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- Nov 10, 2021
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- New York (United States)
- Sexuality
- 100% Gay, 0% Straight
I made my way out of the bathroom after I cleaned myself up. I was gonna be a bit late for class but I didn't care. The thrill of what just happened to me and what it could mean for the rest of my time here carried me and gave me a rush. I couldn't focus all day. Any class I entered I found myself thinking back to Dan's cock forcing its way down my throat. Hearing him grunt and moan as he felt the pleasures of my throat.
Me and Haley shared a free period and I hunted her down. I saw her making her way through the campus, likely on her way to our fave coffee shop “Warm Welcome” . I intercept her and pretty much drag her to a bench with relative privacy. “Woah woah what's going on” she exclaims as I pull her to a seat. “You are not gonna believe what just fucking happened to me” I say excitedly. She looks at me finally having time to focus on my face. She notices the swelling and slight discoloration of the right side of my face. She puts a gentle hand to my lump of a cheek and says “OH MY GOD What happened to you”. I give her the detail in a sort of rushed version. I ran from Dan. He chased me into the bathroom and made me give him a blowjob etc. Her face twisting as I describe what happened cuts my high and brings me back down to earth.
With a sincere look into my eyes she says “ That is not ok Joshua ( my names Joshua by the way). I warned you this was gonna come back to you. You gotta go to the nurse or something”. Her words kind of snap me out of my trance likely induced by the fulfilling of a fantasy I've always had and the adrenaline rush I had after being punched so hard by Dan. This is also the moment where the pain of it all really starts to kick my ass as I grab my cheek and scrunch my face. She grabs my hand and drags me much like I dragged her in to Warm Welcome. She sits me in a booth while she goes to make an order.
She comes back to me with a cup of ice and a ham and cheese sandwich. One was for me and the other was for her ill let you guess who got what…..As I grab a napkin and place some ice in it to give my cheek some momentary relief she looks at me with concern and disappointment as she takes a bite of half her sandwich. “I would offer you the other half but psychos don't get ham sandwiches. I could be misunderstanding but you seemed happy to have been punched in the face by that brute. Please explain what about this could possibly be a good thing?”.
I look at her slightly ashamed of myself but I'm still convinced I have something good going so I tell her “ My original plan didn't do any damage if at all. The straightest and most homophobic guy I've ever met who probably has the straightest and most homophobic friends I've never met just got me to give him a blowjob. Not only that but he liked it so much he may come back for more. I get to get some from a jock like him while also gathering ammunition to do the damage I wanted to in the first place.”. She looks at me unamused with my idea or my conviction. She sits back and slumps in her side of the booth “ so your genuinely considering hooking up with this guy again if he comes back to you for your master revenge plot? Are you willing to make that much of a sacrifice just to get to him?” I counter her expression by sitting up in my seat and holding a firm posture “ I am and I will do what needs to be done to ruin him and his friends but mostly him. The 6 of them ( Dan, Julio, Jeremy, Stephon, Manny and Derrick) will get what's coming to them. Toppling the ringmaster will destroy them all.”.
She shakes her head “ I think this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard from you but if you think it's worth it and you think you can stomach it then give them hell. Just make sure Book club keeps going cause it's pretty much the only thing keeping me going tbh.”. She laughs and holds a pinky out to me to seal the deal. I laugh alongside her much more quietly given my condition and I present my pinky to match hers. “See you in a few hours and for the love of whoever please get that checked and make sure nothings broken.”. She stands gathering her stuff and begins to leave, leaving the other half of her sandwich behind.
Before I can even think I'm bombarded by someone sitting in the seat she just left from. It's emo barista also known as Eric. He's a scrawny 5 '9 black man with an almost bowl cut and piercings in his nos and eyebrows.Looks like he's never seen the gym in his life but has still managed to stay skinny. Nerdy and kind from what I've experienced from him. We've never really talked like this or at all beyond me placing an order so this is strange. He sits across from me and leans in to whisper. I look at him slightly confused but ultimately lean in to hear what he has to say. “ Are you really gay?.”. I kind of chuckle at the implication that it wasn't obvious and lean back with no intention of continuing this convo via whispers. “Yeah. Why are you gonna start throwing slurs at me?”.
