Richard Part 1


Cherished Member
Sep 1, 2008
London (Greater London, England)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Anna, a 35-year-old architect with sharp blue eyes and a penchant for minimalist fashion, stepped out of her car, the gravel of the driveway crunching beneath her boots. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the quiet Los Angeles neighbourhood. She took a deep breath, savouring the scent of blooming jasmine that filled the air. As she approached the front door of the modern, two-story house she shared with Jill, she noticed a U-Haul parked across the street. A middle-aged man, Richard, was unloading boxes from the truck. His muscular arms flexed as he lifted a heavy-looking object. Anna couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity about the new addition to their otherwise uneventful block.

Jill, 25, with a smile that could light up any room, was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Her wavy, auburn hair was tied back in a messy bun, and she hummed to the rhythm of the sizzling pans. She looked up as Anna entered, kissing her on the cheek. "How was work?" she asked her voice a sweet melody that never failed to make Anna's heart flutter.

"Same old," Anna replied, setting her bag down. "But I think we have a new neighbour."

Jill looked up from the stove, her eyes widening. "Already? I didn't even hear anything."

They both peeked out the window, watching Richard move with a grace that belied his age. His salt-and-pepper hair was cropped short, and his skin was tanned from hours spent outdoors. As they observed him, they couldn't help but wonder what secrets he held behind the walls of his soon-to-be-home.

The next day, as they took their morning jog, they saw Richard leaving for the gym. His sleek sports car roared to life, and he gave them a friendly wave before driving off. Anna felt a stirring in her chest, an excitement that was unusual for such a mundane event. She and Jill exchanged a knowing glance, their shared curiosity about the enigmatic new neighbour growing stronger with each passing moment.

For the next week, their lives fell into a predictable rhythm. Anna went to work, Jill went to her yoga studio, and Richard went to the gym. They would pass each other in the mornings and evenings, exchanging pleasantries, but the mystery surrounding him remained untouched. Anna found herself peeking out the window more often than not, hoping to catch a glimpse of what lay beyond his polite nods and quiet hellos.

The nights grew warmer, and they began to leave their windows open, the gentle sounds of their lovemaking filling the quiet streets. Yet, there was a sense of restlessness in the air, an anticipation of something more. They whispered about Richard's comings and goings, their imaginations running wild with tales of his past. Was he a celebrity in hiding? A retired athlete? Or perhaps a widower seeking a fresh start?

One evening, as they were lost in their usual passionate embrace, they heard a strange sound from outside. It was faint, almost inaudible, but it was there. They froze, their hearts racing. They had never heard anything like it before in their peaceful neighbourhood. The sound grew louder, a muffled thumping, as if someone was in distress. Concerned, they pulled on their robes and stepped out onto the porch, looking across the street. Richard's house was shrouded in darkness, the curtains drawn tightly.

The sound grew more insistent, and Anna felt a chill run down her spine. She glanced at Jill, whose eyes were wide with fear. |They listen from their windows which they quietly open.

The noises grew clearer, and they could make out a woman's voice, strained and desperate. "It's too big," she moaned. "It's too wide. Oh, God." Anna felt a strange mix of arousal and horror. This wasn't what they had expected from their quiet neighbour. The voice grew louder, more urgent. "Don't stop," the woman pleaded, and then, "I can't take it." Yet, there was no corresponding male grunt of release, no indication that Richard was involved in this explicit display of passion.

The girls exchanged puzzled looks. Was it possible that Richard had a woman over, and she was being...enjoyed by someone else? Or perhaps it was just a movie, a very loud and very realistic one. But the sounds went on for over two hours, a marathon of pleasure that seemed never-ending. They returned to their own house, the walls feeling thinner than ever, the air thick with the tension of the unseen and unheard.

As the night wore on, the noises grew faint, until finally, there was only silence. Anna lay in bed, unable to shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her gut. She glanced over at Jill, whose eyes were open, reflecting the moonlight that streamed through the window. "Did you hear that?" she asked, her voice low.

Jill nodded, her gaze distant. "It's's like she was being consumed by something," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of awe and fear.

