time realized he was enjoying seeing his body.

Each guy just sipped on their alcohol and didn’t say much but there was a tension now that hadn’t been there. Sam kept looking at Mike and finally Mike looked back.

“Sam” was all he said.

Sam’s dick was aroused and began to show in his boxer briefs. Mike glanced down at it and looked back.

“You sure about this?” Mike asked.

“Not really, but what are friends for?” Sam replied.

Mike stood up from the chair and walked over, sitting next to his friend on the couch and put his arm around him. Sam’s body had a jolt of pleasure when Mike’s skin touched his.

The two men looked at each other directly in the eyes. Sam saw his friend in a new light and said “What should we do?”.

Mike looked down at Sam’s now hard dick and began to tug at the waistband of his underwear. Mike pulled them down within seconds and was on his knees.

Sam’s wife wasn’t too keen on blowjobs and they were usually only a few times a year if that often. No one else had touched him since he’d been married but he suddenly had no qualms about Mike being there as he felt his friend’s mouth slide onto his cock, which was as hard as it had been in years.

It felt different than anything Sam felt before and another jolt went through his body. He got even harder than before as Mike began to suck his dick.

Being on campus, in town, and around his friend made Sam forget for a few moments he was fifty years old with two almost grown kids and a professional career. Having his cock swallowed and this hard just kept that feeling up. Mike was clearly experienced at sucking dick and Sam found himself into it as well.

Sam didn’t last that long and warned Mike he was close. Mike kept going and showed no signs of letting up. Sam could feel Mike’s warm breath from his nostrils against his pubic hair and Mike’s mouth was a wet as any pussy Sam had experienced. He picked up his pace to a new level and soon Sam exploded in Mike’s mouth, let out a gasp and Mike eagerly swallowed his friend’s cum.

His post climax glow lasted longer than any in years. Sam saw stars and knew right away this was the best blow job he’d ever had and momentarily forgot it was from another man. When he began to clear he looked down at his now soft dick and across to Mike, who also had a smile on his face.

“Fuck,” said Sam. “That was amazing. Dude..”

Mike interrupted, “Sam, I’ve thought about doing that for years.”

Surprised Sam goes, “Really? Years?”

“Yeah. I always thought you were cute and we had so much in common. I’d have gladly done this when we were younger but didn’t think you’d be game.”

It was true Sam probably wouldn’t have agreed under the circumstances of their youth yet he realized he shouldn’t knock something until he tries it.

“Well what happens here, stays here,” Sam laughed. Mike went to use mouthwash and brush his teeth. Naked still, Sam stood up and surveyed the room. It was still early afternoon and he was already thinking about next steps.
Chapter 9
Sam walked in the bedroom and stretched out. Mike came in a second later to see his naked friend on the bed. He removed his underwear and joined Sam. The two men stared at each other and didn’t speak. Sam leaned over and touched Mike’s firm chest. It was like touching a piece of rock. Sam leaned in and began to kiss his old buddy.

Sam had never kissed a guy before. It felt different but exciting as the two men opened their mouths and tongues began to touch. The same jolt went through Sam again and he felt his body respond. He grabbed Mike’s dick, which was by far the biggest dick Sam had ever seen and felt it begin to stiffen,, which only excited Sam again and he began to cup Mike’s balls.

For being fifty, Sam felt as horny as a teenager as he began to explore Mike’s body. Mike sat back and allowed. The dicks of both men were throbbing as their make out session turned into groping.

Sam grabbed Mike’s penis again and looked down. “Shit, that’s a big dick,” Mike didn’t say anything and just smiled back.

Sam leaned over it and felt the need to put it in his mouth. He was clearly inexperienced at this and it took him some adjusting get it in.

Weird feeling but not bad was Sam’s thought. Mike was probably less enthused but he laid back and let Sam get to work. After a few minutes Sam was struggling and sat up.

“Not sure if that feels good for you or not but let’s try something else” as he wrapped his hand around Mike’s dick and began to jerk him.

Sam began to jerk Mike’s cock, first slowly while he also began to rub his balls with the other hand. Mike’s breath began to change. Sam found his rhythm adjusting and spit on his hand to get some lubrication.

I’ve never touched another dick, so why does this feel so natural Sam wondered as he again looked Mike’s naked body up and down. That got Sam even more excited and he picked up the pace.

