Seriously… All Jokes Aside…Do You Think That This Is Natural?


Superior Member
Oct 14, 2024
I believe that it’s natural for the most part because I have a big dick too. It’s just that it’s not that big and so big that it’ll make someone say “What am I supposed to do with that?” And I’ve had people say stuff like that to me before similarly, but personally I think that the reason people have said that to me is just because they never saw any guys dick as big as mines. And maybe it’s also because they never really meet anyone that has a dick as big as mine’s. This is for the people that are going to read this…eventually if they’re interested enough. I think we see big dicks all of the time in lots of different big shapes, big sizes and colors. But we don’t usually get the chance to say anything to anybody in passing, unless you’re someone that is that bold to go much further than just trying to sneak a peek…even if it’s almost thrown in front of you and it’s not like that was something that you could have avoided in the first place. Pictures aren’t exactly the same thing because today we have all types of artificial intelligence technology to make our body parts look like something that they’re really not. If you’re good with a camera 📸 that might be more than enough that you know how to hold it, which angle 📐 to focus on yourself just like you may know how to focus on inanimate objects and then set a timer ⏱ to take a picture of yourself almost perfectly as if a professional photographer took it. A long time ago it was always the people with a lot of money that could afford the best technology and professional photographers that knew what they were doing that could convince you that a guy had a much bigger dick than he really did. That also includes movies too that aren’t just short video clips from a scene in a movie where someone was able to digitally slow the video down or navigate to that one frame or two to get a clear enough picture of a guy’s dick that no one was usually able to catch. If they did they had no way to capture it and save it. It was just something captured in their minds. Photographers way back then could also do that even better by taking pictures of guys nude by shooting them in black and white and that made it a lot easier for them to become popular and be boasted about so much because of the type of photography that they chose to use. It was a lot easier especially if a guy was fairly well endowed already. Most guys that have a big dick boast about it so much that the only truth that there is to that is their size. It’s not really something all men know how to use or know how to use long enough to allow them to be able to get away with bragging so much about how big it is. Sometimes the size that matters to you on the receiving end is not something to get too excited about because as men we don’t have to have any medical or mental issues to not know how to use it. We don’t even have to be addicted to any type of drugs for that to be the reason why our size isn’t any relevance. All we really have to be is full of shit mentally. And if that’s what you are you’re just convincing in physical form until proven guilty and considered to be almost completely worthless. From someone else’s observation that’s not really something that someone else is going to think of or know is a much bigger problem that’s bigger than your dick. I think that this guys dick is basically a combination of genes 🧬 mostly and the rest I would say is all of the shit manufacturer’s put into our foods. They put all types of pesticides and hormones to make foods like strawberries, watermelons, tomatoes, lemons, oranges and cucumbers look healthy and big. Those are supposed to be the healthiest foods for us, but that has nothing to do with trying to sell a product to a customer. Other foods that are mostly preprocessed foods that also includes fast food are somewhat of a possibility, but they’re really not because those are just the foods that don’t have many vitamins and minerals that’ll eventually make you sick, cause cancer or that may not be able to eat at all once you get to a certain age or it’s something your doctor tells you that you’re not aloud to have because of the cholesterol, the calories and the fat content. I’m talking about all of the foods overall. Notice and pay attention to the how the people expiration dates on certain foods and condiments nowadays are seemingly a lot longer than they should be. Some things that I’ve got in my cabinets and refrigerator have expiration dates on them stating that they won’t go bad until 2026 or 2027. When in the hell did you ever see any expiration dates like that on food? That tells me that they’re putting more drugs in foods with all types steroids and whatever else they’re putting in there to preserve foods so that if they can’t sell something and get it off of the shelves fast enough…these are possibly the reasons why you’re seeing so many young guys with bigger private parts. Of course that also includes women as well. Young women don’t just have it like that because of what’s in their physical anatomy and their genes. A young girl with a bigger chest possibly has it that way just as well because she can’t prevent what manufacturers are putting into everything either. It’s sort of semi-political in a sense because this is also something that helps people in the medical profession to make people sicker, have to have surgeries, and get cancer. You can’t say I grow all of my food myself and prepare all of my own meals because unless you’ve got your own land to do all of that all year round you’ll never be in the clear because your soil is mixed in with everyone else’s and there’s remnants of drugs in it everywhere. I’m not really stating this stuff to upset anybody. I’m stating this stuff to tell you that it’s easy to trick people, but it’s not completely all tricks. Some things about our bodies are things that we don’t have much control over. Performance with these special parts of our bodies that aren’t just malfunctioning because we’ve decided to spend money to enhance them with drugs or have surgeries has a hell of a lot more to do with what we choose to put into our bodies and the rest isn’t really a choice at all. If you see that some guy has so much more than you’ve got don’t be ashamed, don’t get upset, don’t get too mad or pissed the fuck off about it because those of us that are that well endowed might have so many other problems that part doesn’t count as much because it doesn’t work correctly because of a lot of things. It’s just a work of art to admire 50-75% of the time in lots of cases. If I had one like his I don’t really think anyone would be able to fuck 🤣 with me. I’d just be fucking myself because this part of a man’s body isn’t compatible with everyone else’s. “It was big and beautiful, but I said anh ahh! He’s probably gonna hurt me.”


