So, I’ve Never Had Sex With A Girl


Cherished Member
Jul 8, 2021
Edinburgh (Scotland)
69% Gay, 31% Straight
Hi all. I’m a new member of this forum, so sorry if this is not the correct wall to post this.

So, I’m a guy, and I like guys, a lot. I’ve only had sex twice (or like half and half because I didn’t fully penetrate with either of them), and needless to say, I always thought that I was just another gay lad, yay.

But the thing is, I’m home for the summer and I’ve been walking downtown with my dog, and a week ago, I met a girl. She is absolutely beautiful, and she made me feel something I hadn’t felt with girls before. Frankly, I thought it was simple horniness, but no, I actually like her!

This is new territory for me, and from what my friends have told me, she likes me back. I’m completely clueless with signs and all that, but two days ago we kissed and she told me she wants a summer FWB before we go back to university.

So… I need some kind of crash course on having sex with girls this time, because I don’t want to mess this up and burn down like a balloon filled with petroleum. I know that there’s the vagina and the cervix (and that it hurts if you touch it?) so I should be careful. I’m not monstrously hung, just 7.2 x 6.3.

My second fear is that I won’t… um be able to rev up the engine and thus make a fool of myself, because maybe the change of “scenery” will make me anxious. That’s the main reason I didn’t post this on ‘Sex with a Large Penis’, because I’m deeply afraid of this happening.

So, yeah, we’re meeting tomorrow (without the dog) but I don’t think anything will happen. Any advice would be very, very appreciated! Cheers!
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I don’t think in terms of having sex with her (yet), think in terms of getting to know her and seeing if you like her and if she likes you. The object of a first “date” is to get a second date. Now, maybe I’m wrong if she said she wants a summer fling and likes the cut of your jib and the first kiss has already happened, maybe she’s ready to take the plunge at first glance but she’s a woman and they are usually a little more cautious in their actions than their words.

As for your endowment, well, you will do just fine in that department when the time comes. She will be impressed with your size and delighted with the results, you are plenty big enough to fill her up and hit her spots. Your girth is impressive.

Tell you what, you should post this in Ask A Woman and get their take.
It's a lot more foreplay than with a guy, like, a LOT more, then a combination of deep penetration and clitoral stimulation. Beyond that you're gonna have to feel it out and communicate with her to see what she likes. You should probably tell her all of this, too
Don’t over-think it. If it’s meant to be, your instincts will tell you what to do.

(I’ll admit in my case it was the other way around. Initially I’d been with girls but not guys. But when I tried it with a guy, it was like it just clicked! Suffice it to say I didn’t need an instruction manual.)

Good luck, however it goes!
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Be honest about your previous experience with men before you attempt to sleep with her. No she isn't necessarily entitled to know the entirety of your sexual history short of what may physically directly affect her, but a lot of women feel some type of way about unknowingly having slept with bisexual men, not being afforded the opportunity to opt out beforehand. Plus assuming she's not a Virgin it'll give her a heads up to things about you she may not have otherwise noticed until mid coitus, possibly sullying the experience for both of you.
Nothing against you or her but chances are letting her or any other cis hetero woman know about your sexual experience will make you fall victim to their selectivity....doesn't mean you shouldn't still divulge though.
Crash course.

Sexual response is different in women. It takes you ten seconds to get erect. It takes women much longer to open and lube. The old standard is fifteen minutes of foreplay minimum. (Do not set a timer or look at your watch, lol.) Same as with a guy DON'T JUST JAM IT IN.

In my first experience with a woman I told her I was a virgin and let her take the lead. She was experienced and knew what to do. We kissed, caressed, made out for a while and slowly undressed. When she was ready she put me on my back straddled me and got on. That way she was in control of how much of me she took how quickly.

Don't worry about your size. The vagina opens as much as it needs to take an erect penis. She will probably feel tight at first before opening fully and comfortably to your size. It may take several minutes but you will notice the difference. It's possible she'll take all of you quickly depending on how turned on she is and how much foreplay you've done together. Take your time. Go with the flow. Let it happen.

Don't worry about not performing. If you get and stay erect you're performing. (I hate that word--performing. You're not a monkey in a circus act.) Relax and enjoy it. So much of sex is natural and instinctive.

Need I say it? Wear a condom. Have more than one with you. If you come quickly the first time you'll have a second sheath when you're ready to go again. I recommend a packet or tube of lube as well. Sheathed you will not be contributing natural lube aka precum.

Communicate any discomfort you feel. Ask the same of her. Do what it takes to alleviate discomfort like changing positions adding lube, getting off her hair, etc.

She likes you. You like her. She already said she wants to be with you. This is going to be fun.
She will know when she is ready to accept your penis in her, she will, let her take the lead in that. Your girth is quite a lot, but if she's already seeing/touching/sucking your thick cock, she'll know what she's about to get into...or will get into her. Let your body do the talking with some reservation, like "don't jam it in too fast!", and things will work out. Humans have been having sex for hundreds of thousands of years now and somehow we've always made it work ;)