He leans back and sits with an almost appalled look on his face. Him no longer whispering “ No of course not. I've heard people call you that and didn't know if it was true or not. I heard Dan did that to you.”. I slowly nod and he looks slightly saddened “ Damn that sucks. That guy's an asshole. Him and his crew come in here and order just to trash the place after they leave. Can't believe people actually like that guy.”. As I listen to him I think to myself “ what does being gay have to do with this?” and that thought becomes speech as I ask him that exact question. He gets a bit flustered and he tells me “ I see you come in every now and then with Haley and I never thought to approach you. I've been interested in you for a while but didn't wanna assume you were actually gay and I was too shy to take the chance and ask you out.”.
I've had a few sexual encounters while I've been in college. Mostly your quickie blowjobs and even handjobs. I've been saving my ass for someone I actually like. I'm not really sure of his intentions or if he really likes me. This is the first guy who's ever approached me like this and has said these kinds of things to me. Butterflies grow in my stomach. “Oh… I never knew you were into me like that. I honestly thought you were straight and into haley.”. As I mention his sexuality he kind of looks around and goes back to whispering. “ I'm kind of on the dl. I didn't wanna come out to anyone at all really which is part of why I haven't approached you. I gotta get back to work but if you wanna meet up tomorrow morning at 9 I'd love to actually chill with you.” he writes down his dorm room on the sandwich wrapper and slides it to me.
As he gets up from the table I grab the sandwich and leave the shop to head to my next period. As the day eventually comes to an end I make my way back to my dorm to spend my few hours before Jeremy and whoever comes back from practice. Instead of doing anything productive like I normally do I'm still charged from earlier so what else is there for me to do other than release that energy. I reach around for Dan's shirt. I pullout my dick and start stroking it. Normally I'd go on my bed and hide under the covers but we still in revenge mode so I lay Dan's shirt over a chair and stand in the middle of the room with no bottoms on just my shirt stroking myself.
I think about the bathroom incident and I imagine Dan thrusting into my mouth and I recreate those movements on my hand. I'm not as big as him by about 2 inches but in those moments I imagine my hand was my mouth and I'm Dan fucking it. I imagine how good my throat was to make a straight boy say he wants to keep in touch. I began to grab my ass as I wished I could grab his as I was sucking him off. It only takes a few minutes but I spray my load all over Dan's shirt. I must be a witch or something cause as I come to a moaning finish I hear a half assed knock at the door and Dan yelling Jeremy's name as he begins to open the door.
I'm half naked in the middle of our room desperately looking for something to cover myself as the door swings open. The only thing in reach is Dan's practice shirt so I grab it to cover myself and turn to face the music. “ Yo Jeremy you in here…What the fuck.”. I close my eyes for a few seconds as he yells this hoping that if I had enough power to summon this man with my cumshot then maybe there's enough magic left in me to make him go away and forget this ever happened( there wasnt). I open my eyes almost expecting him to disappear in smoke but he stands before me in most of his football uniform ( he didn't have that helmet guard thing). His new practice shirt has sweat collecting at the collar and his legs are bulky thanks to those leg guard things football players wear. Maybe that'll make it easy to run from him but then I realize I only have a shirt on my top half and his shirt covering my dick.
As im in not mentally prepared to run around the school half naked I stand there and brace myself for the insults. I close my eyes again and all I hear is the flick of a picture being taken. My eyes open as horror is sprawled all over my face. I see Dan with a phone in his hand as he closes the door and locks it. He looks at me with his infuriating grin with his phone still pointed at me “ Move the shirt.”. He says in a demanding yet joking tone. I think of my options and I know I'm not fast enough or strong enough to get past him so to save myself from more pain I comply.
