State Your Length, Girth, Width (flaccid & Erect Size) & Volume

State The RANGE in which your 1) Flaccid Length 2) Erect Length 3) Flaccid Girth 4) Erect Girth fall

  • FLACCID LENGTH under 5 inches

    Votes: 66 48.5%
  • FLACCID LENGTH above 5 inches

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • ERECT LENGTH under 6 inches

    Votes: 23 16.9%
  • ERECT LENGTH between 6 and 7.5 inches

    Votes: 44 32.4%
  • ERECT LENGTH over 7.5 inches

    Votes: 57 41.9%
  • FLACCID GIRTH under 4.5 inches

    Votes: 49 36.0%
  • FLACCID GIRTH above 4.5 inches

    Votes: 43 31.6%
  • ERECT GIRTH under 5 inches

    Votes: 14 10.3%
  • ERECT GIRTH between 5 and 5.75 inches

    Votes: 51 37.5%
  • ERECT GIRTH over 5.75 inches

    Votes: 55 40.4%

  • Total voters


Experimental Member
Jan 7, 2020
Newark (New Jersey, United States)
I know many of you have answered some of these in some form or another in other threads but I wanted a more comprehensive look at how much bigger (if any), our LPSG community is than average. For this reason, the poll really only looks to differentiate what percentage of members are bigger than average or large/huge in length and girth (so sizes that are average, slightly below average or small/thin may be clumped together for the purposes of the poll but it's not an indicator that someone who is slightly below average at 4.75 LENGTH, is "small", just that they aren't big or above average). I wanted to make that clear because I know there are a lot of penis enlargement sites that peddle inaccurate numbers or expectations and I dont want anyone to think that falling into the "under 5 inches flaccid length" category means you're small when it doesnt. The range of sizes used in the poll were basically differentiated with idea of perception where STATISTICALLY "average" or even "slightly above average", may APPEAR to be "below average" or "small/thin" to the naked eye (for eg. FLACCID Length of 5 inches and FLACCID Girth of 4.5 inches is much longer and thicker than the average but may not appear to be anything special [or even 'small'] to the naked eye). I have a 4 Bone-Pressed Length and 3.75 Girth FLACCID, and my penis looks like a PEANUT (granted I have a significant fat pad) even though statistically, the flaccid size isn't small.
When I see my size, I just cant fathom or believe that more than half the guys in the world, STATISTICALLY are lower. Sometimes my penis gets so shriveled up and small that it feels like it's INSIDE my body, like barely any of it is hanging outside (though for transparency, I do live in a relatively cold climate and have quite a bit of foreskin). Now I understand your own perception distorts the look of your actual size and that porn makes everyone seem big. But still perception can be key & looks can be very deceiving.
But that being said, I thought it would be nice to have our own statistical averages for members of the site (via the poll). For the purposes of the poll, only state your bone-pressed lengths (flaccid and erect) since that is how it is measured in actual studies. The poll is anonymous (so NO NEED to pad stats) and allows for multiple answers (4 answers to be exact) so that you can ANSWER FOUR categories of the poll (flaccid length, erect length, flaccid girth and erect girth).

You can answer/comment by copying and pasting the 'form' below or you can just leave a regular comment (no stats etc.). The only thing I ask is that everyone applicable, answers the poll, whether they comment with the stats or not, so it is easier to get a statistical picture of the members here. The form has more in depth stats but feel free to answer any or all.

Flaccid Length (Bone-Pressed):
Flaccid Length (Non Bone-Pressed:
Flaccid Width:
Flaccid Girth:
Length (Non Bone-Pressed):
Erect Length (Bone-Pressed):
Erect Girth:
Overall (Erect) Penis Volume:

You can use this site to calculate volume
calcSD - Penis Size Percentile Calculator
The Visualiser - The Cock Comparison site

pics are very welcome (whether screenshots from the visualiser like I've attached below or your real dicks or both etc.), as is discussion, admiration etc (so it's not just a thread to list your size and leave)

Age: 29
Height: 6'1
Weight: 280 lbs
Flaccid Length (Non Bone-Pressed): 3.25 fluctuates A LOT between 2.75 & 3.25 (I have a significant fat pad)
Flaccid Length (Bone-Pressed): 4
Flaccid Width: 1.25
Flaccid Girth: 3.75
Length (Non Bone-Pressed): 5.25
Erect Length (Bone-Pressed): 6
Erect Width: 1.75
Erect Girth: 4.75
Overall (Erect) Penis Volume: 157 cm³ (visualizer), 152.26 ml (calcsd) / 5 (.15 fl oz (US)


These pics just show how much more volume some girth can really add
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What is the average penis size?

What size is the average penis?
Many scientific researchers have tried to answer the question men—and women—worldwide want clear information about: What size is the average penis?

We will present you with facts from all the scientific studies done on penis size so that once you have finished reading this article, you will feel content that you have the most accurate answer to the question. And perhaps you will be reassured about your own size or that of your partner's penis.

