sudden random sexual confrontation/encounters


Worshipped Member
May 1, 2007
southern usa
99% Gay, 1% Straight
This is something I NEVER do but did suddenly today. I think the randomness and my rare boldness made it way hot for me. I was out of town at the drive through of an eatery getting a sandwich. At the drive through I spot a tall, quite thin older black man walking directly toward me, one I had seen walking the streets in this town for years. I had no real reason to think so, but I always wondered if this guy was selling his beef on the street. I figured for his long persistence with walking the streets that he might be seriously hung and selling his cock. He walked away and I pulled around the side of the building to eat real quick. Then my drink springs a hole in the cup, going everywhere. I wipe up the mess up and go in the store to get another drink. When I drop the leaking cup in the garbage can I see the same man standing in front of the store. Without even thinking about it I slightly jerk my head upward motioning for him to come over, and he quickly did. When he stood in front of me, I didn't waste a second and asked him if I could I see it.. His belt had been unfastened and flopping the whole time, which in a way I guess could have been a sign saying that cock was available. So right after I asked to see it, he said he'd have to have some money, which I kind of expected. Then he asked if I wanted to see it right there, which was standing directly in front of the store. I told him to take a few steps backwards and him turn his back. He wasted no time and pulled it out, showing me a beautiful, uncut, slender cock about 5-6 inches totally soft. I handed him the bill I had in my hand to buy my drink, five dollars, just for a look at his cock.

I told him it was hot a couple of times and that I might want to suck it later. He then asked if that was my truck that I was driving, which it was, and went on to say we could leave, go somewhere and I could have all of that cock I wanted. Being such a random situation, mid-day and temps near 100 degrees, I was reluctant to do anything physical, wondering if he might not be fresh and that was a chance I just didn't take. I did tell him again I might want to suck it sometime. He grinned from ear to ear as we departed.

The suddenness of this encounter left me deeply horny and I wonder if I'll go through with it later. I have a feeling I will.