He sees my post orgasm dick limp and still wet at the tip dripping with leftover cum from the shirt I just coated. I hear him laugh as he takes another picture. He finally puts his phone down “ Now nobody needs to see these just like nobody needs to know what me and you get up to right?”. I give a pained sigh and nod my head yes. His smile resets as I see him take note of the shirt and realize it's the one he left behind. “ Damn you missed me that much…I'm ready for round two some come get it if you want it that bad.”.I relent and I begin to walk toward him as he holds a hand up “ Nooo crawl for this meat.”. I do as he says and slowly make my way to the floor on hands and knees making my way to him.
As I slowly advance he begins to undo his gear and i see he's now wearing a jockstrap. He leaves it on and steps out of his pads while he takes off his sweaty shirt and tosses it on my bed. He stands there hands at his side barely looking at me like before. I unwrap his cock like a present pulling it out of the jock and watching it flop down waiting for me to give it a new home. I go to grab it and I barely have a grip as he swipes my hand away “ No hands bitch.”. I follow his instruction as I start with his balls. I can tell he wasn't expecting it as he jumps little bit as my tongue hits the bottom of his nuts. I can taste the sweat he gained during his short time at practice and it reactivated me.
I stuff my face into his junk shoving his balls into my mouth which is met with an exasperated moan. His cock gets harder as it rests on my left cheek. He palms my head again grabbing my hair this time and forcefully pulls me from his balls and forced me to look at him “ I don't have time to fuck around. Make me nut so I can get back to practice.”. He then holds my head still as he shoves his cock down my throat. Thrusting just like he did in the bathroom. This time he must feel more comfortable or I just got better cause his moans are loud and pronounced almost primal. I feel him enter my throat over and over and as a surprise to me he takes his dick out of my mouth and waves it in front of my face, almost taunting me with it. Spit from my mouth and his dick coat my chin and top of my shirt.
“ You want my nut slut.” This time he makes me shake my head no “well too bad faggot”. Instead of putting it in my mouth he makes me watch him jerk off. It takes him about 10 seconds but his Bestial grunt rises to the surface as I see his nut shoot out of his tip and land on my face and shirt. Some even landed on my thighs as he absolutely covered me in his load. His breaths are heavy and with every stroke of his cock his body contorts but he isn't done. He shoves his cock in my mouth with a muddle groan as he uses me to clean him up a bit. He thrusts in ny mouth a couple times as he moans and spasm. This time i can actually taste his nut and it surprisingly tastes kinda good. Definitely not the worst i've had and it leaves me wanting more.He takes his dick out and shows me the cum on his fingers as he pulls my head to it. I stick my tongue out as he rubs the remainder of his nut on it. I savor this moment licking in between his fingers getting every drop.
He grabs his shirt from off my bed as he wipes the sweat off his body and the residue off his cock
As he puts his jock and pads back on. He contemplates putting his shirt back on but looks at me and tosses the shirt back on my bed “ Add it to your collection looks like you made a mess out of the last one. Meet me in my dorm before my class tomorrow at 9,and be ready.”. He doesn't express further on what be ready means but he stares at my ass as he say it. I nod my head yes and he gives me a playful slap on my right cheek that reignited the pain I was in before.
He leaves much like he left when this all started with no shirt and a slightly sweaty body closing the door behind him. It's at that point I realize Eric wanted to meet up tomorrow morning too and I begin to weigh my options. Do I go be with Eric the dl that may end up being the secret love of my life and ignore Dan's demand to potentially have my nudes leaked to God knows who with potentially more physical and verbal assault? Do I go to Dan and give my anal virginity to this meathead in the name of pursuing my revenge which at this point is turning into me fulfilling my fantasies and abandon this man who decided to be so vulnerable with me and expressed what seemed to be genuine interest?
I sit on the hardwood floor covered in jock cum and my own saliva contemplating my future plans. I think for a bit but remember book club is gonna happen soon and I gotta get cleaned up.i pick myself up throw Dan's old shirt in the laundry basket and put his new shirt in the old ones spot and I head out. Book club wasn't as good as it normally is thanks to its host being injured and dick drunk. Haley notices as well as others but they chock it up to my injury which is what most of the club is about also contributing to it not being great.