I only read the first and last couple of sentences lol, but yeah...

Whenever I see giant "pornstar" dicks IRL I usually feel a bit pity for the guy.

I'd imagine it's difficult to find a long term partner who doesn't want to just fetishize you.

In terms of health, I'd imagine it would take quite a bit of training for someone to regularly take you anally or vaginally. Not very easy for casual sex.
I believe that it’s natural for the most part because I have a big dick too. It’s just that it’s not that big and so big that it’ll make someone say “What am I supposed to do with that?” And I’ve had people say stuff like that to me before similarly, but personally I think that the reason people have said that to me is just because they never saw any guys dick as big as mines. And maybe it’s also because they never really meet anyone that has a dick as big as mine’s. This is for the people that are going to read this…eventually if they’re interested enough. I think we see big dicks all of the time in lots of different big shapes, big sizes and colors. But we don’t usually get the chance to say anything to anybody in passing, unless you’re someone that is that bold to go much further than just trying to sneak a peek…even if it’s almost thrown in front of you and it’s not like that was something that you could have avoided in the first place. Pictures aren’t exactly the same thing because today we have all types of artificial intelligence technology to make our body parts look like something that they’re really not. If you’re good with a camera 📸 that might be more than enough that you know how to hold it, which angle 📐 to focus on yourself just like you may know how to focus on inanimate objects and then set a timer ⏱ to take a picture of yourself almost perfectly as if a professional photographer took it. A long time ago it was always the people with a lot of money that could afford the best technology and professional photographers that knew what they were doing that could convince you that a guy had a much bigger dick than he really did. That also includes movies too that aren’t just short video clips from a scene in a movie where someone was able to digitally slow the video down or navigate to that one frame or two to get a clear enough picture of a guy’s dick that no one was usually able to catch. If they did they had no way to capture it and save it. It was just something captured in their minds. Photographers way back then could also do that even better by taking pictures of guys nude by shooting them in black and white and that made it a lot easier for them to become popular and be boasted about so much because of the type of photography that they chose to use. It was a lot easier especially if a guy was fairly well endowed already. Most guys that have a big dick boast about it so much that the only truth that there is to that is their size. It’s not really something all men know how to use or know how to use long enough to allow them to be able to get away with bragging so much about how big it is. Sometimes the size that matters to you on the receiving end is not something to get too excited about because as men we don’t have to have any medical or mental issues to not know how to use it. We don’t even have to be addicted to any type of drugs for that to be the reason why our size isn’t any relevance. All we really have to be is full of shit mentally. And if that’s what you are you’re just convincing in physical form until proven guilty and considered to be almost completely worthless. From someone else’s observation that’s not really something that someone else is going to think of or know is a much bigger problem that’s bigger than your dick. I think that this guys dick is basically a combination of genes 🧬 mostly and the rest I would say is all of the shit manufacturer’s put into our foods. They put all types of pesticides and hormones to make foods like strawberries, watermelons, tomatoes, lemons, oranges and cucumbers look healthy and big. Those are supposed to be the healthiest foods for us, but that has nothing to do with trying to sell a product to a customer. Other foods that are mostly preprocessed foods that also includes fast food are somewhat of a possibility, but they’re really not because those are just the foods that don’t have many vitamins and minerals that’ll eventually make you sick, cause cancer or that may not be able to eat at all once you get to a certain age or it’s something your doctor tells you that you’re not aloud to have because of the cholesterol, the calories and the fat content. I’m talking about all of the foods overall. Notice and pay attention to the how the people expiration dates on certain foods and condiments nowadays are seemingly a lot longer than they should be. Some things that I’ve got in my cabinets and refrigerator have expiration dates on them stating that they won’t go bad until 2026 or 2027. When in the hell did you ever see any expiration dates like that on food? That tells me that they’re putting more drugs in foods with all types steroids and whatever else they’re putting in there to preserve foods so that if they can’t sell something and get it off of the shelves fast enough…these are possibly the reasons why you’re seeing so many young guys with bigger private parts. Of course that also includes women as well. Young women don’t just have it like that because of what’s in their physical anatomy and their genes. A young girl with a bigger chest possibly has it that way just as well because she can’t prevent what manufacturers are putting into everything either. It’s sort of semi-political in a sense because this is also something that helps people in the medical profession to make people sicker, have to have surgeries, and get cancer. You can’t say I grow all of my food myself and prepare all of my own meals because unless you’ve got your own land to do all of that all year round you’ll never be in the clear because your soil is mixed in with everyone else’s and there’s remnants of drugs in it everywhere. I’m not really stating this stuff to upset anybody. I’m stating this stuff to tell you that it’s easy to trick people, but it’s not completely all tricks. Some things about our bodies are things that we don’t have much control over. Performance with these special parts of our bodies that aren’t just malfunctioning because we’ve decided to spend money to enhance them with drugs or have surgeries has a hell of a lot more to do with what we choose to put into our bodies and the rest isn’t really a choice at all. If you see that some guy has so much more than you’ve got don’t be ashamed, don’t get upset, don’t get too mad or pissed the fuck off about it because those of us that are that well endowed might have so many other problems that part doesn’t count as much because it doesn’t work correctly because of a lot of things. It’s just a work of art to admire 50-75% of the time in lots of cases. If I had one like his I don’t really think anyone would be able to fuck 🤣 with me. I’d just be fucking myself because this part of a man’s body isn’t compatible with everyone else’s. “It was big and beautiful, but I said anh ahh! He’s probably gonna hurt me.”
I do like a nice shaved cock. Yours is a beauty , and so inviting
Well.. sizes of cocks are nice.. small ones medium ones large ones and ex large ones

