Serious Grower



agent69: I have alwaysbeen a "Serious" grower. By that I mean that if you saw me naked you'd swear I had the smallest dick on the planet because it literally shirnks to NOTHING :mad:

Erect, though, it is 7.25 inches long =/- ;D. There have been a couple of occasions where I had to demonstrate this to someone who'd made fun of it.

Anyone have any ideas on how to make this thing hang out where someone can see it?
tomarctus: It is possible to increase your flaccid hang and erect length by careful stretching and jelqing. Please visit Thunder's Place and read aout the techniques. Good luck! Your erect size is already fine.
However, being a grower can also be fun. Don't you enjoy the look of surprise from your partners?
[quote author=agent69 link=board=pe;num=1077216847;start=0#0 date=02/19/04 at 10:45:07] Anyone have any ideas on how to make this thing hang out where someone can see it?[/quote]
agent69: I will vouch for the PE exercises tomarctus just made reference to. Be consistent with the exercises and they certainly do the 'trick'. I've only been doing them 6 days a week beginning on my fourth week and I hang noticeably bigger, both length and girth.

A reason for my fast responding might be because I did a year's electric pumping about ten years ago and the cells in my dick easily respond. Just be consistent and plan to have the work-out for many months. It will make a difference. The work-outs are lots of fun, too. ::)

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[quote author=Atlrabbit link=board=pe;num=1077216847;start=0#3 date=02/19/04 at 20:56:50]My room mate swears his cockring helps his cock to stick out further.  The one he wears is about an inch wide.[/quote]
For sure it makes a bigger bulge in clothing, Atlrabbit, and, maybe, if he has some fat above his cock, the ring compresses that and gives a little more length. But, he would have to keep it awfully tight against the pubic bone for that. But, hey, if he thinks it, it's worth the effort. ::)

The other posters' aforementioned importance to "sticking with a regimen of exercise" certainly IS valid. Results DO occur given time (as in LOTS of time) . The flaccid dimension seemingly is the first improvement, too, that's typically noticed....(by at least an inch or so).
One has to be patient.

It's also common, as men get older, that the flacccid "hang" will improve (a little) all on it's own.

Exercising, (safely done) CAN help the process. ;)

Loosening up the (TOUGH!) suspensory ligaments (which supports the penis itself within the groin area) seems to be the main benefit from natural exercises--thus causing the relaxed penis to extend a bit further outward (and downward). Note the word "tough" because those ligaments are usually highly resistant to immediate change! Over time however, they WILL give way to more relaxing.

Exercising also will stimulate more skin growth, too.
So improving flaccid "hang" can be a combination of several factors going on....ligament changes AND more skin coverage within the genital area. All these very subtle "introductions" to improvement DO eventually show up in gains. Any increase in erect length follows along....eventually...AFTER the "groundwork" has been laid with more tissue development. (Of course,with the properly done "outside" exercises going on, important INTERNAL changes are being prompted and encouraged as well. The inner chambers within the penile shaft are expanding which will become fill with even more blood eventually and further engorged during an erection).

So--it's all beginning to make (some) sense, isn't it?

Kinda like working a complexed piece at a time until it all begins to (finally) come together.

Just bear in mind to keep everything though, in total reality. We're considering the potential of an inch or two in improvement from all this....NOT inches upon inches!
Setting an obtainable goal to begin with is as important (if not more so!) than "how" you would ever go about it.
You do an excellent job explaining, benderten. You are specific and clear in the details and thorough in the overall picture. You are an asset to LPSG site, as I have previously noticed in your posts. Thank you.

Luke.....thank you for your kind words! ;)
I like to think each of us members brings his/her own positive contributions to this forum. We learn from one another. It's one reason this site is a great place to "hang out".

Being one of the older members here (and long wanting a bigger size all my life) I merely speak from both experience and LOTS of reading and research on the subject. I've had my fill on false information, hype,
con-artists, gadgets, pills and potions, and of course the latest---internet spam.

I want guys to KNOW the facts, that's what I try to impart here...what brings real results. The subject of our penis is too important a matter to mess around with....particularly as we try to improve it.
There are only a few methods that truly do work over time. Unfortunately, there are far many other methods which DON'T work. And, --they never will. And, those are the ones I try to dispel very early on.

Trying to help other men feel better about themselves and their sexuality has become one of my passions I suppose. The LPSG has done much for me personally and I only want to return the favor...IF I can.
[quote author=benderten2001 link=board=pe;num=1077216847;start=0#7 date=02/21/04 at 10:19:37]
Being one of the older members here (and long wanting a bigger size all my life) I merely speak from both experience and LOTS of reading and research on the subject.  [/quote] benderten2001: Your statement referring to age makes me aware of the fact that I had never known your age and had just thought the "ten" in your profile name indicated your hungness (a word coined for LPSG). In another post you've made today you said you were getting close to 50. Now, my curiosity drives me to ask your size and what success you have had increasing with PE.

Tell me to go back in all your previous posts and scan for this info. if it's there and I will do as directed! ::)

Luke....I'll try to save you the trouble (and the agony of reading from the past!  ::)  ALL my sordid posts about PE.  I'm not all that proud of the fact about how often I have contributed to this section, anyway. I tend to be  long-winded and redundant far too many times. I always enjoy reading from other guys who contribute their stories of PE efforts.  I try to guide those readers with (legitimate) questions so as to help steer them into the correct direction (and mindset) for results.

