Summer Birthday - Lawrence Loses His Virginity


Worshipped Member
Feb 22, 2014
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Summer Birthday - Lawrence Loses HIs Virginity

“Thanks again for doing this, Cody,” Fran Dubay said standing so close I could smell her expensive fragrance. “Larry senior and I really appreciate it and so does Larry junior. We don’t want him to be alone while we’re away and we know you’ve always been a good influence on him.”

“You’re welcome Mrs. Dubay,” I said. “It’s my pleasure.”

“Oh don’t be so formal Cody. Call me Fran,” she said smiling and touching my forearm before turning and calling up the stairs. “Larry?! We’re leaving now. Come down here and say goodbye.”

I heard thumps of stirrings above. At the same time Larry Sr. came in the front door.

“All loaded up,” he said. “Do we have everything? Passports? Boarding passes? Travelers Checks? Your purse?”

“Yes, hun,” Fran said watching her only son trot down the stairs.

I watched, too, wondering if Fran and Larry Sr. had any clue that Larry Jr. was gay as the day is long. He wore tiny tight white short shorts to intentionally show off his legs, package and sharply curved butt. A light purple skin tight muscle shirt showed off his slim but defined twink physique. He hugged his beloved mother goodbye and endured her kiss on his cheek embarrassed I witnessed it but kissed her in return.

“Absolutely NO parties in this house while we’re away,” she said wagging a finger. “Understood?”

“Yes mom,” he said rolling his eyes.

“You’re an adult now so act like it,” she said. “And don’t give Cody any grief.”

“Okay, okay, jeeze mom,” he said.

“Goodbye son,” Larry Sr. said giving his son a sideways hug after his mother let go. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks dad. Bye mom, bye dad. Have a great trip.”

They roared off in a silver & black Cadillac Seville. Larry Sr. had a lead foot but also the lead ass of an obese body which combined with a lifetime of chain smoking and extended nightly cocktail hours had taken a toll on his health. A high pressure career hadn’t helped. Devout wealthy Catholics they were flying to France on a pilgrimage to Lourdes to pray for a miracle. From the looks of things more than a miracle would be required.

Fran Dubay on the other hand was slim and stunningly attractive for a woman in her mid-forties. She and Larry Sr. fit the stereotype of a wealthy couple perfectly: she cut the elegant figure of beautiful younger trophy wife while he that of obese husband almost twenty years her senior. When attempts to have children of their own failed they adopted Larry Jr. as a newborn.

Four years my junior he had just graduated high school in May at the same time I graduated from university. He turned eighteen yesterday—a June birthday boy. Leftover birthday cake sat beneath a glass cake cover on the kitchen counter.

“Thank God they’re finally gone,” Larry said. “What do you want to do first?”

“Swim,” I said. “Let’s go to the club and get wet.”

“Okay,” he smiled.

Top down on my Triumph we sped over to the New Haven Swim Club in our suburban township. While most men and boys wore regular trunks or board shorts Larry swam, sunned and socialized unabashedly in a tiny speedo showing off his twink swimmer frame, bulge and ass at the community pool while I confined myself to the lap pool also in a speedo—both of us wearing blue and white New Haven team speedos. Eventually he joined me and we shared a lane swimming opposite each other since the other lanes were taken. After laps we roasted in the hot late afternoon sun.

“You fuck a lot of women don’t you Cody?” Larry said as we drove home. "I've heard all the gossip."

“A gentleman never tells,” I smiled from behind Ray-Bans, wind in my hair getting nature’s blow-dry.

“Everyone at the pool talks about how hung you are,” he said. “I even overheard mom talking about it with her friends.”

“Not like it’s a secret,” I said.

“I know,” he said then paused. “You know I’m gay right?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Does it surprise you?”

“Not at all,” I said. “It’s pretty obvious isn’t it?”

“Not to my parents. They have no clue,” he said. “They don’t get it. They don’t get me.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Would it surprise you to know I’m a still a virgin?”

“Not at all,” I said.

A pause opened which can only be described as pregnant.

“I want to lose my virginity with you Cody,” he said.

“Really?” I said. “Wow.”

“Is that okay?”

“Even though we’re not boyfriends?”

“I don’t mind. Do you?”

“No,” I said.

“Really? You’ll do it?”

“Yeah sure,” I said, “but I’m big. Have you ever had anything big up your butt?”


“What’s the biggest?”

“My shampoo bottle with the rounded cap,” he said.

“Recently?” I said.

“Every time I jerk in the shower,” he smirked.

“Sounds huge. Anything else?”

“I started with cucumbers. Small ones then big ones.”

“Do you use anything for lube?”

“Aloe lotion.”

“That works.”

“So you’ll fuck me Cody? I want you to be the one.”



“When we get home. Do you know how to douche?”

“Yeah. Sometimes I use the enema kit my parents have but never use. Normally I just wait till I’m empty. Have you fucked a guy before?”

“Yes,” I said.

When we got to the house I put the top up on the Triumph but Larry immediately ran inside. When I got to the guest bedroom upstairs I could hear the shower running in the bathroom across the hall. I checked that I had condoms and lube in my kit but went downstairs and sat on the couch.

“I’m ready,” Larry said coming downstairs in a towel his erection obvious under terrycloth.

“Come here,” I said.

He sat next to me. Close.

“Is it okay if I kiss you?” I said.

He blushed and looked down at the floor. I lifted his face with a forefinger under his chin.

“I’m eighteen and I’ve never even kissed before,” he said. “How pathetic is that?”

“It’s not pathetic,” I said cupping his jaw and looking in his huge baby brown eyes, “and I’m glad you’re eighteen.”

Larry didn’t need any further help moving in. His eyes closed and I held his slim torso as our lips pressed gently together in a series of soft kisses. The moment our mouths opened and tongues touched he swung up and straddled me on the couch. His towel opened a bit and I felt his warm thighs on mine.