We end early again as everyone wants me to get rest and take care of my face. I head back to the dorm early once again and I see no sock and there is barely any commotion. I open the door and I see Jeremy sitting on his bed almost waiting for me. I apologize and begin to close the door and leave as he stops me and says I can come in to which I do. “Dan says he beat your ass and I can see he did.”. I make my way to my bed and sit looking at him. I nod my head and he gives a deep sigh.
It crushes me to think that he wouldn't burn the campus down after finding out his 2 year girlfriend cheated on him. Especially with how much he talks about her and what he's done for her. I have no choice but to ask so I do “ How could you let him get away with that?You love that girl and I tell you she cheated on you with him and the next day yall are still a big happy family. I saw your face when I told you and I saw how you acted. You weren't cool with it. Are you scared of him?”. I can see his face begin to boil as I press him further attempting to stir the pot more and more.
“ Not that it's any of your business but me and Mari have been on rocky terms. We haven't been doing it for weeks now.She's been asking for a threesome for some time now to reignite the spark and I like the idea but she wanted another guy and I just couldn't get behind that. I would be cool if it was a girl but she didn't like that. It would always come up and it caused a rift. She's brought up the idea that maybe if it was a friend instead of a stranger I would be more comfortable. I thought about it and I agreed and she suggested Dan. I brought up the idea to him and after he joked about me being gay he said he was down. My only desire was that I was involved in all parts of it and that nothing happened without me. Apparently me and Mari weren't completely clear about that and he started while I went out to get snacks for after. She claims responsibility for her fuck up and I decided to forgive her.”.
Listening to him talk I could tell he didn't really forgive her. Part of me wanted to let it go and just talk like we we used to before things got fucked up by Dan. I knew the end goal of all of this and Dan has something on me so why not try and get back at him “ if it was just him starting early then I don't see why he didn't just kick me out and wait till u got back to continue. Seems to me like he knew your terms and just wanted to fuck your girl and she let him. He doesn't care about you and neither does she.”. Anger is all over his face and I clearly struck a nerve “ Shut the fuck up” he stands up and crosses the distance to my bed. As I sit he towers over me and I see and feel how furious he is.” Dan should have put you in a coma.”. He looks like he wants to destroy me,his fists even ball up but he holds his temper enough not to hit me. Instead he settles for spitting in my face and walking to our “kitchen”.
This is the first and only time Jeremy has been so physically hostile toward me. Even tho he didn't hit me, it shows me exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing. Dan is poisoning good people and turning them into this( I choose to believe it's all or mostly Dan's fault. However these individuals are not excused from the actions they take just cause Dan's a prick). The first punch landed so now its time for the follow up. I wipe my face as Jeremy makes his way to the kitchen. I call out “ If it makes you feel better He probably won't be going for Mari anymore. He's got me to empty his balls.”. He quickly turns to me disgusted at the implication but also curious “ What in the fuck does that mean?''.
I smile to him and laughingly remark “ You don't have to believe me but when Dan”beat” me up he said he left here yesterday with blue balls and that I should fix it. The fag I am I did as he asked and sucked his dick. He loved it so much that hours later when he came here to look for you he let me do it again. Actually..”.I lean over to the laundry basket and pull out the original shirt with its stains and marks and then I reach to my hiding spot and pull put the second shirt. “The first one he left by accident but this one he let me keep as a reward for being his favorite cocksucker. I'm even going to his dorm tomorrow morning to get fucked or whatever he wants to do honestly ( I guess I made my choice. Sorry Eric).
Jeremy looks at me in utter shock and disbelief as I rant and show my proof “ You're free to follow me over there and see what happens when I'm in private with your teammate and best homophobic buddy.” I end off with a grin similar to the grin I've had to endure for years. Jeremy doesn't know what to do but he let it go and almost challenges me “ Ok when you head over I'll interrupt and we will see what happens. If your lying I'm gonna kick your ass.”. He sits back on his bed and gets ready for bed grabbing his pajamas and heading to the showers. The plan is finally in motion.