The following day, the sun had barely crested the horizon when they saw Richard again. This time, he was escorting a woman to his car. She was a vision of beauty, a stunning blonde with curves that would make a Playboy model jealous. Her skin was flawless, her eyes a piercing blue, and her smile was the kind that could make a saint consider sin. Anna and Jill couldn't help but stare as she walked with a gait that was both graceful and slightly awkward, as if she was unaccustomed to the sensation of being so filled.

They watched from their bedroom window, their robes barely concealing their naked bodies, as Richard helped her into the passenger seat with a gentle touch that was almost tender. The car door slammed shut, and the engine roared to life. They remained there, motionless, as the vehicle disappeared down the street. The quiet returned, but the echo of the night's cries lingered in the air, a tantalizing mirage that had infiltrated their thoughts.

"What do you think they were doing?" Jill whispered, her eyes never leaving the spot where Richard's house stood.

Anna shrugged, her mind racing with possibilities. "It's none of our business, sounded intense."

Jill nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "It was like nothing I've ever heard before."
They couldn't help but replay the sounds in their minds, the woman's cries of pleasure and pain intertwining in a symphony of the erotic and the strange. It was as if the walls had become paper-thin, allowing them a glimpse into a world they had never before encountered. The thought of what Richard's new neighbour might be capable of left them both feeling breathless, their own passionate escapades seeming almost tame in comparison.

The next night, as they lay in bed, the anticipation grew palpable. The curtains fluttered gently in the evening breeze, the only sound breaking the silence. Then, it started again, the rhythmic thumping that could only be the sound of bodies colliding in the throes of passion. This time, however, the window was open just a crack, and the sounds of ecstasy spilled into the night, reaching their ears with a clarity that was almost tangible. They held their breaths, listening intently, as the woman's moans grew louder, more fervent.

They could hear the slap of skin on skin, the wet, hungry sounds of oral pleasure, and the unmistakable cry of a woman pushed to the edge. It was an auditory assault, a symphony of desire that seemed to resonate through their very bones. Anna felt her own body respond, a dull ache growing between her legs, her nipples tightening with each muffled gasp. Jill's hand found hers under the sheets, their fingers entwining tightly. They didn't speak, didn't need to. The scene unfolding across the street was speaking for them, painting vivid images in their minds.

The noises grew more intense, the tempo increasing, and it was all they could do not to act on their own desires right there and then. But the walls between their world and Richard's remained steadfast, a frustrating barrier to the visual feast they so desperately craved. They lay there, listening to the crescendo of passion, their bodies wound tight with need. The woman's cries grew higher, more frantic, until finally, they reached a crescendo that seemed to shake the very foundation of the house. Then, silence.

For a moment, the only sound was their own ragged breathing. Anna and Jill looked at each other, the realization of what they had just heard dawning on them. "He didn't...make a sound," Anna murmured, her voice thick with lust.

Jill nodded, her eyes dark with desire. "It's she's the only one getting...everything," she replied, her voice trailing off as she tried to comprehend the implications.

The silence stretched on, the quiet of the night feeling almost oppressive in the wake of the woman's vocal release. They lay there, listening for any indication that Richard had found his own satisfaction, but there was none. Only the occasional rustle of the sheets, the faint whisper of movement, and the woman's labored breathing could be heard. It was as if he was a silent, unseen force, a masterful conductor orchestrating the symphony of pleasure without partaking in the crescendo himself.

The next morning, the sun rose with an unusual vigor, casting stark shadows across the neighbourhood. Anna and Jill stepped out onto their porch, coffee in hand, the morning light revealing the aftermath of the previous night's events. They spotted Richard leading a stunningly beautiful, dark-skinned woman to his car. She moved with a hint of discomfort, a slight wince with each step, yet her body was a testament to the kind of sexual prowess that could make any woman feel like a goddess. Her curves were like a sculpture of sensuality, each line and curve seemingly designed to drive a man wild. Her hair fell in dark waves around her shoulders, and her eyes, though slightly glazed, held an intensity that spoke of a passion that been fully sated and more!.

As they watched, the woman leaned heavily on Richard, her legs unsteady, as if she had been on a marathon of pleasure that had left her weak in the knees. He, on the other hand, remained as stoic as ever, his muscles flexing gently as he supported her with ease. He was dressed casually in a pair of fitted jeans and a tight t-shirt, his physique a stark contrast to his calm demeanor. Anna felt her heart race, the sight of him holding this woman so tenderly yet so firmly stirring something primal within her.

The woman looked up at Richard with an expression of adoration, her hand reaching up to caress his face. He whispered something in her ear, and she giggled, the sound tinkling like a bell in the stillness of the morning. It was a sound that seemed out of place, a sweetness that seemed almost innocent in the wake of the previous night's cacophony of passion. Richard's gaze met Anna's for a brief moment, and she felt a jolt of electricity run through her. It was as if he had peered into the very depths of her soul and knew every dark desire that lurked there.

Anna turned away, her cheeks burning, and focused on her garden. The feel of the soil beneath her fingers grounded her, reminding her of her own reality. She had always been the type to keep her emotions in check, but something about Richard was beginning to unravel her. She didn't know what it was, but she had the feeling that he was the key to unlocking a part of herself that she had never explored before.
The next afternoon, as Anna tended to her garden, the scent of freshly mowed grass filled the air. The sun beat down on her bare shoulders, warming her skin as she carefully pruned her roses. She had always found solace in the predictability of nature, the way it grew and changed with the seasons. But today, she was distracted, her mind wandering to the mysteries of the night before.

Suddenly, the quiet was shattered by the sound of a door opening. She glanced up, her eyes drawn to Richard's house like a moth to a flame. For a fleeting moment, she thought she saw something impossible—Richard, stark naked, standing in the doorway. Her eyes widened, and she blinked, sure she must be imagining things. But as she stared, she caught a glimpse of something between his legs that made her heart race. It looked like a...a cock? Hanging so low it was visible from the back? Her mind reeled at the thought, trying to convince herself that it was just a trick of the light, that she had seen something else entirely.

Her hand trembled as she set down her garden shears, the metal clanging against the brick pathway. She had to tell Jill. They had to figure out what was going on with their new neighbor.

Hurrying inside, Anna found Jill in the living room, her eyes glued to her phone screen. "Jill," she whispered urgently, "you won't believe what I just saw."

Jill looked up, a frown marring her pretty features. "What is it?"

"It's Richard," Anna said, her voice low and urgent. "I just saw know."

Jill looked up from her phone, her eyes narrowing. "What are you talking about?"

Anna took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I saw Richard," she began, her voice a hoarse whisper. "He was...he was naked."

Jill's eyes widened, and she set her phone aside, sitting up straight. "What do you mean, you saw him naked?"

Anna's voice was still a whisper, filled with a mix of shock and fascination. "I mean, I was out in the garden, and he opened his door. was just there. Hanging between his legs."

Jill's eyes went wide. "What was just there?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of skepticism and intrigue.

Anna's cheeks burned with embarrassment and excitement. "His...his penis," she stuttered, feeling the heat spread through her body as she said the word out loud. "It was...huge. Like nothing I've ever seen."

Jill's eyebrows shot up, a smirk playing on her lips. "You're letting your imagination get the better of you, Anna," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You've got romance on the brain after hearing those noises last night."

Anna felt a flash of annoyance at Jill's dismissal, but she knew her girlfriend was just trying to lighten the mood. "I'm serious," she insisted, her voice low and urgent. "It was...massive. Like nothing I've ever seen before."

Jill's smirk faded, replaced by a look of disbelief. "You're not serious."

"I am," Anna insisted, her voice a little shakier than she'd like. "It was was like nothing I've ever seen before."

Jill's expression shifted from playful scepticism to genuine curiosity. "But seriously, Anna, have you ever seen a cock that big?"

Anna felt a surge of annoyance. "I'm not exaggerating, Jill," she snapped. "It was like nothing I've ever seen. And it's not like I've been living under a rock for the past two years."

Jill held up her hands in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay," she said, her voice soothing. "I believe you. But let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe it was just the angle or the lighting."

Anna rolled her eyes, feeling the frustration build within her. "You don't understand," she said, her voice tight. "It was huge. And it's not just because it's been two years since I've been with a man. It was...overwhelming."

