Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...

Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you can’t really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...


Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...

Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you can’t really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...
you are measuring it should go on the top side of the penis
Look, I did my best to hold my dick (which is naturally curved up and to the left), the ruler and the camera all at once. Not an easy task I tell you :boggled: ... No wonder there aren't many of these pictures around...

Here are the three clearest ones I could get. Sorry you can’t really see the bottom of the ruler, but don't worry it's all there. As a matter of fact there are an extra 3/16 of an inche at the base of the ruler before the beginning of inche #1...

mah... can't see the beginning of the ruler, only that is not parallel to the cock... and the cock is pull... when I have time, I post my REAL 7 inches... :tongue:
Ok guys. So where are all your ruler pictures??? I was just trying to contribute to the thread...

The guy asked if anyone could show 8 inches... Apparently not too many even want to try which is hardly surprising given the rampant culture of exaggeration prevalent in almost all internet claims about size :rolleyes:. These types of pictures would definitely put an abrupt end to all the BS.

Here's a 7 inche dildo next to my cock. Make of it what you will :wink: ...


Ok guys. So where are all your ruler pictures??? I was just trying to contribute to the thread...

The guy asked if anyone could show 8 inches... Apparently not too many even want to try which is hardly surprising given the rampant culture of exaggeration prevalent in all internet claims about size :rolleyes:. These types of pictures would definitely put an abrupt end to all the BS.

Here's a 7 inche dildo next to my cock. Make of it what you will :wink: ...
You did a good job! Nice pics:cool: :smile:
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Check my gallery, i dont have measured erect shots cause their hard to take, but their are plenty of flaccid stretched pics of me in my gallery in my extender which show me to be well over 8 inches in the non bone pressed flaccid stretch. There are also 2 erect ones in there, the newest one which im 7.75 inches in length in (no ruler), and i have an erect pic on page 2 showing my erect being compared to a 7.5 inch long dvd case. Now im about 8 inches long non bone pressed.