Mike’s dick was already beginning to throb and the stoney nature of it reminded Sam of when his own dick was young and full of energy. He continued to jerk his friend and moved his touch from his balls up to his stomach and chest.

Soon Mike’s jitz exploded from his cock, hitting him in the neck, chest, some on the headboard, and Sam’s hand was slick as well. Four solid ropes of cum came out of Mike and his body shuddered, resulting in a cry of pleasure being forced out of his mouth.

Sam felt his friend’s cum on his hand and a little had also landed on his chest as well. The two naked men snapped out of their reverie. They looked at each other.

“That was a fucking good hand job for a newbie” Mike grinned. “Well I’ve done it to myself enough over the years so not too new,” Sam fessed up. Mike gave a huge laugh and was glowing.

The two men decided to shower together. It was large enough for two and Sam felt no qualms about letting Mike touch his body as the water started.

“This is the day of new experiences,” Sam laughed.

“Well we’ve showered together before,” Mike said confidently.

“What are you talking about? We’ve never showered together,” Sam said in a confused voice.

“You’ve forgotten New Orleans man.” Sam thought for a moment and recalled that was when he and Danny had to get a drunk Mike out of his clothes and in bed. He thought again.

“Sam you took me in the shower and I was struggling to stand up so you got in behind me and kept me steady” Mike said confidently.

Sam thought some more and yes, he did remember. It wasn’t a long shower and it certainly didn’t involve what was going on now with Mike rubbing Sam’s lower back and ass and Sam also having his hands all over Mike’s body, but he also guessed it was true.

Sam chuckled, “Okay, guess we have. I didn’t think you’d remember something like that.”

“I do. I was drunk but that sobered me up a little, plus I was trying not to get hard.”

Sam couldn’t say the same for himself at that as he turned around and stood face to face with Mike, their naked bodies touching. Mike's penis was starting to respond again as well.

Mike cupped Sam’s balls and fondled them while his 6’3 frame leaned in and kissed Sam gently on the neck. His hands moved up to Sam’s cock and tugged.

Shit, this is like being 21 again Sam thought. His mind was scrambled as he both couldn’t believe what was happening and also totally game to the idea. He just decided to go for it as he put his arms around his friend, kissed him and began to explore one another in a new way.
Chapter 10
Mike was on his back, legs up. Sam was leaning over his friend staring as his asshole, trembling with excitement and intrigue.

Sam hadn’t spent time studying male holes before. He’d just seen a lot of Mike’s in the shower and his body almost instinctively wanted to see more. Mike asked Sam to fuck him while they were drying off.. Sam hesitated for a few moments but his newfound curiosity had gotten the better of him. Mike had a great body and Sam was enjoying just being naked with him, but his dick had come close to cumming in the shower and now he wanted to feel what it was like inside Mike.

Mike put a condom on Sam, which he almost balked at but realized it was better to be safe. After his vasectomy Sam hadn’t worn a condom in years because he hadn’t needed one. His sex life was pretty typical of a long married middle aged guy but today was all about trying new things. Mike had lubed his hole and added some to the condom

Sam remained hesitant yet horny and curious. Mike’s ass on display and his muscular thighs and skin were so inviting. Sam moved towards Mike ass, not totally sure if he was doing this correctly.

It took a couple of attempts for Sam to get it in after having no experience outside of his wife in so many years. Still he found Mike’s hole, and stuck his hard dick there, only to have some resistance. Mike hitched his breath.

“Go slow” he said as Sam moved forward. His dick moved in a little only to be blocked again.

“Just a little lower” Mike said. Sam adjusted again, feeling a little silly yet also totally captivated. He moved in slowly again and this time felt some movement.

Mike took in a couple of breaths and suddenly Sam was able to slide in a little more. He was going slowly and while it felt different, it felt good!

Mike put his legs on top of Sam’s shoulders as Sam mounted his friend with his dick sliding into Mike’s ass. While Mike was clearly no virgin he was tighter than Sam expected and the tightest thing he’d fucked.

Mike’s ass adjusted to Sam’s dick and after some breathing on Mike’s part, he was still tight yet his body relaxed a bit. Sam started to move and immediately felt the difference between what he had known before and what he was doing today today.