At 6’3, 200 I towered over him even sitting on the couch. He was about 5’8 and maybe 130 wet. He pressed close and I felt his hard on against my belly.

“Oh fuck,” he said pulling away and looking down. “I left a spot on your shirt. Sorry.”

Sure enough a string of precum sagged between his head and my muscle shirt. Excitable boy.

“I’ll take care of that,” I said lifting him and licking it off his head before wrapping lips around it and sucking. Ample precum flowed into my mouth. Yeah. Larry was loaded up.

“Fuck,” he said pulling away and getting off the couch. “You’re going to make me come if you do that!”

“That’s the general idea,” I said licking his salty slippery precum off my lips. “I like the way you taste.”

“We can’t do it here. We can’t leave stains anywhere or my parents will flip.”

“They check your sheets?” I said.

“Sheets, pillows, blankets, towels, underwear, socks, clothes, everything! They’re insane.”

“We’ll use my towels,” I said reaching out and gathering more precum stringing from his cock before it dripped on the floor.

“Fuck!” he said slapping my hand away and holding his head to capture the rest.

I licked his precum off my palm and fingers.

“That’s just wicked, Cody,” he smiled. “You’re totally wicked. Let’s go upstairs.”

I watched his perfect twink ass strut as he walked away. I had already seen it in the skin tight shorts which garnered disapproving looks from his parents and in his tiny speedo at the pool. It was only mid-June and already sharply defined tan lines graced his body.

The Dubays lived in a large old brick Colonial farmhouse on a rural lane outside the exurban midwestern village where I grew up. My folks had a similar place outside the other side of the village. The old barns, outbuildings and silos at the Dubay’s place were long gone. Only a whitewashed fieldstone springhouse in the backyard remained from that era and the house had been painted white as well. Surrounded by farm fields their lane ended a quarter mile away down at the local river where a covered bridge once crossed. They owned all the rich bottomland around them on either side of the lane which they rented to a local farmer.

They were so Catholic they had a shrine to Mary in their backyard as well as Stations of the Cross. In the front yard for all to see was a statue of Mary in an alcove or what we jokingly called a Bathtub Madonna or "Mary on the half shell."

The house had been completely remodeled with all the modern conveniences including Larry Sr.’s wet bar but as uber Catholics the interior walls held so many crosses, crucifixes, icons, rosaries and Christian artwork—not to mention statues and figurines in every nook—that I felt like the haunted priest in The Exorcist who lived in a room with walls papered by pages of the Bible. Without hesitating I walked through this gauntlet of religiosity and up the stairs to fuck the hell out of their gay son.

Larry stood next to the double bed in the guest room—my room for the week—holding my beach towel.

“We’ll use this okay?” he said doubling it over.

“Okay,” I said stripping off muscle shirt, kicking off sandals and shedding shorts and jockeys.

“My God you’re huge,” Larry said eyes locked on my cock. “I mean I’ve always known you were… are… I mean I’ve seen it in the showers at the pool but never hard like this.”

“So it meets with your approval?” I teased.

“F-fuck yes,” he almost whispered in what looked like awe. “I’ve never sucked a cock before either.”

“Well you’ll get plenty of practice his week if you want,” I smiled running fingers through his black hair.

He moved closer and took my erection in his hands. I took his jaw in my hands and pulled him into a kiss. We kissed and kissed and kissed. He let go of my cock and hooked hands up over my shoulders from behind. Our rods leaked precum on each others’ bellies as we pressed together. He let go and kissed down my chest, over my six pack and navel to my cock which he took immediately in his mouth.

“Ooo!” I said. “Careful.”

“What?” he said.

“Teeth,” I said. “Open your mouth more.”

“Oh God sorry, Cody.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “Beginner’s mistake.”

He sucked and sucked stroking my head in his lips. I gasped in bliss.

“Is it okay?” he said.

“Mhm, very good. You’re a natural. If your jaw gets sore kiss down to my balls and lick and suck them. Mind the teeth.”

He did, drooling and slobbering all over my junk.

“Fuck that feels good,” I gasped.

He kissed and licked back up to my head and sucked more filling his mouth with drool and my precum. Then he got up and pulled me down into a kiss.

“I want to do it now,” he said. “Right now.”

I reached into my bath kit and pulled out a condom.

“Magnum,” Larry said. “Everyone says you wear Magnums. I want to put it on okay? I need the practice.”

“Okay,” I smiled handing it to him.

He opened the crinkly packet, placed it nipple up on my head and quickly rolled it all the way on.

“You’ve had practice,” I said.

“Just on myself,” he said. “I buy them at the machine in the mens room at the truck stop. I wear a medium tho.”

“Perfect,” I said.

“Where do you want me Cody?”

“I’ll lie face up on the towel and you’re going to straddle me and slide on so you control how much you take so it doesn’t hurt okay?” I said spreading my towel and lying on it.

“Okay. What’s that?”

“Lube,” I said squeezing a tube and slathering it liberally on my sheathed cock as he climbed on the bed and straddled my thighs. “Want me to lube your butt or do you want to do it?”

“You do it Cody.”

“I’m going to finger it inside you,”

“Mmm, mmm, mmm! Oh fuck!” he gasped to my big middle digit working his rim then lubing deeper.

“I’m ready! I’m ready!” he said eagerly grabbing my cock and guiding it in his boy hole.

“Easy, easy,” I said hands under his thighs propping him up slowing his entry.

It wasn’t necessary. Larry slid up and down one, two, three, four times taking me deeper with each, gasping in bliss with each. With the fifth he bottomed out sitting on my thighs. I let go of his. My cock stopped against what felt like a wall but had to be his second hole. I wondered if he had ever pushed past it with his big toys.

