Size But Not As We Know It (hopefully)


Expert Member
Account Deletion Pending
Nov 28, 2019
United Kingdom
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Hey all

Something I’ve been thinking about lately and I’m curious about a female take on this.

Guys tend to get very fixated with the number when relating to size but a response in another thread made me think just how conscious you are with the actual size of your partners penis. I assume it’s borders around 0-1% bothered but have you ever asked a guy his actual size, talked about the actual size either to the partner or friends etc?

I’ve come to the realisation it’s just a number and actually there’s probably a handful (at most) of categories a penis falls into.

Anyways hope it’s not to in polite to post and ask this. I checked the faqs and while most relate to size they tend to be ‘is this to big’ ‘what size do you like’ which again all seem to fall back to the numbers game.

Stay safe all and TIA
This has been asked in a bunch of different ways.... and the general answer from most of the regular women say that the size of the penis is pretty much irrelevant unless it is wayyyyy too big (but we'll probably give it a try) or too small for insertion. Who it's attached to is the priority over size.

To answer your specific question, I have never asked a guy for his measurements, therefore never shared his size.
Thanks lurker - yeah in terms of too big or too small that honestly wasn’t the jist. Having read enough it’s clear it’s irrelevant in 99.9%

The latter part of your answer covered it from your point of view. It’s the thing I’ve seen on here is an almost obsession with putting the number with the penis. Which has come to strike me as strange as I’m sure partners just don’t care what the number is.

I wasn’t looking for specifics or anything either btw, more just the female thoughts on the obsession with numbers. I’m sure most of you think it’s strange but was curious if that was the case.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I personally have never broken out a ruler.
I might have considered it, as a giggly lark...until I came to LPSG, and now, no, no,no.

Form follows function.

as always, there will be those outliers who care, for whatever reason, did it once/for a while/to shut him up/whatever.
The obsession with numbers is a huge turn off. And strange. I’ve had one guy in my life reference what size he thought he was. I just let that comment slide. And that was long before I got here. Not interested in that discussion at all. Most penises are just penises - neither too big or too small.

After being here for nearly 10 years, any discussion of measuring or numbers with a partner would have me skittering out if the bed, stuffing my undies in my purse. It’s that big a turn off.
I've only ever measured two of my exs but that is because they both asked me and I'll say my last partner was small like under average but I stayed with him for a few years plus hes the reason I ended up on here. So in a way I guess I dont always care about size
Thanks experiment - yeah I’m certainly understanding of the size doesn’t mean dot in reality.

Your experience further confirms the notion guys are really interested in adding numbers to it.
Have talked as general thing 'bout some sexual acts w partners who had a penis before. Mostly oral sex stuff n that some positions are better n others. Current partner has said never taken ruler to their junk. Which. Do believe. They're not like most folk or wouldn't be with 'em. Myself, really zero care about the number.
Thanks masqued.visage and again to the others who have responded.

While just a couple response I believe it confirms what I initially thought. Talking about what works and doesn’t between two people is certainly a far cry from - does ‘inset arbitrary figure’ here work etc.