Fuck his ass is so tight, its grip on my dick is new. Damn this feels great.

Sam was going slowly and even still was so turned on at what was happening it was as though he was going to lose his wad sooner than either wanted.

He changed the pace up a little. Being with a man felt different, more animalistic Sam’s dick wasn’t anything to get worked up over and Mike’s body was adjusting to it nicely. Even with the condom, Sam’s cock felt pleasure like it hadn’t in years. Mike’s body felt so strong and hairy, total opposite of what Sam had ever known sexually.

My cock is in Mike’s ass and this feels fucking good. The grip on Sam’s cock was tightening and releasing in a way that got Sam even more excited. His dick was suddenly 21 again. Mike suddenly let out a cry as Sam moved forward.

“Shit!” Mike exclaimed as he clearly felt something moving through his body. Sam just got more excited.

Sam kept working and soon the rhythm was getting him going. Sam felt a jolt as he was nearing orgasm. He tried to slow it down but it was too much and he exploded in the condom. Sam let out his own small cry and his body felt as though it had a million little pleasure spasms go through it. It was the most intense orgasm he’d ever had.

After Sam exited Mike and they began to recover. The men laid naked next to one another with their legs touching. Mike spoke first.

“Was that your first time with a man?”

“Yep. Honestly hadn’t thought about it but you look so damned good and it’s been so much fun this weekend, why not give it a shot,” Sam replied.

“You did great Sam” Mike grinned.

They didn’t’ speak but Mike put his arm around Sam’s shoulders and Sam let him, as they settled down amidst the still heavy storm outside.

Man this feels good, different but nice Sam thought. Mike’s strong arm and skin felt completely natural on Sam. The two men looked at each other.

“What do we do now?” Sam laughed.

“Maybe you will take a turn later on?” Mike asked curiously. “Oh that, um not sure I can handle you,” Sam said looking at Mike’s big cock. Mike laughed. “Okay, maybe not, but we can keep testing boundaries if you want.”

Sam wasn’t objecting to the idea. He’d always been faithful to his wife but this wasn’t like sleeping with a woman or having a mistress. This was an old friend who he knew and felt good around, plus it was just something to pass the time on the weekend. Sam grinned “I think I’m game for anything.”
Chapter 11
Sam was face down with his ass in the air. Mike was back there, rimming his hole and eating him out. At first it felt weird, ticklish but not in a bad way. Sam’s wife hated rimming more than blow jobs so they hadn’t done it in many years, she was just disgusted by the idea. Sam didn't exactly volunteer but agreed after Mike told him to trust him.

Sam felt Mike’s tongue and then suddenly “oh!” Sam cried out. The right spot had been hit and suddenly a new wave came over Sam. His body felt tense and electric with his dick rising to the occassion.

Mike continued his work and Sam just relaxed and let the pleasure come all over him. He was no longer thinking that a man was eating his ass but rather just how this new feeling was different and his body was tingling again. This continued for several minutes and Mike came up for air.

“Mike, fuck, I think I need to cum”

“Let me,” Mike reached his hand around under Sam and grabbed his dick and began to pull his cock.
Sam was again caught off guard by this action but didn’t have time to react as the stroking on his cock brought an immediate reaction.

My wife hasn’t done half of his in twenty years Sam thought as he still had his asshole on display not far from Mike’s face as his cock was jerked just enough to soon splatter the headboard, pillow, and more than a little on Sam’s body. Ropes of cum escaped from Sam and he collapsed back on the sheets where some had dripped. Their afternoon and early evening activities had taken a lot out of both men. Mike laid right next to him and the afterglow hit them.

A few minutes went by and Mike said “Well I didn’t expect this to happen this weekend.” Sam laughed, “You? Dude I’ve done stuff today I haven’t thought about before.”

“I guess you can blame the alcohol and the town,” Mike replied. “Maybe, but this is like Vegas, what happens here stays here,” Sam admitted. “No worries man.”

The storms had passed and the sun was down, plus they were starving so Sam and Mike cleaned up again and left the hotel to find some food. Downtown was deserted compared to the previous few days as many visitors had no doubt left before the storms hit and people stayed at home to be safe. There was a pizza place close by that sold by the slice and the guys found their way in, stuffing themselves with New York style. After that, they walked around a bit more and found their way over to a bench that sat under a large tree near the library. That bench was a famous spot in town and while wet and had leaves on it from the wind blown trees, the guys sat down and looked around. It was often a spot for couples and even a few marriage proposals.

