Showing His Face On Naked Pics ?

Did you already post a pic with your cock and your face?

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Hi everybody. I’d like to talk about showing his own face on nude pics on LPSG (or on cam or other websites). I do it sometimes but I’d like to have some feedbacks, advices, criticism or just what you think about that.
I think it’s more exciting to show entirely nude on pics or cam. But it’s a bit frightening.
And you, have you already see my face?
And could you show us yours?
Be honest, gentle or rude comments, it’s up to you, everything’s accepted.
I never want a clear connection to myself with my nudes. Sure There's probably ways to connect the dots and find out who I am if someone REALLY wanted to, but its no where near as easy as a pic with my face in it, to be available forever on the internet. years later, links and websites can die that had those connections to possibly find my identity. A pic stays forever basically.
I think you'll find that careful guys who are DL, closeted, in committed relationships, or just plain like their privacy, are not going to do it.
Sometimes they will, under the right circumstances, but not as a general rule.
As @Cum_is_Great said so well, once the picture is on the internet, it can be scattered to all the corners of the earth and can't be pulled back. Also, you never know what connections can bring it back to your circle of family, friends and associates. "Six degrees of separation."
I would not want my face in the same pic as my penis. Part of the reason I like showing off on here is the anonymity.

I also think the face can ruin the pic.

For men: unless you know how to model, or we have interacted face-to-face, your face probably just looks goofy and takes away from the pic. However, being pretty much 100% straight, I doubt I am your audience.

For women: If you are pretty in the face, it can be sexy. Some women don't have much going for them except their face. I can understand showing it in those cases.

Another member on here said that face can ruin the pic and I realized that I agree.
I have privately on cam and some private pics, but not on any permanent post on any website. Some recently uploaded pics show partial face, but nothing that I think can give away my identity.
Thanks for sharing your opinion guys. I understand that it’s a risky activity. But I can’t resist to show myself entirely.
And if someone you know see you there, that means (s)he is consulting exhib website (perhaps (s)he’s exposing her/himself. So I like to think there’s no problem with that. And everybody has a dick or a pussy and sexual activity so what’s the matter ? We can imagine everyone naked ;)
If you add me to a skype Picture-sharing-chat you will get all pics you want to share there. My Sk ype is smalldickrick my name there RickoWagner. I have to share all you ask for because of a lost bet - my pics have to be spread.

I will Show fullbody face today - with all Rights to share and post
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I never want a clear connection to myself with my nudes. Sure There's probably ways to connect the dots and find out who I am if someone REALLY wanted to, but its no where near as easy as a pic with my face in it, to be available forever on the internet. years later, links and websites can die that had those connections to possibly find my identity. A pic stays forever basically.

This is also my position exactly.
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I never posted a pic with my dick and face in at the same time and don't plan to. I keep my face off cam when I jerk off as well except one time when I was super horny and super drunk and got talk into it.
I've posted pics of me naked, with my face. What do I care if someone sees me naked? What is the worse thing that can happen? A rude comment? Who cares. Maybe I am OK with it because I spent a lot of years on clothing optional beaches. .
Stuff like this tends to come back and byte you in the ass. There is only one dick pic of me out there and it is the verification photo for this site.
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I've posted several pics with my face and erect cock on various sites, and also made some porn videos with me fucking and face visible. It's never caused me a problem, though sometimes when i meet a guy I'm flattered when he tells me he's masturbated over my pics.