Sitting on the toilet



Ullrich: I was wondering the other day, wether any of you guys have problems with your flacid dicks touching the water when you're sitting on the toilet.
I am not that huge and have had it happen at several occasions. This appears to me to be a very dangerous thing, as it could lead to infections.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say on this topic.
9inch_teen: Ive seen this topic posted before, and it always interested me somewhat because of one reason:

I dont know if its because all the toilets in my town are designed the same, but theres always like a foot of room between the seat and the water.

Whenever i hear about those cases where the two meet (doesent sound very clean ...) im curious as to how high the water is (or low the seat is) on these toilets.

PS: I hang anywhere between 6" and 7" soft, so im assuming that i would probably hit water should i come across one of these one day. But i havent yet
Originally posted by 9inch_teen@Jul 20 2004, 12:48 AM
Ive seen this topic posted before, and it always interested me somewhat because of one reason:

I dont know if its because all the toilets in my town are designed the same, but theres always like a foot of room between the seat and the water.

Whenever i hear about those cases where the two meet (doesent sound very clean ...) im curious as to how high the water is (or low the seat is) on these toilets.

PS: I hang anywhere between 6" and 7" soft, so im assuming that i would probably hit water should i come across one of these one day. But i havent yet
I think this problem is related to overall body structure as well as penis length. (Apologies in advance, cause it's impossible to discuss this without getting kinda gross.) It's hard to explain, but I think factors like height/leg length and the position the penis happens to be attached play a part.

I'm usually about 7" flaccid, but I have only actually taken a dip on a few occasions in my life. A more common problem for me is brushing up against the side of the bowl, which is just as gross. I'm only 5'5", and my feet just sit flat on the floor when I'm sitting on a standard toilet, meaning my thighs from the hip to the knees are basically straight--parallel to the floor. I imagine that taller guys knees wind up in a higher position, meaning their bottoms are coming at the bowl at a sharper angle, and they are actually sitting lower into the bowl than I do.

I had a basketball player friend in college who was at least a foot taller than me (probably more). He was well hung but smaller than me (about 8" hard, 1-2" shorter than my 7" soft). And he had this problem with the toilets in our dorm if he was not careful (which he often wasn't--I heard the splash he made a couple times).

Now then, while we're on this gross topic, let's talk about the problems caused by: a long penis + short legs + a high urinal . . .
Originally posted by Donk@Jul 20 2004, 03:09 AM
Now then, while we're on this gross topic, let's talk about the problems caused by: a long penis + short legs + a high urinal . . .
... needing to employ a periscope technique? But nothing like the problems caused by a high urinal + short legs + short penis.

Reverting to the question asked, my answer is yes, but only when I visit North America. On each trip it takes me a while to remember to take avoiding action.
Touching the bowl yes, but i agree with 9inch - there must be some oddly constructed toilets out there, either with very very low seats or really high water levels if you can dip it...
I can reach the water, but after the first few times I got into the habbit of holding my dick when I'm on the toilet. It's second nature now at home, but always a concern when I'm out and need to take a dump in a strange toilet. That sounds a little funny, a strange toilet.
I've had it dip in at a friends house and at my old house, not at my new one though, toilet bowl is higher i think. but yeah, the along the side thing is gross too... lol.
Originally posted by madame_zora@Jul 20 2004, 05:50 PM
Yeah, lol, like you're cheating on the one back home!
I don't think the one at home would mind that much, I give it plenty every day. :lol:
As this topic passed before, we noticed that US toilets are different with the rest of the world. I never understand why they are so shallow and have a lot of high water in it? Who invented ties American toilets? :(
Ullrich: I only posted this, because I've just come back from a vacation to the us, where I had this problem several times, because of high water levels. Never seen a single toilet in europe that had that much water in it, so the problem was kinda new to me.
Yes Ollie,

Told you, it's an "American" problem...but is true, the first time I visite the States I was also very supriced. But nobody could tell me why they made like this and why there is so many water ??
It's because it's American and we can!... Why is Texas such a big state?? Because we want it that way. LOL

In all honesty it is like that becuase we are such a wastful nation, and figure that more is always better. Which in some cases it is
Certain toilets seem to have higher water levels as I've definitely felt the cold water on the tip of my warm penis. Even more annoying at times, however, are those bowls where my balls dangle in the water. Perhaps it's the position, but I'm more likely to end up with a wet sac than a wet cockhead...or maybe I just end up holding onto my penis more and lifting it up.
lickitysplit: Man, great topic. I hate toilets that are either short in length (from front to back) or have a short distance from bowl to the water. My biggest problem is keeping my dick from hitting the front rim of the toilet where I know ALOT of bacteria resides (ugh!). I always have to grab my dick and contort it so its bent to where I can piss but not touching the rim. I only hang about 4 1/2 - 5 when flaccid depending on how warm I am down there, but there have been a few times when I keep a close eye on that water at the bottom. My length doesn't put me into any serious jeapordy of touching the water, so its the front rim that worries me the most, and I am not even a big guy. 6 foot, 170 lbs and pretty lean. So its not like I am overweight and just happen to be taking up alot of the toilet seat space.

I love it when I go somewhere and see a toilet that is long from front to back and gives me plenty of room, and I can just sit there dangling away and not have to worry about it.