Jill's gaze softened, and she moved closer to Anna, placing a gentle hand on her arm. "I believe you," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm to Anna's frazzled nerves. "But maybe we're just getting too caught up in our own heads. Let's focus on us for a bit, okay?"

Without waiting for a response, Jill leaned in and kissed Anna, her lips pressing against hers with a fierce passion that was both familiar and thrilling. Anna's body responded immediately, her arms wrapping around Jill's waist as she deepened the kiss. But Jill had other plans. She gently pushed Anna down onto the plush couch, her eyes never leaving hers. With a wicked smile, she began to trail kisses down Anna's neck, her teeth nipping at the sensitive skin.

Anna's breath hitched as Jill's hands began to roam, her fingers deftly untying the knot of her robe. She felt the cool air hit her bare skin, and she shivered with anticipation. Jill's eyes darkened with desire as she took in the sight of Anna's body, her breasts rising and falling with each rapid breath. Anna's eyes fell closed, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and sensations as Jill's mouth moved lower, her breath hot against her skin.

And then, without warning, Jill's tongue was on her, licking and teasing her clit with a skill that made Anna's back arch off the couch. She let out a gasp, her hands tangling in Jill's hair as she surrendered to the pleasure. Jill's movements grew more insistent, her tongue delving deeper, exploring every inch of Anna's wetness. Anna's moans grew louder, her hips bucking against Jill's face as she sought relief from the building pressure.

The sounds of their lovemaking filled the room, a stark contrast to the quiet of the afternoon outside. Jill's mouth was relentless, her tongue flicking and circling as Anna's breath grew ragged. Anna's eyes flew open, and she watched as Jill's head moved rhythmically between her thighs, her cheeks flushed with exertion. It was a sight that never failed to turn her on, the love and desire in Jill's eyes as she brought her to the brink of climax.

But as Anna felt herself getting closer, she couldn't shake the image of Richard's massive cock from her mind. It was like a siren's call, a tantalizing glimpse of the forbidden that she couldn't ignore. She reached down, her hand finding Jill's, guiding her to enter her with two fingers. The sensation was incredible, a mix of pleasure and pain that had her toes curling.

Jill looked up, her eyes questioning, but Anna's gaze was distant, lost in the tumult of her thoughts. "I want you to do it," she whispered, her voice shaking with need. "Do it like he would."

Jill paused, her eyes searching Anna's for any sign of doubt, but all she found was a desperate hunger. Nodding, she began to mimic the rhythm she had heard the night before, her tongue and fingers moving in tandem. Anna's moans grew louder, her body tightening with each stroke. It was as if Richard's shadow loomed over them, his presence a silent participant in their most intimate moments.

The tension grew, the room spinning around them as Anna felt herself climbing towards the peak. And just as she was about to fall over the edge, she whispered his name, the sound like a prayer on her lips. "Richard," she gasped, her body shuddering with release.

Jill pulled back, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her face. But she said nothing, instead moving up to kiss Anna deeply, sharing the taste of her pleasure. They lay there, panting and tangled in each other's arms, the echoes of Anna's cries still hanging in the air.

As they caught their breath, Anna couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. They had always been honest with each other, but she had just allowed the mystery of their neighbor to invade their most private moments. Yet, the thrill of the unknown was too strong to resist.

They decided to investigate further, their curiosity piqued by the sounds of pleasure that emanated from Richard's house every night. They observed from a distance, their eyes glued to the windows, their ears straining to catch every gasp and moan. They discussed the possibility of approaching him, of asking him directly about his unusual habits.
One evening, unable to stand the suspense any longer, Anna retrieved their largest dildo from the bedside drawer. It was a monstrous toy, one they had bought on a whim during a particularly adventurous phase of their relationship. It was black, and made of a high-quality silicone that felt eerily realistic. She had never been able to take it all, but tonight was different. She needed to know, to feel, what it was like to be filled so completely.

With trembling hands, she lubricated the toy, her eyes never leaving the shadows that danced across Richard's walls. She straddled it, feeling the cold, hard length of it press against her slick folds. With a deep breath, she lowered herself, inch by inch, onto the shaft. It was a tight fit, a stretch that bordered on pain, but she was determined. Her body quivered with the effort, her eyes squeezed shut as she forced herself to take it all.