“This is a nice place,” Mike said as he looked at the calm, quiet night. “It is. I hoped my girls would consider coming here but this type of place isn’t for them, plus they think everyone here is a redneck,” Sam said laughing.

“Even you?” Mike asked playfully. “Oh yeah they think their dad is country even after all these years. Their friends think it’s funny too, but know I’m just playing it up for laughs,” Sam said with a chuckle.

Mike reached down and grabbed Sam’s had quickly and squeezed it. No one was around to notice but Sam just smiled and squeezed back. “Let’s go back,” was Sam’s reply.

The two men went back to their hotel room which had the faint scent of sex still in the air. They brushed their teeth and got ready for bed despite it not being late at all. They both got naked without any hesitation and into the bed again, this time merely to hold one another. They didn’t speak or get handsy with each other. Sam realized tomorrow he would head home and was ready, but knew he wouldn’t forget this weekend for many reasons.

Monday morning came early and Sam got out of bed, ready to return home but not looking forward to the real world again. The last half week had been almost like a dream. He and Mike made little noise as they quickly dressed.

“Dude this wasn’t expected but glad it worked out this way,” Sam said to Mike. Mike looked at him and agreed.

“It was good to see you Sam. I won’t forget this weekend anytime soon.” The two men hugged and Sam went in for a quick kiss but Mike turned his head and it landed on his cheek.

“Let’s just keep it at that,” Mike said. Sam understood and soon left the room behind.

He drove to the airport as the sun rose, his flight on schedule and skies totally clear. He dropped off the car and made it to the gate.

Sam text Joey and his wife and informed them he was on schedule to get home, that he had just crashed and chilled the day before. Joey said he was sore but said he was doing okay and they would catch up later. His wife was glad he and that he was heading home and hoped he enjoyed himself. The return trip offered no delays after a weekend full of unexpected events.

Hours later Sam was back at his house. He’d told his boss about the storms and delay so work wasn’t an issue but he wound up sitting down on his patio and sorting through emails he knew he's soon have to catch up on. His wife was at work as well but they’d exchanged messages and Sam felt guilty about the day before but knew it was unlikely to happen again.

I don’t know what came over me. It was like being in another world for a few days Sam thought.

The weekend had let Sam remember the days when he had almost no responsibilities, bills, or too much stress. He thought he had those things back then but looking back, it was the most carefree time of his life. Those guys were great friends and while life had taken them all in different directions, it’s pretty cool he could see those faces again and forget all about life as a fifty year old married dad.

Later that afternoon he received a message from a number that was unknown. Sam saw the text from Mike, who was finally sharing his number.

“Made it back home to Boston. If I’m in town for work, maybe we can hang out?”

Sam grinned and suddenly his body remembered the glow of their Sunday romp.

“That sounds great. I will look forward to it,” Sam replied.

A couple of nights later Joey called him directly. Sam’s wife was watching a movie and his daughter was doing homework.

“Joey!! So glad to hear from you. How are you feeling?”

“Sam I’m sore as hell and broken ribs suck but I’m going to make it. How was the trip?”

“Well it was hella fun besides the crazy storm Saturday night and Sunday. No clue what that was about but it was nasty. Fortunately Mike was a big help.” Sam realized he hadn’t told Joey about the room situation and explained, save the part where the two men explored each other intimately.

“Wait, you shared a room with Mike all weekend? He didn’t mention that when we spoke.”

“Yeah but no big deal. I slept on the couch and he took the bed.”

“How was staying with Mike?” Joey asked curiously.

Odd question Sam thought. “Well it was fine. He’s a good guy and he really did me a solid. Glad he joined us.”

“Did it come up he’s gay?” Joey asked.

Sam laughed “Well I figured that out but it’s no big deal, I don’t care at all.”

Joey didn’t say anything at first but hesitantly replied, “Sam I need to tell you something.”

“Sure man. Are you really okay?” Sam inquired.

“I am but…….I’d planned to tell you this weekend and wanted to in person but……”

Sam was a little concerned “What’s wrong?”