“Oh God… oh shit… oh fuck… oh my fucking God… shit… Jesus fucking Christ!” he gasped, his palms pressed hard against my belly, his arms rigidly straight.

His medium sized cock stood ramrod straight up tight against his body. Precum welled up then spilled off his head running down his shaft. Whimpering and gasping quietly he began sliding up and down on my shaft first slowly then with gathering speed. I rested hands on his warm smooth thighs as they lifted and dropped him on my cock. His eyes closed in bliss.

“You don’t have to be quiet,” I said. “No one can hear us here.”

He began crying out in passion each time he bottomed out on my thighs. Then he leaned forward, planted hands on my pecs arched his back deeply and pumped his hips rapidly back and forth. With each pump my cock hit his wall and on the fifth or sixth one I pierced his second hole and went in deeper.

Larry screamed as he came shooting ropes of jizz all over my chest and belly. Unable to stop he kept pounding his second hole on my cock. It was so tight I lost it thrusting wildly up into him yelling as I came.

He collapsed to me panting, his body trembling and his face contorted in passion until our pelvic contractions ceased. HIs warm wet come squished between our torsos. I wrapped arms around him.

“You okay?” I said worried I may have injured him deep.

“Yes,” he whimpered.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“It’s like the most exquisite pain,” he panted.

“Sorry,” I said. “I should have warned you.”

“It’s okay,” he said. “It’s just the most intense one I’ve ever had. I didn’t last very long did I?”

I ran a hand up his back and into his jet black hair, caressing.

“God Cody, I knew it’d be good with you but this is amazing,” he said face buried in my neck. “I love your dick in me. I’ve wanted it forever. I’ve wanted you forever. I’m so glad you’re home again.”

“You’re sweet, Larry,” I said moving fingers through his hair massaging his scalp gently.

“Call me Lawrence, okay? I hate Larry. That’s dad not me.”

“Okay Lawrence.”

“No, wait. Call me Laura. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this but I’m a girl. I want to be Laura.”

“Laura’s a beautiful name,” I said.

Laura squeezed me in her butt. I squeezed back with my cock.

“Fuck,” she gasped, her breath hot on my neck. “I’ve always known I’m a girl. Is that okay with you Cody?”

“Yes, Laura.”

“Say my name again.”




“Again! Again! Again!” she said pushing herself upright and smiling down in my eyes.

“Laura! Laura! Laura!” I said.

She pressed lips to mine. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Then I rolled her to her back and pinned her kissing. She gasped when I pulled out and stripped off the condom but she took it, tied it off and inspected it before carefully setting it aside. I got the message. No spillage. No stains the parents might find.

Late the next morning we sunned nude on towels on cushioned teak chaises on the backyard patio. The smell of Coppertone filled the air. Cloud shadows passed slowly over us from time to time giving temporary breaks from the high sun. No one could see in over the high wooden fence—not that it mattered when nothing but Ohio cornfields stretched far into the distance. After fucking on and off all night Laura had tossed four loaded tied off Magnums deep in to the corn.

“How do you get so brown so easily?” I said running eyes over her body. “I’m jealous.”

“My birth parents were Italian,” she said. “You knew that right?”

“I must have forgot,” I said.

“A few more days like this and I won’t have any tan lines,” she said.

“I like your sexy tan lines Laura,” I said. “Your body is so smooth.”

“The only reason I swim is so I can shave everywhere,” she laughed. “My parents hate it. They think it’s effeminate but that swimming is macho.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but they hired me to stay with you during their trip thinking I’d have some influence on you.”

“Oh I know,” she said. “They think someone straight like you will make me into a man. Imagine if they found out they’re paying you to fuck me all week!”
Summer Birthday - Lawrence Loses HIs Virginity

“Thanks again for doing this, Cody,” Fran Dubay said standing so close I could smell her expensive fragrance. “Larry senior and I really appreciate it and so does Larry junior. We don’t want him to be alone while we’re away and we know you’ve always been a good influence on him.”

“You’re welcome Mrs. Dubay,” I said. “It’s my pleasure.”

“Oh don’t be so formal Cody. Call me Fran,” she said smiling and touching my forearm before turning and calling up the stairs. “Larry?! We’re leaving now. Come down here and say goodbye.”

I heard thumps of stirrings above. At the same time Larry Sr. came in the front door.

“All loaded up,” he said. “Do we have everything? Passports? Boarding passes? Travelers Checks? Your purse?”

“Yes, hun,” Fran said watching her only son trot down the stairs.

I watched, too, wondering if Fran and Larry Sr. had any clue that Larry Jr. was gay as the day is long. He wore tiny tight white short shorts to intentionally show off his legs, package and sharply curved butt. A light purple skin tight muscle shirt showed off his slim but defined twink physique. He hugged his beloved mother goodbye and endured her kiss on his cheek embarrassed I witnessed it but kissed her in return.

“Absolutely NO parties in this house while we’re away,” she said wagging a finger. “Understood?”

“Yes mom,” he said rolling his eyes.

“You’re an adult now so act like it,” she said. “And don’t give Cody any grief.”

“Okay, okay, jeeze mom,” he said.

“Goodbye son,” Larry Sr. said giving his son a sideways hug after his mother let go. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks dad. Bye mom, bye dad. Have a great trip.”

They roared off in a silver & black Cadillac Seville. Larry Sr. had a lead foot but also the lead ass of an obese body which combined with a lifetime of chain smoking and extended nightly cocktail hours had taken a toll on his health. A high pressure career hadn’t helped. Devout wealthy Catholics they were flying to France on a pilgrimage to Lourdes to pray for a miracle. From the looks of things more than a miracle would be required.

Fran Dubay on the other hand was slim and stunningly attractive for a woman in her mid-forties. She and Larry Sr. fit the stereotype of a wealthy couple perfectly: she cut the elegant figure of beautiful younger trophy wife while he that of obese husband almost twenty years her senior. When attempts to have children of their own failed they adopted Larry Jr. as a newborn.