Me and Haley shared a free period and I hunted her down. I saw her making her way through the campus, likely on her way to our fave coffee shop “Warm Welcome” . I intercept her and pretty much drag her to a bench with relative privacy. “Woah woah what's going on” she exclaims as I pull her to a seat. “You are not gonna believe what just fucking happened to me” I say excitedly. She looks at me finally having time to focus on my face. She notices the swelling and slight discoloration of the right side of my face. She puts a gentle hand to my lump of a cheek and says “OH MY GOD What happened to you”. I give her the detail in a sort of rushed version. I ran from Dan. He chased me into the bathroom and made me give him a blowjob etc. Her face twisting as I describe what happened cuts my high and brings me back down to earth.
With a sincere look into my eyes she says “ That is not ok Joshua ( my names Joshua by the way). I warned you this was gonna come back to you. You gotta go to the nurse or something”. Her words kind of snap me out of my trance likely induced by the fulfilling of a fantasy I've always had and the adrenaline rush I had after being punched so hard by Dan. This is also the moment where the pain of it all really starts to kick my ass as I grab my cheek and scrunch my face. She grabs my hand and drags me much like I dragged her in to Warm Welcome. She sits me in a booth while she goes to make an order.
She comes back to me with a cup of ice and a ham and cheese sandwich. One was for me and the other was for her ill let you guess who got what…..As I grab a napkin and place some ice in it to give my cheek some momentary relief she looks at me with concern and disappointment as she takes a bite of half her sandwich. “I would offer you the other half but psychos don't get ham sandwiches. I could be misunderstanding but you seemed happy to have been punched in the face by that brute. Please explain what about this could possibly be a good thing?”.
I look at her slightly ashamed of myself but I'm still convinced I have something good going so I tell her “ My original plan didn't do any damage if at all. The straightest and most homophobic guy I've ever met who probably has the straightest and most homophobic friends I've never met just got me to give him a blowjob. Not only that but he liked it so much he may come back for more. I get to get some from a jock like him while also gathering ammunition to do the damage I wanted to in the first place.”. She looks at me unamused with my idea or my conviction. She sits back and slumps in her side of the booth “ so your genuinely considering hooking up with this guy again if he comes back to you for your master revenge plot? Are you willing to make that much of a sacrifice just to get to him?” I counter her expression by sitting up in my seat and holding a firm posture “ I am and I will do what needs to be done to ruin him and his friends but mostly him. The 6 of them ( Dan, Julio, Jeremy, Stephon, Manny and Derrick) will get what's coming to them. Toppling the ringmaster will destroy them all.”.
She shakes her head “ I think this is the stupidest shit I've ever heard from you but if you think it's worth it and you think you can stomach it then give them hell. Just make sure Book club keeps going cause it's pretty much the only thing keeping me going tbh.”. She laughs and holds a pinky out to me to seal the deal. I laugh alongside her much more quietly given my condition and I present my pinky to match hers. “See you in a few hours and for the love of whoever please get that checked and make sure nothings broken.”. She stands gathering her stuff and begins to leave, leaving the other half of her sandwich behind.
Before I can even think I'm bombarded by someone sitting in the seat she just left from. It's emo barista also known as Eric. He's a scrawny 5 '9 black man with an almost bowl cut and piercings in his nos and eyebrows.Looks like he's never seen the gym in his life but has still managed to stay skinny. Nerdy and kind from what I've experienced from him. We've never really talked like this or at all beyond me placing an order so this is strange. He sits across from me and leans in to whisper. I look at him slightly confused but ultimately lean in to hear what he has to say. “ Are you really gay?.”. I kind of chuckle at the implication that it wasn't obvious and lean back with no intention of continuing this convo via whispers. “Yeah. Why are you gonna start throwing slurs at me?”.