I thing I have learned is when bottoming and that cock begins to enter my ass .. sometimes it stings sometimes it hurts and sometimes it feels fucking great ..

He ranted on about food this food that kind of lost interest so skipped that part ..

That’s a nice cock.. if it’s real then kudos to him ..

But if people need to learn your asshole can open up quit a bit ..

Try google rectal anal surgeries and you will see what I mean..

But the guys that take big dicks ( like myself) do it for that reason and that’s for the pain.. ..

I enjoy a nice fucking and all.. but having a guy on top of me fucking me with a huge cock making me want to pull away.. is what I love..

Probably how I grew up in the past made me ime joy it more as I got older …

Sometimes I wasn’t happy if my ass wasn’t sore for days afterwards

So when guys think there’s no guys or girls for that matter will take their big cocks .. trust me they’re out there looking g to be pushed to the limits
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Well.. sizes of cocks are nice.. small ones medium ones large ones and ex large ones

I thing I have learned is when bottoming and that cock begins to enter my ass .. sometimes it stings sometimes it hurts and sometimes it feels fucking great ..

He ranted on about food this food that kind of lost interest so skipped that part ..

That’s a nice cock.. if it’s real then kudos to him ..

But if people need to learn your asshole can open up quit a bit ..

Try google rectal anal surgeries and you will see what I mean..

But the guys that take big dicks ( like myself) do it for that reason and that’s for the pain.. ..

I enjoy a nice fucking and all.. but having a guy on top of me fucking me with a huge cock making me want to pull away.. is what I love..

