Some transpeople look like woman with a dick.


Legendary Member
Feb 15, 2022
Montana, United States of America
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Others look like a guy, with tits. What am I missing here? Stage? Hormones?

And it seems really complicated. Take Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn---- wanted to be a women. Moved a young one in with . But young one also used to have a dick. So--- woman attracted to woman? But woman used to have a dick. If B/C wanted to fk trasperson, why not keep dick? If B/C wants cock, is woman, why not date man--- one with a cock?
Others look like a guy, with tits. What am I missing here? Stage? Hormones?
Honestly you're missing quite a lot I think.

Asking why some of us carry more of our masculine features forward is like asking why are some men bald and others not, why are some hung and others less so or why some women are stacked and some flat. We are each individuals and the end results to our physique vary just like any other group. Other factors like what age we started matter as well. Puberty does "lock" in some traits. For instance I started later in life. There will be more of my previous masculine self remaining. That is what it is.

Your second paragraph is where you really are missing the mark. Your story about Caitlyn Jenner has one common part across each and every sentence, her dick. Perhaps you meant no offense but that entire thing reads as if you view us as a dick with some boobs attached and that's pretty horrible. I'd say in the case of these two people they became attached to the person, not the persons dick. See, there is a lot to life as a trans person that has absolutely nothing to do with our penis. In fact, I think it's fair to say that part of us only becomes truly important when it is the center of our dysphoria which is truly terrible. The rest of the time it's about as important as a toe.

Hoping I'm right and you're not a bad guy. If that's the case chat with some of us. Get to know us. Most of us are pretty easy to get along with. I think you'll see we are a lot more than a dick with boobs attached.
Thanks for the kind reply. Definitely-- no offense intended. I've followed Caitlyn since Bruce was on cereal boxes. One of the more sane, likeable ones of the kardashian bunch.
Definitely a hard decision, not made in haste. Want to be a woman? Fine, go for it. Heterosexual, attracted to guys? Go for that, should really know how to please one--- and a sports pal to boot!
Lady attracted to Lady? That's cool.

And a Lady,who used to be a guy, who is attracted to a lady....who also used to be a guy......I don't care, it's not my business anyhow, I like people, situations intrigue me.....trying to understand....
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Thanks for the kind reply. Definitely-- no offense intended. I've followed Caitlyn since Bruce was on cereal boxes. One of the more sane, likeable ones of the kardashian bunch.
Definitely a hard decision, not made in haste. Want to be a woman? Fine, go for it. Heterosexual, attracted to guys? Go for that, should really know how to please one--- and a sports pal to boot!
Lady attracted to Lady? That's cool.

And a Lady,who used to be a guy, who is attracted to a lady....who also used to be a guy......I don't care, it's not my business anyhow, I like people, situations intrigue me.....trying to understand....
Hey Cowboy, no offense taken.

Just remember we are all individuals. We have our own reasons for transitioning as well as our own hopes and desires. Pretty much like the rest of the human race.

Anything I can offer to help you understand I'm happy to do.

Not wanting to offend but what attracts me is their sexuality and physical attributes. Like I've said TITS, ASS and a COCK you can't beat that combo. Throw in the fact that they are still mentally think like a male. Or some what think like a man. Their attitude. I believe that makes them more compatible to having a LTR with a male. Now throw in the fact that they started with a male body and even though they have transitioned male bodies and female bodies are structured diffrent. Muscle mass, shape.and form makes for a better foundation to start with. So to me it's all about the looks and thoughts. It's all about the sex everything else is icing. No offense to all those who have or are transitioning. You are beautiful keep that in mind!
Not wanting to offend but what attracts me is their sexuality and physical attributes. Like I've said TITS, ASS and a COCK you can't beat that combo. Throw in the fact that they are still mentally think like a male. Or some what think like a man. Their attitude. I believe that makes them more compatible to having a LTR with a male. Now throw in the fact that they started with a male body and even though they have transitioned male bodies and female bodies are structured diffrent. Muscle mass, shape.and form makes for a better foundation to start with. So to me it's all about the looks and thoughts. It's all about the sex everything else is icing. No offense to all those who have or are transitioning. You are beautiful keep that in mind!

as a transwoman i wouldn't say we think like a man at all. as another girl here stated for many of us our issues with being assigned as "men" because of our genetalia at birth. is that we never felt comfortable in that role. thats why we transition because we feel more comfortable with the societal ideals of womanhood and feel our personality matches those ideals of womanhood. i do think we are more understanding of men than biological women because of our past as being assigned as one but men but that doesn't have to do with us thinking like men.