He leans back and sits with an almost appalled look on his face. Him no longer whispering “ No of course not. I've heard people call you that and didn't know if it was true or not. I heard Dan did that to you.”. I slowly nod and he looks slightly saddened “ Damn that sucks. That guy's an asshole. Him and his crew come in here and order just to trash the place after they leave. Can't believe people actually like that guy.”. As I listen to him I think to myself “ what does being gay have to do with this?” and that thought becomes speech as I ask him that exact question. He gets a bit flustered and he tells me “ I see you come in every now and then with Haley and I never thought to approach you. I've been interested in you for a while but didn't wanna assume you were actually gay and I was too shy to take the chance and ask you out.”.
I've had a few sexual encounters while I've been in college. Mostly your quickie blowjobs and even handjobs. I've been saving my ass for someone I actually like. I'm not really sure of his intentions or if he really likes me. This is the first guy who's ever approached me like this and has said these kinds of things to me. Butterflies grow in my stomach. “Oh… I never knew you were into me like that. I honestly thought you were straight and into haley.”. As I mention his sexuality he kind of looks around and goes back to whispering. “ I'm kind of on the dl. I didn't wanna come out to anyone at all really which is part of why I haven't approached you. I gotta get back to work but if you wanna meet up tomorrow morning at 9 I'd love to actually chill with you.” he writes down his dorm room on the sandwich wrapper and slides it to me.
As he gets up from the table I grab the sandwich and leave the shop to head to my next period. As the day eventually comes to an end I make my way back to my dorm to spend my few hours before Jeremy and whoever comes back from practice. Instead of doing anything productive like I normally do I'm still charged from earlier so what else is there for me to do other than release that energy. I reach around for Dan's shirt. I pullout my dick and start stroking it. Normally I'd go on my bed and hide under the covers but we still in revenge mode so I lay Dan's shirt over a chair and stand in the middle of the room with no bottoms on just my shirt stroking myself.
I think about the bathroom incident and I imagine Dan thrusting into my mouth and I recreate those movements on my hand. I'm not as big as him by about 2 inches but in those moments I imagine my hand was my mouth and I'm Dan fucking it. I imagine how good my throat was to make a straight boy say he wants to keep in touch. I began to grab my ass as I wished I could grab his as I was sucking him off. It only takes a few minutes but I spray my load all over Dan's shirt. I must be a witch or something cause as I come to a moaning finish I hear a half assed knock at the door and Dan yelling Jeremy's name as he begins to open the door.
I'm half naked in the middle of our room desperately looking for something to cover myself as the door swings open. The only thing in reach is Dan's practice shirt so I grab it to cover myself and turn to face the music. “ Yo Jeremy you in here…What the fuck.”. I close my eyes for a few seconds as he yells this hoping that if I had enough power to summon this man with my cumshot then maybe there's enough magic left in me to make him go away and forget this ever happened( there wasnt). I open my eyes almost expecting him to disappear in smoke but he stands before me in most of his football uniform ( he didn't have that helmet guard thing). His new practice shirt has sweat collecting at the collar and his legs are bulky thanks to those leg guard things football players wear. Maybe that'll make it easy to run from him but then I realize I only have a shirt on my top half and his shirt covering my dick.
As im in not mentally prepared to run around the school half naked I stand there and brace myself for the insults. I close my eyes again and all I hear is the flick of a picture being taken. My eyes open as horror is sprawled all over my face. I see Dan with a phone in his hand as he closes the door and locks it. He looks at me with his infuriating grin with his phone still pointed at me “ Move the shirt.”. He says in a demanding yet joking tone. I think of my options and I know I'm not fast enough or strong enough to get past him so to save myself from more pain I comply.
