Teddyfit19cm scammed me


Expert Member
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Jan 9, 2020
Chicago (Illinois, United States)
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I haven't seen anyone post negatively about this guy, and he's mainly known for Chaturbate shows, but I can only warn everyone not to do business with him personally. Haven't gotten scammed in a long time, but I made a mistake with him. He is a compulsive liar. He will make an agreement with you, then BOMBARD you with constant Skype messages in an effort to get more, using his mother's health as a sympathy ploy, saying he only needs $X to buy her medicine and won't get paid by Chaturbate until _____. He uses "scammer urgency" to close the deal. Uses fake pictures of his mother's injury (not kidding) to corner you, making promises of extra free shows/videos for 2 or 3 months to get more out of you. Then more bombarding and more bombarding. You're faced with either cutting your losses/blocking him or hoping he's telling the truth. He isn't. You give in and POOF! he's gone. It wasn't a horrible loss for me financially. I just couldn't believe the depths that this slime ball would sink to in order to get money. He is the worst person I have ever dealt with. Don't repeat my mistake.
unfortunately i have fallen into this type of scam but with another group of guys. this must be common practice in colombia. the group of guys are on several different profiles, most of which have been banned now (for other reasons). They all use the same excuses as you mentioned. these types of guys make hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each week just by scamming. I have talked to several "high tippers" and they have all mentioned sending money to these guys regularly. first thing all of these guys do is ask to exchange contact information (social media, skype, whatsapp) because they know Chaturbate will not do anything if the conversations are not in their chat rooms.
I haven't seen anyone post negatively about this guy, and he's mainly known for Chaturbate shows, but I can only warn everyone not to do business with him personally. Haven't gotten scammed in a long time, but I made a mistake with him. He is a compulsive liar. He will make an agreement with you, then BOMBARD you with constant Skype messages in an effort to get more, using his mother's health as a sympathy ploy, saying he only needs $X to buy her medicine and won't get paid by Chaturbate until _____. He uses "scammer urgency" to close the deal. Uses fake pictures of his mother's injury (not kidding) to corner you, making promises of extra free shows/videos for 2 or 3 months to get more out of you. Then more bombarding and more bombarding. You're faced with either cutting your losses/blocking him or hoping he's telling the truth. He isn't. You give in and POOF! he's gone. It wasn't a horrible loss for me financially. I just couldn't believe the depths that this slime ball would sink to in order to get money. He is the worst person I have ever dealt with. Don't repeat my mistake.
I got scammed. And humiliated . Not by this guy. Another guy who would take my money and rarely do anything. Then turned out he had an big plan to cause me to feel upset . He and his buddies thought it was so funny. Than banned me saying I was rude to him. He lied about why i was around his show alot.
He would ask and even video call me to make sure I would be there. Stupid me actually was there. Mainly bored, but he seemed like a nice person. And so I went.
I spent most of the time reading.
Why would a paid performer do something so juvenile and immature. Sometimes there would only be 3 viewers and I counted as one of them.
The questions. Always asking me about myself including my autism. It felt like a really weird job interview
. I would say who and where but that might give him more customers. He ready thinks he is the center of the universe
I started saying "if this is so urgent create and send me the video right now so I can pay you quickly" and telling these folks that their (fake) emergencies aren't my responsibility. If they insist on me sending the money first, I tell them to send me a clip or screenshot of my video that shows the duration. Best way to make sure they aren't delaying my shit forever. Ive also given half before and half i get the video. What is annoying is all the attempts to get you to emotionally commit to them. The pet names, asking about your day or family, all that--- it's not only cringey sometimes but super manipulative
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I haven't seen anyone post negatively about this guy, and he's mainly known for Chaturbate shows, but I can only warn everyone not to do business with him personally. Haven't gotten scammed in a long time, but I made a mistake with him. He is a compulsive liar. He will make an agreement with you, then BOMBARD you with constant Skype messages in an effort to get more, using his mother's health as a sympathy ploy, saying he only needs $X to buy her medicine and won't get paid by Chaturbate until _____. He uses "scammer urgency" to close the deal. Uses fake pictures of his mother's injury (not kidding) to corner you, making promises of extra free shows/videos for 2 or 3 months to get more out of you. Then more bombarding and more bombarding. You're faced with either cutting your losses/blocking him or hoping he's telling the truth. He isn't. You give in and POOF! he's gone. It wasn't a horrible loss for me financially. I just couldn't believe the depths that this slime ball would sink to in order to get money. He is the worst person I have ever dealt with. Don't repeat my mistake.
