Shaved - PROs/CONs


Just Browsing
Mar 21, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I've got a question for some of the women out there.
And I did try a search, but did not find this topic.

I've been hinting to my wife about shaving her, well, you know.

For my part, I really wish she'd do it, because I think it looks very sexy,
and it would make oral sex a bit less hair-in-the-mouthy. However, I don't want her to do this if it will not be pleasant for her as well.

My question to those of you who have done this ...

Did you find this to be a positive experience overall, or just a pain the ass. Or wherever. And what was the best method. (razor, cream, etc)

Thanks in advance.
My ex-gf did not alter her pubic hair until she dated me. She found it to be positive in all respects EXCEPT for the fact that her skin in the area was often dry and this somtimes made it impossible to shave.

Most likely she would have stopped the practice, but since pubic hair grosses me out, there was no way around it.
I didn't become smooth shaven til about a year ago- I was never really bushy anyway, but decided to try it. After my initial period of getting used to the increased sensations in the area, I decided I liked it and have stayed with it. I have yet to find a method of hair removal I prefer. Some razors are worse than others, and I have a difficult time doing it by myself, as I have to move bits around, pull some things taut, etc etc
some of the other ladies here are more experienced with it and have used different methods that they swear by.
I think its important however, that you explore with her in a positive non judgmental way, her reasons against it. I originally associated it with 'men who wanted to be with hairless little girls'- so I was grossed out, took me a bit of growing up to sort that out.
good luck
Ive actually gone back to a more al-la-natural style and only trim now. After years of shaving smooth i just felt like a change. Being completly smooth does give more sensation and feels ultra-sexy so i cant think of any negatives except for re-growth which comes with all methods anyway.

Ask your lady just to try it once and see if she would prefer to shave herself or if she'd like you to shave for her. Tell her if she doesnt like it she can always grow it back, but honestly i think once she is smooth she will keep it that way..The bonus of sensation over rides the inconvienience of maintaining
Lee and Sassy,
Thanks for the replies. I think my wife has two objections.
1) She thinks it will itch too much and/or be uncomfortable.
I guess that may happen, but at the same time, I'm hearing that there is also a potential upside to the way things may feel for her. I'll be sure and mention this.
2) She's a little concerned that that none of her friends are shaved, and may be feeling that it's just not something that "good" girls do. I'm not sure why this bothers her, but you are correct in that I should be sensitive to this, even if I don't understand or agree with the rationale.

Hopefully I can get her to try it. I mean, after all, it's only hair, and it will grow back pretty quickly. And I'm pretty sure we could have some fun with it, even if only for a while.

I got my wife to shave smooth when we started dating about 10 years ago, she said she loves that extra sensation from being totally shaved. She shaves her legs every morning and it does'nt take but a few extra seconds to keep the pubes smooth also.

She also does'nt have to worry about stray hairs when she wears her swim suits.

Just my 2 cents, J.