He sees my post orgasm dick limp and still wet at the tip dripping with leftover cum from the shirt I just coated. I hear him laugh as he takes another picture. He finally puts his phone down “ Now nobody needs to see these just like nobody needs to know what me and you get up to right?”. I give a pained sigh and nod my head yes. His smile resets as I see him take note of the shirt and realize it's the one he left behind. “ Damn you missed me that much…I'm ready for round two some come get it if you want it that bad.”.I relent and I begin to walk toward him as he holds a hand up “ Nooo crawl for this meat.”. I do as he says and slowly make my way to the floor on hands and knees making my way to him.
As I slowly advance he begins to undo his gear and i see he's now wearing a jockstrap. He leaves it on and steps out of his pads while he takes off his sweaty shirt and tosses it on my bed. He stands there hands at his side barely looking at me like before. I unwrap his cock like a present pulling it out of the jock and watching it flop down waiting for me to give it a new home. I go to grab it and I barely have a grip as he swipes my hand away “ No hands bitch.”. I follow his instruction as I start with his balls. I can tell he wasn't expecting it as he jumps little bit as my tongue hits the bottom of his nuts. I can taste the sweat he gained during his short time at practice and it reactivated me.
I stuff my face into his junk shoving his balls into my mouth which is met with an exasperated moan. His cock gets harder as it rests on my left cheek. He palms my head again grabbing my hair this time and forcefully pulls me from his balls and forced me to look at him “ I don't have time to fuck around. Make me nut so I can get back to practice.”. He then holds my head still as he shoves his cock down my throat. Thrusting just like he did in the bathroom. This time he must feel more comfortable or I just got better cause his moans are loud and pronounced almost primal. I feel him enter my throat over and over and as a surprise to me he takes his dick out of my mouth and waves it in front of my face, almost taunting me with it. Spit from my mouth and his dick coat my chin and top of my shirt.
“ You want my nut slut.” This time he makes me shake my head no “well too bad faggot”. Instead of putting it in my mouth he makes me watch him jerk off. It takes him about 10 seconds but his Bestial grunt rises to the surface as I see his nut shoot out of his tip and land on my face and shirt. Some even landed on my thighs as he absolutely covered me in his load. His breaths are heavy and with every stroke of his cock his body contorts but he isn't done. He shoves his cock in my mouth with a muddle groan as he uses me to clean him up a bit. He thrusts in ny mouth a couple times as he moans and spasm. This time i can actually taste his nut and it surprisingly tastes kinda good. Definitely not the worst i've had and it leaves me wanting more.He takes his dick out and shows me the cum on his fingers as he pulls my head to it. I stick my tongue out as he rubs the remainder of his nut on it. I savor this moment licking in between his fingers getting every drop.
He grabs his shirt from off my bed as he wipes the sweat off his body and the residue off his cock
As he puts his jock and pads back on. He contemplates putting his shirt back on but looks at me and tosses the shirt back on my bed “ Add it to your collection looks like you made a mess out of the last one. Meet me in my dorm before my class tomorrow at 9,and be ready.”. He doesn't express further on what be ready means but he stares at my ass as he say it. I nod my head yes and he gives me a playful slap on my right cheek that reignited the pain I was in before.
He leaves much like he left when this all started with no shirt and a slightly sweaty body closing the door behind him. It's at that point I realize Eric wanted to meet up tomorrow morning too and I begin to weigh my options. Do I go be with Eric the dl that may end up being the secret love of my life and ignore Dan's demand to potentially have my nudes leaked to God knows who with potentially more physical and verbal assault? Do I go to Dan and give my anal virginity to this meathead in the name of pursuing my revenge which at this point is turning into me fulfilling my fantasies and abandon this man who decided to be so vulnerable with me and expressed what seemed to be genuine interest?
I sit on the hardwood floor covered in jock cum and my own saliva contemplating my future plans. I think for a bit but remember book club is gonna happen soon and I gotta get cleaned up.i pick myself up throw Dan's old shirt in the laundry basket and put his new shirt in the old ones spot and I head out. Book club wasn't as good as it normally is thanks to its host being injured and dick drunk. Haley notices as well as others but they chock it up to my injury which is what most of the club is about also contributing to it not being great.