Published findings are often introduced with background information on men's widespread anxieties about whether or not their penises are big enough, and if sexual partners are going to be satisfied. So what is the truth?

Given the ubiquity of free, easily accessible internet pornography, and the rise in aggressive marketing by companies promising a bigger penis through the use of extenders and enlargers, it is easy to see why the truth about male genital length and girth might have become obscured.

Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that researchers consistently find that men have heightened anxieties about their manhoods.

Fast facts on the average penis size
Here are some key points about the average penis size. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.

  • While 85 percent of women may be satisfied with the size and proportion of their partner's penis, men are less sure of themselves.
  • As much as 45 percent of men believe they have a small penis.
  • Across studies, flaccid length average from 7 to 10 centimeters (2.8 to 3.9 inches).
  • Flaccid circumference or girth average ranges from 9 to 10 centimeters (3.5 to 3.9 inches).
  • Erect lengths average from 12 to 16 centimeters (4.7 to 6.3 inches).
  • Erect circumference is around 12 centimeters (4.7 inches).
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they concluded:

"Only men with a flaccid length of less than 4 centimeters [1.6 inches], or a stretched or erect length of less than 7.5 centimeters [3 inches] should be considered candidates for penile lengthening."

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8.8 cm (3.5 inches) when flaccid

  • An average penis size of 12.9 cm (5.1 inches) when erect
The study also found that the size of a man's erect penis was not correlated with the size of his flaccid penis.

This means that men whose penises are different lengths when flaccid may have similarly sized erect penises. There was also no relationship between the men's ages and their penis sizes.

The finding on how much the penis length can 'grow' — on whether you are a 'shower' or a 'grower' — was further supported by a study of 200 Turkish men, in which "flaccid length had little importance in determining erect penile length."

The research to determine average penis size includes a study published in January 2014 that examined over 1,600 American men, although it did not take independent physical measurements.

Instead, the study relied on the men's own measurements of penis size. The reports may be considered fairly reliable, however, since the men were to be given condoms to match their self-reported measurements, meaning that any inaccuracy would have resulted in ill-fitting prophylactics.

This study found the average penis size to be as follows:

  • Average size for an erect penis is 14.2 cm (5.6 inches)
  • Average circumference of an erect penis is 12.2 cm (4.8 inches).
The researchers said the self-reported erect penile dimensions were consistent with findings from other studies. Their study added the finding that the precise dimensions of an erection can be influenced by the mode of getting aroused, such as whether a man uses hand stimulation.

To measure penis length, press a ruler into the groin and measure from the base of the penis to the tip.

To measure penis girth, wrap a measuring tape around the widest part of the penis.


Several different studies have suggested an average penis size of between 5.1 and 5.6 inches.
largely misplaced.

And unfounded worries about inadequacy are not helped by the fact that a man's own view of his penis automatically makes it look smaller to him than to someone else.

Looking down at the penis from above makes it appear smaller, compared with how it looks straight on, or from the side.

Seeing one's own penis from this perspective and perhaps comparing it with other men's appendages from a different perspective, may, therefore, reinforce false ideas of penis size. But do women have a more reliable perception?

One study, published in the British Journal of Urology International, suggested that while the majority of women, some 85 percent, were satisfied with the size and proportion of their partner's penis, men were less sure of themselves.

Almost half of men in the study (45 percent) believed they had a small penis, yet the researchers reported that small penis size was actually rare.

Some 170 women answered questionnaires in another study, which found that while they attached some importance to penis size, it was only of "substantial" importance to a "clear minority" of the women.

While most of men's worries about penis size centre on the length, women are more interested in width, according to one study.

The study of 50 sexually active undergraduate women reported that for a large majority — 9 out of 10 of the women — penis width was more important to sexual satisfaction than penis length.

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study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE in November 2015 took the novel approach of asking women to show their penis size preferences with the use of 3D printed models of 33 different dimensions.


The women were asked to choose between 33 differently sized 3D-printed 'penises' - including the examples shown. The largest in the set was A, while D was the smallest; they were blue for racial neutrality.
Image: Nicole Prause et al.

The sizes had been printed across a range from 4 inches to 8.5 inches in length, and from 2.5 inches to 7.0 inches in circumference, based on previous studies giving an average American penis size when erect of 6 inches (15.2 cm) long with a girth of 5 inches (12.7 cm).

The 3D-printed shafts were in blue plastic so as not to suggest any particular race that might prejudice the women's ideas of average size.

The 75 women indicating size preferences from the 33 blue models chose slightly differently depending on the kind of relationship they were thinking about (and in any case showed they desired a size that turned out to be only slightly above the averages found across studies):

  • For long-term sexual partners, they went for a penis of slightly shorter circumference and length compared with their choices for one-night stands, choosing an average length of 6.3 inches and a girth of 4.8 inches.
  • This compared with their preference for one-time sex partners being for a length of 6.4 inches and a circumference of 5.0 inches.