“Well Robin and I are divorcing. I’m gay Sam”.

Sam was floored. First Mike and now Joey? “Dude why haven’t you said anything? I don’t care what you are, we are friends no matter what.”

“Well Sam thank you for that. I’d always wondered but it wasn’t until I ran into Mike in Boston on my work trip. We…….we did the same things we did back in school.”

Sam felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “What? You and Mike were fooling around?”

“It just happened a few times, usually when I’d been drinking. You almost caught us once but you were out of it too and didn’t remember what all was happening. I just thought it was us being kids and experimenting, didn’t think about it being anything more,” Joey blurted out.

Sam let the news sink over him and said, “So are you moving to Boston to be with Mike?”

Joey laughed, “Heck no, Mike’s a player plus I don’t know anyone there. We will just be friends but if something happens when we see each other, then that’s fine too.”

Sam told Joey he supported him no matter what and that this didn’t change his opinion of him at all. The two men talked a little longer before hanging up.

Man, you think you know someone Sam thought as he went back to join his wife in the living room.

The End
Chapter 11
Sam was face down with his ass in the air. Mike was back there, rimming his hole and eating him out. At first it felt weird, ticklish but not in a bad way. Sam’s wife hated rimming more than blow jobs so they hadn’t done it in many years, she was just disgusted by the idea. Sam didn't exactly volunteer but agreed after Mike told him to trust him.

Sam felt Mike’s tongue and then suddenly “oh!” Sam cried out. The right spot had been hit and suddenly a new wave came over Sam. His body felt tense and electric with his dick rising to the occassion.

Mike continued his work and Sam just relaxed and let the pleasure come all over him. He was no longer thinking that a man was eating his ass but rather just how this new feeling was different and his body was tingling again. This continued for several minutes and Mike came up for air.

“Mike, fuck, I think I need to cum”

“Let me,” Mike reached his hand around under Sam and grabbed his dick and began to pull his cock.
Sam was again caught off guard by this action but didn’t have time to react as the stroking on his cock brought an immediate reaction.

My wife hasn’t done half of his in twenty years Sam thought as he still had his asshole on display not far from Mike’s face as his cock was jerked just enough to soon splatter the headboard, pillow, and more than a little on Sam’s body. Ropes of cum escaped from Sam and he collapsed back on the sheets where some had dripped. Their afternoon and early evening activities had taken a lot out of both men. Mike laid right next to him and the afterglow hit them.

A few minutes went by and Mike said “Well I didn’t expect this to happen this weekend.” Sam laughed, “You? Dude I’ve done stuff today I haven’t thought about before.”

“I guess you can blame the alcohol and the town,” Mike replied. “Maybe, but this is like Vegas, what happens here stays here,” Sam admitted. “No worries man.”

The storms had passed and the sun was down, plus they were starving so Sam and Mike cleaned up again and left the hotel to find some food. Downtown was deserted compared to the previous few days as many visitors had no doubt left before the storms hit and people stayed at home to be safe. There was a pizza place close by that sold by the slice and the guys found their way in, stuffing themselves with New York style. After that, they walked around a bit more and found their way over to a bench that sat under a large tree near the library. That bench was a famous spot in town and while wet and had leaves on it from the wind blown trees, the guys sat down and looked around. It was often a spot for couples and even a few marriage proposals.

“This is a nice place,” Mike said as he looked at the calm, quiet night. “It is. I hoped my girls would consider coming here but this type of place isn’t for them, plus they think everyone here is a redneck,” Sam said laughing.

“Even you?” Mike asked playfully. “Oh yeah they think their dad is country even after all these years. Their friends think it’s funny too, but know I’m just playing it up for laughs,” Sam said with a chuckle.

Mike reached down and grabbed Sam’s had quickly and squeezed it. No one was around to notice but Sam just smiled and squeezed back. “Let’s go back,” was Sam’s reply.

The two men went back to their hotel room which had the faint scent of sex still in the air. They brushed their teeth and got ready for bed despite it not being late at all. They both got naked without any hesitation and into the bed again, this time merely to hold one another. They didn’t speak or get handsy with each other. Sam realized tomorrow he would head home and was ready, but knew he wouldn’t forget this weekend for many reasons.

