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- Nov 10, 2021
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- 100% Gay, 0% Straight
I'm left wondering what my future holds after I made such a bold move. I've never done something so outwardly drama inducing to anyone I'm not usually this kind of person but I realize all my shit and some of not my shit is all across the hall. I pick everything up and continue my original goal. I begin to throw my sheets in the washers and notice the clothing that doesn't belong to me. Mari isn't my size sitting at an easy 145 -160 and I'm a easily double that. I like the design of the shirt with a skull marked with designs and flowers but as I can't wear it and it's a bit of payback(i'm on a revenge high.) I toss it in the trash.
Then all that's left is Dan's sweaty shirt. He wasn't wearing a shirt while he was doing the deed but as I look at it I'm brought back to that moment. Dan's towering hulking mass almost completely blocked Maris' figure. His 2 basketballs glued to his backside that he calls his ass bouncing up and down as he slowly thrusts himself into Mari. In all my time here I never saw Dan in a sexual light. He was attractive in the general sense but was always a dick to me so It didn't click for me. After watching this man have sex for a few moments and after seeing parts of his body I'd never thought I'd see I'm almost embarrassed to say that something did blossom in me.
Don't get me wrong I want him dead but as I look at his shirt I think back to how good his musk smelled as his body was mere inches from mine. I grab his shirt and I give it a huff. It wasn't as intense as it was in person but it did do the trick. I felt my pants getting tighter but I quickly realized where I am and how weird I look so I started the cycle and took Dan's shirt as I made my way back to my dorm.
I get to the door where it all started and I press my ear to the door to see if I can get some kind of hint of what is waiting for me on the other side. I expect my side of the room to be trashed, maybe my book club books ripped to shreds and scattered about the place. The thought of it angers me but then it fills me with glee to think of one of them being so hurt by the likes of me. I don't hear any commotion or movement so I brace myself and open the door.
I'm absolutely stunned to find that the room is pretty much as I left it. Even my book club book in the same place I dropped it when it all started. I scan the room and I see Jeremy in the “kitchen” area (it's a sink with a microwave and some cabinet space). He's got something going in the microwave and he has his phone on the counter apparently waiting for a response. He's got his usually bedtime attire on as you may expect it's no shirt and random pajama pants this time it seems to be a rose theme. I slowly close the door, grab my book from the floor and make my way to my sheetless bed to sit there and pretend to read.
I watch for a few moments as Jeremy stares down at his phone. I wait as he waits for something to happen and nothing does. The microwave goes off as he finally frustratingly grabs his phone and opens the microwave. He grabs a burrito looking thing on a plate and sets it down on the counter. He turns and finally looks in my direction as he makes his way to his bed. He sits at the edge of it looking directly at me to the point where I can't even pretend to read anymore so I drop the book in my lap to look at him.
He speaks to me in a calm subdued voice which is definitely a surprise “ Tell me what you saw” I take this moment to to be a bit cheeky “ Are u sure Dan is a pretty big man I-” he holds a hand up to cut me off with a subtle look of disgust and in a genuine tone as I can almost see a tear in his eye he says “ please just tell me what happened”. This breaks my armor in a way I didn't expect. Jeremy was a dick to me from time to time but never to the extent Dan was. He would laugh at his poorly made jokes but never really made any of his own. At most he'd parrot the foul things coming from Dan and others' mouths. As roommates I had seen his softer side. We even once talked about Mari when they were in the early stages of dating.
I wanted that entire group to pay for what they had done and that included him but as I look at the situation as much as I want to hurt Dan by creating a rift in his friend group this ended up hurting a much less deserving target way more. I became more serious and sympathetic and relayed to him what I saw in a less vivid and descriptive way than I've shared with you. “ I came in after book club got cut short. I only wanted to get my books so I could do a late study sesh. I could barely hear something moving around but there was no sock and no music so I thought it was just you. I went in and saw the two of them tangled together doing the deed. Mari left quickly and Dan stayed behind to threaten me a bit”.
As I explain what I saw I see Jeremy take all this in. I expect some kind of outburst but he just abruptly gets up from the bed and grabs the burrito. He walks back over to me and offers it to me. In the past some of them would offer me snacks and various things as a fat joke but this is the first time it's been done to me by one of them with some kind of genuine intent. I take the plate from him as we both simultaneously utter the words “Thank you” . I watch him crawl into bed and allow the covers to swallow him whole.