Four years my junior he had just graduated high school in May at the same time I graduated from university. He turned eighteen yesterday—a June birthday boy. Leftover birthday cake sat beneath a glass cake cover on the kitchen counter.

“Thank God they’re finally gone,” Larry said. “What do you want to do first?”

“Swim,” I said. “Let’s go to the club and get wet.”

“Okay,” he smiled.

Top down on my Triumph we sped over to the New Haven Swim Club in our suburban township. While most men and boys wore regular trunks or board shorts Larry swam, sunned and socialized unabashedly in a tiny speedo showing off his twink swimmer frame, bulge and ass at the community pool while I confined myself to the lap pool also in a speedo—both of us wearing blue and white New Haven team speedos. Eventually he joined me and we shared a lane swimming opposite each other since the other lanes were taken. After laps we roasted in the hot late afternoon sun.

“You fuck a lot of women don’t you Cody?” Larry said as we drove home. "I've heard all the gossip."

“A gentleman never tells,” I smiled from behind Ray-Bans, wind in my hair getting nature’s blow-dry.

“Everyone at the pool talks about how hung you are,” he said. “I even overheard mom talking about it with her friends.”

“Not like it’s a secret,” I said.

“I know,” he said then paused. “You know I’m gay right?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Does it surprise you?”

“Not at all,” I said. “It’s pretty obvious isn’t it?”

“Not to my parents. They have no clue,” he said. “They don’t get it. They don’t get me.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Would it surprise you to know I’m a still a virgin?”

“Not at all,” I said.

A pause opened which can only be described as pregnant.

“I want to lose my virginity with you Cody,” he said.

“Really?” I said. “Wow.”

“Is that okay?”

“Even though we’re not boyfriends?”

“I don’t mind. Do you?”

“No,” I said.

“Really? You’ll do it?”

“Yeah sure,” I said, “but I’m big. Have you ever had anything big up your butt?”


“What’s the biggest?”

“My shampoo bottle with the rounded cap,” he said.

“Recently?” I said.

“Every time I jerk in the shower,” he smirked.

“Sounds huge. Anything else?”

“I started with cucumbers. Small ones then big ones.”

“Do you use anything for lube?”

“Aloe lotion.”

“That works.”

“So you’ll fuck me Cody? I want you to be the one.”



“When we get home. Do you know how to douche?”

“Yeah. Sometimes I use the enema kit my parents have but never use. Normally I just wait till I’m empty. Have you fucked a guy before?”

“Yes,” I said.

When we got to the house I put the top up on the Triumph but Larry immediately ran inside. When I got to the guest bedroom upstairs I could hear the shower running in the bathroom across the hall. I checked that I had condoms and lube in my kit but went downstairs and sat on the couch.

“I’m ready,” Larry said coming downstairs in a towel his erection obvious under terrycloth.

“Come here,” I said.

He sat next to me. Close.

“Is it okay if I kiss you?” I said.

He blushed and looked down at the floor. I lifted his face with a forefinger under his chin.

“I’m eighteen and I’ve never even kissed before,” he said. “How pathetic is that?”

“It’s not pathetic,” I said cupping his jaw and looking in his huge baby brown eyes, “and I’m glad you’re eighteen.”

Larry didn’t need any further help moving in. His eyes closed and I held his slim torso as our lips pressed gently together in a series of soft kisses. The moment our mouths opened and tongues touched he swung up and straddled me on the couch. His towel opened a bit and I felt his warm thighs on mine.

At 6’3, 200 I towered over him even sitting on the couch. He was about 5’8 and maybe 130 wet. He pressed close and I felt his hard on against my belly.

“Oh fuck,” he said pulling away and looking down. “I left a spot on your shirt. Sorry.”

Sure enough a string of precum sagged between his head and my muscle shirt. Excitable boy.

“I’ll take care of that,” I said lifting him and licking it off his head before wrapping lips around it and sucking. Ample precum flowed into my mouth. Yeah. Larry was loaded up.

“Fuck,” he said pulling away and getting off the couch. “You’re going to make me come if you do that!”

“That’s the general idea,” I said licking his salty slippery precum off my lips. “I like the way you taste.”

“We can’t do it here. We can’t leave stains anywhere or my parents will flip.”

“They check your sheets?” I said.

“Sheets, pillows, blankets, towels, underwear, socks, clothes, everything! They’re insane.”

“We’ll use my towels,” I said reaching out and gathering more precum stringing from his cock before it dripped on the floor.

“Fuck!” he said slapping my hand away and holding his head to capture the rest.

I licked his precum off my palm and fingers.

“That’s just wicked, Cody,” he smiled. “You’re totally wicked. Let’s go upstairs.”

I watched his perfect twink ass strut as he walked away. I had already seen it in the skin tight shorts which garnered disapproving looks from his parents and in his tiny speedo at the pool. It was only mid-June and already sharply defined tan lines graced his body.

The Dubays lived in a large old brick Colonial farmhouse on a rural lane outside the exurban midwestern village where I grew up. My folks had a similar place outside the other side of the village. The old barns, outbuildings and silos at the Dubay’s place were long gone. Only a whitewashed fieldstone springhouse in the backyard remained from that era and the house had been painted white as well. Surrounded by farm fields their lane ended a quarter mile away down at the local river where a covered bridge once crossed. They owned all the rich bottomland around them on either side of the lane which they rented to a local farmer.

They were so Catholic they had a shrine to Mary in their backyard as well as Stations of the Cross. In the front yard for all to see was a statue of Mary in an alcove or what we jokingly called a Bathtub Madonna or "Mary on the half shell."