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9 centimeters (3.5 inches), and the flaccid circumference (at the middle of the shaft) was 10 centimeters (3.9 inches).

Another study examined a different population, of 301 physically normal Indian men, and sought to compare its results with size findings in other countries.

The results, the authors of the 2007 study said, "will help in counseling the patients worried about the penile size and seeking penis enlargement surgery."

  • Flaccid: mean average length was 8.2 centimeters (3.2 inches) and circumference (of stretched flaccid penis) was 9.1 centimeters (3.6 inches).
  • Erect: mean average length was 13.0 centimeters (5.1 inches) and circumference was 11.5 centimeters (4.5 inches).
The findings, published in Nature, included a table that listed previous findings on penis dimensions around the world. Click here to see the table.


Research studies have measured penis sizes and found an average - the typical erect penis would fit well within the range shown on this ruler.
Of the 16 studies they cited, from various countries, the earliest was carried out over a hundred years ago and published in 1899.

They all arrived at similar average penis lengths:

  • Flaccid lengths ranged around 7 to 10 centimeters (2.8 to 3.9 inches).
  • Flaccid circumferences ranged around 9 to 10 centimeters (3.5 to 3.9 inches).
  • Erect lengths ranged around 12 to 16 centimeters (4.7 to 6.3 inches).
  • Erect circumference (only one previous study) was around 12 centimeters (4.7 inches).
published the results of a retrospective cohort study of 778 men with an average age of 43.7 (ranging from 20 to 82 years) who attended urological outpatient clinics in Saudi Arabia.

Men were excluded from the study if they were under 18 years old, presented with a complaint of small or short penis, Peyronie's disease, congenital curvature, clinical hypogonadism, previous penile surgery or trauma, or a combination of any of these.

After medically inducing an erection the researchers took measurements and established an average:

  • Penis length of 12.53 centimeters (4.9 inches) from the skin over the pubic bone to the penile tip
  • Penis length of 14.34 centimeters (5.6 inches) from the pubic bone to the penile tip
  • Penis circumference of 11.50 centimeters (4.5 inches).
The researchers also measured the men's body-mass index (BMI), which increases with obesity. There was a weak correlation between greater BMI and shorter erect penile length when this was measured from the skin over the pubic area, but not when the measurement was made from the bone to the tip.

This suggests that the penis would appear to be shorter when there is more fat under the skin at the visible base of the penis.

This study also showed a weak correlation with increasing age for erect penis dimensions.

However, the authors noted that slight decreases in size may be of limited concern to "aging men" - they found "the difference between men of 70 and 20 was less than a centimeter."

Research findings on penis size from MNT news

Does size matter? Link found between finger, penis size

A new finding shows evidence of a link between the relative length of a man's index and ring fingers and a way to predict the length of his penis.

Want a longer penis? Traction beats surgery, say researchers

Men who want surgery to increase the length of their penis should try non-invasive methods like penile traction devices or extenders first, and in some cases, even try therapy to make them feel more confident about their bodies, said Italian urologists in a paper published in the April issue of the British Journal of Urology International.

Researchers reveal the average penis length with new study

A lot of men worry about their penis size. But researchers hope the results of a new study, which reveals the average penis length, will reassure many men that they are 'normal.'

Read this article in Spanish.

Does Size Matter? Link Found Between Finger, Penis Size

Average penis length is revealed in new study
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The Average Penis and Erection Size: What the Data Says
Is My Penis Normal? Size, Shape, Firmness, and Curvature | Roman
These vitamins may help you have better erections | Roman
Average Size

A study published in the British Journal of Urology reviewed all of the available information about penis sizes that researchers have collected over the years. With over 17 studies and 15,000 male participants included, the results showed that the average flaccid (not erect) penis size is actually around 3.61 inches (9.16cm). When erect, the average size hovered around 5.17 inches (13.12cm).

When it comes to circumference (the length around the penis), the average sizes flaccid and erect were 3.66 inches (9.31cm) and 4.59 inches (11.66cm), respectively.

Size-Flaccid Length-Erect Length-Flaccid Circumference-Erect Circumference
Compare that with the average of 6 inches that most men think is normal, and you can see that our sense of reality is a little distorted. So in this guide, we’re gonna be diving into penis research (awesome) to find out just how different the perception vs. reality of “average” size really is, as well as trying to figure out why we think the average size is so much bigger than it really is.


Every men thinks that bigger the penis size, the more satisfaction they can give to their partner. But this is not true somewhere because whatever penis size men get is enough to satisfy their partner. Lots of guys want bigger penis size after they watch porn movies. But you should see the reality and should be happy with the size you have already. Because many women don't like bigger penis size as it hurts them so in such case, they only need satisfaction and whatever size you have is enough to blow her mind in bedroom.
Check out more on: Advantages of having a normal penis