Probably how I grew up in the past made me ime joy it more as I got older …

Sometimes I wasn’t happy if my ass wasn’t sore for days afterwards

So when guys think there’s no guys or girls for that matter will take their big cocks .. trust me they’re out there looking g to be pushed to the limit
Well.. sizes of cocks are nice.. small ones medium ones large ones and ex large ones

I thing I have learned is when bottoming and that cock begins to enter my ass .. sometimes it stings sometimes it hurts and sometimes it feels fucking great ..

He ranted on about food this food that kind of lost interest so skipped that part ..

That’s a nice cock.. if it’s real then kudos to him ..

But if people need to learn your asshole can open up quit a bit ..

Try google rectal anal surgeries and you will see what I mean..

But the guys that take big dicks ( like myself) do it for that reason and that’s for the pain.. ..

I enjoy a nice fucking and all.. but having a guy on top of me fucking me with a huge cock making me want to pull away.. is what I love..

Probably how I grew up in the past made me ime joy it more as I got older …

Sometimes I wasn’t happy if my ass wasn’t sore for days afterwards

So when guys think there’s no guys or girls for that matter will take their big cocks .. trust me they’re out there looking g to be pushed to the limits
I once heard from a friend that smaller dicks hurts worse than the big ones, especially when they are bone hard and have no give to them... So I heard..🤐😶‍🌫️
That’s pretty true about not having much give.. but if they know how to fuck and make it pleasurable for both you and him then no issues there..

You meet guys that think their job is to just slide it in and fuck.. and in time they learn ( or hopefully learn) there’s more to it than that..

