Szechuan peppercorn extract experience


Sexy Member
Jul 20, 2020
Seattle, Washington, United States of America
80% Gay, 20% Straight
I'm just going to be blunt. I've finally had a prostate orgasm after using szechuan peppercorn extract. Three, in fact.

I bought the spice for my cooking, and was surprised that it wasn't spicy, but a sour and bitter piney taste that changes to a strong tingle. Almost like television static in my mouth. I also found that it does a similar thing to my dick... And my ass.

So I made an extract. Hydroxy-alpha-sanshool, the chemical in szechuan peppercorn that causes the tingling sensation, is soluble in alcohol and oil. I took some of the Peppercorns, ground them into a powder, then soaked them in 95% ethanol for about an hour, shaking the container every fifteen minutes or so. After an hour I strained the solution into a separate container, and disposed of the rest.

I placed a drop onto my tongue to see if I had actually extracted any of the chemical. The slight burn of alcohol quickly was replaced by the buzz. It wasn't as intense as if I had eaten the pod, but it was still pretty strong.To concentrate the active ingredient I placed the solution in a bath of boiling water and let the ethanol evaporate. This took about half an hour.I was left with a waxy reddish brown mass. A tiny piece of this on my tongue had an intense bitter taste, but quickly was overcome by an equally intense tingle. Tingle is too delicate of a word for this sensation, it truly felt like my mouth was buzzing.

I took half of this, added it to coconut oil, and placed it back in its bath. It was not easily dissolving, instead breaking into small chucks. This oil had a bit of a buzz affect, but it was not very strong and faded fast.The other half was disolved in a small amount of ethanol, then this solution was added to coconut oil. I shook this to make sure it was thoroughly mixed, then placed it in a hot water bath. After about 15 minutes it appeared all the ethanol has evaporated, and the vast majority of the extract had disolved into the oil. Some dark sediment sat at the bottom, but still appeared to be liquid.

This oil when applied to the tongue give the same intense buzz that you would get from the seed. The build up time is a little longer for the oil, and the intensity might not be as high (further testing needed).

I soaked a cotton swab with the oil and applied it to my frenulum, and under my glans. It took about a minute before I felt anything, but it started as a sensation of rising heat, not to a point of burning, but almost. At the point it would seem to start hurting, it changed to a feeling of sensitivity all over the head. I wouldn't say it feels good or bad, but it is kind of intense.

Another thing to note is that I am in chastity, so perhaps the cage touching it was making it more intense. To cut a long story a little short, I next tried a small amount in my anus, and it had similar effects. This actually did feel like it was burning a little at first, but once that subsided it felt hypersensitive, and was very relaxed.

A few days later I mixed a small amount of this oil with some x-lube. When I worked this in I did not have the burning sensation, but it did build to the muscle relaxing buzz sensation. Once it was at this stage I started playing with my njoy wand, and it took me two minutes to have my first ever HFWO. Two minutes! I have never come close before, then this does it right away.

I'm hoping this rewired something in me, and that I'll be able to get off hands free without the oil, but if not I guess I know what I'll need to get there.

Please note, I am not suggesting anyone tries this. I did this at my own risk, and I don't know if there are any side effects from this. So far I haven't seen any, but it's only been a couple weeks
Sounds nice!... but also sounds like alot of effort to achieve. Can this be done without making the extract?

I had a similar experience using a cannabis infused lube. If you're in a state where its legal and you dont mind the feeling of a weed high, give it a shot.

The orgasm was so strong for me that I cried! (involuntarily) The orgasms also seem to last longer this way. I was cumming for nearly 30 seconds when my orgasm usually caps at 10-15 seconds!
I suppose you could grind the corns into a powder and mix it with something like coconut oil, but I imagine this would have a pretty gritty texture which wouldn't feel great (Unless you're into that, I don't judge).

It really isn't much trouble to make, and it seems to scale decently. I don't have it down to a science, instead I just eyeballed things and went with my gut. Honestly you could probably take the peppercorns, grind them in a blender, add the ethanol and blend again, then let it sit for a bit. Filter it into a container and let it sit until the alcohol has evaporated down. This will happen eventually in a warm room; the hot water bath was just to speed things up.

I think I'll measure things out next time.

I've never used cannabis infused stuff before besides budder, and I don't think it'd be too difficult to make some canna-lube. Does it actually get you high or is it more of a muscle thing?