We end early again as everyone wants me to get rest and take care of my face. I head back to the dorm early once again and I see no sock and there is barely any commotion. I open the door and I see Jeremy sitting on his bed almost waiting for me. I apologize and begin to close the door and leave as he stops me and says I can come in to which I do. “Dan says he beat your ass and I can see he did.”. I make my way to my bed and sit looking at him. I nod my head and he gives a deep sigh.
It crushes me to think that he wouldn't burn the campus down after finding out his 2 year girlfriend cheated on him. Especially with how much he talks about her and what he's done for her. I have no choice but to ask so I do “ How could you let him get away with that?You love that girl and I tell you she cheated on you with him and the next day yall are still a big happy family. I saw your face when I told you and I saw how you acted. You weren't cool with it. Are you scared of him?”. I can see his face begin to boil as I press him further attempting to stir the pot more and more.
“ Not that it's any of your business but me and Mari have been on rocky terms. We haven't been doing it for weeks now.She's been asking for a threesome for some time now to reignite the spark and I like the idea but she wanted another guy and I just couldn't get behind that. I would be cool if it was a girl but she didn't like that. It would always come up and it caused a rift. She's brought up the idea that maybe if it was a friend instead of a stranger I would be more comfortable. I thought about it and I agreed and she suggested Dan. I brought up the idea to him and after he joked about me being gay he said he was down. My only desire was that I was involved in all parts of it and that nothing happened without me. Apparently me and Mari weren't completely clear about that and he started while I went out to get snacks for after. She claims responsibility for her fuck up and I decided to forgive her.”.
Listening to him talk I could tell he didn't really forgive her. Part of me wanted to let it go and just talk like we we used to before things got fucked up by Dan. I knew the end goal of all of this and Dan has something on me so why not try and get back at him “ if it was just him starting early then I don't see why he didn't just kick me out and wait till u got back to continue. Seems to me like he knew your terms and just wanted to fuck your girl and she let him. He doesn't care about you and neither does she.”. Anger is all over his face and I clearly struck a nerve “ Shut the fuck up” he stands up and crosses the distance to my bed. As I sit he towers over me and I see and feel how furious he is.” Dan should have put you in a coma.”. He looks like he wants to destroy me,his fists even ball up but he holds his temper enough not to hit me. Instead he settles for spitting in my face and walking to our “kitchen”.
This is the first and only time Jeremy has been so physically hostile toward me. Even tho he didn't hit me, it shows me exactly why I'm doing what I'm doing. Dan is poisoning good people and turning them into this( I choose to believe it's all or mostly Dan's fault. However these individuals are not excused from the actions they take just cause Dan's a prick). The first punch landed so now its time for the follow up. I wipe my face as Jeremy makes his way to the kitchen. I call out “ If it makes you feel better He probably won't be going for Mari anymore. He's got me to empty his balls.”. He quickly turns to me disgusted at the implication but also curious “ What in the fuck does that mean?''.
I smile to him and laughingly remark “ You don't have to believe me but when Dan”beat” me up he said he left here yesterday with blue balls and that I should fix it. The fag I am I did as he asked and sucked his dick. He loved it so much that hours later when he came here to look for you he let me do it again. Actually..”.I lean over to the laundry basket and pull out the original shirt with its stains and marks and then I reach to my hiding spot and pull put the second shirt. “The first one he left by accident but this one he let me keep as a reward for being his favorite cocksucker. I'm even going to his dorm tomorrow morning to get fucked or whatever he wants to do honestly ( I guess I made my choice. Sorry Eric).
Jeremy looks at me in utter shock and disbelief as I rant and show my proof “ You're free to follow me over there and see what happens when I'm in private with your teammate and best homophobic buddy.” I end off with a grin similar to the grin I've had to endure for years. Jeremy doesn't know what to do but he let it go and almost challenges me “ Ok when you head over I'll interrupt and we will see what happens. If your lying I'm gonna kick your ass.”. He sits back on his bed and gets ready for bed grabbing his pajamas and heading to the showers. The plan is finally in motion.