That goes for bigger dicks as well.. just because you got a big dick doesn’t mean you’re automatically a good fuck..
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I believe that it’s natural for the most part because I have a big dick too. It’s just that it’s not that big and so big that it’ll make someone say “What am I supposed to do with that?” And I’ve had people say stuff like that to me before similarly, but personally I think that the reason people have said that to me is just because they never saw any guys dick as big as mines. And maybe it’s also because they never really meet anyone that has a dick as big as mine’s. This is for the people that are going to read this…eventually if they’re interested enough. I think we see big dicks all of the time in lots of different big shapes, big sizes and colors. But we don’t usually get the chance to say anything to anybody in passing, unless you’re someone that is that bold to go much further than just trying to sneak a peek…even if it’s almost thrown in front of you and it’s not like that was something that you could have avoided in the first place. Pictures aren’t exactly the same thing because today we have all types of artificial intelligence technology to make our body parts look like something that they’re really not. If you’re good with a camera 📸 that might be more than enough that you know how to hold it, which angle 📐 to focus on yourself just like you may know how to focus on inanimate objects and then set a timer ⏱ to take a picture of yourself almost perfectly as if a professional photographer took it. A long time ago it was always the people with a lot of money that could afford the best technology and professional photographers that knew what they were doing that could convince you that a guy had a much bigger dick than he really did. That also includes movies too that aren’t just short video clips from a scene in a movie where someone was able to digitally slow the video down or navigate to that one frame or two to get a clear enough picture of a guy’s dick that no one was usually able to catch. If they did they had no way to capture it and save it. It was just something captured in their minds. Photographers way back then could also do that even better by taking pictures of guys nude by shooting them in black and white and that made it a lot easier for them to become popular and be boasted about so much because of the type of photography that they chose to use. It was a lot easier especially if a guy was fairly well endowed already. Most guys that have a big dick boast about it so much that the only truth that there is to that is their size. It’s not really something all men know how to use or know how to use long enough to allow them to be able to get away with bragging so much about how big it is. Sometimes the size that matters to you on the receiving end is not something to get too excited about because as men we don’t have to have any medical or mental issues to not know how to use it. We don’t even have to be addicted to any type of drugs for that to be the reason why our size isn’t any relevance. All we really have to be is full of shit mentally. And if that’s what you are you’re just convincing in physical form until proven guilty and considered to be almost completely worthless. From someone else’s observation that’s not really something that someone else is going to think of or know is a much bigger problem that’s bigger than your dick. I think that this guys dick is basically a combination of genes 🧬 mostly and the rest I would say is all of the shit manufacturer’s put into our foods. They put all types of pesticides and hormones to make foods like strawberries, watermelons, tomatoes, lemons, oranges and cucumbers look healthy and big. Those are supposed to be the healthiest foods for us, but that has nothing to do with trying to sell a product to a customer. Other foods that are mostly preprocessed foods that also includes fast food are somewhat of a possibility, but they’re really not because those are just the foods that don’t have many vitamins and minerals that’ll eventually make you sick, cause cancer or that may not be able to eat at all once you get to a certain age or it’s something your doctor tells you that you’re not aloud to have because of the cholesterol, the calories and the fat content. I’m talking about all of the foods overall. Notice and pay attention to the how the people expiration dates on certain foods and condiments nowadays are seemingly a lot longer than they should be. Some things that I’ve got in my cabinets and refrigerator have expiration dates on them stating that they won’t go bad until 2026 or 2027. When in the hell did you ever see any expiration dates like that on food? That tells me that they’re putting more drugs in foods with all types steroids and whatever else they’re putting in there to preserve foods so that if they can’t sell something and get it off of the shelves fast enough…these are possibly the reasons why you’re seeing so many young guys with bigger private parts. Of course that also includes women as well. Young women don’t just have it like that because of what’s in their physical anatomy and their genes. A young girl with a bigger chest possibly has it that way just as well because she can’t prevent what manufacturers are putting into everything either. It’s sort of semi-political in a sense because this is also something that helps people in the medical profession to make people sicker, have to have surgeries, and get cancer. You can’t say I grow all of my food myself and prepare all of my own meals because unless you’ve got your own land to do all of that all year round you’ll never be in the clear because your soil is mixed in with everyone else’s and there’s remnants of drugs in it everywhere. I’m not really stating this stuff to upset anybody. I’m stating this stuff to tell you that it’s easy to trick people, but it’s not completely all tricks. Some things about our bodies are things that we don’t have much control over. Performance with these special parts of our bodies that aren’t just malfunctioning because we’ve decided to spend money to enhance them with drugs or have surgeries has a hell of a lot more to do with what we choose to put into our bodies and the rest isn’t really a choice at all. If you see that some guy has so much more than you’ve got don’t be ashamed, don’t get upset, don’t get too mad or pissed the fuck off about it because those of us that are that well endowed might have so many other problems that part doesn’t count as much because it doesn’t work correctly because of a lot of things. It’s just a work of art to admire 50-75% of the time in lots of cases. If I had one like his I don’t really think anyone would be able to fuck 🤣 with me. I’d just be fucking myself because this part of a man’s body isn’t compatible with everyone else’s. “It was big and beautiful, but I said anh ahh! He’s probably gonna hurt me.”
I see fisheye lens all over it, but it may still be huge.