The events of tonight replay in my mind as I sit there debating if I made the right choice. I begin to eat the burrito and slowly realize I forgot to set a timer for my clothes and head back to the laundry room. When I get there I see a friend of mine, Haley. We started book club together last year and have slowly grown closer over our shared gayness(She's bi I'm just a gay nerd).She waves and greets me while pointing at my sheets “Did u piss the bed or something….wait did u hook up tonight give me the details now” I feel relief and although I hesitate I spend the rest of my clothes wash and dry journey giving her every detail about what happened, not missing a beat. She responds “Not as good as getting dicked down but just as spicy. You think you can handle all this mess” I give an unconcerned look “ After all the shit they've put me through I can handle anything they throw at me. They've basically trained me for this exact moment” as I hold my hands up and throw a few weak boxing jabs. She starts laughing and I follow suit shortly after.
I end the night with fresh warm sheets and a full stomach. I can't stop thinking about Dan's body. I haven't had many experiences with men that look like Dan. The jock category of men just haven't been interested in me it seems so seeing a man with such a physique in all his unclothed glory has me enthralled. Riding the high of the night I grab Dan's shirt as I begin to jerk off. Looking over to Jeremy making sure he's still wrapped in blankets as I give the shirt the occasional smell to remind me of how Dan smelled while he was on full display. I finish on Dan's shirt so I don't make a mess of my newly cleaned sheets and hide the shirt in a nook at the corner of my bed. I go to sleep happy and even dream of the events prior but instead of Mari its me and instead of just Dan it's Jeremy and Dan. Instead of getting caught the excursion lasts for what feels like hours before I wake up.
The school day goes on as normal outside of a few things. As I walk the hall and I see the jocks and their queens but I'm met with no heckling from the ring master Dan. He gives me a death glare but he makes no remarks. He leaves that up to his second in bullying command Nathan. A 5”9 toned Spanish bull. About as thick as me but he's more athletic so it's not the same. I find that whatever he says gets drowned out by the fact that in the crowd I see Jeremy and Mari together. His arm over her shoulders as it would normally be. Mari gives me a quick glance but avoids looking at me for the most part. As Jeremy looks at me for a bit longer but ultimately resumes indulging Mari.
I'm furious. It's obvious what happened affected the group but I expected them to be in shambles. I wanted them to argue and fight with each other. Maybe fuck up practice a bit but they act as if nothing happened. I storm off but before I could get too far away I see Dan chase after me. I fear that this may be an act of retaliation so I pick up the pace as much as I can to a semi public space where I'd feel safe. I go where I think there would be tons of people who could watch as Dan does whatever he does ( it was the bathroom). I panicked ok I had a lot on my mind and was already internally embarrassed by how I hyped this epic revenge moment in my head and it fell flat. I wanted to disappear and that was my first thought. Plus I'm not too athletic so I took what I could get.
I get there and he's seconds after me. The one random guy there shuffles off noticing the commotion of us running in and as he exits Dan forces the door closed and turns to me. Again he meets me with that shit eating grin as he taunts me “ I must admit you got balls for doing what you did. Had me for a second there. Unfortunately for you we are a team through and through and it took you pulling your shit to show me just how tight we are.” He approaches me and I back away getting closer and closer to the back wall just by the stalls. In panic I say “I don't know what Jeremy told you but when I told him what happened he was pisssed. He said he was gonna get you back for what you did”. He slows his approach and gives a squint as if contemplating what I said. This only lasts a moment as he rushes me grabbing my shirt once again and pins me to the back wall.
“I told you if you told him anything I would fuck you up…remember that fat bitch.” He exclaims in a slightly raised but not yelling tone. As this happens I can hear someone just outside the door try to get in but his goons intercept them. I try to yell for help but before the words come out Dan covers my mouth and presses my head against the wall. “ Shut the fuck up”. In these moments I'm terrified. The consequences of what I had done are now right in front of me. I thought I could handle whatever Dan could throw at me but I never thought him capable of something like this.
