Luke....I'll try to save you the trouble (and the agony of reading from the past! :

ALL my sordid posts about PE. I'm not all that proud of the fact about how often I have contributed to this section, anyway. I tend to be long-winded and redundant far too many times. I always enjoy reading from other guys who contribute their stories of PE efforts. I try to guide those readers with (legitimate) questions so as to help steer them into the correct direction (and mindset) for results.
When I was about 47, I began PE (over three years ago). I tried pumping first, then a stretching device, followed later by resorting almost exclusively to natural exercises and jelq. I have stayed basically with those methods even up to today. I don't practice PE quite as much as when I first started. But, I still do "maintenance" exercises and jelq several times a week.
I am convinced these techiques help men stay in good shape in their genito/urninary system--stronger erections, better ejaculations, etc.
Throughout PE, I sought to maintain good blood circulation and the flow of "the male juices" by way of (responsibly) taking some crucially important nutritional supplements which promoted overall good "male health". Hence, I have spent A LOT of time (and money) with PE....I mean A LOT of time and I've had my share of frustrations with some scary mishaps (carelessness, really) and the whole gamut of other "set-backs" which almost sent me to quitting altogether. I persevered(somehow!) because I genuinely wanted the gains. I think ambition and mental attitude are critical in achieving success. One has to believe in the results even before they start to happen. There were times...when I deemed myself an absolute "nut" over this whole PE thing. I feared I was near obsessing over it. Maybe (just maybe)....I did in fact.
I was convinced though, that I just HAD to be bigger or else. I have many other posts in different parts of this forum relating to my lifetime of insecurities in several areas of life! It's probably why I genuinely like helping other guys feel better here about themselves....I've "been there" myself in many ways throughout life. I can relate to other guys's inferiority complexes over "size". Truth is, I was not too bad when I first began PE at 7" erect. But even THAT was not good enough for me! No. I thought I needed to be larger. Being tall and thin, I just knew I was expected to be "super-dooper" hung. (You know--the ole stereotype)
And, so------------
After three+plus years of long difficult work (really!) I haven't done too badly, I suppose. (Mentally I think it should certainly have been MUCH more!) I've added about 2.5 inches in erect length (2" flaccid hang improvement) and about 1" inch in girth increase. I focused my "energies" (obviously) on improving length (via those exercises for just that specifically). The "jelq" I performed merely to "even up" the shaft improvement and not allow a"spindling" effect to begin showing up. By varying the techniques of exercise (and adjusting them as needed) I have avoided a distorted effect in the shaft improvement overall. I suppose I had the benefit of getting good research behind and WAY BEFORE I ever began PE. Still, I had considerable learning and trial-and-error along the way. One thing was obvious to me at the very beginning--I was going to be in for a long haul....whatever would happen.
Luke, you and a few others have alluded to this, so I will (finally) acknowledge it....
The "bender" part of my on-line handle relates to the increased flexibility I now have from a longer, more flexible (pliable) shaft and the "ten" reflects my original PE goal size...(10 inches erect)
Not quite there, yet!

The 2001 stuff is merely when I first registered in this forum. Okay----I was desperate back then for a quick, creative name to get me started. ;D Interestingly (or not) I first entered only the "benderten" as my original handle but the system failed (somehow) and wouldn't accept it again. I quickly keyed-in the "2001" suffix in a last ditch attempt to be accepted. It worked. So, now you and everyone else has the long-standing mystery(?) resolved about my handle. (yawn)
You know, I "lurked" ever so long here (being shy) and now....I have gone the other extreme entirely, haven't I?