What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Do you even fucking bother?
Will you honestly follow through?
Even though most will probably give up on their New Year resolutions, this hasn’t stopped us making them since Babylon, four thousand years ago. Why then haven’t we given up the practice?
Maybe it shows an innate need to have some control over what’s to come, or reflects the hope we have for a better tomorrow.
But it also hints at a powerful way to make change.
Aristotle, arguably the greatest of all philosophers, believed commitments of the New Year sort are important in shaping the very person we are.
It’s more a matter of knowing how to achieve your resolutions so you don’t give up on them.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
Aristotle knocked the fucking ball out of the park with this insight 2500 years ago.
This sentence is so fucking rich in layered meaning it blows my mind.
Habit means consistency, not doing it flawlessly. Consistency means small little efforts, time and time again, not massive overarching changes.
Small efforts, time and time again, compound in impact as time goes on, but allow you to learn from the little mistakes made along the way.
Big changes, on the other hand, can have a big impact but also potentially make big bloody mistakes.
Celebrate little achievements and slowly the small efforts will lose their sting as they become habit. And, as Aristotle concluded, having good habits means being a good person.
This is much stronger than saying good habits result in good character because, remember, we ARE what we repeatedly do.
This New Year make a commitment to yourself for change.
Maybe it’s to get sexy-fit, learn to be a better lover or take the first steps with someone you desire.
Then, map it out into little steps and get started.
Reflect as you go and don’t be afraid to make changes as you learn. Slowly, your efforts will become habits, and instead of trying to get sexy-fit, you will be a sexy-fit person who does sexy-fit person things, or a better lover who does better lover things.
Aristotle believed you don’t need The Fab Five to transform yourself (though who wouldn’t say no!?) as the power to do it lies within all of us if we take one little step at a time.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

This New Year make a commitment to yourself for change.