He leans down and gets close to my ear. In the worst parts of my mind I expected him to bite It off or something. I braced myself for the worst but I'm shocked, relieved and confused to hear him whisper to me “ you like what you saw?” He pulls away to look at me. My mouth is still covered but I can tell he expects an answer so I give him one I think he both expects and wants. I nod my head yes. “ I fuckin knew it you fag. Your stunt left me with blue balls last night and you wanna fix that right?” my eyes grow wide and I again nod my head yes. My heart races as I absolutely never expected anything like this. I heard straight guys get experimental in college but I didn't think I would be the kind of guy they would choose. I mean he could have any girl he wanted and he chooses me. Maybe it's because he knows he's essentially made me his bitch for 2 years so asking me to do something like this would go in his favor. With all he's done to me in the past that I just took he knows he can get away with this to.
He slowly lifts his hand from my mouth giving me a knowing look. I contemplate yelling but I think to myself about all that has happened and think this could be my reward. In some twisted way getting with the semi hot straight jock that bullied me for years could be the pay off I've been waiting for. Let alone potential ammunition for future use. I stay quiet and look at him waiting for his instruction. He mostly avoids eye contact with me but he grabs my hand and guides it to his jeans. He doesn't look at me but he whispers” well you fags know what to do right?” he shakes his head expecting me to get on with it.
I slide down the wall as I unzip his pants revealing his white boxer briefs. I use my hand to play with his bulge in an attempt to get him hard. I look up at him to see his head looking up at the ceiling as he uses his hands to lift his shirt. I see his body again this time not as sweaty but just as glorious. When I look down I see a more defined outline of his cock. I can feel it throbbing in my hands just waiting to be released from its cage. I use my hands to do just that pulling his underwear down allowing his cock to flop out smacking me in the face with how close we are.
With how close I am I can now see a thick pronounced vein running down the middle of his shaft. I look at it then look up at him and open my mouth to take his dick. As I do I hear a small grunt moan from him but he does not look down. I begin to thrust my head back and forth feeling his cock get harder in my mouth. I try my best to contain the spit so as to not ruin his or my clothing. I watch as his face contorts and his breathing becomes faster in its pace. I look down at his stomach and as I throat his cock I feel and see him begin to thrust. He almost dances in my throat changing the rhythm of his thrusts randomly. My dick grows harder and I almost slow down and let go of his dick ready to pull mine out and jerk it thinking this was a regular hook up. As I slow down I hear him grunt and say “ Fuck no”. I feel his hand plam my head and forcefully jerk it back and forth almost using me as a flesh light stroking his cock. It's clear he doesn't care about my satisfaction, especially when he is so close to achieving his.
I can barely breathe as his cock fills my throat and I instead try to use my hands to push his midsection away but with his grip and strength I am at his mercy. He pounds my throat with haste as i imagine he was pounding Mari before i interrupted.A few hour long seconds go by and an uncontained moan bursts out of his mouth as I feel a flood of thick cum enter directly into my throat as he presses my head into his body making it even harder to breathe. I feel the sweat from his stomach run down my forehead from his pubes. The smell hits me again and although I can barely breathe I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I see his legs shake and his body begins to spasm as he feels my throat contort on his cock in an effort to breathe. After the seconds pass of him holding his pulsating cock in my throat he pulls it out of my mouth as I'm gasping for air.
He continues to hold my head against the wall as I struggle to breathe and almost uses his cock as a paint brush rubbing the excess cum and saliva off the tip of his dick and onto my face. After he's done he lets me go, shoves his penis into his underwear and zips his pants. He breathes a sigh of relief while grabbing his junk as he remarks “ Woah I heard guys do it better but DAMN. Your fat ass sure does know how to eat huh. We'll keep in touch, big boy. Oh and before I forget..” he tilts my head up to look at him as I see his fist locked and loaded like a gun aimed at my face as he lands a punch right across it. Blood, spit and maybe some unswallowed cum shoots out of my mouth as I hit the floor.
I hear and see him walk toward the door and open it as his buddies take a peak and see me on the floor with blood coming out of my mouth. They hype him up thinking he just beat the shit out of me and leave me for dead. I gather myself quickly, taking some tissue from the stall nearby to clean my face and even the floor where bits of my and maybe Dan's fluids have dribbled. The right side of my face burns and is likely to swell like a balloon. I look in the mirror and although I feel like shit I can do nothing but smile.