Jill watched from the bed, her own arousal building as she took in the sight of Anna's passion-filled face. She had never seen her girlfriend look so wild, so desperate for release. It was mesmerizing, a side of her she hadn't known existed. She slid a hand down her own body, her fingers finding her clit, and began to rub in slow, deliberate circles as Anna's movements grew more erratic.

The dildo was massive, filling Anna up in a way she had never experienced before. It was like nothing she had ever felt, a fullness that was almost overwhelming. Yet, there was something thrilling about it, something that made her feel alive. She began to move, her hips rising and falling, her muscles clenching around the toy as she chased her own climax.

The sounds of their lovemaking grew louder, matching the tempo of the cries from across the street. Anna's moans grew more desperate, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she pushed herself harder, faster. Jill watched, her eyes glued to the spot where Anna's body met the toy, her own hand moving in time with Anna's hips.

The room was a cocoon of pleasure, the scent of arousal thick in the air. Anna felt like she was teetering on the edge of something incredible, something that was just out of reach. She gripped the bedpost, her knuckles white with the effort, her body straining as she took the dildo deeper, harder.

And then it hit her, the orgasm that had been building for what felt like an eternity. It crashed over her like a wave, her body convulsing as she screamed out Richard's name. It was a sound that seemed to echo through the house, a declaration of her desire, her need for something more than their quiet lives had ever offered.

When the tremors had subsided, she opened her eyes to find Jill watching her, a mix of shock and arousal on her face. "What are we doing?" Jill whispered, her voice filled with awe.

That night, as they lay in bed, the sound of passionate moaning and the unmistakable thump of flesh on flesh began to resonate through the night air once more. But this time, there was something different. There were two voices, both female, both filled with an agonizing ecstasy that seemed to reach into their very souls. The whispers of "It's so big," "I can't take it all," and "Oh, God," grew louder, more insistent, as if the walls were paper-thin and Richard's house was a mere extension of their own.
Anna and Jill exchanged glances, their eyes gleaming with curiosity and desire. The sounds grew more intense, the rhythm more erratic. It was as if they were listening to a duet of pleasure, a symphony of two bodies stretched to their limits by something massive and unforgiving. They could almost feel the thickness of it, the way it filled them up, the way their bodies strained to accommodate such a monstrous intrusion.

They watched from their window, their breaths shallow and quick. With trembling hands, This time the curtains just open enough to peer through the gap. And there they saw it, the scene that would forever change the course of their lives. Richard lay on his back, his body a canvas of sweat and need. On top of him, straddling his waist, was a brunette in a tiny Hooters outfit, her thighs gripping his hips as she took him in reverse cowgirl, her breasts bouncing with each deep, penetrating thrust. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure.

But it was the other girl that had them both transfixed. She sat astride Richard's face, her legs spread wide, her pink panties pulled aside to reveal the most intimate part of her. Richard's tongue was a blur of motion, and the girl's cries grew more frenzied with each passing second. Anna felt a strange mix of arousal and jealousy, watching as this stranger experienced something she had only ever imagined. Jill's hand found hers, their fingers lacing together as they took in the erotic tableau before them.

Suddenly, the brunette's orgasm hit her like a freight train, her body convulsing as she threw her head back, her mouth open in a silent scream. Her thighs tightened around Richard's head, her hips bucking wildly as she rode out the waves of pleasure. Anna watched, her own hips moving in silent mimicry, her own desire building to a fever pitch. She had never seen a woman come so hard, so completely lost in the throes of passion. It was mesmerizing, intoxicating.

The brunette collapsed onto Richard's chest, her body heaving with the aftermath of her climax. His cock was still hard, still buried deep inside her, and she ground down against him, her movements desperate and needy. Anna felt a pang of something she didn't quite understand—was it envy? Desire? Or was it something else, something darker?

The girl straddling Richard's face leaned back, her eyes glazed with pleasure. She looked down at the brunette, her expression one of pure, unadulterated lust. "Your turn," she murmured, her voice a sultry purr. "I want to feel that."

