That time I saw my best friend hard...(sort of?)


Cherished Member
Jan 2, 2021
United Kingdom
100% Gay, 0% Straight
(Names have been changed to protect those involved - I still know them IRL and none of the people involved know this happened, or have very little knowledge of it from my perspective.)

About a year or three ago, just after the COVID rules had been lifted here in the UK. A few friends, Rowan, Callum and Harry and myself decided to meet up and head into the city to find a place to get wasted and just have a good night, a sort of release of the pent-up trauma of isolation and boredom from being stuck in our houses nearly non-stop for a whole year and a half.

We met up in the local town and then got on the train to the city center because we had done the "designated driver" thing before and it sucked for whoever had to drive us back. We'd bought the tickets in advance and so long as we made it back some time the next day, we'd be cool. We could all drink and have a good time and then come home, obviously hungover and drained. (But that's the sign of a good night anyway.)

On the train journey we were our usual selves, laughing, talking with occasional moments of quiet whilst we all looked at our phones and just waited to get there. Once we got off in the city center we had plans to have dinner somewhere, then go and get totaled at a nightclub we'd been to before. Dinner was great, I think i had a burger of some description, massive and succulent, it was yummy as fuck.

We had a few drinks with our dinner, and stuck around a bit afterwards in the restaurants bar to keep the buzz going in time for the nightclub opening. We paid the somewhat hefty bill (not that we cared, we were free from lockdown and wanting to let loose) and then headed for the venue in question.

It was heaving, there people lined up all over the street to get in. And it took a while. But as soon as we did get to the door, showed our IDs and our general lack of inebriation, we were permitted entry and if I'm being totally honest, the next 3-4 hours, leading up to around from around 10pm to 2am (when we had left and were evidently stumbling pissed drunk around the place) are a blur and I only have vague flashes of it. Harry fell over at one point and we all pissed ourselves laughing.

Callum worked part-time in the city center and had a place we could go back to as part of his job contract. I don't think he was supposed to have three friends staying with him, but as stated above we were all fucking wasted by the time we left and didn't give a toss. A walk that would have taken us 20 minutes sober, eneded up taking an hour or so, because it must have been about 3:45am by the time we got back to the flat in question. There was also the trouble with navigating the stairs up to the third floor, which took time in their own.

I remember being really tipsy and lightheaded by this time. I couldn't pull back drinks like the others could, but my drunkness sort of accumulated slowly over time with the drinks I went for. I'm a really vanilla man, I go for whisky or gin, and I get slowly hammered on those.

Anyway to make a long and drawn out story short, we got to his flat. Found our spots to drop unconscious in. I actually took the empty bath, and I only remember that because, I woke up at one point to the blurry sight of Callum throwing up into the sink and trying to wash it down with the taps. He succeeded, but it took him a while.

The next morning, or near enough afternoon I awoke and headed through to the sitting room of the flat. Callum was laying on the couch, snoring away, his shirt half pulled out from his trousers, exposing a little bit of his mid-riff. He wasn't a particularly hairy guy, he had light brown hair and was skinny all over. Not to the pont of scrawny, but you could see his his ribs when he took off his shirt. He's always been thin.

I sat down on the part of the couch not covered by his legs and let my head roll back. I'm not entirely sure how long passed after that, it must have been a while because it was quiet for a while too. Just Callum's snoring and shifting being the only sounds I could hear. Oh that and the tinnitus from the loud music before...the customary migraine that came with hangover as well.

Anyway, this quiet was disturbed by a sound coming from the hallway leading off from the sitting room. I looked up to see Rowan coming out of the bedroom, he didn't notice me at all, as he crossed the sitting room to the bathroom on the opposite side. At some point the night before he had decided to strip out of his clothes before sleeping and so he was just wearing his boxers.

If you've read my previous thread, you'll know that Rowan is a semi-lean, very hairy guy. He has some muscle definition and a fuck ton of hair covering his torso, his arms and legs, and of course his armpits too. I'd seen a lot of him like this, as out of the four of us, me and him spent the most time together, living literally minutes away from each other.

I'd seen him in his underwear more times than I could count, but this time was different. Because he had morning wood, like serious, you are as hard as a titanium rod, morning wood. And the way his dick was positioned in his shorts, it tented outwards, I think the boxers were dark purple, or maroon, I can't really recall the exact details, but he was definitely rock hard under them and i had never seen him like that before. I knew he had a bulge, and he wasn't exactly small soft, but hard he was big. Bigger than me for sure.

He entered the bathroom and spent a good few minutes in there, not because he was dealing with said morning wood, but because I suspected he was waiting for it to soften enough that he could relieve himself in the toilet. When he emerged a good 5-6 minutes later his bulge was still there, maybe he was only a little hard, but it was nothing like it was when he went in. It's only then that he spoke with me.

"Mornin'...your head feel like it's in a vice too?"

"Yeah." I replied. " sleep comfortably?"

"Harry and I ended up on the bed." he replied, only to do a double take a second later. "...not like that."

I chuckled. "I know."

Not gonna lie, the image of him tenting in his boxers as he sleepily walked past was has stuck with me ever since. If I was to make an estimate, I'd say he was a good 7.5 inches hard, i'm about 6 when I'm erect so he definitely beats me. And yes, I have jerked off to that thought a couple of times, this man has literally made me cum in my pants before (see previous thread for details).

But yeah...that's another story, involving my best friend. Hope it's good enough to be posted here. :3
Eh, it was just morning wood. Best not to read too much into it.

Also (this is directed generally, for the record), water is your best friend on a bender. It's how I can count the number of hangovers I've had on one hand despite more than a few benders. :emoji_stuck_out_tongue: