Tears Around Hole?


Loved Member
Apr 11, 2018
Los Angeles (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
So this is something I've dealt with for a while and finally figured I'd ask somewhere that sex talk is common. Does anyone else experience little micro cuts/tears around and on the butt cheek directly around their hole? And how do you deal with it?
It seems like any time I do something anal lately this happens. A few times even just from someone rubbing their beard against my hole while rimming me. And definitely if someone gets excited and tries to use spit and tease my ass by pushing in a little bit I'll sit there thinking "Well here comes the pain for the next day or two". I've gotten to the point I'm a bottom and don't want to have sex anymore because I know I have to deal with this after even with lube. Help anyone?
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So this is something I've dealt with for a while and finally figured I'd ask somewhere that sex talk is common. Does anyone else experience little micro cuts/tears around and on the butt cheek directly around their hole? And how do you deal with it?
It seems like any time I do something anal lately this happens. A few times even just from someone rubbing their beard against my hole while rimming me. And definitely if someone gets excited and tries to use spit and tease my ass by pushing in a little bit I'll sit there thinking "Well here comes the pain for the next day or two". I've gotten to the point I'm a bottom and don't want to have sex anymore because I know I have to deal with this after even with lube. Help anyone?
Hi, I would make an appointment to see your doctor. Constant tears around the anus is not normal and should be investigated.
Perhaps you can try applying coconut oil morning and night after showering. It's possible either wiping or using wet wipes has dried the skin making it easier to tear.

When you get a tear, it can take a while to heal too because you have to stretch the area every time you void your bowel. So you may have to apply the oil for a few weeks to get a result.
Makes me wonder if they are caused by difficult pooping or excess douching. You heal up after the pooping, but only just, then any excess stretching will tear open the wounds.

I've suffered from chronic anal fissures myself and what really helped them to heal was germaloids cream of all things.

Do they bleed or just sting?
As they say, "exit only". It's not absolutely true, and there is individual variation, hence why some like you have more trouble than others, but the anus doesn't really have a constitution suited to penetration. Not like the vagina. I think for starters you should come to terms with that reality, instead of expecting that your poop chute ought to be able to withstand a dicking. That's not what you have one for.
As they say, "exit only". It's not absolutely true, and there is individual variation, hence why some like you have more trouble than others, but the anus doesn't really have a constitution suited to penetration. Not like the vagina. I think for starters you should come to terms with that reality, instead of expecting that your poop chute ought to be able to withstand a dicking. That's not what you have one for.

"Life.... uh..... finds a way"

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As they say, "exit only". It's not absolutely true, and there is individual variation, hence why some like you have more trouble than others, but the anus doesn't really have a constitution suited to penetration. Not like the vagina. I think for starters you should come to terms with that reality, instead of expecting that your poop chute ought to be able to withstand a dicking. That's not what you have one for.

Actually, from my experience, what damages the anus is always pooping in some unpleasant way. Not anal sex.

I've never had a fissure from anal sex, nor a hemorrhoid. With sex play I'm in control. With pooping? That's caused no end of problems.

Keeping the skin of the anus moisturised and supple is very important though. If it dries out think dry lips in the winter when you suddenly laugh or sneeze, you tear.

Lots of douching and excessive wiping will dry out the skin removing much of the bodies natural oils.

If you get fucked after you've douched, with the right lube, you don't dry out. It's if you douche, expecting to get some and then don't, that you can have problems.

Just make sure to use some ointment or cream designed for the anus to keep things in good condition down there.
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The tears are never inside. They're on the outside and around my hole. Basically the skin around the outside of my hole ends up tearing as if I were given a paper cut. Never bleeds but stings like a bitch. I haven't actually been fucked in over a year now due to it tearing and having to stop before we can really even get started. Haven't douched in just as long either since I stopped trying anal altogether due to it.

Also my bowl movements are pretty regular and I just about never have any troubles. Slips right on out.
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Skin isn't so fragile that it's going to tear from a beard gently rubbing around the area or from every day rimming.

The skin right next to the hole can see some stretching from bowel movements though.

I don't know how far away from the hole your skin gets damaged but I would see a doctor or go to sexual health. You could have a skin condition around that area or something. Still I would give the moisturising idea a go and see if anything improves.

I mean this is an area that's usually warm and moist. It's a prime area for developing a low level infection of some sort. This could easily make the skin fragile. Or some different soap you're using that irritates. Anything is possible.
Hi I'm curious, did you go to the doctor? How did you figure out the cream thing?

I had been to the doctor to try a different kind of cream. That one was medicated and designed to open up the blood vessels of the anus to assist with healing. That one was a bust as it gave me the worst headaches and nausea.

Flash forward a year or so of suffering and a friend of mine said I should try germaloids. He had suffered from chronic piles and had tried a bunch of different stuff, both over the counter and prescription. Then he tried germaloids and was very impressed. Quite why that cream had better success than another one I don't know as they were essentially the same ingredients, nevertheless I tried germaloids and was equally impressed.

I don't know if I mentioned this above but one important thing is to not baby your anus when you are pooping. Babying is like trying to prevent your hole from opening as wide when trying to poop. Yeah it helps prevent further damage that one time but when you do this the skin tries to heal up in a tight, restricted position. Then as soon as a big poop comes along, that you can't keep small, you tear again as you're forced to open up wide.

The trick I found is to never try and keep your hole small when pooping. Let it fully expand. This will probably be painful the first few times as old, tight tears, will potentially reopen. After you've pooped rinse your anus in the shower and then apply a decent amount of germaloids. You want the cuts completely covered in the cream. Often this means getting it right up inside you.

Slowly you anus will start to heal and heal in the wide open position. As you keep expanding it wide when you go to poop none of the tears get the chance to heal in a tight position. Healing wide is the important part and why mine were chronic for years. I kept trying to limit the damage when pooping and my hole would heal up small and tight every time. Along would come a big poop and undo all the healing I'd just done.
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Oh I forgot I'd posted this. Well update for everyone I went to the doctor and he suggested using coconut oil daily on my hole and the area around for a bit. Even when I'm not planning on using a toy or anything. Saw immediate results in about 2-3 week. I'd been using just normal lotion until then and after finding a pure coconut oil lotion I haven't had a single problem since.
I had some issues a while back. After seeing a dermatologist I discovered the psoriasis I had on my scalp was also on my anus and the skin around It. He prescribed a topical ointment called “Protopic” and it cleared up the problem in just a few days. I always have it on hand now. Whenever I get a flairup I use it and it’s taken care of quickly and painlessly.