The brunette's eyes grew wide with excitement, and she nodded eagerly, her body still trembling from the force of her orgasm. She started to slid off of Richard's cock inch by inch came out of her the girls held their breath waiting for it to end then with a wet pop he appeared fully erect, her pussy glistening with arousal.

The condom was stretched so tightly over his shaft that the veins bulged out, the latex a stark contrast against his tanned skin. It looked like it was straining to contain the beast within, threatening to tear at any moment. Anna felt a strange thrill, a mix of awe and fear, as she took in the sight.

Anna and Jill watched, their hearts racing as the new girl took her place, her eyes locked onto Richard's monstrous member. They could see the trepidation in her eyes, the fear and excitement mingling as she reached out to touch it.

The girl's hand trembled as she guided it to her entrance, her body visibly tensing as she prepared herself for the invasion.

Slowly, inch by torturous inch, she began to lower herself onto him. Her eyes were wide with a mix of excitement and terror, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Jill's grip on Anna's hand tightened, their eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before them. The sight was impossible to believe, a fantasy come to life. Richard's cock was so large, so thick, that it looked as though it would split the girl in two.

The condom was stretched so tightly over his length that it seemed to be cutting off the blood flow, the latex a stark white against his tanned skin. It was a monstrous thing, a testament to his unbridled sexuality. Anna felt a strange mix of envy and fear, knowing that she had never experienced anything so overwhelming in their own bedroom.

The woman's eyes went wide with shock and pleasure as she took him in, her entire body shaking with the effort of accommodating his size. She gripped the edge of the bed, her knuckles white as she slid down, inch by inch, onto his waiting cock. The room grew quiet, the only sounds the slick noises of flesh meeting flesh and the woman's desperate gasps for air.

Then, with a guttural groan, she was fully seated, her pussy stretched to its limits around his girth. The sight was almost comical, yet undeniably erotic. Anna and Jill watched, their own desire mounting as the woman's eyes rolled back in her head, a single tear of pleasure tracking down her cheek. It was a moment of pure, unbridled passion that neither of them had ever witnessed before.

The room was thick with the scent of sex, a heady aphrodisiac that seemed to pulse through the very air. Anna could feel herself growing wet, her own body responding to the depraved beauty of the scene before her. Jill's breath was hot against her ear, her voice a whispered confession of their shared arousal. "I want that," she murmured, her voice thick with need. "I want to feel that fullness, that power."

Without a word, Anna released her hand and turned to the dresser, her heart racing. She pulled out their collection of toys, each one a symbol of their boundless curiosity and desire. They had never needed anything this big before, but tonight was different. They had seen the holy grail of cocks, and now they had to have it.

Jill followed suit, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she grabbed their favourite vibrator and a bottle of lube. They didn't need to speak; the air was charged with an unspoken understanding. They were going to experience what they had just witnessed, to feel the fullness and the power that the brunette had just experienced.

Anna lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide as Jill knelt between them. They both took a moment to appreciate each other's beauty, the soft curves and the flush of arousal that painted their skin. Then, with a sense of urgency, Jill turned the vibrator on, the low hum filling the room like a promise of what was to come.

Anna took a deep breath and reached down, her fingers slippery with lube as she guided the toy to her entrance. She could feel the anticipation building within her, the memory of Richard's size making her wetter than she had ever been. She pushed it in, gently at first, feeling the familiar yet thrilling sensation of being filled. It was nowhere near the size of what they had just seen, but it was a start.

Jill watched, her eyes glazed with lust as she positioned herself behind Anna. She picked up the dildo they had used earlier, the one that had made Anna scream with pleasure. She slid it into her own pussy, her eyes never leaving the sight of her girlfriend's face contorted with need. The two of them moved together, their bodies a symphony of desire, their moans harmonizing with the sounds from the house next door.

The rhythm grew faster, more urgent, as they both chased the high that had been sparked by their voyeuristic escapade. Anna felt the pressure building, her muscles tightening around the toy as she pushed herself closer to the edge. Jill's breath grew ragged in her ear, her own climax approaching like a freight train.