If ruining them with this little cheating scandal didn't work the way I wanted then maybe I can do it myself. I mean if Dan, the straightest homophobe I know, wanted me to give him a blowjob and even more than that wants to “keep in touch” maybe I have what it takes to do the deed myself. Am I gonna jerk off about this moment later probably but for now I gotta get to class and tell Haley about what just went down as soon as I possibly can.
Then all that's left is Dan's sweaty shirt. He wasn't wearing a shirt while he was doing the deed but as I look at it I'm brought back to that moment. Dan's towering hulking mass almost completely blocked Maris' figure. His 2 basketballs glued to his backside that he calls his ass bouncing up and down as he slowly thrusts himself into Mari. In all my time here I never saw Dan in a sexual light. He was attractive in the general sense but was always a dick to me so It didn't click for me. After watching this man have sex for a few moments and after seeing parts of his body I'd never thought I'd see I'm almost embarrassed to say that something did blossom in me.
Don't get me wrong I want him dead but as I look at his shirt I think back to how good his musk smelled as his body was mere inches from mine. I grab his shirt and I give it a huff. It wasn't as intense as it was in person but it did do the trick. I felt my pants getting tighter but I quickly realized where I am and how weird I look so I started the cycle and took Dan's shirt as I made my way back to my dorm.
I get to the door where it all started and I press my ear to the door to see if I can get some kind of hint of what is waiting for me on the other side. I expect my side of the room to be trashed, maybe my book club books ripped to shreds and scattered about the place. The thought of it angers me but then it fills me with glee to think of one of them being so hurt by the likes of me. I don't hear any commotion or movement so I brace myself and open the door.
I'm absolutely stunned to find that the room is pretty much as I left it. Even my book club book in the same place I dropped it when it all started. I scan the room and I see Jeremy in the “kitchen” area (it's a sink with a microwave and some cabinet space). He's got something going in the microwave and he has his phone on the counter apparently waiting for a response. He's got his usually bedtime attire on as you may expect it's no shirt and random pajama pants this time it seems to be a rose theme. I slowly close the door, grab my book from the floor and make my way to my sheetless bed to sit there and pretend to read.
I watch for a few moments as Jeremy stares down at his phone. I wait as he waits for something to happen and nothing does. The microwave goes off as he finally frustratingly grabs his phone and opens the microwave. He grabs a burrito looking thing on a plate and sets it down on the counter. He turns and finally looks in my direction as he makes his way to his bed. He sits at the edge of it looking directly at me to the point where I can't even pretend to read anymore so I drop the book in my lap to look at him.
He speaks to me in a calm subdued voice which is definitely a surprise “ Tell me what you saw” I take this moment to to be a bit cheeky “ Are u sure Dan is a pretty big man I-” he holds a hand up to cut me off with a subtle look of disgust and in a genuine tone as I can almost see a tear in his eye he says “ please just tell me what happened”. This breaks my armor in a way I didn't expect. Jeremy was a dick to me from time to time but never to the extent Dan was. He would laugh at his poorly made jokes but never really made any of his own. At most he'd parrot the foul things coming from Dan and others' mouths. As roommates I had seen his softer side. We even once talked about Mari when they were in the early stages of dating.
I wanted that entire group to pay for what they had done and that included him but as I look at the situation as much as I want to hurt Dan by creating a rift in his friend group this ended up hurting a much less deserving target way more. I became more serious and sympathetic and relayed to him what I saw in a less vivid and descriptive way than I've shared with you. “ I came in after book club got cut short. I only wanted to get my books so I could do a late study sesh. I could barely hear something moving around but there was no sock and no music so I thought it was just you. I went in and saw the two of them tangled together doing the deed. Mari left quickly and Dan stayed behind to threaten me a bit”.
As I explain what I saw I see Jeremy take all this in. I expect some kind of outburst but he just abruptly gets up from the bed and grabs the burrito. He walks back over to me and offers it to me. In the past some of them would offer me snacks and various things as a fat joke but this is the first time it's been done to me by one of them with some kind of genuine intent. I take the plate from him as we both simultaneously utter the words “Thank you” . I watch him crawl into bed and allow the covers to swallow him whole.