When I was about 47, I began PE (over three years ago).  I tried pumping first, then a stretching device, followed later by resorting almost exclusively to natural exercises and  jelq.  I have stayed basically with those methods even up to today. I don't practice PE quite as much as when I first started. But, I still do "maintenance" exercises and jelq several times a week.
I am convinced these techiques help men stay in good shape in their genito/urninary system--stronger erections, better ejaculations, etc.

Throughout PE, I sought to maintain good blood circulation and the flow of "the male juices" by way of (responsibly) taking some crucially important nutritional supplements which promoted overall good "male health". Hence, I have spent A LOT of time (and money) with PE....I mean A LOT of time and I've had my share of frustrations with some scary mishaps (carelessness, really) and the whole gamut of other "set-backs" which almost sent me to quitting altogether.  I persevered(somehow!) because I genuinely wanted the gains. I think ambition and mental attitude are critical in achieving success. One has to believe in the results even before they start to happen. There were times...when I deemed myself an absolute "nut" over this whole PE thing. I feared I was near obsessing over it.   Maybe (just maybe)....I did in fact.
I was convinced though, that I just HAD to be bigger or else. I have many other posts in different parts of this forum relating to my lifetime of insecurities in several areas of life!  It's probably why I genuinely like helping other guys feel better here about themselves....I've "been there" myself in many ways throughout life.  I can relate to other guys's inferiority complexes over "size". Truth is, I was not too bad when I first began PE at 7" erect.  But even THAT was not good enough for me! No. I thought I needed to be larger.  Being tall and thin, I just knew I was expected to be "super-dooper" hung. (You know--the ole stereotype)

And, so------------
After three+plus years of long difficult work (really!) I haven't done too badly, I suppose.  (Mentally I think it should certainly have been MUCH more!)  I've added about 2.5 inches in erect length (2" flaccid hang improvement) and about 1" inch in girth increase.  I focused my "energies" (obviously) on improving length (via those exercises for just that specifically).  The "jelq" I performed merely to "even up"  the shaft improvement and not allow a"spindling" effect to begin showing up. By varying the techniques of exercise (and adjusting them as needed) I have avoided a distorted effect in the shaft improvement overall.  I suppose I had the benefit of getting good research behind and WAY BEFORE I ever began PE.  Still, I had considerable learning and trial-and-error along the way. One thing was obvious to me at the very beginning--I was going to be in for a long haul....whatever would happen.

Luke, you and a few others have alluded to this, so I will (finally) acknowledge it....

The "bender" part of my on-line handle relates to the increased flexibility I now have from a longer, more flexible (pliable)  shaft and the "ten" reflects my original PE goal size...(10 inches erect)
Not quite there, yet!    ;)    The 2001 stuff is merely when I first registered in this forum.  Okay----I was desperate back then for a quick, creative name to get me started.   ;D   Interestingly (or not) I first entered only the "benderten" as my original handle but the system failed (somehow) and wouldn't accept it again. I quickly keyed-in the "2001" suffix in a last ditch attempt to be accepted. It worked. So, now you and everyone else has the long-standing mystery(?) resolved about my handle. (yawn)

You know, I "lurked" ever so long here (being shy) and now....I have gone the other extreme entirely, haven't I?
injian: Can anyone give me a basic and/or intermediate exercise routine (what is jelq-ing?) in order to increase by penis size please? something that does not involve any devices.

I am currently measured at 5 inches and am looking to increase an inch or two. Any help would be great.

injian....I brought up the thread on "free enlargement guide" just for you. Check it out.

It's one of the best break-outs of info I've ever seen in this entire section. It's VERY detailed and thorough--offered in several different sections.

You may be seeking a "quick / easy guide" but PE is not all that simple. There's a specific way to go about it and get the results. This info should help get you started!

Best wishes.
benderten2001, thank you for the personal information, my friend, and be assured lots of the points will be put to good use. I consider 2.5 inches length an extremely pleasing reached goal that you have achieved.

Like you, I have always wanted a bigger penis. Perhaps my short statue helped to make this an obsession, because for a 5'6" guy, I knew my natural 6.75 dick was longer than a lot of taller guys' length. Being driven and determined in life's desires, I used an electric pump regularly over a year and could pump to over 8 inches when I stopped using it.

After a ten year period, I found this site and a new interest in size whetted my desire to make it bigger. I'm on my 4th week of jelqing. and like you did, have adjusted the exercises and adapted new techniques as I go.

I was 75 last Wednesday, and it has amazed me how my cock has responded to the exercises in both size and performance. Again, I'm waking up during the nights with hardons, pouring out more pre, and hanging thicher and longer when flaccid. PE seems to have rejuvenated my cock and there's no way I'll stop jelqing.

Your encouragement and advise is appreciated, man.

Luke :)
[quote author=agent69 link=board=pe;num=1077216847;start=0#0 date=02/19/04 at 10:45:07]I have alwaysbeen a "Serious" grower.  By that I mean that if you saw me naked you'd swear I had the smallest dick on the planet because it literally shirnks to NOTHING  :mad:

Erect, though, it is 7.25 inches long =/-  ;D.  There have been a couple of occasions where I had to demonstrate this to someone who'd made fun of it.

Anyone have any ideas on how to make this thing hang out where someone can see it?


Plenty! Go to, and research your problem there. I'm confident they have
innumerable products there to aid you in your dilemna. Hey, that's the way I found the distinguished Large Penis Support Group! ;)
hung: Assistance to each other and replying to questions is what this site is all about. I always enjoy reading the post here.
grantstephens: I'm a grower too.

My flaccid legnth varies from 2.5 to 3.5 but when aroused is 7.5. Doesn't bother me though cause I don't screw with a softee. :p