The walls of their bedroom seemed to melt away, replaced by the image of Richard's house, the sounds of his pleasure echoing in their minds. They were no longer two women with toys, but participants in a wild, uninhibited threesome, the boundaries of their relationship stretching to accommodate the new desire that had been awakened within them.

Their bodies moved in a frenzy, the toys a poor substitute for the real thing, yet somehow just as potent. They had never felt this connected, this alive, their love and lust a tangible force that seemed to pulse through the very air. And as they reached their climaxes, their cries mingling with those from next door, they knew that they had crossed a line. They had stepped into a world of desire that was as thrilling as it was terrifying, and there was no going back.

The aftermath of their encounter left them both panting and trembling, their bodies slick with sweat and satisfaction. They lay tangled in the sheets, their limbs heavy with the weight of their shared secret. The sounds of Richard's conquest had faded into the night, leaving them with nothing but the echoes of their own passion
Jill's eyes snapped open, the vivid dream of Richard's cock pounding into her still lingering in her mind. Her hand instinctively shot to her mouth, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. But it was the feeling between her legs that was more telling—her pussy was soaked, her clit pulsing with need. She lay there for a moment, the reality of the situation hitting her like a sledgehammer. They had been watching him, listening to the cacophony of pleasure from his bedroom, and it had driven them to this.

Anna stirred beside her, her chest rising and falling with the remnants of her own orgasm. The room was quiet now, the only sound was their ragged breaths and the distant hum of the city. Jill couldn't shake the image from her mind—the box of condoms on Richard's nightstand, the XLL label taunting them with the reality of his size. But it was the way the condom had only covered two-thirds of his length that had her heart racing. It was a detail she hadn't noticed before, a detail that spoke of an untapped, primal desire that she hadn't known existed within her.

With trembling hands, she reached for her phone and opened the browser. She typed in the brand of condom they had seen, her heart pounding in her chest. The search results loaded, and she clicked on the first link that came up. There it was, in bold letters—"Fits up to 9 inches in length." She swallowed hard, her hand moving to her throat as she processed the information. That meant, without the condom, Richard was at least 12 inches long.

Her eyes widened as she read further, noticing a section that talked about girth. With a deep breath, she navigated to the right page. The condom had a circumference of 5.5 inches. She did the math in her head, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and trepidation. If the condom was a snug fit, as it had looked on him, then his girth was 6.5 inches. The numbers were unfathomable, a revelation that made her feel both insignificant and incredibly aroused.

They had to see where he stacked up. It was an obsession that had consumed them since that fateful night. They turned to the internet, searching for comparison sites that displayed the average sizes of men from around the world. They scrolled through images and statistics, their eyes glazing over as they tried to wrap their heads around the reality of Richard's size.

The average penis length was around five to six inches, with some men reaching up to seven or eight. But twelve inches? That was practically mythical. They had seen it with their own eyes, and felt the aftershocks of its power through the walls. It was a beast that defied logic, a weapon of mass destruction in the bedroom.

On the comparison site, they found a graph that displayed the average sizes of men from various countries. The United States hovered around the six-inch mark, with a few outliers reaching up to nine. Richard's size was off the charts, a towering giant in a world of mere mortals. The numbers didn't lie, and neither did the way their bodies had responded to the mere thought of it.

They stared at the screen, their eyes wide with astonishment. "He's in the top 0.001 per cent," Anna murmured, her voice barely audible. Jill nodded, her mind racing. To think that such a man lived right next door, sharing their quiet street, and their mundane routines. It was like finding out the quiet guy at the office was actually a secret millionaire.

The memory of her past lovers began to play through her mind like a highlight reel. Jill had always been adventurous, seeking out men with a bit of extra length, but none of them had ever come close to what Richard was packing. There was the guy from college, a muscular jock with a cock that had barely scraped eight inches. She had thought herself lucky then, basking in the bragging rights. But now, in the shadow of Richard's monstrous endowment, he seemed almost pedestrian.

Anna's thoughts drifted to her ex-boyfriend, who had proudly boasted of his size. Six and a half inches, he had said, a number that had once made her eyes widen with excitement. Now, it was a joke, a mere trifle compared to the beast next door. She had never taken a man larger than that, had never felt the kind of fullness that seemed to overwhelm Richard's partners every night.