I'm sorry that this happened to you. It's fucked up.
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I haven't seen anyone post negatively about this guy, and he's mainly known for Chaturbate shows, but I can only warn everyone not to do business with him personally. Haven't gotten scammed in a long time, but I made a mistake with him. He is a compulsive liar. He will make an agreement with you, then BOMBARD you with constant Skype messages in an effort to get more, using his mother's health as a sympathy ploy, saying he only needs $X to buy her medicine and won't get paid by Chaturbate until _____. He uses "scammer urgency" to close the deal. Uses fake pictures of his mother's injury (not kidding) to corner you, making promises of extra free shows/videos for 2 or 3 months to get more out of you. Then more bombarding and more bombarding. You're faced with either cutting your losses/blocking him or hoping he's telling the truth. He isn't. You give in and POOF! he's gone. It wasn't a horrible loss for me financially. I just couldn't believe the depths that this slime ball would sink to in order to get money. He is the worst person I have ever dealt with. Don't repeat my mistake.
Looks like Chaturbate banned his room. Really sorry this happened to you.
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This guy started out setting me up. Everything fell into place when I thought about them. He told me I was the first to find out his idea for Christmas. That he was going to raise money and get toys for families who couldn’t afford them.
He made fun of me, his friends were laughing at me. He manipulated me and humiliated me. Then, he had the nerve to say I was rude to him and it was shame because he was being nice to me.’
l Has anyone else had this experience?
unfortunately i have fallen into this type of scam but with another group of guys. this must be common practice in colombia. the group of guys are on several different profiles, most of which have been banned now (for other reasons). They all use the same excuses as you mentioned. these types of guys make hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each week just by scamming. I have talked to several "high tippers" and they have all mentioned sending money to these guys regularly. first thing all of these guys do is ask to exchange contact information (social media, skype, whatsapp) because they know Chaturbate will not do anything if the conversations are not in their chat rooms.
Let me say there are seemingly nice guys on a certain site. Here is an example of one I am wary of. He seems so sweet and nice. Sometimes, his messages make no sense. Even if you translate it into English. It is pure weird things written down that are not words.
Other times, he is oddly fluent in English. I assume he is using translator but really.
Whole lot of things went on. He came back from weeks of saying he was in pain and sick. Would not reply if he was getting better. Kept tugging on the whole sympathy thing. But would not say if he was getting better or what was wrong since it din't make sense.
He came back, tanned,toned and for a guy with no money. He suddenly had designer stuff. A new look and a whole bunch of new expensive things. He supposedly wasnt working.
I tried to find out if he was allright and was concerned. He did this before-he became very abusive verbally. He even threatened to make problems with me if I made problems with him.
Meanwhile, I don't know what he meant. I never knew being concerned was making trouble. I tried to defend myself and he got mean,very mean.
Then, he goes on and on about how wonderful I am. But his actions and at times,words say otherwise.He hasn't been to work lately but is very busy. Yet says he is not feeling well and barely able to make ends meet. He has said things I have no idea are true.
Last time I left everything involving in-he was hostile. So, here I am paying freaking money I can't afford. He is no longer that sweet and has at times. not done what I paid for .
I mean plain out ignored my requests. So, no more tokens for him. I mean, poor customer service but someone more than someone must be paying him.
Plus, he goes from humble to arrogant as hell. I honestly don't know what to do
I blocked everyway he could get to me. He took tokens,didn't do as he promised and last time I saw. He still was gone after a week.
I am probably the only one that ended up with a abusive model that threatened to make trouble for me. Which was weird because I hadn't any thought of trouble, reporting to anyone or anything. I was just wondering if he was allright because he was acting different. WTF? I didn't deserve abuse and it wasn't the first time he got mean to me.