So now I have more time ...
I grew up in a non-religious house until I was a teen when my parent married someone who was very Christian. I went to church for about 5 years and whilst there were some lovely people and I had some beautiful moments, I didn't "buy" that there was a god. Being gay (closeted) at the time, I found their response to people who came out as gay to be unkind. As I began going to pride events I saw church goers holding "god hates gays" placards and realised it wasn't for me at all.
I looked more into Buddhism in recent years and have found a lot of it helpful. Some of the key teachings are...
1) Life involves suffering (or dissatisfaction) and that this is inevitable in human life.
2) Suffering is caused by wanting/attaching to things and/or resisting things we don't like (e.g., wanting the perfect body or resisting the way other people behave).
3) There is a way out of suffering which is...
4) A set of guiding principles set out by Buddha.
Buddha is not a god and Buddhists don't believe that there is some omniscient being that presides over our lives and makes a judgement at the end. The idea is about acting ethically by 1) not doing unwholesome acts that harm oneself or others 2) doing wholesome acts that help oneself and others.
Karma is a great concept because it simply means cause and effect. What we say and do in this life will have repercussions in this or our next life. There isn't a theory on how the world was created - Buddhism isn't that interested in the "how" question of human existence - but hypothesises that we are on an endless journey of rebirths until we attain enlightenment (e.g., having followed the principles set out).
The 5 precepts of Buddhism are...
1) Do not intentionally harm or kill another
2) Do not use intoxicants
3) Do not engage in sexual misconduct (e.g., harmful behaviour that can impact others or self)
4) Do not take that which is not given (i.e., stealing)
5) Do not lie (or at least don't say things you know to be untrue).
Just some info. I am loving it and it is in no way dictatorial