Monday morning came early and Sam got out of bed, ready to return home but not looking forward to the real world again. The last half week had been almost like a dream. He and Mike made little noise as they quickly dressed.

“Dude this wasn’t expected but glad it worked out this way,” Sam said to Mike. Mike looked at him and agreed.

“It was good to see you Sam. I won’t forget this weekend anytime soon.” The two men hugged and Sam went in for a quick kiss but Mike turned his head and it landed on his cheek.

“Let’s just keep it at that,” Mike said. Sam understood and soon left the room behind.

He drove to the airport as the sun rose, his flight on schedule and skies totally clear. He dropped off the car and made it to the gate.

Sam text Joey and his wife and informed them he was on schedule to get home, that he had just crashed and chilled the day before. Joey said he was sore but said he was doing okay and they would catch up later. His wife was glad he and that he was heading home and hoped he enjoyed himself. The return trip offered no delays after a weekend full of unexpected events.

Hours later Sam was back at his house. He’d told his boss about the storms and delay so work wasn’t an issue but he wound up sitting down on his patio and sorting through emails he knew he's soon have to catch up on. His wife was at work as well but they’d exchanged messages and Sam felt guilty about the day before but knew it was unlikely to happen again.

I don’t know what came over me. It was like being in another world for a few days Sam thought.

The weekend had let Sam remember the days when he had almost no responsibilities, bills, or too much stress. He thought he had those things back then but looking back, it was the most carefree time of his life. Those guys were great friends and while life had taken them all in different directions, it’s pretty cool he could see those faces again and forget all about life as a fifty year old married dad.

Later that afternoon he received a message from a number that was unknown. Sam saw the text from Mike, who was finally sharing his number.

“Made it back home to Boston. If I’m in town for work, maybe we can hang out?”

Sam grinned and suddenly his body remembered the glow of their Sunday romp.

“That sounds great. I will look forward to it,” Sam replied.

A couple of nights later Joey called him directly. Sam’s wife was watching a movie and his daughter was doing homework.

“Joey!! So glad to hear from you. How are you feeling?”

“Sam I’m sore as hell and broken ribs suck but I’m going to make it. How was the trip?”

“Well it was hella fun besides the crazy storm Saturday night and Sunday. No clue what that was about but it was nasty. Fortunately Mike was a big help.” Sam realized he hadn’t told Joey about the room situation and explained, save the part where the two men explored each other intimately.

“Wait, you shared a room with Mike all weekend? He didn’t mention that when we spoke.”

“Yeah but no big deal. I slept on the couch and he took the bed.”

“How was staying with Mike?” Joey asked curiously.

Odd question Sam thought. “Well it was fine. He’s a good guy and he really did me a solid. Glad he joined us.”

“Did it come up he’s gay?” Joey asked.

Sam laughed “Well I figured that out but it’s no big deal, I don’t care at all.”

Joey didn’t say anything at first but hesitantly replied, “Sam I need to tell you something.”

“Sure man. Are you really okay?” Sam inquired.

“I am but…….I’d planned to tell you this weekend and wanted to in person but……”

Sam was a little concerned “What’s wrong?”

“Well Robin and I are divorcing. I’m gay Sam”.

Sam was floored. First Mike and now Joey? “Dude why haven’t you said anything? I don’t care what you are, we are friends no matter what.”

“Well Sam thank you for that. I’d always wondered but it wasn’t until I ran into Mike in Boston on my work trip. We…….we did the same things we did back in school.”

Sam felt like he’d been kicked in the stomach. “What? You and Mike were fooling around?”

“It just happened a few times, usually when I’d been drinking. You almost caught us once but you were out of it too and didn’t remember what all was happening. I just thought it was us being kids and experimenting, didn’t think about it being anything more,” Joey blurted out.

Sam let the news sink over him and said, “So are you moving to Boston to be with Mike?”

Joey laughed, “Heck no, Mike’s a player plus I don’t know anyone there. We will just be friends but if something happens when we see each other, then that’s fine too.”

Sam told Joey he supported him no matter what and that this didn’t change his opinion of him at all. The two men talked a little longer before hanging up.

Man, you think you know someone Sam thought as he went back to join his wife in the living room.

The End
This was a GREAT story. I hope you have others to share.
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