The events of tonight replay in my mind as I sit there debating if I made the right choice. I begin to eat the burrito and slowly realize I forgot to set a timer for my clothes and head back to the laundry room. When I get there I see a friend of mine, Haley. We started book club together last year and have slowly grown closer over our shared gayness(She's bi I'm just a gay nerd).She waves and greets me while pointing at my sheets “Did u piss the bed or something….wait did u hook up tonight give me the details now” I feel relief and although I hesitate I spend the rest of my clothes wash and dry journey giving her every detail about what happened, not missing a beat. She responds “Not as good as getting dicked down but just as spicy. You think you can handle all this mess” I give an unconcerned look “ After all the shit they've put me through I can handle anything they throw at me. They've basically trained me for this exact moment” as I hold my hands up and throw a few weak boxing jabs. She starts laughing and I follow suit shortly after.
I end the night with fresh warm sheets and a full stomach. I can't stop thinking about Dan's body. I haven't had many experiences with men that look like Dan. The jock category of men just haven't been interested in me it seems so seeing a man with such a physique in all his unclothed glory has me enthralled. Riding the high of the night I grab Dan's shirt as I begin to jerk off. Looking over to Jeremy making sure he's still wrapped in blankets as I give the shirt the occasional smell to remind me of how Dan smelled while he was on full display. I finish on Dan's shirt so I don't make a mess of my newly cleaned sheets and hide the shirt in a nook at the corner of my bed. I go to sleep happy and even dream of the events prior but instead of Mari its me and instead of just Dan it's Jeremy and Dan. Instead of getting caught the excursion lasts for what feels like hours before I wake up.
The school day goes on as normal outside of a few things. As I walk the hall and I see the jocks and their queens but I'm met with no heckling from the ring master Dan. He gives me a death glare but he makes no remarks. He leaves that up to his second in bullying command Nathan. A 5”9 toned Spanish bull. About as thick as me but he's more athletic so it's not the same. I find that whatever he says gets drowned out by the fact that in the crowd I see Jeremy and Mari together. His arm over her shoulders as it would normally be. Mari gives me a quick glance but avoids looking at me for the most part. As Jeremy looks at me for a bit longer but ultimately resumes indulging Mari.
I'm furious. It's obvious what happened affected the group but I expected them to be in shambles. I wanted them to argue and fight with each other. Maybe fuck up practice a bit but they act as if nothing happened. I storm off but before I could get too far away I see Dan chase after me. I fear that this may be an act of retaliation so I pick up the pace as much as I can to a semi public space where I'd feel safe. I go where I think there would be tons of people who could watch as Dan does whatever he does ( it was the bathroom). I panicked ok I had a lot on my mind and was already internally embarrassed by how I hyped this epic revenge moment in my head and it fell flat. I wanted to disappear and that was my first thought. Plus I'm not too athletic so I took what I could get.
I get there and he's seconds after me. The one random guy there shuffles off noticing the commotion of us running in and as he exits Dan forces the door closed and turns to me. Again he meets me with that shit eating grin as he taunts me “ I must admit you got balls for doing what you did. Had me for a second there. Unfortunately for you we are a team through and through and it took you pulling your shit to show me just how tight we are.” He approaches me and I back away getting closer and closer to the back wall just by the stalls. In panic I say “I don't know what Jeremy told you but when I told him what happened he was pisssed. He said he was gonna get you back for what you did”. He slows his approach and gives a squint as if contemplating what I said. This only lasts a moment as he rushes me grabbing my shirt once again and pins me to the back wall.
“I told you if you told him anything I would fuck you up…remember that fat bitch.” He exclaims in a slightly raised but not yelling tone. As this happens I can hear someone just outside the door try to get in but his goons intercept them. I try to yell for help but before the words come out Dan covers my mouth and presses my head against the wall. “ Shut the fuck up”. In these moments I'm terrified. The consequences of what I had done are now right in front of me. I thought I could handle whatever Dan could throw at me but I never thought him capable of something like this.
He leans down and gets close to my ear. In the worst parts of my mind I expected him to bite It off or something. I braced myself for the worst but I'm shocked, relieved and confused to hear him whisper to me “ you like what you saw?” He pulls away to look at me. My mouth is still covered but I can tell he expects an answer so I give him one I think he both expects and wants. I nod my head yes. “ I fuckin knew it you fag. Your stunt left me with blue balls last night and you wanna fix that right?” my eyes grow wide and I again nod my head yes. My heart races as I absolutely never expected anything like this. I heard straight guys get experimental in college but I didn't think I would be the kind of guy they would choose. I mean he could have any girl he wanted and he chooses me. Maybe it's because he knows he's essentially made me his bitch for 2 years so asking me to do something like this would go in his favor. With all he's done to me in the past that I just took he knows he can get away with this to.