The house had been completely remodeled with all the modern conveniences including Larry Sr.’s wet bar but as uber Catholics the interior walls held so many crosses, crucifixes, icons, rosaries and Christian artwork—not to mention statues and figurines in every nook—that I felt like the haunted priest in The Exorcist who lived in a room with walls papered by pages of the Bible. Without hesitating I walked through this gauntlet of religiosity and up the stairs to fuck the hell out of their gay son.

Larry stood next to the double bed in the guest room—my room for the week—holding my beach towel.

“We’ll use this okay?” he said doubling it over.

“Okay,” I said stripping off muscle shirt, kicking off sandals and shedding shorts and jockeys.

“My God you’re huge,” Larry said eyes locked on my cock. “I mean I’ve always known you were… are… I mean I’ve seen it in the showers at the pool but never hard like this.”

“So it meets with your approval?” I teased.

“F-fuck yes,” he almost whispered in what looked like awe. “I’ve never sucked a cock before either.”

“Well you’ll get plenty of practice his week if you want,” I smiled running fingers through his black hair.

He moved closer and took my erection in his hands. I took his jaw in my hands and pulled him into a kiss. We kissed and kissed and kissed. He let go of my cock and hooked hands up over my shoulders from behind. Our rods leaked precum on each others’ bellies as we pressed together. He let go and kissed down my chest, over my six pack and navel to my cock which he took immediately in his mouth.

“Ooo!” I said. “Careful.”

“What?” he said.

“Teeth,” I said. “Open your mouth more.”

“Oh God sorry, Cody.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “Beginner’s mistake.”

He sucked and sucked stroking my head in his lips. I gasped in bliss.

“Is it okay?” he said.

“Mhm, very good. You’re a natural. If your jaw gets sore kiss down to my balls and lick and suck them. Mind the teeth.”

He did, drooling and slobbering all over my junk.

“Fuck that feels good,” I gasped.

He kissed and licked back up to my head and sucked more filling his mouth with drool and my precum. Then he got up and pulled me down into a kiss.

“I want to do it now,” he said. “Right now.”

I reached into my bath kit and pulled out a condom.

“Magnum,” Larry said. “Everyone says you wear Magnums. I want to put it on okay? I need the practice.”

“Okay,” I smiled handing it to him.

He opened the crinkly packet, placed it nipple up on my head and quickly rolled it all the way on.

“You’ve had practice,” I said.

“Just on myself,” he said. “I buy them at the machine in the mens room at the truck stop. I wear a medium tho.”

“Perfect,” I said.

“Where do you want me Cody?”

“I’ll lie face up on the towel and you’re going to straddle me and slide on so you control how much you take so it doesn’t hurt okay?” I said spreading my towel and lying on it.

“Okay. What’s that?”

“Lube,” I said squeezing a tube and slathering it liberally on my sheathed cock as he climbed on the bed and straddled my thighs. “Want me to lube your butt or do you want to do it?”

“You do it Cody.”

“I’m going to finger it inside you,”

“Mmm, mmm, mmm! Oh fuck!” he gasped to my big middle digit working his rim then lubing deeper.

“I’m ready! I’m ready!” he said eagerly grabbing my cock and guiding it in his boy hole.

“Easy, easy,” I said hands under his thighs propping him up slowing his entry.

It wasn’t necessary. Larry slid up and down one, two, three, four times taking me deeper with each, gasping in bliss with each. With the fifth he bottomed out sitting on my thighs. I let go of his. My cock stopped against what felt like a wall but had to be his second hole. I wondered if he had ever pushed past it with his big toys.

“Oh God… oh shit… oh fuck… oh my fucking God… shit… Jesus fucking Christ!” he gasped, his palms pressed hard against my belly, his arms rigidly straight.

His medium sized cock stood ramrod straight up tight against his body. Precum welled up then spilled off his head running down his shaft. Whimpering and gasping quietly he began sliding up and down on my shaft first slowly then with gathering speed. I rested hands on his warm smooth thighs as they lifted and dropped him on my cock. His eyes closed in bliss.

“You don’t have to be quiet,” I said. “No one can hear us here.”

He began crying out in passion each time he bottomed out on my thighs. Then he leaned forward, planted hands on my pecs arched his back deeply and pumped his hips rapidly back and forth. With each pump my cock hit his wall and on the fifth or sixth one I pierced his second hole and went in deeper.

Larry screamed as he came shooting ropes of jizz all over my chest and belly. Unable to stop he kept pounding his second hole on my cock. It was so tight I lost it thrusting wildly up into him yelling as I came.

He collapsed to me panting, his body trembling and his face contorted in passion until our pelvic contractions ceased. HIs warm wet come squished between our torsos. I wrapped arms around him.

“You okay?” I said worried I may have injured him deep.

“Yes,” he whimpered.

“I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“It’s like the most exquisite pain,” he panted.

“Sorry,” I said. “I should have warned you.”

“It’s okay,” he said. “It’s just the most intense one I’ve ever had. I didn’t last very long did I?”

I ran a hand up his back and into his jet black hair, caressing.

“God Cody, I knew it’d be good with you but this is amazing,” he said face buried in my neck. “I love your dick in me. I’ve wanted it forever. I’ve wanted you forever. I’m so glad you’re home again.”

“You’re sweet, Larry,” I said moving fingers through his hair massaging his scalp gently.

“Call me Lawrence, okay? I hate Larry. That’s dad not me.”

“Okay Lawrence.”

“No, wait. Call me Laura. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this but I’m a girl. I want to be Laura.”

“Laura’s a beautiful name,” I said.

Laura squeezed me in her butt. I squeezed back with my cock.

“Fuck,” she gasped, her breath hot on my neck. “I’ve always known I’m a girl. Is that okay with you Cody?”

“Yes, Laura.”

“Say my name again.”




“Again! Again! Again!” she said pushing herself upright and smiling down in my eyes.

“Laura! Laura! Laura!” I said.

