Seeing yourself more attractive than you are


Sexy Member
Account Deletion Pending
Sep 8, 2023
50% Straight, 50% Gay
We've all heard of people seeing their bodies worse than what they actually are, but what about seeing your body better? I always found my body to look sharper, thinner, and more attractive in the mirror or through a selfie, but when I see myself in photos that others have taken, it's a reality check lol. Anyone relate?
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I can relate and totally agree. My selfies don’t do me justice compared to what I see looking at myself. Although I receive really good compliments and props from others, in my mind I look better than my pics. Totally my perception problem…
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Yep. I take tons of photos and delete hundreds of them, keeping only the few good ones. I must say the good ones are really quite good but most of them are rubbish and get deleted.
Check for yourself and please let me know your thoughts.
I always find it funny when people say we see ourselves or feel less attractive than we really are.

I totally feel unattractive and yet life has confirmed, yup, I am correct 😅

Maybe these things only apply to the average person who also greatly undervalues how attractive average people are. It mostly just makes me feel like I am something other than human at times lmao
I can relate to a lot of comments here. But if anything I'm probably the opposite of the OP. I hate the way I look in pictures others take of me, I've spent a lifetime avoiding pictures. In a group event I'll always find a way to excuse, or hide somewhere in the back.
And even now, here, when I post, I really don't see me....It's some other guy in the pictures, because that can't be me.