He slowly lifts his hand from my mouth giving me a knowing look. I contemplate yelling but I think to myself about all that has happened and think this could be my reward. In some twisted way getting with the semi hot straight jock that bullied me for years could be the pay off I've been waiting for. Let alone potential ammunition for future use. I stay quiet and look at him waiting for his instruction. He mostly avoids eye contact with me but he grabs my hand and guides it to his jeans. He doesn't look at me but he whispers” well you fags know what to do right?” he shakes his head expecting me to get on with it.
I slide down the wall as I unzip his pants revealing his white boxer briefs. I use my hand to play with his bulge in an attempt to get him hard. I look up at him to see his head looking up at the ceiling as he uses his hands to lift his shirt. I see his body again this time not as sweaty but just as glorious. When I look down I see a more defined outline of his cock. I can feel it throbbing in my hands just waiting to be released from its cage. I use my hands to do just that pulling his underwear down allowing his cock to flop out smacking me in the face with how close we are.
With how close I am I can now see a thick pronounced vein running down the middle of his shaft. I look at it then look up at him and open my mouth to take his dick. As I do I hear a small grunt moan from him but he does not look down. I begin to thrust my head back and forth feeling his cock get harder in my mouth. I try my best to contain the spit so as to not ruin his or my clothing. I watch as his face contorts and his breathing becomes faster in its pace. I look down at his stomach and as I throat his cock I feel and see him begin to thrust. He almost dances in my throat changing the rhythm of his thrusts randomly. My dick grows harder and I almost slow down and let go of his dick ready to pull mine out and jerk it thinking this was a regular hook up. As I slow down I hear him grunt and say “ Fuck no”. I feel his hand plam my head and forcefully jerk it back and forth almost using me as a flesh light stroking his cock. It's clear he doesn't care about my satisfaction, especially when he is so close to achieving his.
I can barely breathe as his cock fills my throat and I instead try to use my hands to push his midsection away but with his grip and strength I am at his mercy. He pounds my throat with haste as i imagine he was pounding Mari before i interrupted.A few hour long seconds go by and an uncontained moan bursts out of his mouth as I feel a flood of thick cum enter directly into my throat as he presses my head into his body making it even harder to breathe. I feel the sweat from his stomach run down my forehead from his pubes. The smell hits me again and although I can barely breathe I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I see his legs shake and his body begins to spasm as he feels my throat contort on his cock in an effort to breathe. After the seconds pass of him holding his pulsating cock in my throat he pulls it out of my mouth as I'm gasping for air.
He continues to hold my head against the wall as I struggle to breathe and almost uses his cock as a paint brush rubbing the excess cum and saliva off the tip of his dick and onto my face. After he's done he lets me go, shoves his penis into his underwear and zips his pants. He breathes a sigh of relief while grabbing his junk as he remarks “ Woah I heard guys do it better but DAMN. Your fat ass sure does know how to eat huh. We'll keep in touch, big boy. Oh and before I forget..” he tilts my head up to look at him as I see his fist locked and loaded like a gun aimed at my face as he lands a punch right across it. Blood, spit and maybe some unswallowed cum shoots out of my mouth as I hit the floor.
I hear and see him walk toward the door and open it as his buddies take a peak and see me on the floor with blood coming out of my mouth. They hype him up thinking he just beat the shit out of me and leave me for dead. I gather myself quickly, taking some tissue from the stall nearby to clean my face and even the floor where bits of my and maybe Dan's fluids have dribbled. The right side of my face burns and is likely to swell like a balloon. I look in the mirror and although I feel like shit I can do nothing but smile.
If ruining them with this little cheating scandal didn't work the way I wanted then maybe I can do it myself. I mean if Dan, the straightest homophobe I know, wanted me to give him a blowjob and even more than that wants to “keep in touch” maybe I have what it takes to do the deed myself. Am I gonna jerk off about this moment later probably but for now I gotta get to class and tell Haley about what just went down as soon as I possibly can.