The question hung in the air, a playful challenge wrapped in a coating of desire. "Could he do anal?" she whispered, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Jill chuckled, the tension in the room dissipating slightly. "I don't know," she replied, her voice low and sultry. "But I'd love to find out."

The thought of Richard's massive cock penetrating such a tight space sent a shiver down Anna's spine. She had never tried it before, the idea both terrifying and exhilarating. "He'd break any ass he tried it on," she murmured, her hand unconsciously moving to her own cheek, imagining the stretch and burn.

Jill giggled, the tension in the room easing with the sudden injection of humour. "Maybe we should get him a t-shirt," she suggested, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "One that says 'WAD' on the front and 'Weapon of Ass Destruction' on the back."

Anna snorted, the laughter bubbling up from her chest like a geyser. "Or better yet," she said, "We could just write 'Pussy Slayer' on it. That seems more to the point."

Jill's eyes lit up with mirth. "Oh my God, can you imagine?" she giggled. "The look on his face when he sees it?"

Their laughter was a welcome release, breaking the tension that had been building between them. It was a reminder that, despite their newfound obsession, they were still the same people, still a couple with a deep, intimate bond. They were in this together, exploring the boundaries of their sexuality, pushing themselves to new heights.

The next morning, they were up early, enjoying their breakfast in the garden, the scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers mingling with the aroma of coffee and pancakes. The sun had barely crested the horizon, casting a warm glow over the quiet neighbourhood. The world was just waking up, unaware of the secrets that lay behind closed doors.

Jill's eyes widened as she took in their neighbour's physique, his body a sculpture of sinew and muscle, glistening with sweat from his recent exertions. She could see the outline of his cock, still semi-erect, through the fabric of his sweatpants. It was a sight that made her mouth water, her thoughts racing with the memories of their own encounter with his monstrous size.

"Look at them," Anna murmured, her voice thick with a mix of amazement and envy. "They've been fucked into a whole new reality."

Indeed, the two women who had stumbled out of Richard's house looked as though they had just returned from an alien abduction, their legs unsteady, their expressions a blend of euphoria and shock. The brunette's hair was a wild mess, her makeup smudged, and her clothes looked as though they had been shredded by a crazed beast. The other woman, the one who had straddled Richard's face with such confidence, was no better off. Her panties were missing, and her skirt was hiked up around her waist, revealing a bruised ass that spoke of a night of unbridled passion.

They stumbled down the path, their steps wobbly and unsure, as though they were navigating a new world. The sight was both comical and incredibly arousing to Anna and Jill, who watched from the safety of their own garden. It was like watching a pair of moths who had flown too close to the flame, their wings singed but their attraction undiminished. They couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to experience that kind of power, to be reshaped by such a massive cock.

"Hey, Richard!" Anna called out, her voice bright and cheery. "What gym do you go to? You're looking ripped!"

Richard paused on his way back inside wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. He glanced over at them, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Thanks, Anna," he said, his eyes lingering on Jill's form for a beat longer than necessary. "It's a private gym, actually. I go to 'The Iron Den.' It's a bit of a drive, but it's worth it for the privacy."

Anna felt a flicker of annoyance at his coyness, but she couldn't deny the thrill that shot through her at his words. A private gym? It only added to his allure, to the sense that he was a man who enjoyed his solitude, who had secrets that the rest of the world wasn't privy to. She took a sip of her coffee, watching as he flexed his muscles, the fabric of his shirt stretching tight across his broad chest.

"We should check it out," she said to Jill, her voice low and conspiratorial. "Maybe we'll get a taste of what those two are having for breakfast."

Jill raised an eyebrow, the glint in her eye telling Anna she was already on the same page. They had to know, had to feel the power of that cock for themselves. They spent the rest of the morning in a frenzy of activity, selecting their hottest gym gear. Anna chose a pair of skin-tight leggings that accentuated her toned legs and a sports bra that pushed her breasts up into a tantalizing display. Jill opted for a cropped tank top that showed off her midriff and a pair of shorts that left little to the imagination.

Time to go hunting ....