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I believe that it’s natural for the most part because I have a big dick too. It’s just that it’s not that big and so big that it’ll make someone say “What am I supposed to do with that?” And I’ve had people say stuff like that to me before similarly, but personally I think that the reason people have said that to me is just because they never saw any guys dick as big as mines. And maybe it’s also because they never really meet anyone that has a dick as big as mine’s. This is for the people that are going to read this…eventually if they’re interested enough. I think we see big dicks all of the time in lots of different big shapes, big sizes and colors. But we don’t usually get the chance to say anything to anybody in passing, unless you’re someone that is that bold to go much further than just trying to sneak a peek…even if it’s almost thrown in front of you and it’s not like that was something that you could have avoided in the first place. Pictures aren’t exactly the same thing because today we have all types of artificial intelligence technology to make our body parts look like something that they’re really not. If you’re good with a camera 📸 that might be more than enough that you know how to hold it, which angle 📐 to focus on yourself just like you may know how to focus on inanimate objects and then set a timer ⏱ to take a picture of yourself almost perfectly as if a professional photographer took it. A long time ago it was always the people with a lot of money that could afford the best technology and professional photographers that knew what they were doing that could convince you that a guy had a much bigger dick than he really did. That also includes movies too that aren’t just short video clips from a scene in a movie where someone was able to digitally slow the video down or navigate to that one frame or two to get a clear enough picture of a guy’s dick that no one was usually able to catch. If they did they had no way to capture it and save it. It was just something captured in their minds. Photographers way back then could also do that even better by taking pictures of guys nude by shooting them in black and white and that made it a lot easier for them to become popular and be boasted about so much because of the type of photography that they chose to use. It was a lot easier especially if a guy was fairly well endowed already. Most guys that have a big dick boast about it so much that the only truth that there is to that is their size. It’s not really something all men know how to use or know how to use long enough to allow them to be able to get away with bragging so much about how big it is. Sometimes the size that matters to you on the receiving end is not something to get too excited about because as men we don’t have to have any medical or mental issues to not know how to use it. We don’t even have to be addicted to any type of drugs for that to be the reason why our size isn’t any relevance. All we really have to be is full of shit mentally. And if that’s what you are you’re just convincing in physical form until proven guilty and considered to be almost completely worthless. From someone else’s observation that’s not really something that someone else is going to think of or know is a much bigger problem that’s bigger than your dick. I think that this guys dick is basically a combination of genes 🧬 mostly and the rest I would say is all of the shit manufacturer’s put into our foods. They put all types of pesticides and hormones to make foods like strawberries, watermelons, tomatoes, lemons, oranges and cucumbers look healthy and big. Those are supposed to be the healthiest foods for us, but that has nothing to do with trying to sell a product to a customer. Other foods that are mostly preprocessed foods that also includes fast food are somewhat of a possibility, but they’re really not because those are just the foods that don’t have many vitamins and minerals that’ll eventually make you sick, cause cancer or that may not be able to eat at all once you get to a certain age or it’s something your doctor tells you that you’re not aloud to have because of the cholesterol, the calories and the fat content. I’m talking about all of the foods overall. Notice and pay attention to the how the people expiration dates on certain foods and condiments nowadays are seemingly a lot longer than they should be. Some things that I’ve got in my cabinets and refrigerator have expiration dates on them stating that they won’t go bad until 2026 or 2027. When in the hell did you ever see any expiration dates like that on food? That tells me that they’re putting more drugs in foods with all types steroids and whatever else they’re putting in there to preserve foods so that if they can’t sell something and get it off of the shelves fast enough…these are possibly the reasons why you’re seeing so many young guys with bigger private parts. Of course that also includes women as well. Young women don’t just have it like that because of what’s in their physical anatomy and their genes. A young girl with a bigger chest possibly has it that way just as well because she can’t prevent what manufacturers are putting into everything either. It’s sort of semi-political in a sense because this is also something that helps people in the medical profession to make people sicker, have to have surgeries, and get cancer. You can’t say I grow all of my food myself and prepare all of my own meals because unless you’ve got your own land to do all of that all year round you’ll never be in the clear because your soil is mixed in with everyone else’s and there’s remnants of drugs in it everywhere. I’m not really stating this stuff to upset anybody. I’m stating this stuff to tell you that it’s easy to trick people, but it’s not completely all tricks. Some things about our bodies are things that we don’t have much control over. Performance with these special parts of our bodies that aren’t just malfunctioning because we’ve decided to spend money to enhance them with drugs or have surgeries has a hell of a lot more to do with what we choose to put into our bodies and the rest isn’t really a choice at all. If you see that some guy has so much more than you’ve got don’t be ashamed, don’t get upset, don’t get too mad or pissed the fuck off about it because those of us that are that well endowed might have so many other problems that part doesn’t count as much because it doesn’t work correctly because of a lot of things. It’s just a work of art to admire 50-75% of the time in lots of cases. If I had one like his I don’t really think anyone would be able to fuck 🤣 with me. I’d just be fucking myself because this part of a man’s body isn’t compatible with everyone else’s. “It was big and beautiful, but I said anh ahh! He’s probably gonna hurt me.”
Beautiful dick!
I once heard from a friend that smaller dicks hurts worse than the big ones, especially when they are bone hard and have no give to them... So I heard..🤐😶‍🌫️
Probably guys with very short dicks that keep falling out are the deadliest especially if they are thick too. all that out and in is probably a lot more painful than a long one that once its in-stays in.
I once heard from a friend that smaller dicks hurts worse than the big ones, especially when they are bone hard and have no give to them... So I heard..🤐😶‍🌫️
Whether a cock stays fleshy with some ‘give’ or goes bone hard makes a massive difference. Fleshy are always better to suck imo and if it is a huge dick it usually makes it easier to be fucked by. A really hard dick is a different sensation and if it’s not painfully big can feel more pleasurable. Rock hard massive dicks can take some patience.