this story is my personal experience, idk if this is indeed real or just a dream or something. feel free to share your thoughts 
okay so i was quite tired and sleepy. was planning to play games or watch some youtube vids but nope, my eyes are giving out already. so i tried to lay down and sleep. after a while, my body felt tingly, but i waa too tired to care. i just want to sleep. then, suddenly, i hear my sibling's voice at my back, whispering or something, being annoying. i tried to lift my body so hard just so i could see whats the ruckus about...... andddd no one's sleeping beside me. okay, another one of these sleep paralysis ghost/demon! nice, just what i need... i just closed my eyes again and tried to ignore whatever that entity is.
nope. this fucker kept pestering me. they were blowing my neck, giggling or some shit just to be a lil annoying prick. honestly, i was down to think im just imagining things and the thing i feel on my neck is just some insect crawling on my neck but nah, this is something else. i have no energy to deal with this but i guess have to fight back.
now i was in quite a sassy mood. i want to taunt them to show them they dont bother me, which hopefully will make them just leave. but i was also still a bit skeptical if this ghost/demon is even real. so i asked them, to try and tickle me. come and bother me bitch, i dare you! i can kinda make myself feel not ticklish so i thought this would be a good taunt plus i thought this would be also a good test to try and see if theyre real. yep, i felt something on my neck and arms and in my sides. perhaps they are indeed real and are trying to tickle me, but im still not fully convinced.
now, as you can see in my title, they did more than just tickling.... you see, for some weird reason my brain thought of sex. like yes im a bit of a horny bitch but really, brain, youre horny now? so, yeah, i dared this ghost/demon to do things to me sexually.
at first, nothing happened. maybe theyre gone or maybe theyre not real. maybe i can finally go to sleep peacefully? nope. i felt something penetrate me. now i have read stuffs about what it would feel like when anally penetrated and have tried fingering myself few times out of curiosity. so yeah, sure enough, i felt like i was about to poop. but again, still skeptical: am i getting fucked or i might shit on my bed.
as ive said, i tried fingering myself. maybe im not doing it right or i am not hitting the spot, but i dont think i felt pleasure doing that. i only felt weird and uncomfy, felt like was about to poop while also making my arm feel weary and tired. but strangely, this sensation i felt with the ghost/demon, it was weirdly erotic. i even tried moving my hips a lil, as if letting them know that i need that supernatural cock so bad.
but i was still in a playful, sassy, unbothered mood at this time. i feel something inside my ass, but thats not enough for me to really feel pleasure nor believe this was indeed real. until moments later when i felt like getting drilled a bit deeper and a weird motion where it felt like theyre moving their cock in circle inside my butthole. and that, that did something to me cause i got hard after that. i finally felt like i was being fucked for real! it really felt like i was about to cum. and i think the demon/ghost had an orgasm, like i felt something behind me shaking or something. moments later, i no longer feel their pressence.
that indeed woke me up fr. it was so wild of an experience that i decided to share this online asap lmao now that im fully awake, im back to being a skeptic and say this was just a dream. but it just felt so real....
anyways, happy new year everyone!
okay so i was quite tired and sleepy. was planning to play games or watch some youtube vids but nope, my eyes are giving out already. so i tried to lay down and sleep. after a while, my body felt tingly, but i waa too tired to care. i just want to sleep. then, suddenly, i hear my sibling's voice at my back, whispering or something, being annoying. i tried to lift my body so hard just so i could see whats the ruckus about...... andddd no one's sleeping beside me. okay, another one of these sleep paralysis ghost/demon! nice, just what i need... i just closed my eyes again and tried to ignore whatever that entity is.
nope. this fucker kept pestering me. they were blowing my neck, giggling or some shit just to be a lil annoying prick. honestly, i was down to think im just imagining things and the thing i feel on my neck is just some insect crawling on my neck but nah, this is something else. i have no energy to deal with this but i guess have to fight back.
now i was in quite a sassy mood. i want to taunt them to show them they dont bother me, which hopefully will make them just leave. but i was also still a bit skeptical if this ghost/demon is even real. so i asked them, to try and tickle me. come and bother me bitch, i dare you! i can kinda make myself feel not ticklish so i thought this would be a good taunt plus i thought this would be also a good test to try and see if theyre real. yep, i felt something on my neck and arms and in my sides. perhaps they are indeed real and are trying to tickle me, but im still not fully convinced.
now, as you can see in my title, they did more than just tickling.... you see, for some weird reason my brain thought of sex. like yes im a bit of a horny bitch but really, brain, youre horny now? so, yeah, i dared this ghost/demon to do things to me sexually.
at first, nothing happened. maybe theyre gone or maybe theyre not real. maybe i can finally go to sleep peacefully? nope. i felt something penetrate me. now i have read stuffs about what it would feel like when anally penetrated and have tried fingering myself few times out of curiosity. so yeah, sure enough, i felt like i was about to poop. but again, still skeptical: am i getting fucked or i might shit on my bed.
as ive said, i tried fingering myself. maybe im not doing it right or i am not hitting the spot, but i dont think i felt pleasure doing that. i only felt weird and uncomfy, felt like was about to poop while also making my arm feel weary and tired. but strangely, this sensation i felt with the ghost/demon, it was weirdly erotic. i even tried moving my hips a lil, as if letting them know that i need that supernatural cock so bad.
but i was still in a playful, sassy, unbothered mood at this time. i feel something inside my ass, but thats not enough for me to really feel pleasure nor believe this was indeed real. until moments later when i felt like getting drilled a bit deeper and a weird motion where it felt like theyre moving their cock in circle inside my butthole. and that, that did something to me cause i got hard after that. i finally felt like i was being fucked for real! it really felt like i was about to cum. and i think the demon/ghost had an orgasm, like i felt something behind me shaking or something. moments later, i no longer feel their pressence.
that indeed woke me up fr. it was so wild of an experience that i decided to share this online asap lmao now that im fully awake, im back to being a skeptic and say this was just a dream. but it just felt so real....
anyways, happy new year everyone!