She pressed lips to mine. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Then I rolled her to her back and pinned her kissing. She gasped when I pulled out and stripped off the condom but she took it, tied it off and inspected it before carefully setting it aside. I got the message. No spillage. No stains the parents might find.

Late the next morning we sunned nude on towels on cushioned teak chaises on the backyard patio. The smell of Coppertone filled the air. Cloud shadows passed slowly over us from time to time giving temporary breaks from the high sun. No one could see in over the high wooden fence—not that it mattered when nothing but Ohio cornfields stretched far into the distance. After fucking on and off all night Laura had tossed four loaded tied off Magnums deep in to the corn.

“How do you get so brown so easily?” I said running eyes over her body. “I’m jealous.”

“My birth parents were Italian,” she said. “You knew that right?”

“I must have forgot,” I said.

“A few more days like this and I won’t have any tan lines,” she said.

“I like your sexy tan lines Laura,” I said. “Your body is so smooth.”

“The only reason I swim is so I can shave everywhere,” she laughed. “My parents hate it. They think it’s effeminate but that swimming is macho.”

“I know,” I said. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but they hired me to stay with you during their trip thinking I’d have some influence on you.”

“Oh I know,” she said. “They think someone straight like you will make me into a man. Imagine if they found out they’re paying you to fuck me all week!”
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“If they find out I will be persona non grata,” I said.

“Instantly,” Laura said.

We sunned in silence rolling over every ten minutes.

“Don’t call me Laura around anyone else okay Cody? You’re the first I’ve told and I’m not ready for anyone else to know yet.”

“Okay,” I said. “Should I call you Larry or Lawrence around others?”

“Lawrence. Definitely,” she said. “Larry doesn’t live here anymore.”

A small airplane droned overhead from the nearby county airport. I wondered if they noticed us sunning nude on the backyard patio. Probably not with big shade trees around the house except where we sunned.

“I know you slept with my mom,” Laura said.

“What?” I said startled.

“Father Keith told me she confessed it to him. Did you hear he’s been defrocked?”

“Yeah,” I said hoping for a quick subject change.

“He asked guys in the confessional if they played with themselves and were attracted to other guys.”

“I heard the rumors.”

"Did he ever ask you?” Laura said.

“No but I stopped going to confession before he became assistant pastor. Did he ask you?”


“I’m sorry he did that.”

“I didn’t mind. I told him I was gay. He was the first person I told and I felt relived to finally be out to someone. I thought it was funny when he asked about how I pleasured myself. I told him in detail and I think he started getting off like breathing heavily right there in the box. I know it’s bad but I kept doing it each time because it turned me on and I liked turning him on even though I’d never do anything with a creep like him. I realized I had power over him. He told me all kinds of stuff about what other people confessed about sex to keep me talking about sex. That’s when he told me about you and mom.”

“I’m really sorry, Laura.”

“So it’s true?”


“Father Keith also said she confessed that you got her pregnant and she had an abortion.”

“Fuck,” I said.

“Did you know about that Cody?”

“No,” I said.

“Did you fuck her a lot? Keith said it was an affair.”


“How much?”

“Are you sure you want to know Laura? This is your mother we’re talking about.”

“Yes. I need to know.”

“It was the summer after high school four years ago. You were at camp and your father was away on business. Your mom hired me to cut the lawn and made a pass at me after. I knew I shouldn’t but couldn’t resist.”

“How often did you do it?”

“Something like three times that first afternoon and multiple times each day after that. I even sneaked over in the middle of the night.”

“You didn’t use condoms.”

“She said she couldn’t have kids which is why they adopted you.”

“She lied to you. Dad’s the one who’s sterile.”

“Well fuck.”

“Was it just that week?”


“How often?”

“All that summer and we've hooked up every summer I’ve been home from college.”

“When was the last?” Laura said.

“Three weeks ago. You were still in school and you dad at work. We met up the first day I got back,” I said.

“My mother is a slut for you just like me,” Laura said getting off her chaise and straddling me. “Did she suck your big cock?”


“Every time?”


“So will I,” she said taking me in her mouth and blowing me.

“Did she straddle and ride your big dick bare?” Laura said coming up for air.

“Yes,” I gasped.

“Did she squeeze you tight and milk your cock?”


“Then so will I,” she said grabbing my hard rod, guiding it in her and pushing down urgently. “You bred her now you’re breeding me.”

“Fuck!” I gasped as Laura bounced and pumped on my cock in hot sweaty chaise sex. Come started dripping from her cock.

I held her narrow waist while she moved swinging her hips in circles.

“Does mom screw you like this?” Laura gasped.

“Yes,” I gasped.

“I’m a girl! I’m a girl! I am such a girl!” she moaned with each thrust.

“A beautiful girl,” I said.

A few more crazed pumps and she came squealing, oozing more come on my belly. Her pussy tightened and pulsed around my cock.

“Did you come Cody?” she said.

“No,” I said hand pressed to her sternum feeling her heart pound underneath.

“Did you impregnate my mother three weeks ago Cody?”

“I hope so,” I said. “She really wants a baby.”

“It doesn’t bother you that she’s forty-five and you’re twenty-two? Or that she’s married?”


“I know how close she stands to you - always touching your arm like when I came downstairs yesterday. In the past I thought mom was just being nice until Keith told me what was going on. Have you been with older women?”


“How much older?”

“Women in their 50s & 60’s,” I said.

“Married women?”

“Yeah. Some divorcees too.”

“You met in bars?”

“Mostly at the hotel where I worked the last four years.”

“Hundreds I bet.”

“Dozens. Maybe a hundred. Women in their 30s & 40s mostly.”

“Did they pay you?”

“Some did.”

“You’re a fucking gigolo,” Laura said squeezing my cock with her pussy.

“Are you surprised?” I said.

“No. Who was the first to pay you for sex?”

“A woman from the swim club when I turned 18.”

“Fuck. Does mom pay you?”


