Stinking for the first time!


Cherished Member
Dec 4, 2009
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Advice needed urgently.

I generally never had BO issues, even after several days of no showers. I know very well how I smell. I wipe my pee hole everytime I piss and I could return from a full day meeting and my underwear could smell like laundry detergent.

Lately, I stink down there! I have been on antiseptic wipes and steroid based antibacterial cream for 2 weeks prescribed by the doc but the stink returned within days. To be specific, my boxer brief smells bad at the inner thigh area, where my thigh meets my scrotum and a little under my balls. The penis and butt crack area smells fresh and nothing funky. It is puzzling me very much. Thebinner thigh area is not itchy, no swelling, no bumps, just normal pubic hair.

I could come out fresh from the shower and my boxers be smelling within 4 hours. It is getting me so paranoid it felt like I could smell myself with my pants on.

Is anyone out here experiencing the same? What could be the problem?
Have you done an online search, especially somewhere like WebMD, for the side effects of the antiseptic wipes and steroid based antibacterial cream? It's possible that even though you stopped using the cream, it might have been absorbed through the skin and is working its way through your system.
It's fungal..... probably tinea cruris (jock itch). Get some clotrimazole cream. Use it twice per day until the smell has gone, then continue for 5 days after that. It should be sorted with that.
Does jock itch actually itches? I'm not itching though and wouldn't steroid antibacterial cream I used for 2 weeks clear the fungal? Just curious.

Thanks will look into the cream.
maybe it is a jock itch type of fungi thong yry a lot Rimini type jock itch spray to kill any fungus you may have there keep the area dry boxers to allow ventaltion
that was a bad post sorry I should have read it before posting
so I said some type of fungi try a lotramin spray for jock itch if you can find a lotramin powder spray that would be good to help keep you dry down there
I agree on jock itch. No, jock itch may not actually itch, but it could. It could also appear as a uncomfortable/painful (like a friction burn) rash. Or no noticeable symptoms other than odor. It usually clears up quick with the creams or sprays.

The antibacterial cream you used is not anti-fungal, so no it would not have worked.
I agree on jock itch. No, jock itch may not actually itch, but it could. It could also appear as a uncomfortable/painful (like a friction burn) rash. Or no noticeable symptoms other than odor. It usually clears up quick with the creams or sprays.

The antibacterial cream you used is not anti-fungal, so no it would not have worked.
That's really good to know. Thanks for identifying it. Really appreciate it. Any suggestions how to cure it?