“Would you have fucked her if she didn’t?”

“Yes but women pay for secrecy and you have to keep hers.”

“I know. Are we the first mother-daughter you fucked?”


“Was it Marla and her mother?”

“You know about that?”

“Everyone knows, Cody. Your ex-girlfriend and her mother. It’s because of your big cock isn’t it? And your physique. And blond hair and blue eyes. Isn’t it?”

“You tell me.”

“It is Cody. You have a body that makes men wet.”

“Your body makes me wet, Laura,” I said.

“If you impregnate mom then you have to impregnate me too.”

“Doggie is the best position for that,” I said.

“Let’s do it,” she said squeezing me out of her, climbing back on her chaise and assuming the position head down ass up.

I knelt behind her, grabbed her firm swimmer hips and plunged inside. Laura whimpered. I pounded her tight ass savagely. She moaned into the towel while I held her ass up and wrecked it.

“This is your mother’s favorite position,” I hissed. “She can’t get enough of it. She likes being bent over everything and fucked!”

“Ohhhh! Ohhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh!” Laura whimpered, her legs trembling.

“You mother’s legs quiver just like that when I fuck her!” I growled.

“Nnnnnn! Uhnnnnnnn! Nnnnnnn… oh shit… oh fuck yes!” Laura moaned. “Tell me what she says.”

“She says ‘baby baby baby baby I love your big fucking dick’ and ‘daddy daddy daddy daddy fuck me with your huge cock! I want your baby! Make me fat with your baby!’”

“Ohhhh! Oh fuck me daddy!” Laura moaned. “Fill me with your cock! Fill me with your seed! I want your baby! I want all your babies!”

“Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh!” I growled blasting ropes of hot seed deep inside her. “Fuck I love your pussy!”

“I love you in my pussy,” she whimpered. “Oh my god I can feel you way up inside me!”

“All the way up here behind your navel,” I said reaching around and pressing my palm against it.

“Mmm… so deep. No more condoms,” she said. “I want all your loads.”

“Okay,” I said pushing her down prone on the chaise but staying inside her.

“Mmm I want to stay like this forever,” she sighed.

“Except to swim,” I said. “Or play video games.”

“That goes without saying,” she said. “We’ve done it so much I don’t shoot anymore. It just dribbles out of me while we fuck.”

“That’s normal,” I said.

“It is? Thank god. I thought there was something wrong with me.”

“Hasn’t that ever happened in the shower with the bottle in your pussy?”

“I have to finish fast in the shower before they notice.”

“I get that,” I said.

“I did it all for you, Cody, training my pussy so I could take your big cock.”

“You did a great job, Laura,” I said. “Makes it easy for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.”

“My pussy is yours all week,” she said.

“Fuck,” I said. “My cock is all yours.”

“What else does mom really like?” Laura said.

“She likes copping a feel,” I said. “When you were upstairs and your father was outside loading the car yesterday she put a hand on my waist, ran it down to my butt and squeezed.”

“She knows you're going to fuck again,” Laura said.

“No doubt,” I said.

“What else does mom like doing?”

“You’re really curious about her aren’t you?”


“When I fuck her prone like this she likes to do the sphinx,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“Prop up on your elbows and lift your head up under my chin.”

“Mmm, we did this last night and you kissed me from above while you fucked me,” she said.

“You mother loves it,” I said. “Continuously.”

“So do I,” Laura said pressing lips to mine.

We kissed softly, deeply and everywhere in between. I looked down. Laura opened huge dark brown eyes.

“You have the prettiest lashes,” I said, “and the most beautiful eyes.”

“I wish they were blue like yours,” she smiled.

“I don’t. Your eyes kill me.”

“I could drown in yours.”

“I’ll jump in and rescue you,” I said.

“I love you inside me Cody,” she whispered in my ear. “You feel so big even when you go soft.”

She squeezed my cock once, twice, three times and on the forth started moving her hips under me milking my semi. It didn’t stay that way for long.

“Mmm I knew I could make you hard again,” she gasped.

“Fuck! Laura…”

“Does mom fuck you like this too?”

“Yes. She cannot stop moving under me.”

“Do you like it?”

“Love it!”

Faces next to each other eyes closed in ecstasy we fucked prone in the sun. Laura’s strong swimmer legs and butt lifted me over and over as she pumped beneath faster and faster until she came and collapsed face into beach towel on the chaise. I pulled out.

“Time to roll over,” I said.

She giggled and we resumed bathing nude in the sun.

Later that evening I stopped at Ben & Jerry’s where she worked scooping ice cream as Lawrence.

“Hi Lawrence.”

“Hi Cody. The usual?” he said.


“Two scoops of Chunky Monkey on waffle cone coming up.”

I sat at a table attacking the creamy ambrosia with tongue. Evening rush had passed and the place mostly empty. After a few minutes he joined me.

“Is that how you got such a big banana?” he teased. “Eating banana ice cream?”

“Oh definitely,” I said.

“Didn’t work for me,” he said, “though it wasn’t for lack of trying. What did you do today?”

“Worked out, ran a few errands for mom, went for a swim, had supper with the family then cracked the books. What time do you get off?” I said.

“I’m closing so it will be after ten,” Lawrence said. “Are you going out tonight? Do you have a date?”

“No date tonight,” I said. “I’m staying in and studying.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to medical school this fall,” he said. “Actual medical school. “You’ll be Doctor Cody.”

“You can be my first patient,” I said lashing ice cream. “Stick out your tongue.”

Lawrence stuck his tongue out making a face.

“Whoa,” I said. “That does not look good. I’m afraid you have a terminal disease.”

“I’m terminal for you,” he whispered. “Dr. Daddy.”

“At your service,” I said.

“I have to go,” he said. “Meet me at my house at eleven,”I have a surprise for you.”

“What kind of sur—“

“No hints,” he said getting up to return to work. “You’re gonna like it though. I’ve been busy today, too.”

I watched him walk away hoping the surprise had something to do with the cute ripe swimmer butt rolling under his tight uniform trousers.

It did.

The outside lights were on and the front door unlocked when I arrived at Laura’s house.

“I’m upstairs,” she called as I threw the bolt and killed all the lights from the foyer.

“Close your eyes,” she said when I reached the top of the stairs.

The hallway was empty but bedroom doors open.

“Where are you?” I said hands over my eyes.

“Are your eyes closed Cody?”


I heard movement.

“Okay. You can look.”

My mouth fell open.

“Like it?” she said doing a twirl then sticking her butt out.

That ass! Like two firm peaches.

“Wow,” I said. “Where did you get that?”

“From lost and found at school. I did work-study in the office. No one claimed it so I took it.”

Laura twirled again. A short dark blue and green plaid tartan skirt crisscrossed with thin yellow lines spun up flashing lots of thigh and a bit of her butt. A white blouse with a knotted green necktie completed the ensemble. It was a girl’s uniform from the high school we both attended and from which she graduated not a month ago. That wasn’t all. Beneath the blouse a large brassiere gave her a bust as big as… as… as her mother’s but took up so much of the blouse she knotted shirttails up under her bust exposing her smooth swimmer's midriff. Above that a face full of make up—foundation, blush, mascara, eye-liner, eye shadow and lip gloss—completely transformed her face. Small earrings dangled. Topping it all off a wig of long blond hair spilled over her shoulders.

“I hid it all in my locker at school then at the swim club until now,” she smiled walking the hallway and posing like a runway model—hand on one hip, then the other, twirling one way then the other—the look on her face cute then pouty then sultry. “What do you think, Cody?”

“I’m speechless,” I said.

“I like a strong man of few words,” she smiled sauntering up and tracing a finger from my sternum to belt line then snapping the elastic band of my shorts. “Is that a banana in your pants or are you glad to see me?”

“God, Laura you are stunning,” I said.

“Thanks Cody,” she said. “This is the real me. This is who I really am.”

“You are a beautiful woman,” I said taking her hands. “I can’t believe my eyes.”

“Thanks handsome,” she said letting go and spinning pushing her butt against my pelvis and grinding there. “Mmm, I think you have something in there for me stud. Something long, hot and hard?”

“Fuck yeah I do sexy,” I said, “and I know where you want it.”

“Oh? Where’s that?” she cooed in a soft sultry voice.

“Deep in your tight hot pussy,” I whispered in her ear from behind with my hands up under her skirt fondling her bare grinding hips.

“What if I want it somewhere else first?” she teased.

“Oh? Where would that be?”

Laura spun around, dropped to her knees and pulled my shorts down.

“Here,” she said wrapping fingers around my shaft and touching my head to her lips. “Your cock is sacred to me Cody.”

To my surprise she dipped fingers into the holy water font on the wall and let the sacred water drip on my dick. She did it a second time then a third stroking it along my shaft. Suitably blessed she kissed my head and wrapped lips around it.

She pressed her other hand against my belly steadying herself as her blonde bombshell head bobbed back-n-forth while her lips stroked my head.

“Fuck. Laura,” I gasped when she kissed down my rod, took my balls in her mouth and rolled them on her tongue. “Suck your daddy’s big dick.”

“I love your seething monster,” she gasped holding it aside, “and your heavy balls loaded with seed.”

Kneeling there like an acolyte she gave me head in the upstairs hallway beneath the portrait of St. Jerome. Further down the hall portraits of St. Theresa and the Virgin looked on.

“I already lubed myself,” she said rising and turning but not letting go of my wet cock guiding it to her butt. “Fuck me Cody.”

I lifted her uniform skirt and plunged into her. When she stumbled forward I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall next to the print of Jesus. He had been watching from behind with sacred heart glowing through his robes while Laura blew me. In three or four thrusts I was balls deep in her tight hot pussy much to her gasping, whimpering, moaning delight.

“Fucking bitch!!” I gasped driving into her.

“Ooo… ooo… yes! I’m your bitch! Call me your bitch!”

“Bitch! Cock craving slut!” I growled smashing her ass.

“Nnn… mmm… ooo… I… am… such…. a… slut… ahhh… a... to-tal… fuck-ing… slut!” she gasped to my thrusts.

A few minutes later I was on my back on the guest bed while Laura bounced on my cock. My hands cupped her tits through the uniform blouse.

“What are these?” I said feeling their firm weight.

“I got falsies,” she gasped, ”and took one of mom's bras."

“You were busy today,” I said. “They feel great.”

“I know you like big tits, Cody,” she gasped making them bounce in her mother’s brassiere. “Your eyes went right to them. I’m going to have big ones someday. Triple Ds like mom’s. Is that how she seduced you?”

“She wasn’t wearing a bra and took her tank top off in front of me.”

“What did you do?”

“Told her to take the rest of her clothes off.”

“And she obeyed.”

“She did. And led me to her bed.”

“You fucked in dad’s bed.”



“She rode me cowgirl just like you are now,” I said.

“Fuck,” Laura gasped. “I love knowing you fuck my mom. Did Marla know you fucked her mother?”

“She walked in on us once while her mother was riding me.”

“Fuck! Did she break up with you?”

“No. She blamed her mother for seducing me.”

“And you kept fucking both?”

“Yes but her mother secretly. She promised Marla she’d never do it again.”

“Have you fucked them this summer?”

“Her mom the first week I got home and Marla a week later when she got home from school.”

“You fucked my mom and Marla’s mom the same week?”


“Fuck Cody! Everyone knows you get tons of pussy,” Laura gasped pumping wildly on my rod in her high school uniform with her hands pressed to my chest. “Women are sluts for you and so am I!”

“That’s because you are a woman, Laura.”